Breaking the Silence (16 page)

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Authors: Katie Allen

Tags: #Contemporary Romance

BOOK: Breaking the Silence
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“What?” she muttered darkly. “No laughing until at least ten o’clock—it’s a rule.”

“You.” Will stuck his bottom lip out in imitation of her sulky look, which should have irritated Jenny but instead was so sexy on him that it turned her on. She rolled onto her belly in pretend annoyance, burying her head in her crossed arms and pulling her knees beneath her. Jenny heard his hiss of breath at her upturned bottom.

That stopped his laughing
, she thought smugly, spreading her knees slightly so that he had a good view of her pussy. Waiting for him to touch her, not knowing when or where it would be, she tightened her muscles and felt the chill of the room brushing against the heat of her most vulnerable areas. This turned her on even more and she felt her pussy dampen and warm.

Jenny heard a crinkling sound and then silence. Her tension grew until her muscles were quivering and excited moisture leaked out of her. It was amazing how much he could turn her on just by looking at her. At least, she hoped he was looking at her. For all she could hear, he could be in the bathroom. Jenny stifled a nervous giggle at that thought. She arched her back, spreading her knees even farther to feel the cool air on her wet skin.

Hard fingers dug into her hips at the same time that he slammed his cock into her.

Jenny gasped at the shock of it—complete emptiness to total fullness in a split second. Her inner walls contracted against him, trying to hold him inside her body, but he slid out slowly, dragging a longing moan from her before he plunged back in, penetrating even more deeply than his first thrust. He massaged her ass, digging his fingers into the skin and muscle, pulling her cheeks apart and letting cool air tickle the crease between. Jenny arched her back even more, thrusting her hips back at him, trying to make him move in her, to force him to create the friction that she needed.

Will ignored her pleading wriggles and leaned forward against her back, the motion pressing his hard flesh into her another blissful fraction. One of his hands slid under her belly and across her ribs, finding and cupping her breast, his fingers tightening on her nipple, tugging and pinching until Jenny couldn’t breathe. Releasing the stiff tip, Will let the weight of her breast press it into his palm and Jenny squirmed urgently, caught between his unmoving cock and his hot, still hand against her nipple.

“Please,” she whimpered, twisting her hips against his but only succeeding in making herself more frantic. “Please…”

Will moved his other hand to her stomach, sliding it lower. He traced the stretched lips of her pussy where it swallowed his cock, his fingers gliding up to tap her clit teasingly. Jenny shuddered and sought his hand with her hips but he held her in place with his body. Flicking her taut nipple and her stiff clit at the same moment, Will began thrusting, pulling out and slamming in, driving Jenny higher and higher until she exploded around him, sobbing from the force of it, the incredible pleasure pulsing through her in endless waves.

Instead of following her into orgasm, Will grabbed her hips with both hands, holding her still. He pulled out, still hard. Jenny protested his withdrawal with a plaintive mew.

Placing a hot hand on one of her ass cheeks, Will commanded, “Stay.”

Still dazed, Jenny almost laughed at that.
As if I could even move
, she thought languidly. She did turn her head to the side to watch Will cross the room and pick up her lotion.

Her breathing sped up again as she realized what he intended. He had taken the condom off, she noticed, and he was liberally stroking lotion over his erection, white against his dark, aroused flesh. He poured more lotion into his hands and warmed it between his palms as he moved behind her again.

Jenny quivered with nerves and excitement—she had never done this with any of her previous boyfriends but the thought of Will’s rigid cock pumping into her ass made her swallow hard and press her swollen nipples against the bed, offering the round softness of her bottom to him. She could hear his raspy breathing, feel her skin heating as she waited for his touch. When he placed his slick hand against her hip, Jenny jumped, her heart slamming against her ribs in anticipation.

His other hand touched her skin, slippery from the lotion, and he kneaded both of her ass cheeks with his strong fingers and palms, raising goose bumps on Jenny’s skin the same time a drop of sweat ran down her temple. Will shifted his hands so he could trace the cleft between her buttocks, teasing the clenching hole with the barest brush of a single fingertip. Jenny pressed up toward him, wanting penetration, her initial nervousness buried by her need to feel the shock of fullness.

At her encouraging motion, Will’s hands became purposeful, his palms pressing the flesh of her ass cheeks apart. One slippery thumb pressed against her anus, pushing against the initial resistance until the thick digit was buried in her tight hole. Jenny gasped at the strange sensation, dark arousal filling her lower belly at his invasion.

“Okay?” he grunted, his hands still as he waited for her response.

“More,” Jenny begged, pushing her hips against his hand, clenching around his thumb, trying to pull him more deeply into her. Will swore gutturally and began to move his hand, pulling his thumb back and shoving it home again. When her muscles relaxed enough to take him easily, he eased his other thumb in with the first, making Jenny’s hips buck from the arousing pinch of the stretched hole.

“Please,” she cried, clamping hard around him. “Fuck me, Will—please!”

Will growled and pulled his thumbs away, yanking a whimper of protest from Jenny. His fingers clenched into the sensitive flesh of her ass cheeks as he held her open and pressed the head of his cock into the tight hole. She felt his breath blowing out of him in hard pants, like an excited bull.

The sheer size of him startled Jenny out of her fog of arousal and some of her nervousness returned. He felt huge, forging into her, stretching her virgin muscles until Jenny couldn’t distinguish the pleasure from the pain. He pressed on, burying the burning length of his erection deep inside her. Only then did he pause, panting, petting Jenny’s back with short, soothing strokes.

“Jen?” he grated. “Should I stop?”

“No.” Jenny shook her head, her face buried against the bed. Her body was shaping around his hard flesh, adjusting to the invasion. Although her ass still burned from muscles stretched to their limit, she flinched away from the thought of Will pulling out of her body, leaving her open and empty.

“Don’t stop,” she gasped, her muscles clenching on him in an effort to hold him inside her.

She felt him shudder and groan as her body clamped onto his burning cock. He began to thrust wildly, as if the last shred of control, of consideration, evaporated, so only the lust-ridden beast remained. Wrapping hard hands around her hips, he slammed into her, his balls slapping against her pussy with each stroke.

Pleasure built in Jenny at the myriad sensations—the friction of his thrusts, the fullness of his cock pressing against the walls of her back passage, the wet smack of his scrotum against the swollen folds of her pussy. Even Will’s animalist grunts, the clamp of his fingers and the slide of his sweaty skin across hers drove Jenny higher, until she climaxed sharply, twisting her hips against his, her muscles tightening around Will’s cock until he bucked with his own orgasm, bellowing her name as he pumped his release into her, her body wringing every drop from him.

Drained, Will collapsed onto her back, soaked with sweat.

“All right?” he managed to mumble.

“Mmm-hmm,” came the muffled voice beneath him, the drowsy satisfaction in her tone making Will smile.

Sleep pulled at him but reality was creeping back. He knew that Jenny had to get ready for work and he had to get home to start on the projects piled on his desk. Will realized that he hadn’t done any work for two days—three really, because in his anxiety about the date, he had been pretty much useless on Friday for anything except staring blankly at the computer screen. He hadn’t taken two days off in…well, years.

Will was dreading it though—pulling his body out of Jenny’s, going back to his too quiet house to work, not seeing her for hours, possibly days if she wanted a night alone. Maybe she wouldn’t want to see him until their next date. When would she want to go out again—next weekend?

, he thought. He wouldn’t be able to stand it. She could have a day alone—at the most. After that, he needed to be with her. He sighed against the warm skin on the back of her neck and felt her shiver at the brush of air.

Jenny was wiggling under him, so he pushed himself up on his arms and raised his hips to slip out of her, stifling a groan at the loss of contact. She turned over onto her back and wrapped her arms around his neck, pulling herself up so that she could kiss him. The kiss was slow, gentle and ended with a quick nip from Jenny on his bottom lip. He raised an eyebrow at her.

“It was the lip that started it all,” she explained, starting to smile. “If it hadn’t looked so cute sticking out like that…”

“So all I have to do is…” Will started to jut it out again but Jenny screwed her eyes closed.

“No, no!” she cried. “Must…go…to…work!” The last sobered her and she opened her eyes and made a face. “Ugh. Work.”

Will hauled himself out of bed, pulling Jenny along with him. He held her against his chest, her feet dangling almost a foot off the floor, and gave her a quick, hard kiss.

“Mmm…” she sighed and he felt the sound ripple against his own chest. “You would have thought we would have gotten each other out of our systems yesterday.”

“Never,” Will stated. Sunday after brunch had been a blur. They had tumbled around in her bed until they were forced from it by hunger or an antsy dog needing a walk. They’d fallen asleep with their bodies still connected, wrapped around each other in a tangle of limbs and blankets, and had woken up with Will’s face tucked into the curve of her shoulder or between her breasts or against her stomach.

“Shower?” Will asked hopefully, moving toward the bathroom with Jenny still caught against him.

She shook her head. “Are you kidding? If we shower together, I won’t get into work until noon.”

Will just looked at her. “So what’s the problem?”

Jenny grinned and shook her head in mock disapproval. “You work-at-homers. So lax.”

She squeaked as he growled, burying his face in her neck, rubbing his morning stubble against her skin. Giggling, she wriggled free of his hold and dashed for the bathroom.

Chapter Nine

Jenny actually did get to work on time but that didn’t mean that she got much done. Carrie, still bitter about missing a rare night out, was the first to corner Jenny in her cube, demanding details.

Without the tongue-loosening effects of alcohol that she had experienced the past Saturday night with Christian, Jenny kept to the facts. Yes, Will was hot. Yes, he was big. Yes, he had a good job. Yes, his cheekbones were to die for. Yes, he was good in bed. Yes, he was sweet and funny and…

At that point, she lost all objectivity and gushed about Will like a twelve-year-old girl with her first crush. Carrie lapped it up, oohing and ahhing appropriately.

“At first, I didn’t know what to think about him—I mean, he’s a little bit scary, isn’t he,” Carrie admitted. “Those light eyes and the way he looks at you…he seems very intense.”

“Yes!” Jenny seized on the word. “Intense. As I was
to tell Christian on Saturday,” as if summoned, Christian’s blond head popped over the partition, “Will’s definitely intense.” She lowered her voice. “He used to watch me walking Rosie on the path from his bedroom window.”

“What? I can’t hear. Hold on, I’m coming over. Don’t say anything else until I’m there.” Christian’s head disappeared and they heard the mad scramble of his chair scooting toward Jenny’s cubicle entrance. Jenny and Carrie ignored him.

“Really?” Carrie asked, half fascinated and half alarmed. “That seems a little bit—”

“Obsessive?” Jenny nodded. “I know. If it had been anyone else, I would have run away when he told me that but…is it flattering or is it just weird?”

“What? What?” Christian asked. “I slept with the man—I have every right to hear all the details.”

Carrie stared at him with her mouth open. “He’s
?” She whirled around to face Jenny. “And he slept with
? And you’re worried about him watching you

“Shhhh!” Jenny flapped her hands at Carrie in a shushing motion. “He didn’t
sleep with Christian. We just all fell asleep on the couch watching
Bring It On

“Huh.” Carrie looked unconvinced. “A cheerleading movie? Are you sure he’s not gay?”

“Positive,” Jenny stated emphatically and then blushed. Carrie and Christian watched the color rise in her cheeks and glanced at each other, snickering.

“Jenny’s getting laid, Jenny’s getting laid,” Carrie singsonged.

“Do you think maybe you guys could get some work done today?” The cold voice came from Evan, who appeared behind Christian.

, Jenny thought. She wondered how long Evan had been listening to their conversation. She mentally shrugged. At least it proved her I-have-a-boyfriend claim.

After a mutual eye roll, Carrie and Christian returned to their own cubicles and Jenny was left to work. Actually, she was left to stare dreamily at her computer and resist calling Will. It had only been—she glanced at her watch—an hour since she had kissed him goodbye and already she wanted to see him or at least hear his voice.

Her hand crept toward her cell phone but she snatched it back. She was positive that there was some dating rule that said an hour was too soon to be calling him.

Just as her hand moved toward her cell phone again, it rang.

Jenny jumped and dove for it but forced herself to wait a full ring before flipping it open.

“Hello?” she said, realizing that she had been so flustered by the call that she hadn’t even looked at the display to see if it was Will.


At the rumbling voice, Jenny pressed her hand against her suddenly jumping stomach and smiled.

, she thought.
This could go on all day.
There was a short pause.

“How’s work?” he finally asked.

“Eh. You-know-who is being irritating and I’m having a little trouble concentrating…”


Oh God, his voice made her hot. “Well, something happened this morning that was a little…distracting.” Jenny could hear Will’s breathing roughen and she realized that they were having phone sex at—she checked the time again—8:47 in the morning.



“Distracting for me too,” he elaborated.

“Oh. Are you staring blankly at your computer screen?”

“Pretty much.”

“And not getting a single thing done except gossip with Carrie and Christian?”

“Yeah—except for the gossip part.” He paused. “I was going to take Rosie for a walk. Would that be okay?”

“That would be great. Did I show you where my spare key is?”


“It’s behind the porch light in one of those magnetic holders.”

“That’s not safe,” Will growled. “Anyone could find it and let themselves in when you’re home alone.”

A little thrill shot through Jenny at his concern. “But I have Rosie.”

“Yeah. Not much of a watchdog.”

“Well,” she lowered her voice, “maybe you’ll be in bed with me. You can jump out and surprise any intruders.”

“Get rid of the key.”

“But I lock myself out at least once a week,” Jenny wailed. His concern was not so sweet now that he had demands.

“So give
the key and call me if you lock yourself out.”

“Okay.” That sounded—good. Permanent. Key exchange. Wow. “Just keep it after you get Rosie.”

“Okay. Can she come to my house after the walk?”

Jenny grinned at the phone. What, was she arranging play dates for her dog now?

“Definitely. She’d love that.” She lowered her voice again. “I miss you already. I wish we were still in bed together.” Okay, that had just slipped out. Jenny held her breath at the silence on the other end.

“Shit.” Not the most romantic of words but his growl, full of frustrated longing, made Jenny smile in satisfaction. She wasn’t the only one walking around hot and horny only two hours since they last made love.

Had sex
, she quickly corrected herself. No love talking yet—way, way, way, way too early for that, right?

Oh God
, Jenny thought, dropping her head until her forehead thunked on her desk.
Too late.

“What was that?”

Oh right.
Jenny hurriedly straightened, rubbing her head. Will was still on.

“Nothing. Anyway, should I come over to pick up Rosie after work tonight?”

There was a pause. “Maybe you could stay?” Will asked. Jenny had the impression that he was holding his breath waiting for her answer.

“Sure,” she agreed, a happy shiver running through her body. If she was this desperate after being away from him for an hour, she didn’t know what she’d do if they were apart for the whole night.

She heard Will’s breath come out in a rush. “Good.”



“Well…I’ll see you tonight then?”


What are we—seventh graders?
Jenny thought, rolling her eyes. Pretty soon, they would be starting with the “You hang up!” “No, you hang up first!” thing.

“Goodbye. I’m glad you called,” Jenny told him.

“Bye,” Will said, or Jenny
he said, since it was more of a grunt. She shut her phone slowly and stared at it, smiling fatuously. She turned away from her desk—and jumped.

Evan was standing behind her. Eavesdropping again, she suspected, squashing the urge to call him out on it.

“What’s up, Evan?” Her tone was brusque.

“Was that him? Einstein?” he sneered.

A flush of rage heated her cheeks. Jenny opened her mouth to defend Will but bit off the words before they could escape. Evan had that look again, his eyes flat and mean, and she figured he was looking for a fight. She didn’t feel like obliging him.

“Did you need something?” she asked through a bared-teeth smile.

“I have to get the Meadow Glen project done by tomorrow morning and the boss said to have you help,” he told her, his eyes gleaming with malice. He had definitely been eavesdropping, since he was so happy to be wrecking her plans with Will. She nodded shortly at Evan and he paused for a moment as if he was going to say something else. Instead, he turned and walked stiffly away.

“He is such a little prick.” Christian’s scowling face appeared over the cube wall again.

“You heard?” Jenny asked.

Christian nodded. “The soundproofing in these,” he thumped a fist against the partition, “still needs some work. So Evan’s determined that if he’s not getting any, ain’t nobody getting any.”

“You should offer to stay late too,” Jenny suggested with a wicked grin. “Tell him that it will be a chance for the two of you to spend some quality time together.”

“You are an evil, evil bitch, Jen,” Christian told her. “I just love that about you.” With that, his head disappeared from view. Jenny hoped that he was off to offer his services to an uncomfortable Evan.

Christian’s offer did not go over well.

“He didn’t appreciate the joke,” Christian, looking abashed, had reported to Jenny. “Thought he was going to take a swing at me.”

Jenny had winced and nodded, regretting her devilish urge to sic Christian on Evan. It would only make it an even longer, more uncomfortable evening.

It was. She ended up working until after nine. Driving home, she thought in irritation that Evan had probably just made up the deadline to upset her evening with Will. The two of them had worked in tense silence. Every so often, Jenny had turned to see Evan staring at her. She had even wondered if he had slipped something alcoholic into his water bottle, since he was becoming more flushed and acting more oddly as the interminable minutes dragged by.

To top off the night, Evan had bailed on her and left the office before the plans were printed, leaving her to sort and roll the sheets alone. It had taken her a good forty minutes, and she had fumed for every single one of them. As she’d snapped a rubber band around the end of the roll of plans, the sound loud in the deserted office, she had resolved to talk to the big boss the very next morning. She wasn’t sure if it would help but Jenny couldn’t take much more of Evan’s eavesdropping, sly digs and petty punishments. Besides, he was getting pretty damn creepy.

Men can be a real pain in the ass sometimes
, she thought as she stopped at a red light.
And sometimes
, she reflected, smiling for the first time in hours,
men can be a pleasure in the ass.
With that thought, she called Will.

“Hi. I’m finally free,” she told him when he answered.

“Good. I’ll come over.”

“You don’t need to do that—I’ll just grab some things and head to your place.”

“No. I’ll come over.”

“Okay.” It didn’t matter where—she just wanted to see him. They could meet in the woods halfway if he wanted, although that might be a little chilly. Actually, it would be nice not having to pack her clothes and Rosie’s food and… Will was right—it was easier for him to come over. “See you soon.”

“Give me five minutes,” he grunted and hung up. Jenny glanced at her phone, amused. His phone manners were a little abrupt. She slipped the phone back into her purse and turned onto her street.

She drove her car into her driveway, punching the garage door opener clipped to the sun visor. She was already getting excited about seeing Will, her body warming and softening at the thought of him.

Pulling into the garage, she jammed the vehicle into park and turned the key in the ignition. Swinging open the car door, she pushed the button to close the garage door before gathering her purse and the bag from the pharmacy. Her doctor had called in the prescription that morning, as promised, and Jenny was able to dart out to pick up the pills at lunch. She gave a little shiver, thinking about Will inside her without any barrier between them.

As Jenny climbed out of the car, she saw a shape in her peripheral vision and knew, with the instinct all women have, that the shape was a man. For an illogical moment she thought it was Will, there to greet her, having made it from his house to hers in record time.

In the next moment, she knew it wasn’t him and she felt a slamming rush of fear and adrenaline hit her as she spun around to flee toward the door of her house.

The shadow moved toward her, fast, grabbing her arm and jerking her around toward him as she screamed, a high, startled shriek. Her purse flew, scattering contents across the concrete floor, and her prescription bag skidded beneath the car.

In the fraction of a second before the dim light on the garage door opener clicked off, Jenny saw the man—recognized him. Then darkness covered everything and they both froze momentarily.

“Evan, what are you doing?” Jenny asked, pissed. “You scared the shit out of—”

His fist smashed into her face. She felt the skin break on her lip, as if it was in slow motion, tasted his knuckle as it slammed across her open mouth. She was stunned, not by the pain but by the fact that someone,
, had punched her, actually

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