Breed to Come (11 page)

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Authors: Andre Norton

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BOOK: Breed to Come
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Gammage was not alone in that last chamber. Hewas seated on one of the wide seats of the Demons',all of which were raised just the wrong distance fromthe floor to be comfortable for one of the People, unless the feet were drawn up.

Beside him on the same seat was a powerfully builtwarrior with a notched ear and a long scar on his jaw.His one hand rested on his knee, and he gestured withhis other arm as he talked. There was no fur-backedhand on that arm; instead, it ended in a ball of metalequipped with claws, and a cuff which was lashed tohis own flesh and bone. This must be Dolar, Furtigreasoned.

The other there, a Chooser, was plainly of the Inborn, just as Dolar was of the out-country. Her furwas silky black, and around her neck was a chain ofbright stones. She wore bands of a like nature abouther wrists.

Both she and the battered warrior showed no welcome to those who entered. But Gammage gave a purring call:

"What have you, Foskatt? It seems that you comein haste with something new."

"It is one of the see boxes," the female broke in."Of these we have plenty—amusements for younglings."

To Furtig's secret satisfaction, Foskatt caught her


up quickly. "Not used as this brother can use it!"

"How?" Gammage squirmed off his seat and cameto them. "How do you use it?"

Between them Furtig and Foskatt explained. ThenFurtig demonstrated. He produced two pictures, thefirst of the caves, and the second of Eu-La.

In that small, vivid scene she was busied with anumber of strips cut from hide. These she twisted andturned in a fashion which seemed to Furtig useless.And it was apparent she was frustrated at not achieving what she attempted. But Gammage uttered an exclamation.

"Lohanna, see what this young female does!"

At his call the In-born looked. After a long momentof close attention she turned on Furtig almost accusingly.

"Who is this youngling?" she demanded, as if Furtig were attempting to conceal a matter of importance. He remembered his promise to Eu-La—thiswas the time to carry it out. And he freed the bagfrom his belt.

"She is Eu-La of Gammage's cave. This she madeand asked me to show to Gammage."

The Ancestor took the bag, turned it about as if itwere indeed some treasure newly discovered, thenpassed it to Lohanna. She studied it with the same attention and then said to Gammage:

"She is one we should have with us. Elder. Thoughshe is not of the In-born, yet see what she has wrought. And what does she there?" She gestured tothe picture. "She rediscovers by herself one of the secrets of the Demons—doing it clumsily, but from herown mind! The old strain is not finished in the Out World!"

"So it seems. And we shall try to bring her, Lohanna. Now—" Gammage looked to Furtig. "So you canmake the picture become what you wish— How?"

"I do not know how. I think—and there is the picture of the one I think of. Not as I remember themlast, but perhaps as they are at present. But how canI be sure? I do not know it for the truth!" He was notgoing to claim any talent that could later be provenfalse. In spite of Foskatt's enthusiasm, Furtig wasstubbornly determined to walk cautiously before theIn-born.

"Tell him how you were led through the lairs—"

Reluctantly Furtig added that piece of information.

"Not so strange." For the first time the metal handed Elder commented. "We have long known thatcertain of us can be so guided—"

"But the point Foskatt would make," Gammagesaid, "is not that Furtig was guided, but that he usedit with one he did not know, had had no contact withbefore. So it would seem his use of that talent is alsodifferent. If such a change breeds true, we can hopefor much in the future. Yes, Furtig, our brother herehas been right to urge you to tell us this. Now, whatelse can you see—perhaps here in the lair?"

Furtig took the box. The picture of Eu-La had vanished in the fog. Should he try to see an unpeopledplace—or one with people? He tried to fasten on theprison room in which he had found Foskatt, but thebox remained dark.

"It will not show me a place without people," he reported.

Gammage did not seem in the least disappointed."Then your ability must tie with a living thing.

Well,can you think of a person in the lairs—"

Furtig chewed his lower lip and thought. Then anidea flashed into his mind. It would be thetest of his ability. He summoned to mind the pictureof the second Ratton guard he had seen before theprisoners'


To his surprise and delight the fog gathered. Thepicture which emerged was blurred, but not so muchthat he could not distinguish part of it. And smallsounds from two of those with him indicated that they saw also.

There was the Ratton. But he lay on the floor ofthe guard room. A piece of rubble, probably dislodgedby the battering of the servant, pinned his leg to thefloor. However, he still lived, for reddish eyes glintedand Furtig saw his mouth open as if he called forsome help that would never come. Perhaps his fellowshad left him to die because he was now useless.

"The Ratton guard!" Foskatt cried out. "Him Ihave seen! And that place—"

The blurring was complete, the scene vanished.

"That was one of the guards who held me!"

"So it would seem you can pick up other than ourown people!" Gammage was excited. "Yes, theseboxes, if others can learn to use them so, will becomefar more than just something to amuse younglings.Lohanna, would it not be well to check immediatelyon all those who have used them idly to see whetherthey were thinking of anything when they did so, or ifthey had any control over their viewing?

If they cancontrol it—or only a small number can control it—"

"Scouts," the warrior broke in. "Send scouts andturn this on them—you could have instant warning ofwhat they viewed. We could prepare for attacks ingood time."

He raised his false hand and used its harsh talontips to scratch his chin.

Lohanna was already at the door. "You shall havethe answer as soon as possible. Elder," she assuredGammage.

"Lohanna knows very much about the learning machines," the Ancestor told Furtig. "I only wish wehad more of the ancient records—"

Foskatt stirred. But Gammage was continuing:

"Do not take those words of mine as a complaint ofyour failure to find such records. We had no idea theRattons had invaded that section of the lairs in force.It is a great danger that they have. We dare not underestimate them in any way. They breed in greaternumbers than we do. Though the same illness whichchanged us in the beginning also cut the numbers ofour litters, the Ratton females have many offspring ina single season.

"And among the Rattons are those whose cunninghas greatly advanced, so that they have their own seekers of Demon knowledge. Being small, they can slinkalong ways we cannot follow. It would be very difficult to seal off any part of the lairs so that they couldnot find their way in. Also, they have their traps.

"We have certain Demon weapons. But, like theservants, those are uncertain as to performance andto depend upon them in time of need and then havethem fail—" He shook his head. "But still, the records we have found reference to—they must lie in the very territory the Rattons have invaded. Should they find them first—and I am firm in the convictionthat they have among them those who are able to put Demon learning to use—then we may be in a verydangerous position. Time—we have so little time!"

There is only one thing to do," Foskatt said slowly. "Ishall try again. Though this time, being warned, I donot think I shall be entrapped." There was dour determination in his voice.

Gammage shook his head. "Remember, youngerbrother, you are but fresh out of the place of healing.Your wound may seem closed, but if you were put tosome severe test this might not hold. Do you not remember what happened under similar circumstancesto Tor-To?"

For a moment Furtig thought Foskatt would protest. Then his tribesman gave a sigh. "But who thencan go? And if the Rattons have taken over that partof the lairs, will we ever be able to reach the records ifwe wait longer?"

"He is right," the deeper half-growl of Dolar rumbled. "Were I but able—" His speech became a fullgrowl, and he brought his metal hand down upon theedge of a table with such force that the claws left deep indentations in its surface.

"Dolar, my close-brother, were you able, yes. Butthis needs youth and quickness of body such as wehave both long since lost."

To his inner astonishment, some other seemed totake over Furtig's voice then, for he heard himselfsaying:

"I am warrior trained and skilled. Elder. Also Ihave the homing sense which before led me throughunknown ways. Let me know just what to search forand—"

"No!" Gammage was emphatic. "We must haveyou here, to work with the box, to learn how you areable to do this. Can you not see that is of the greatestimportance?"

"More," Dolar asked, "than saving records fromthe Rattons? We have but six now of the warrior Out World breed, and the other four are abroad on missions to contact tribes. If Foskatt cannot go, dare wesend an In-born? They cannot learn the ways withoutmany journeys under guidance. Those we cannot givethem. But now this matter of boxes—let Foskatt andthis young warrior try between them such sendings. Ifthey find they can use it, as a scout might, then theremay be a way out of this difficulty."

His sensible suggestion carried, and so for the restof that day and part of the night, taking only shortrests and eating the trail Rattons they carried withthem, the two played a hunt and search game throughthe echoing corridors of the above-ground lairs. WhenFurtig set off to wander, Foskatt sought him with thebox. At first they were defeated over and over again,Foskatt seemingly unable to pick up any clear picture. Though once or twice the mist formed, enoughto encourage Foskatt to keep on trying.

Just as they were ready to surrender to disappointment, Furtig, returning to the point where he had lefthis partner, discovered Foskatt wildly elated.

"You stood in a room where there were shiningstrips on the walls!" he cried out hoarsely. "And thenyou went and put your hands against one of thestrips. On its surface was a second you who also put forth his hand to meet you palm to palm!"

"That is right." Furtig slumped against the wall."That is what I did just before I started back. Then itworks for you, too!"

When they returned with the news of this smallsuccess, they were greeted with a disturbing reportfrom another scout. He had tried to reach one of thetribes of the People reputed to have hunting groundsto the north, only to be cut off by a pack of Barkerswho, it appeared, were settling in.

Gammage paced up and down as if his thoughtswould not let him sit still. His tail switched and his ears were a little flattened. Had not Furtig knownthat in the lairs Trials were forbidden, he would have believed the Ancestor was preparing to offer challenge.

"In the records there is proof that the Barkerswere, even more than we, the slaves of the Demons,licking the ground before their feet—which the People, owned though they were, never did! I had hoped— But that is another matter. If the Barkers nowingather about the lairs, can we believe that is a signpointing to Demon return? Perhaps the Demons havein some secret manner signalled the Barkers to them.Though if the Barkers remembered the Demon endhere as well as we do, they would not be so quick to answer such a call."

"The Barkers," offered Dolar, "are rovers, not liking settled lairs. Other times they have come near,but they never stayed for any length of time."

"Hunting parties, yes," Gammage agreed. "Butthis time they bring their females and young. Ask of Fy-Yan, who has been three suns watching them. We must have knowledge—"

"Which perhaps we can gain for you. Ancestor,"Foskatt said. "We can use the box. I have seen Furtig afar in it."

Gammage turned with the quick grace of one seasons younger. His yellow eyes glowed.

"Sooo—" In his mouth the word became a hiss, almost akin to the warning one uttered when entering ahunting country. "Let us lay hands upon thoserecords and perhaps we can hold the lairs. Even if theBarkers continue to be our enemies."

"Continue?" Dolar clicked his claws. "Think you itcan be otherwise? Do you also fear that they might swear truce with Rattons?"

"Not impossible. In times of war it is best never tosay in advance this can be, that not. Be prepared forany danger. And I say to all of you, though perhaps Ihave said it so many times before that the words willhave no effect, with Rattons one cannot be sure ofanything! Remember that well, Furtig, if and whenyou go into ways where they can be found."

Furtig thought he needed no warning. His hatredfor the creatures, together with his earlier brush withthem, had been enough to arouse all his caution. Nowarrior ever trusted anyone or anything, save his ownclan brothers and the lair that gave him shelter.

He listened, impatiently but curbing the outwardshow of that, to all the information and instructionswhich those who had explored the ways could provide.Foskatt gave him directions—vague enough—as towhat he sought. He was to watch for certain marks onwalls—which might or might not be there—andwould have the use of a secondary guide.

This was a cube similar to that with which Foskatthad summoned the rumbler. But its buzzing had another use. They had discovered a season back thatthis sound was emitted when the cube was brought near Demons' record disks.

With this instrument, and trail supplies, Furtig atlast descended to the lower runways of the lairs.

Asyet they had no knowledge as to how far the Rattonshad penetrated, though they had stationed scout guards at important checkpoints to warn of any spillover into their home territory. Metal servants of the Demons could also be used for this service and Furtigpassed some of these on the way.

At last he slid into the dark of those tunnels, whichcould be runways for either the People or their enemies. There were doors here, but he wasted no timein exploring. This was not the area of the reputed cache. He moved noiselessly along, depending uponboth ear and nose for warnings. The smell of Ratton hewould never forget, and that warning the enemy couldnot sonceal.

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