Breakwater: Rick (BBW Bad Boy Space Bear Shifter Romance) (Star Bears Book 2) (106 page)

BOOK: Breakwater: Rick (BBW Bad Boy Space Bear Shifter Romance) (Star Bears Book 2)
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Bliss was washing over Cheryl.
All of the problems from the previous day had been washed away, leaving nothing except for happiness.
Between her legs, Cheryl felt her orgasm approaching, a warmth blossoming from deep within her.
She focused on it, the pleasure the only thing on her mind, letting it take over her body.

“Keep...going...” she begged.
Derrick obeyed, his tongue working magic between her thighs.
Her breathing became quick and ragged, and she knew there was nothing else she could do but let the pleasure wash over her.
When it finally hit, she screamed out, body wracked with pleasure and going weak.
Derrick held her up, wrapping his thick hands around her ass.

Breathing hard, she leaned back onto the counter, letting it support her weight.
Without it and Derrick holding her up, she was sure she would have collapsed to the floor, lost in pleasure.

Derrick stood up, grabbing her by the inside of her knees and sliding her over to him.
She looked down, seeing his massive cock rock hard between his legs.
She reached out and grabbed it, barely able to wrap her hand completely around it.
She stroked him gently, watching him close his eyes as he let out small moans of satisfaction.

Empowered at bringing him happiness, she pulled him closer to her, placing her lips back on his.
He reached around her again, his hands closing in on her ass, and dragging her to him.
She felt his thickness pressing against the wet slit between her legs.
Reaching down, she grabbed him, angling him perfectly into her.
He pressed himself against her, and she felt herself stretching around him.
Their moans filled the bathroom as he pushed against her, pushed against her tightness, and then finally sank into her.

She felt the head of his member spread her wide, sinking deep into her warmth.
She bit his shoulder to keep from screaming in pleasure, unable to think of anything but the feeling of his thickness filling her up.
She leaned back against the wet mirror, grabbing onto a towel rack to give herself some leverage.
She pushed her body against his, feeling him sink deeper into her.

Then he was pulling out of her until his entire length was free.
She felt strangely hollow, as if she had always needed him inside of her.
Derrick gave her a devilish grin.
Cheryl reached up, grabbing a toned ass cheek in each hand, and pulled him back towards her.
He slid into her wetly, easier and deeper than the first time.
She leaned her head back, breathing hard.

Derrick pulled himself out of her, pushing back in deeper, providing her with the utmost pleasure.
Then, before she knew what was going on, he reached his hands around her waist, lifting her up and twirling her around.
Now, he was leaning against the counter and supporting her.
She put her feet on the edge of the counter to the sides of his body, grinding herself against him.
He pushed against her, hitting all new places.

He worked against her, pumping hard and deep, his breathing becoming short and harsh.
She knew he was going to cum soon, and that was all it took to push her to the edge.
Her own orgasm started to build, rushing to a crescendo, and hitting her when it reached its peak.
She screamed, feeling herself tightening around Derrick, and then he came.

Inside of her, she felt his cock jumping, spraying his hot seed deep into her.
She pushed herself down on him, letting him go deeper than ever before, their cries of passion filling his bathroom.
She pushed herself against him, grinding, gratification taking over both of them until there was nothing left but happiness.

After what seemed like minutes, it was over.
Carefully, Derrick lifted her up and slid out of her, their juices sliding out of Cheryl and dripping onto the floor.
Derrick placed her onto the floor and she leaned against him, letting him support her.
They stood like that, arms wrapped around each other for a couple of minutes, enjoying what they'd just brought each other.
Cheryl never wanted the moment to end.
Then, she looked at the clock, seeing the time.

“Is that the right time??” she yelled.
Derrick looked at it, his golden eyes going wide.
They were going to be late for the wedding.
Both of them started pulling on clothes, each barely half dressed as they ran out of his house.

Cheryl stood in the line of bridesmaids, waiting for Beth and Clive to finish up their vows.
The wedding was truly beautiful, but Cheryl was finding she couldn't keep her eyes off Derrick, who was standing only a few feet away.
To her credit, he couldn't keep his eyes off of her, either.
She would catch him stealing glimpses of her, which would cause her to smile, and then he would be smiling.
She hoped no one noticed.

Afterward, no one said a word about how much they had been eying each other during the ceremony.
For that, Cheryl was thankful.
Clive and Beth had been called outside to take pictures, so the rest of the wedding party had some much needed time to relax.
At the front table, Russ was snoring, his feet kicked up on the table with Zoe curled up next to him, also asleep.
Emma was laid back in Jace's arms passed out.
Jace looked sleepy eyed, but he had managed to stay awake.
Out in the crowd, Cheryl saw Sergeant Franklin dozing off.
Jeff Kastner smiled and waved from his position in the crowd.
She found herself waving back, knowing he had been vital to saving everyone last night.

The rest stood in a small circle near Jace.
Marcus had an arm wrapped around Addy and another around Derrick.
When Cheryl came back with some drinks, Marcus was saying, “No one at the headquarters was injured.
It was some kind of miracle.
Without Derrick's and Cheryl's help, we would still be in that cell.
At least sitting in that cell gave Addy and I some time to think of what we could do to really help our Clans.
Things are going to change.”

Derrick looked embarrassed, but Cheryl could tell he was appreciative of the praise and happy with the news.
She handed him a drink and Marcus released him, moving off to talk to Addy.
Cheryl buried herself in his chest.

“We did good last night,” Cheryl told him.
Derrick nodded.

“I know.
You did even better.
We make a good team,” he said, kissing her on the lips.
At that moment, thunderous applause erupted across the reception hall.
Clive and Beth were coming in, waving to everyone.
They made a beeline straight towards Cheryl and Derrick.

“I haven't had a chance to really get to thank you, little bro,” Clive said, immediately embracing Derrick.
“If you hadn't come and rescued us, none of us would have been standing here.
I know I've doubted you before, but I was wrong to do so.
And I'm sorry, from the bottom of my heart.
You and Cheryl saved us and I'll never be able to repay you.”

“What you did was braver than anything I've ever done,” Beth said, hugging Cheryl.
“We owe you two everything.
Thank you.”

And then Derrick and Cheryl were pulled into a hug between Clive and Beth.
The crowd was clapping.
Even Russ, Zoe, and Emma had awoken from their slumbers to cheer for them.

Everything felt right in the world for Cheryl.
Looking across at Derrick, she could tell everything was right for him, too.
Beth and Clive broke the hug, taking a few steps back, but Derrick never released Cheryl.
He placed his lips on hers, and everything was right for her, for him, and for the Clan.

Bearly Apart

Big Paw Security Book V


Becca Fanning

It had been a long time since Addy had found herself sitting in the meeting room. The room was like a sanctuary to her father and the shifters closest to him. Normally, the room was dark and full of her adoptive father's trusted lieutenants. Today, only her father was present when she arrived.

“This is an important job, Addison. It's more than just brokering a deal between two Clans. There are those who hate shifters. This will go a long way towards proving that we can be successful members of society.”

“I understand, Father,” Addy said. He loomed over her, his shifter bulk seemingly taking up the entire room. She loved her father, but she would be lying if she said he didn't intimidate her.

“I wouldn't trust this kind of job to even my most trusted shifter.”

“I know, Father. I'll make peace between the Clans.”

“There's one last thing to keep in mind. Joe King… he's unpredictable, at best. Driven by greed. Ever since he took over the Clan after his brother's death, he's done things his own way. He may be...resistant…to your ideas. It's important that you make him understand things from our point of view. Make him understand just how important our Clans merging is.”

“Is he dangerous?”

“Joe may have ideas of violence, but he'll never act on them. He's too much of a coward to actually act on his impulses. The retaliation he would face for attacking you is insurmountable. He's not brave enough, or smart enough, to attack you and survive the blow-back. You'll be safe there, I promise you, no matter what Joe may be thinking.”

“I'll leave immediately,” Addy said, getting up and giving her father a hug. Leaving the room, she was uneasy. She wanted to believe her father, but something was nagging at her in the back of her mind. She didn't think this visit would go as smoothly as her father had hoped, but what other choice did she have? Disobey her father? Disobey a
Clan Leader
? She could never. She left quickly and went to pack her bags, devoted to her Clan, as always.

Addy found herself sprinting down the airport terminal, her bag riding the conveyor belt and coming dangerously close to slipping away. She was already late and she wasn't sure how her shifter chauffeur would take to waiting for who knows how long for her bags to cycle through the conveyor again. One thing she'd learned from having a shifter father was that shifters often had mercurial moods. Little inconveniences, like making them wait a couple of extra minutes, could often be the difference between a polite man and a ravaging beast.

Of course, those shifters were few and far between, but she didn't want to take any chances. Initially, immediately after her adoption, she'd been afraid of shifters, but she'd learned that they were pretty similar to humans. Pretty similar, with the exception of the golden eyes, almost always being large and hairy, and of course, some of their tempers.

So, unsure what kind of man the shifter was, she sprinted towards her bag. The bag inches from entering the terminal, she reached her hand out, snagging it by a small strap with one finger. Nearly out of breath, she grabbed her bag, a smile lighting up her face.

“That's my bag!”

Addy turned around, eyes traveling over an overweight woman, long acrylic nails snatching out to pull the bag away from her. The woman's makeup encrusted face sneered at her as her scratchy nails grabbed the bag and yanked. Addy wasn't about to give up so easy, however. She pulled back, the woman's face growing incredulous.

Addy took a split second to look for the tag –
Bates, R.
– and released the bag. The woman uttered a triumphant laugh, nearly raising the bag entirely over her head to brag to her defeated opponent. “Sorry,” Addy muttered, but the woman was already moving off, cackling at the encounter and subsequent triumph. Addy walked over to the nearest bench, embarrassed and defeated. Looking around, she saw that no one was paying any attention to what had just transpired. Feeling a little bit better, she realized she still didn't have her bag.

“This yours?” came another voice from behind her.

Turning around on the bench, she found a large man holding a bag identical to the one she'd just fought over. He was largely built, like every shifter, but she could tell he worked out. His muscles rippled under a tight shirt, tattoos running down his forearms and peaking out from the collar of his shirt. He had short brown hair and some of the brightest golden eyes she had ever seen on a shifter. She'd seen hundreds of shifters in her short life, but he was undeniably one of the most attractive ones she'd ever seen.

he'd seen her fight with the woman over the bag. She felt herself blushing, ears hot and embarrassed. For a second, her stomach tightened and she wanted to curl up into a ball and die. It wasn't often she made a fool of herself, but making a fool of herself in front of a man like this was something she'd

BOOK: Breakwater: Rick (BBW Bad Boy Space Bear Shifter Romance) (Star Bears Book 2)
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