Breeze of Life (17 page)

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Authors: Kirsty Dallas

BOOK: Breeze of Life
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“Deal?” he pressed on. My answer was to climb into the back of the Jeep, right on top of our bags, pillows and blankets. Harper followed me up, pulling the door shut behind him. He prowled over my body and sank down beside me, taking my hand he pressed a quick kiss to the back of my fingers. He was grinning like a man who had just won lottery. He removed his fancy waterproof watch and set the timer. “Three minutes.” He showed me the digital display. Then he lay the watch down beside us and gave me his full attention. Of course now was the moment I grew nervous. “To give me half a chance we should remove these.” His fingers began to unbutton my shorts. My shaking hand stopped him and he stared into my eyes obviously trying to gauge what was going through my mind. Lord, he had no idea. I was about to drop another ‘what the’ bomb.

“Don’t feel bad if you don’t get me there.” Harper’s brows shot up so high it was almost comical. I blushed. “I mean, I haven’t really been able to before.”

“You’re shitting me,” he whispered. I’d eclipsed embarrassment and was now completely mortified. “You’ve never had an orgasm? Danny obviously had no idea what he was doing.” Harper’s lips found mine as he kissed me slowly, working a little harder to gain entry this time. I pushed him back just enough so that I could speak.

“And I should also tell you that the hair on my head wasn’t the only hair I lost.” I hoped he understood what I was trying to tell him, otherwise, my mortification would be surpassed and I would exit this car, march straight down the beach and bury my head in the sand.

“Breeze, women pay a lot of money to look like that.” He gently pulled the wrap from my head.

“Not me,” I whispered.

“Perhaps I can show you some benefits?” I arched a brow at his cocky remark. “After this baby girl, you won’t ever doubt your ability to have an orgasm and my ability to deliver it.” He pushed me back towards the lumpy bags behind me and I complied, nervousness still filling my body making me tense. There was absolutely no way he was going to get me off. Danny once tried for two hours straight without any luck. Harper began kissing my neck, my ear, my jaw and finally my lips. My fists were clenched at my sides, my legs so rigid they were at threat of cramping. He pulled away and looked into my eyes for a moment. Finally he reached for my head wrap. “I have an idea.” He pulled me by my arm into a sitting position and wrapped the scarf around my eyes, then laid me back down. “Breeze, you are honestly the most beautiful woman I have ever met. Even when you were ten and I thought you were annoying, I still thought you were stunning. Let me show you.” The way he kissed me with gentle demand was turning my body to jelly. His tongue met with mine and it was almost as if he were making love to my lips. The sensation shot right through my body and caused a spasm between my legs. As his kisses became hungrier, I somehow remembered that this was a crazy deal that required a three-minute time limit. Three minutes was going to leave me unsatisfied and Harper’s ego shattered.

“Timer?” I gasped as he pushed my shorts down my legs.

“Already started,” he whispered and I could hear the smug grin in his voice. Without preamble he slid my knickers down. My knees instinctively pressed together. “Open, baby,” he gently commanded. As his kisses tickled across my stomach, I gradually complied. His body settled between my knees and before embarrassment could even register he delved straight in and began lapping at my bare lips. My inner woman screamed with delight and fell back against a luxurious king-sized bed, moaning and writhing under Harper’s masterful tongue. Without conscious thought my hands gripped his head and, for a fleeting moment, I wished his hair were still long enough to grip. My hips moved on their own accord and my moans quickly grew shamelessly loud. When one of Harper’s fingers slipped inside of me, I just about left the lumpy floor beneath us, only Harper’s strong arm across my stomach held me in place. My inner woman purred her approval. From God only knows where, my orgasm slammed into me and caught me completely unawares. Never in all my dreams did I think this could feel so damn wonderful. Until now all my sexual experience, or inexperience had been…lame. Somewhere between hitting the stars and floating back down to earth, I registered the beeping of an alarm close by. Harper’s mouth moved away from my body and the incessant noise stopped as his delicious weight and warmth settled back over me. Ever so slowly the scarf was pulled away from my eyes and Harper pressed yet another long, lingering kiss to my lips. The fact that he tasted of me didn’t bother me at all. Resting his forehead against mine he murmured, “You owe me one thought.” My mind was scrambled, my body sated, I would tell him anything he asked of me right now and not bat an eyelash.

“I was hoping this somewhere special you want to take me includes sex. And I guess I was curious what sex with you would be like,” I said a little breathlessly. Harper chuckled.

“Baby girl, this special place I want to take you includes me making love to you so many times you won’t walk straight for a week. And trust me when I say, you will never go unsatisfied again.”


Chapter 16



No, not that! The station wagon made famous by surfers in the 60’s… (dirty minds)


While Harper stopped to make a curiously discreet phone call, I picked up a few groceries from a store. Soon we were back on the road, me strumming my guitar lazily, Harper looking uncharacteristically nervous. His brow was furrowed as he concentrated just a little too hard on the road before us. We deviated from the road to refuel at a massive service station, complete with a McDonald’s and a carwash. I would never think of McDonald’s quite the same again. I walked up and down the aisles in search of shaving cream, not for me of course, but Harper. As I leant over to read the labels of the two they offered, I felt the warmth of Harper as he walked up behind me. His face still held traces of anxiety and I could stand it no longer. A small insecure part of me wondered if he regretted what had been initiated between us. My inner woman though assured me he was most likely experiencing something akin to nervous apprehension. A small smile played the corners of my mouth at that thought. I glanced at him again and an idea began to take shape. A crazy idea, an ‘outside the box’ idea. It was one of those ideas that needed to be carried out without thought or else I would change my mind. As he glanced at the goods on the shelves, he was nibbling on his lower lip and I finally understood why he got all hot and bothered when I did it. However, it was still disturbing me to see Harper like this. It was the carefree goofball that made my toes curl and my blood boil. Decision made, I needed to see him smile, I had to see that sparkle in his eyes again. Taking a deep calming breath I slowly moved myself to stand in front of him. The aisle was empty except for us and I brazenly leant back into the warmth of his body.

“Breeze?” he murmured in my ear.

“Just crossing off one of your nevers,” I whispered as my hands reached behind me, between us and ran lightly across his groin. His breath caught, his body suddenly became unmoving except for a slight twitch beneath my hands. My inner woman grinned with wanton delight as I rubbed my body and hands discreetly over him. Harper leant forward and pressed a kiss to the curve of my neck. My eyelids threatened to shut under his whisper soft kisses.

“You do realize they have cameras in here,” he breathed. I shrugged as I continued to bring a certain part of his body to life. A certain large part of his body. A large part of Harper’s body that I had never touched before. My hand traced the heavy outline of his cock as Harper’s hand slipped under my shirt and his fingers teased the skin of my stomach. His breathing became heavier and his heart hammered in his chest. As someone walked into our aisle, I stopped moving and Harper wrapped his arms around me, the hardness of his dick pressed against my back. I pulled from his grasp and leant over, pretending to read a label on the back of a shampoo bottle. Harper’s hands gripped my hips and pulled me back against his hardness. Jesus! I was going to be the one creaming my shorts if he kept this up. As the customer walked by she cast us a look that was somewhere between knowing, humor and feigned nonchalance. Once she had walked out of the aisle, Harper tried to suppress a groan as I stood back up, pressing my body against his. With one last lingering touch I stepped away and cast him a teasing glance over my shoulder. “Hell no, you stay right here in front of me until I can move,” he growled.

“If I stay here I have a feeling you might never be able to move,” I joked moving further away. I could see the desire and humor in his eyes as he watched me walk away. I didn’t have to wait long, Harper climbed into the driver’s seat and cast me a wicked grin.

“I owe you one,” he chuckled. I wasn’t sure what exactly he owed me, but it both excited me and frightened me a little.

“I had to get you out of your mood.”

“What mood?” Harper said as we made our way back to the highway.

“You were nervous, or grumpy. You had that look.” He gave me a curious glance.

“What look?”

“You know, your lips get all tight and you kinda look like a cat’s bum.” Harper laughed.

“Wonderful analogy. Way to make a guy feel self-conscious.”

I grinned. “What were you all pissy about?”

“I wasn’t pissy, just nervous.” He looked at me from the driver’s seat. “You are important to me, I don’t want to screw any of this up.” His confession touched my heart. “Anyway, my nervous look can’t beat your pissy look. You pout with the best of them.”

“I do not!” I said with indignation and realized right away I was in fact pouting. Damn him! 

“I don’t like it when you’re pissy, but you’re kinda cute when you pout. Your mouth gets all sexy and your eyes get all sad. You’re like a kitty cat, I just want to cuddle you.” I shook my head, my pout disappearing behind a smile. “That’s better.” He nodded my way grinning.

“Well, it’s hard to stay pissy with you when you use that smile.”

“What smile?” he said, clearly confused.

“The panty-dropper smile.” Harper snorted. “You know, the smile you get around women, your panty-dropper smile. You’re a shameless flirt, Harper, and you have perfected the smile that goes with all that flirting.”

“It’s probably a little like your boxer dropper smile.” I sat in shocked silence. “You know, the one you get after drinking Vodka Cruisers? When you get all flirty.”

“I do not get flirty after Vodka Cruisers!” I exclaimed. Now I was pouting again.

“Awww, kitten, keep that up and I’m going to have to pull over and cuddle you.” He winked. “And now you’ve given me the go ahead to touch you and that cuddle will likely become a side of the highway orgasm.” I blushed, Harper chuckled and we fell into an easy silence. While my mind replayed my first real orgasm, I found myself wanting Harper to pull the damn car over.

As the sun began to set, we drove into a beautiful little holiday park along a pretty piece of coast called Seal Rocks. Harper disappeared into the office then reappeared a moment later with a bottle of wine in one hand and key in the other.

“They sell wine in there?” I asked.

“Not exactly.”

“What’s the key for?”

“You’ll see.” Well, wasn’t he just an encyclopedia full of information. The Jeep soon pulled up in front of a small cabin right on the beach front. My knees began to jump with excitement.

“No camping tonight?” Harper grinned and shook his head as he jumped out. Oh. My. God. No camping, but a cabin, on the beach, with Harper! I jumped out and grabbed the key from his hand as he collected our bags from the Jeep. The inside of the cabin was beautiful, modern and spacious. It had one main bedroom with a queen size bed and a second bedroom with single bunks.

“Looks like your sleeping in here,” I teased Harper as he peeked at the second bedroom over my shoulder. He dipped down to kiss my neck.

“Who said anything about sleeping?” he murmured. Never let it be said that Harper didn’t know how to create anticipation. The front deck of the cabin overlooked the beach and I sank into a chair, feet anchored on the railing before me. It was simply beautiful. I hoped Harper had no intention of us leaving here any time soon. Once Harper had unpacked the car he went on to cook dinner. I knew we were accumulating hours of slavery in lieu of money for his swear jar, perhaps he was working off some of that time? After a long hot shower and food in my stomach, I was floating on a blissful wave of existence. Harper even washed the dishes. Being waited on was definitely my style. At home it was no secret that it was me who kept the place in order. I usually took care of all the cooking and cleaning. Harper wasn’t a slob and he was away most of the year so it really wasn’t a difficult job. I never had to pay rent, so it was the least I could do in return.  With a blanket over his shoulder, bottle of wine and two glasses in hand, Harper waved me to follow him. We strolled through a gate and down a narrow path to the beach. We walked along the moonlit shore for a short distance in companionable silence. Eventually we stopped in a small outcropping of rocks and Harper laid the blanket out over the sand. The moon had crested the horizon, glowing with infinite radiance over the calm ocean before us. I took a sip from the glass of wine Harper offered me and scrunched up my nose. I wasn’t big on wine at the best of times and when I did indulge it was always a sweet wine, this one was dry with a woody flavor.

“That bad, huh?” Harper chuckled. I didn’t want to ruin all his careful planning so I shrugged with indifference and tried for another sip. This time I kept my face deadpan and Harper laughed. He took a sip and spat it straight back out. “Holy shit that is disgusting.”

“Yeah, it’s pretty gross.” I laughed with him. “Where did it come from?” Harper threw his wine out and then discarded mine for me.

“Hell if I know. I asked the park owners if they had any wine I could buy from them and they said they had something in the kitchen I could have. Now I know why they were happy to give it away.” With the cork back in the bottle Harper laid down, his arms behind his head. Unable to stay away from the heat and vibrant life his body offered, I laid down beside him with my head resting on his chest. One of his arms quickly snaked around my waist holding me close.

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