Read Breathless Online

Authors: Heidi McLaughlin,Emily Snow,Tijan,K.A. Robinson,Crystal Spears,Ilsa Madden-Mills,Kahlen Aymes,Jessica Wood,Sarah Dosher,Skyla Madi,Aleatha Romig,J.S. Cooper


Breathless (50 page)

BOOK: Breathless
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She stirred a little, and I straightened up and took my clothes off. I pulled a condom from the side table and rolled it on. I set out to make her mine.

Getting in bed, I leaned down to kiss down her shoulders and back, worshipping her body. The sweet sensation of her soft skin underneath my hands nearly undid me. She was utterly perfect to me. She was the girl from the parking lot, yet she wasn’t. Sadness no longer stained those beautiful eyes, darkness no long haunted the shadows of her face. She’d grown along with me. Elated and light of heart, I kissed behind her knees and down her calf. I kissed the arch of her feet. I kissed her sweet toes. My body clenched in desperate need, and I prayed I could hold out and make it good for her.

“Nora,” I murmured. She whimpered out my name, and I got harder from the invitation I heard in her voice.

She turned, and I reached for her piercing and flicked it with my finger. Cupping her breasts, I sucked each nipple in my mouth, my eyes narrowed in on her green ones shining like emeralds as she gazed at me.

“Tell me you love me,” I demanded after I’d kissed her thoroughly.

She smirked and arched her brow at me.

I tangled my hands in her hair and tugged gently. “Say my name and tell me you love me,” I said with a hint of tease. But I wasn’t kidding. At all. I
to hear her voice, needed to know that she ached for me as much as I did her.

She caressed my chest, her fingers outlining my dragon tattoo. I let go of her hair and cradled her face, my nose touching her nose in a gentle caress. “Say it, and I’ll fuck you,” I bargained, hearing the desperate yearning in my voice but not caring. She was all I wanted, and I wanted her to know it.

“Dirty talk. I like it,” she retorted with a gleam in her eyes.

Oh yeah, my Buttercup liked to play games. My excitement revved up.

“You asked for it,” I said, chuckling as I kissed her with little pecks and no tongue. Self-control kept me from taking her mouth like I wanted. She squirmed, grabbed my hair and tried to deepen my kisses, but I resisted, shaking my head at her. Bad girl.

She glared. “Kiss me. Give me an epic one.”

“As soon as you do what I want,” I murmured, giving her a hot look.

“I love you, Leo Jamison Tate, so kiss me, pretty please,” she said, her eyes heavy with emotion, letting me see the big love she had for me.

My heart sang, recognizing its mate.

I kissed her deep, and her hips arched off the bed, searching for mine. “Like that?” I asked against her mouth.

“Yes,” she whispered.

My cock brush her thigh, and I groaned at the contact, my need escalating. I kissed her stomach, around to her hipbone, and down to her thighs, inhaling her scent. I let my fingers trace the edge of her navel, my mouth not far behind. Being this close to her, made me crazy. Insane. She made me
so much.

“I’m the only one for you. You’re my bad girl. No one else’s,” I told her possessively as her body strained for mine.

She sighed and turned her head into the pillow, but I cupped her chin and brought her gaze back to me. “Don’t look away,” I said softly. “Lock your eyes on mine, Nora. It means everything to me. Let me see you fall apart.”

We touched each other slowly, our hands learning the secret places that made the other soar. My need was sharp, but I ignored it to focus on her, to see what drove her to the brink, to see what made her gasp and shudder. I discovered the mole behind her knee and the ticklish place on her arm. She found my birthmark and traced it with her tongue, her mouth hot against my already feverish skin.

My need rose higher as her broken entreaties and little whimpers spurred me on. Our bodies rubbed and rocked faster and faster, and I didn’t want to be in a hurry, but I couldn’t wait any longer. I took her hands and intertwined our fingers, desperate to get as close to her as humanly possible, to be the only one she ever wanted again. She was
for me, and it freaked me out in the most fantastic ways.

She was a high I’d be addicted to for the rest of my life.

Finally, I thrust deep into her, leaning my head back and crying out at the contact. She called my name and we moved together, each loving the other.

“More,” she said after a while, her lips swollen from our kisses. I angled myself closer to her, our hands clutching each other, like we’d die without the other. Sweat dripped from me as I took her, my eyes never losing hers. Soft wonder came over her exquisite face.

“Nora,” I muttered in need, watching as she came apart right in front me, going stiff and arching her back, her cries like sweet music to my ears. My love for her slammed into me, sending me over as I came too, yelling her name as we rode the wave together.

compared to this. Deep satisfaction settled in my bones. She was mine. We were united, one love, one body.

I pressed my forehead to hers. “I can’t tell you how happy I am that I’m going to wake up in the morning, and you’ll be here, in my arms.” I swallowed. “I love you so much, Buttercup, it hurts.” Truth.

She kissed me with soft lips. “Is it always like this? Like I just went to heaven?”

Smiling, I lay back and pulled her against me. “Never. That’s what happens when soulmates make love.”

I watched her until she drifted off to sleep, amazed she loved me after all I’d put her through. I promised myself that no matter what happened in the future, no matter the rough patches we might come across, I’d never give up on us. As long as we both lived, I’d be here. For her. For us.

Fate had known all along we were soulmates.

Now, I did, too.


“Sometimes, for no discernible reason, I wake up at 3:00 am and gaze at Leo. Without him knowing, I softly stroke his face and kiss his lips.” –
Nora Blakely


A few days before Christmas

I pulled into the parking lot at Club Vita, my stomach fluttering at the thought of seeing Leo. I’d been gone for two days on a shopping trip to Austin with Aunt Portia, and even though I loved spending time with her, I’d missed him terribly. This was the first time we’d been apart since the Halloween party.

At least the gym was closed for the night and we’d be alone. But I’d arrived earlier than I told him. I nibbled on my nail. What if he didn’t like surprises? What if he had too much work to do and I’d just be in the way? I peered up at his bedroom window, hoping to catch a glimpse of him.

I knew Sebastian was gone. He was out with Cuba at the Briarcrest Academy winter dance. It was the annual football and cheerleader formal, and while most guys took dates, Sebastian and Cuba hadn’t. I didn’t think for a minute those two would be alone at the dance though. Nope. They never were. Girls were always calling or texting or following Sebastian around, especially since he’d started doing band gigs at Gilligan’s. Cuba wasn’t any different. I’d watched him enough to know he had a new girl every month. My gut knew he didn’t care about any of them. My heart recognized that something in him was broken.

I carried Aunt Portia’s bags to her car, kissed her cheek, and promised to call her in the morning so we could talk about the big Christmas dinner Leo had decided to have at the Tate loft. She was doing the desserts, Leo was cooking the turkey and stuffing, Sebastian volunteered for the mashed potatoes, Teddy and his sister were bringing the green bean casserole, and believe it or not…Cuba was coming as well.

Maybe he’d bring an exotic Brazilian dish. Yeah. The more food, the merrier.

Honestly, I’d been floored when Leo had acquiesced to Sebastian’s plea to invite Cuba.
He’ll be alone on Christmas
, Sebastian had told us. And those were the magic words for Leo to agree. He might be a tad possessive of me, but he couldn’t stand the thought of someone without family during the holidays. He also knew I wasn’t going to add Cuba to my bad list. I loved

Yes, Cuba and I had flirted at the park and at Emma’s party, but the entire time, I’d sensed it was all just an act. I could have been any attractive, warm-bodied female. When I’d turned down his threesome idea, he hadn’t cared. Not really. He’d moved on to the next available person in line, which turned out to be Emma Easton. In fact, the rumor at BA was he’d been seen having sex with Emma and another girl from the party. In the pool house. Classy.

Thinking of Emma brought back the memory of the
pool-push incident
as Mila liked to call it. Apparently, she’d used her phone to video the entire episode of our embarrassing girl-fight. I kept waiting to see it on YouTube because Mila may look sweet as pie, but underneath she had the soul of a little vixen. As far as Cuba and Emma went, I guess they’d hooked up after she’d dried off? Who cared? I was just thankful it wasn’t Sebastian who had a thing for her.

I’d gotten brave and invited Dad to Christmas dinner as well. He’d said yes. We’d see if he really showed up. I’d been meeting him for lunch after my therapy sessions once a week. Sometimes we didn’t say much, but it worked for us. He was giving me his
. Something he’d never done before. I knew his faults and that he wasn’t likely to change, and he knew the terrible truth about what had happened to me. Our reconciliation would be a good thing and would take time and effort on both our parts. I didn’t have a crystal ball; I didn’t know where our talking was leading, but I wanted to spend time with him. I needed to see where it might go because I wanted him as part of my Christmas. I wanted him as part of my future.

As far as Mother went, I didn’t know if I’d ever be able to forgive her, mostly because it’s hard to forgive someone when they haven’t asked for it. Yet, because my heart knew that letting go of the past was the best way to move forward, I was trying. I’d hardened my heart against her years ago, but I think…I think I was beginning to feel
for her instead. She had nothing, not the love of a husband or a daughter or a son.

Like a shell, she was empty and cold.

She’d never be one of the beads on my happy necklace.

Mother was yesterday’s garbage, and I wouldn’t ever let her influence me or make me into someone who did bad things. I would never let her steal the light from me again, never let her break my spirit.

But, just maybe, I could release her. Forgive her for not loving me.

I’d learned that you can’t let the shame of your past affect your future. I had Leo and it was enough. Deep inside my soul, I was putting one foot in front of the other, taking each day as it came, and I
I was moving in the direction I wanted to go, in the direction of happiness. The sun felt brighter, the birds sounded sweeter, and the world was mine.
Because I loved us enough to work on making myself better.

It was progress.

Chilly from the brisk evening breeze, I hurried to the gym door, a handful of wrapped packages in my hand. Today had been a successful shopping day with a pair of handmade boots for Sebastian, some music CDs for Teddy, and a book of Bob Dylan’s song lyrics for Leo.

I smiled to myself, picturing him reading to me aloud while we were in bed, something he’d taken to doing since we’d been together these past two months. I’d lie there and watch his mouth, relishing every syllable that fell from his sensuous lips.

It seemed we talked constantly to each other, whether it was mundane and silly or vital to our future. I don’t think he’s a man of many words. He says what he needs and moves on. Yet, we couldn’t get enough of conversation. I ached to hear his voice tell me about his day. I devoured his facial expressions when he told a story about something Teddy had said or done.

Aunt Portia claimed that being able to have meaningful conversations with the person you loved was a gift. She said it meant we would make it, that we would grow old together, still talking about the things we loved.

I think she’s right.

I jangled the keys as I opened the front door, hoping to get Leo’s attention. I walked into the darkened foyer and looked around, expecting to see him come running down the stairs. He didn’t. Disappointed, I went up the stairs to the loft where I’d been living.

I passed the eight-foot, live Christmas tree we’d put up over Thanksgiving. Usually I couldn’t pass it without going over and admiring all the homemade ornaments Leo’s parents had made with them when they were kids: cute pictures of them glued to snowflakes cut-outs, pictures of them smiling (or crying when they were babies) as they sat in Santa’s lap. Such a happy family. No wonder Leo missed them every day.

But I didn’t have time for gazing at ornaments now. I needed to see Leo.

Loud music blared from his closed door and I considered knocking, but I didn’t. I rushed in and
someone scooped me up and swung me around, making the packages cascade to the ground. I squealed in delight and wrapped my legs around his hips.

“About time you got here. Been going insane without you,” Leo said in a growly voice that sent shivers down my spine. He kissed me hard, his eager mouth searching, his tongue demanding entry. Passionately, I gave it right back to him, eating him up, returning his ferocity. Hard and fast. It was always like this with us, and I’d never get enough.

He pushed me up against the bedroom wall, pinning me there. He moaned. I moaned.

He came up for air but barely moved his mouth from mine. “Mmm, I needed that,” he murmured, closing his eyes briefly. “So damn glad you’re here early.”

I stared at him for a moment, taking it all in: the overly long blonde hair, the shadow on his hard-as-granite jaw, his pale-blue eyes that seemed to see right to the heart of me.

This man loved

“Miss me?” I said, giving him a swift nuzzle on his neck.

He pressed his hardness firmly against my center. “How’s that for an answer?”

“How’s it possible that two little days seemed like a million years,” I said a bit breathless, tightening my legs around him, arching closer.

“Thought I was gonna have to come to Austin and get you,” he said, his heavy-lidded eyes never leaving mine. “I don’t like sleeping without you, Buttercup. Not a bit.”

BOOK: Breathless
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