Breathless Temptation [Texas Stallions 2] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour) (9 page)

BOOK: Breathless Temptation [Texas Stallions 2] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)
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Closing his eyes, he let her mouth take his, welcoming her tongue as it dove deep and tangled with his. Before he could stop himself, he reached his arms around her, his palms covering the round globes of her ass, and tugged her forward until she straddled him, but he was careful not to injure her leg further. Then he leaned her back onto the blanket, but as he did, she tore at his shirt, pulling the fabric until the buttons practically ripped off the material.

Shrugging out of his shirt, he placed himself between her spread legs and lowered himself against her, tasting her mouth again. Her fingernails trailed up the naked flesh of his back, and he groaned at the arousing sting of pleasure. He’d never liked the rough stuff but found Delilah’s enthusiasm infectious. If she’d told him she liked to be spanked or wanted to spank him, he’d seriously consider it. Honestly, he’d never been so turned on in his life. There was something about her that made him want her more than anything he’d ever desired in his life. She was a temptation that left him breathless and begging for more.

With great care, Hunter undid a few more buttons, revealing her supple breasts. The soft mounds felt divine as he pressed his face against them, kissing and licking the delicate skin. She inhaled deeply, forcing her chest to expand in his direction. With the arousing invitation, he nibbled on her erect nipple through the fabric of her shirt. Slipping her shirt off her shoulders, he dipped his fingers inside the straps of her bra and slowly slid the material down her arms until her perfect breasts were exposed.

Instantly, his mouth clamped down on the rosy peak. Groaning, he sucked a little harder until he heard her gasp. Her nails dug deeper into his back. Releasing her nipple, he quickly moved to the other to give it equal attention. He enjoyed the way her hands cradled him, caressing his flesh and massaging his scalp as he made love to her breasts.

Hunter sat up, resting his ass on the heels of his boots. His eyes drank in the flushed color of Delilah’s cheeks and chest. The subtle rise and fall of her breasts had him licking his lips with anticipation of what was to come next. Locking eyes with her, he began to unbuckle his pants, but she quickly sat up, her fingers diving to push his out of the way.

She studied him, her fingers running up and down the muscles of his chest and stomach, dipping down into the open zipper of his pants. She gripped his cock in her hand, slowly stroking the shaft. He never stopped watching her face, wondering what she was thinking about as she possessed him with such interest. He sucked in a chest full of air, loving the feeling of her touch as every nerve ending exploded in his body.

She pushed his jeans past his ass and his hard cock sprung out. Immediately, he pulled her up by her shoulders and helped her out of her own clothing, sliding the material down her legs with such care. Naked and gorgeous, she was the embodiment of everything he’d ever wanted in a woman. She was perfect on the inside and out.

His cock jumped as he gazed upon her rosy flesh. Pulling her close, he kissed her stomach, trailing kisses to the patch of blonde hair between her legs. Gently, he led her back to the blanket, making sure she was comfortable. Then he set to tasting her body more fully.

Spreading her thighs, he kissed the tender, warm flesh from her knees straight up to her pussy. With his thumb and index finger, he parted the folds of her sex and teased, licked, and sucked her clit. The sweet, fluttering moans of her pleasure had him eager to hear more of her cries. He tenderly inserted a finger into her tight pussy, pulsing in and out slowly, and then as he sucked her a little harder he added another finger. Her thighs parted wide the moment he did, beckoning him to continue loving her cunt.

“Oh, God, Hunter,” she cried as her hands and fingers gripped his hair, capturing him as if she couldn’t risk that he would stop touching her.

Halting his actions was the last thing on his mind. What was on his mind was making her come harder than she ever had, allowing him to taste the pleasure he wrung from her body. Then he would make her come again as he thrust his cock deep inside her tight body, driving her beyond reason.

He felt her body begin to tremble as he held her. His mouth was fastened to her pussy as she cried out. Bucking her hips up, she began to come. The taste of her essence filled his mouth like a fine wine he’d been deprived of for far too long.

Once she had gone limp, he slowly crawled up the long, lean length of her body, kissing her belly and between her breasts. Then he nuzzled the crook of her neck and her arms once again surrounded him.

With one arm supporting his weight, he reached down with the other and guided his cock into the entrance of her pussy, pushing inside her until he was seated to the hilt. Her thighs immediately wrapped around his waist.

With determination, he thrust in and out of her, feeling the wet tightness of her body envelop him. Never in his life had sex ever felt so gratifying. Never had it had him praying he wouldn’t disappoint. The desire to pleasure her was more important than taking his next breath.

Strangely, he couldn’t help but want to be the best he could for Delilah. The reason for that he couldn’t explain. It was just the way it was.

Over and over again, Hunter drilled inside her, tunneling deep and hard. The soft moans she’d made as he tasted her pussy were nothing compared to the roar of her cries as he fucked her. Heart pounding with a vengeance behind his ribs, he couldn’t contain the enticement she offered him.

Gripping hold of her legs, he pushed her thighs further apart, cradling her knees over his arms, spreading her wider, and taking her deeper. She cried out, begging him not to stop, commanding him to take her harder. He did.

Then she found her release, clawing up his back as he pounded away at her cunt. Every muscle in his body shook as he kept himself from coming until she was completely satisfied, but once she reached that point, it was his turn. With a primal roar, he came. Blinking his eyes shut, he loved the rush of emotions and pleasures that flooded his body.

Resting his forehead against hers, he dipped his head down and kissed her lips gently. Rolling to the side, he cradled her in his arms and kissed her shoulder. Smiling, he’d never felt so satisfied in his life. The connection he shared with Delilah was almost surreal. He couldn’t believe this beautiful woman was lying naked in his arms. The day couldn’t be any better.

Then for whatever reason, Clay Garrett’s face appeared in his mind, and he remembered the way he’d found the sheriff this morning only wearing jeans. The overwhelming need to know if he’d outscored the big guy was all he could think about. Hunter had been pushed aside once before by his brothers, and he prayed that this time would be different. He wanted to be the one that ended up with the girl, not alone and dreaming of a woman who would want him for more than just a good fuck.

Clearing his throat, he asked, “Did Clay make you feel like that last night?”

She cocked her head to the side and stared at him. The vacant look in her eyes told him that he should’ve kept his mouth shut. He’d just screwed up, and if there was a way he could rewind the moment he would’ve kept his jealous and insecure thoughts to himself. But it was too late. The damage was unfolding before his very eyes.
Damn me for being such a dumbass.

Without a moment to spare, she was up from the blanket, snatching up her clothing and climbing down the ladder.

“Wait, Delilah. I’m sorry,” he yelled after her, trying to put his jeans on as quickly as he could, nearly falling off the top loft as he did so.

Once she reached the bottom of the ladder, she gazed up at him. Scowling, she muttered, “I never should’ve let you touch me. What happened was a mistake, and I’m leaving town tonight. Don’t bother following me, Hunter. I’ll catch a ride from Abby or Tyler.” She quickly turned, putting her shirt back on and sliding her legs into her pants.

“Delilah, wait,” he begged.

In a flash she rounded, her eyes red and glistening. “Don’t, Hunter. I’m leaving, so you don’t need to say anything or do anything. What happened between us was fun, and that’s all it was. It’s over now, so stop talking and let me leave.”

Stunned, he stared after her as she exited the barn. Under her breath, he heard her say, “It’s what I do best anyway.”


* * * *


“What the hell is wrong with me?” Delilah scolded aloud. “How did I go from one man’s bed right into another’s?” Shrugging, she had to correct herself. “Technically, it was a bed of hay with a blanket on it, but still, how come I don’t feel bad about it?” Groaning, she wanted to kick herself. She hadn’t felt bad about what she’d done, at least not until Hunter stupidly reminded her that she’d slept with two different men within twenty-four hours. Somehow she had managed to place herself in the middle of a jealous feud with these two men. “Fuck! Do I have issues?”

As Delilah stumbled onto the front porch, a petite, bronze-skinned, dark-brown-haired woman appeared at her side, helping her to catch herself before face-planting right onto the wooden steps.

“My dear, you must be careful. If you don’t watch your footing, you could end up wearing that porch as a permanent fixture on that beautiful face of yours.”

Standing, she straightened out her clothes and brushed back her tousled hair. “Thank you. I wasn’t paying attention.”

With a knowing smile, the woman said, “I noticed. I was watching you walk across the field. Looks like you were having a pretty good conversation with nature.”

Delilah’s mouth hung open, realizing that the woman had been observing her talking, more like venting, to herself. “I was a little upset. I had been out riding with Hunter, but I need to head into town now. Do you think Abby or Tyler could give me a ride?”

The dark-haired woman arched her brow and studied Delilah with piercing and questioning eyes. Surely, the older woman wasn’t stupid and was now wondering why Hunter wasn’t still with her. She didn’t want to tell the woman that it was because she couldn’t look Hunter in the eyes after allowing him to fuck her like an animal in the barn.

“Well, Abby and Tyler just left to go into town to see the doctor, but I can take you if you’d like.” She reached out her hand. “I’m Sophia. I live here at Paradise Ranch and help wherever I’m needed. Mainly, cooking and keeping things in the house running in order.”

“Oh,” Delilah said, remembering that Abby was pregnant and expecting her first child. “I’m Delilah, and if you wouldn’t mind, I’d love a ride.”

“I remember seeing you at the reception. I’m sorry I never had a chance to talk with you, but Abby had me running in circles getting all the preparations and food in order for the party.” She winked. “Pregnant women can be so demanding.”

Just then, a strikingly handsome, golden-brown-haired cowboy with alluring, deep blue eyes stepped from the back door of the ranch. Delilah had to force her mouth closed as she stared at the tall drink of water that resembled both Tyler and Hunter. Cooper Boyd was a breathtaking sight.

“Sophia, is everything all right?” he asked, his deep voice rolling from his lips like smooth, flowing honey from a jar.

“Yes, of course, Cooper. I was just about to take Delilah into town.” Sophia turned to look back at her. “Have you two met?”

The alluring cowboy closed the distance between them. Reaching his hand out to take Delilah’s, he said, “Yes, we have, and it’s nice to see you again, Delilah…”

“Delilah Devero, and it’s nice to see you again, too,” she told him. She couldn’t tear her eyes away from him. His perfectly chiseled jaw, captivating blue eyes, and gentlemanlike manners had her hooked. “I know we sat near you at the reception, but I never had a chance to talk with you. How are you related to Tyler and Hunter?”

He chuckled, but before he could respond with words, a voice from behind her said, “We’re brothers.”

Delilah cringed as Hunter’s voice settled over her. She didn’t want an awkward confrontation to happen in front of the others. For that matter, she didn’t want a confrontation at all. She had hoped to be on her way already and not have to look at Hunter again, but luck once again was not on her side.

“Oh,” Sophia said, her eyes practically jumping from Delilah back to Hunter. “Did you want to give Delilah a ride into town?”

“No!” Delilah immediately said. Her voice calmed before she finished her thought. “I would prefer that you did, Sophia…if you are still available.”

Sophia glanced sharply from Hunter back to her, but at this point Delilah didn’t care what anyone thought. She simply knew she couldn’t be alone with Hunter again. Not if she wanted to escape with what was left of her sanity.

“Delilah, I’m more than capable of taking you—”

“No, Hunter, you’re not,” she said, stepping away from him as he crowded up behind her, boxing her in between him and his brother. “I really don’t think that it’s a good idea, and I’d prefer you didn’t.” Her chest rose and fell with angered, nervous breaths. “Sophia, if you’re still available—”

“Yes, I’ll take you into town. It’s no trouble at all.” She rounded to face Hunter. “You might want to help Cooper. There are some things that need to be handled here at the ranch.”

Narrowing his eyes in a questioning manner, Hunter asked, “What things?”

Glaring at him, Sophia muttered, “Cooper will fill you in once we leave.” She moved toward the door. “Delilah, if you’re ready, we can head into town now.”

BOOK: Breathless Temptation [Texas Stallions 2] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)
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