Brett's Little Headaches (2 page)

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Authors: Jordan Silver

BOOK: Brett's Little Headaches
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Chapter FOUR




I watched as he herded my kids together, and his dog, and they just walked ahead of him like nothing, huh.

I didn’t stop to ask myself why I was letting this happen. I wasn’t really afraid, in fact I felt completely relaxed around him, which made no sense whatsoever because my first impression had been that he was crazy.

But I do have a thing about honesty, and if he wasn’t that, then he really was the craziest son of a bitch I’d ever met.

I’m not one to be swayed by good looks, though he did have those in spades. That’s not the reason I was following him out of the park like a lamb to the slaughter though, no.

There was something about him that made me feel, safe. I have no idea what that was about. It could be his height, the way he seems to block everything else out when he’s standing close.

It could be the way he looked at me just then when he was telling me about my ass. Like he would devour me if we were alone.

I don’t think anyone has ever looked at me with so much heat before, it made me feel just a little weak, which is probably not such a good thing. Once bitten twice shy, doesn’t seem to hold up too well under his brand of hotness.

When we reached the ice cream- parlor, which was just a little ways outside of the park, he tied his dog and bent at the knee and spoke, like he expected the animal to understand what he was saying. Then again, the way Gunther turned his head to the side and watched him, maybe he did.

He hadn't said one word to me while we were walking, other than to finally exchange names; no he was very slick, he talked to the boys the whole way here and they loved it.

That was another thing, the way my boys just fell in line for him, that’s a first. He’d gone from gruff and mean to friendly in the blink of an eye and my two little men were eating it up.

After opening the door for us, I was a little confused when he just walked up to the counter before asking what they wanted.

But I felt my heart give a little when he walked back towards us with a bowl with what looked like water, and went outside to his dog. After some more neck scuffing he was back.

"Okay boys time to wash our hands, lets go." Oh this was gonna be good, finally my boys will put mister big shot in his place.

Everyone knows little boys hate water, mine especially. Imagine my surprise, and yes, a little hurt, when my two traitors fell in line and walked off; with a compete stranger that I'd just met in the park.

What kind of mother are you? I hurried after them and stood right outside the door; anyone coming this way might think I’m a pervert because I had my ear pressed to the door.

"Okay Garret my man, you first; wow you really like the dirt don't you lil man, you sure you left some in the park?" I heard the water running and I don't know what was going on in there, but there were lots of giggles and then I heard Dmitri's little voice saying 'do me, do me.'

"Okay sport you're up." And they were off again; were my boys starved for male attention? My dad is basically the only one they know and he spends lots of time with them when he can, but sometimes lots of time would go by if dad's too busy.

I couldn't think about that now though, because they were coming out, but later I’ll have to revisit that thought. Not that there was much I could do about it.

After the fiasco that I had made of my life, I was bound and determined to make something of myself for me and my boys, and falling into bed with every Tom Dick and Harry I meet, just to find them a father figure, wasn’t part of that agenda.

They came through the door and he stopped short when he saw me. I was about to explain myself, but the look he gave me told me he understood.

"Hey look who's here." He smiled at me while once again herding the boys back into the parlor. He took us to a table in the corner, where someone had set up two high chairs; I looked at him questioningly.

"I told Melanie to get them ready for us."

"Melanie?" Why did I feel a pang of jealousy at the way he said the name?

"The lady behind the counter, I come here a lot so we're on a first name basis." I looked him up and down, because he did not look like someone who was into indulging in sweets; in fact he looked fuck hot as the saying goes.

When his mouth was closed he was actually a pretty awesome package. I guess he caught my look because he grinned at me and said.

"Gunther likes ice-cream, every once in a while I come here to get him some."

"You shouldn't give dogs ice cream."

"Who says?"

"I'm not sure, but I'm sure I've heard it before."

"Gunther likes ice cream, he gets ice cream, the fu...heck they know, are they dogs? Okay boys what'll it be, chocolate, vanilla, strawberry, or something fun?"


"Fun." They chortled together, clapping their hands with glee.

Are you kidding me right now? I've had to eat vanilla ice cream for the past year or so because they refused to try anything else.

So when I could afford to buy it at the grocery store, it was usually a generic brand of vanilla. I could only look on with my mouth hanging open, as he walked them to the counter to pick out something 'fun'.

After they'd noisily made their choices, he brought them back and helped me put them in their chairs, before turning back to me.

"And you, what do you like?"

I wanted to fold my arms and pout like a brat but I settled for a little sulk.

“I'll have Black Forest frozen yoghurt please." My voice didn’t sound too whiny but it was close.

He actually ruffled my hair and the boys' before heading off. Once again he made the trek outside to give Gunther his ice cream before coming back in.

When he brought the tray with our goodies over, I thought to myself, this guy really doesn't know anything about kids. He'd gotten them two waffle shells instead of cones.

Before I could tell him of his colossal blunder, he explained his reasoning and I had to wonder if he made it a habit of picking up strange women with children, because he seemed to know way too much.

"I figured with a cone they'd spill more of it than they actually get into their mouths, this way they get the best of both worlds, they have their ice cream and their cone.”

“Eat up boys.” He gave the order and my little piglets went to town. I watched and listened as this guy, who now that I wasn't blinded by fury looked like something from a GQ magazine, cleaned my sons' faces and chatted with them.

What the hell? I was more than a little jealous too, so I decided to interject and countermand him. Of course he saw right through me.

"Don't be jealous little mama, it's good that they get to know me, since they're going to be seeing a lot of me from now on."

"What?" Was he serious? I think Mr. Hottie was stark, raving nuts. It’s a pity too, with that wild mane of dark hair and those piercing blue eyes, not to mention dimples; he could’ve been a real catch.

"It's short notice now, but in a couple weeks, after you've gotten to know me better, my mom would love to babysit while we go out. But for now I'm sure you have someone you call on when you need to be somewhere."

He looked at me expectantly and I felt that slight tremble in my limbs at the way those eyes of his seemed to be undressing me.

I swallowed the saliva that was starting to pool in my mouth and tried for a cool attitude once I did answer him, and not like a love sick teenager with a crush.

"Hah, somewhere like where? At the end of the day, after I've finished running around behind these two, I'm lucky if I can still put one foot in front of the other. And to answer your question, my dad's the only one I trust with them and he's working the late shift tonight, sorry."

"No problem, I'll bring dinner to you, what does the boys like to eat?" He helped Garret spoon some sprinkle- covered ice cream into his mouth before wiping off his chin.

Okay this guy is probably an axe murderer or something. What guy that looked like that, would go out of his way to be with a woman with not one but two kids? Still I found myself answering him.

"They like pizza."

"Okay boys, pizza for dinner okay with you?"

“Wait a min...”

Their loud chorus of 'pisa pisa' was answer enough I guess, but now I was left with doubts, something just wasn't adding up here.

"You know, most guys would run hard in the opposite direction from a young mother with kids, why are you trying so hard?"

He studied me for a good minute, in which time I begun to squirm in my seat. The guy really knows how to do it with a look, but why bother? He gave me this sly grin like he knew exactly what I was thinking, before leaning over to whisper in my ear.

"Have you seen your ass Laurie? It's a thing of beauty, I can't wait to get my hands along with other things on it." He sat back with a smirk, not even caring that my panties were now destroyed.

I'll need to have a talk with my ovaries later; I think they were doing handsprings or something.

Meanwhile he just sat back like he hadn’t just sent me into a tailspin. It had been a long time since I’d given any thought to the horizontal mambo, four years to be exact, but I sure was giving it a lot of thought this morning.

I watched him covertly as he interacted with the boys. As a mom I can spot a fake a mile away.

It takes a lot to put up with somebody else’s kids, especially when they were as rambunctious as my boys, but he held his own.

It didn’t seem to faze him when they got ice cream all over themselves and the table, though I cringed as I waited for the complaining to start.

But he never uttered a word, just kept right on talking to them as if he understood every word, while we took turns wiping their little faces after each mishap.

By the time we were done, and the boys were cleaned up again, I was halfway to hopeful.

I kept holding my breath waiting for the letdown, but none came and my boys seemed to be completely taken in.

Was I making a mistake here, letting them get that close to him? He was a complete stranger after all. Maybe it was a bit late to be putting on the brakes, but shouldn’t I do something? I was so lost.

Now I know what the other single mothers I met with at Gymboree were talking about. It really is hard to know what’s the right thing to do in a situation like this.

If it were just me I probably wouldn’t think twice, but was it really safe to get my boys involved?

He didn’t give me much of a choice when it was time to leave for home. Once again he took the reigns and led the way.

I have to admit it felt really good letting someone else take the lead for a change. It had been quite sometime since that had been the case.

He did it so casually too, like he dealt with kids everyday. “Oh shit, you’re not married are you?” I’m such an idiot; of course that’s it.

“That excuse isn’t gonna work for you babe, I’m free and single...for the time being.” He actually looked around me at my ass while holding both boys by the hand.

Oh man, I wonder if they make panties out of some kind of waterproof material. And where does he get off dong this to me with just a look?

He knew it too the infuriating man, because my nipples were sticking out again and his eyes were right there.

His boyish grin didn’t fool me for one second, and I had the fleeting thought that maybe I should look into some kind of birth control.

Just to be safe mind you, I had no plans on jumping into bed with him no matter how weak in the knees he makes me.

“Stop worrying that pretty little head of yours, I can see the wheels turning. We’re just going to take things nice and slow until you get your bearings, and then we’ll do things my way.”

“That’s what I’m worried about.” If he moved this fast with everything, who knows how long before we ended up in bed together. Somehow I don’t think I could hold him off for much longer than he was willing to give me.

My boys are known for getting me into situations, it looks like this time they’d really landed mommy in a pickle.

Chapter FIVE




I walked them home afterwards for two reasons, one, I needed to know where she lived, and quite frankly I didn't trust her to tell me the truth, and two, she needed help with the two pre convicts. They sure were a handful.

They fought each other for my shoulders as I took turns carrying them and I knew that I had won them over at least, now I just had to work on mom.

She kept giving me looks when she thought I wasn't paying attention, but unbeknownst to her, I was becoming very aware of her every move.

There was something in her that pulled at me, I haven’t figured it out yet, but I promised myself that I would get to the bottom of it before long.

I knew as a thinking man that if I get involved with a woman with kids it was going to be about more than the bedroom.

Which means in all good conscience I can’t take this thing any farther unless I was really interested in more than a quick fuck.

I can’t say that I had a handle on exactly what was going on, but I know it felt different from every other experience I’d had in the past.

I wasn’t already planning my escape route in my head, which is something I’ve been doing when it comes to the opposite sex, since I was old enough to date.

I always went into a relationship expecting it to end, don’t ask me where I got that fucked up mentality, my parents have been married for fucking ever and so are my grandparents.

But I’ve always had a very cynical view of matrimony. Now I find myself contemplating things that no rational man in his right mind would be, after only just meeting someone and still not knowing the first thing about them.

The boys kept me too busy to think too deeply with their antics though, and I wondered how the hell someone as tiny as she was could keep up with them.

I don’t know why, but I look at the three of them and my heart does funny things in my chest. It’s not just her then, it’s the whole fucking package and instead of running hard in the other direction like she’d said earlier, I find myself wanting to immerse myself in them.

I told the boys a story as we walked to avoid any more of their theatrics.

“We’re here.” Her voice, which was suddenly sounding unsure and shy, broke into my story of pirates on the high seas, which they had been enjoying.

I didn't like their neighborhood, the houses were too close and they were all a little worn. But I knew if I said anything, my little prickly pear would have my ass.

I had to smile at that, after being accustomed to everyone bending over backwards to kiss my ass, it was surprisingly refreshing to meet someone who gave it to me straight.

Thinking of that shit just brought my drama back to the forefront, but somehow it no longer had the same affect.

It felt as though meeting her and the boys had helped to smooth out the rough edges, which was too strange for words, considering our meeting.

"So I'll be back at about six with pizza, that about right, or do the boys eat earlier?" She looked a little embarrassed by the question.

"Um, they usually eat around five thirty but you don't have to..."

"Uh-uh-uh, none of that. Five-thirty it is, Laurie relax. I have a mom who's a mama bear, I know how moms are about their kids, so I know if I want you, you come with kids.

It's not a problem for me, I'm not a total dick." I made sure four little ears were occupied and hadn't heard me.

While the boys were busy turning my attack dog into a bitch, I pulled her into me and laid one on her.

Shit, I miscalculated there, she was sweet and soft, and her ass felt amazing when my hands passed over it slightly.

The taste of her went right to my head and places south, and if I hadn't known I was in serious trouble before, I knew it now.

She kissed me like she was starved for it, and the way she clung to me did strange things to my heart. I actually felt that shit shift in my chest. Scared the fuck out of me.

I pulled back and studied her, trying to see what it was about her. She still had her eyes closed with a look of pure pleasure on her face, and then she bit into her lip and sighed and my cock jumped.

Fuck, I'm so gone. What the fuck? All I did was go for a run. This woman needed to come with a warning sign. How the fuck could life just throw you a curve ball without any warning like that?

From sitting on a park bench minding my own business, to falling for a mouthy little sexpot with obvious baggage.

Anyone who knew me knew I wasn't the baggage type. Usually I'd be headed hard in the opposite direction, with her I was more than ready to jump right in with both feet.

I knew my personality wouldn’t let me back down from this. I’m going to have to see this through to whatever conclusion was in the cards for us.

As I looked at the boys who were looking back and forth between their mom and me like ‘what the fuck dude’, I couldn’t help wondering if I was looking at my family.

When she finally opened her eyes and looked at me, I smiled weakly at her, what else could I do? She'd just fucked up my well-organized life and I hadn't even fucked her yet.

"Okay boys go with mom." I snapped my fingers and my worthless ass dog came to my side as she headed up the broken steps with the boys.

First thing I have to do is get them the fuck outta there, fast moving yeah, but what the fuck, life's too short to play around, and waiting for something I wanted has never been my strong suit anyway.

I watched until they were safely inside, after she'd made the boys thank me for the one-hundredth time. Halfway down the block I called Candice Cantone.

"Mom, I just met your future daughter in law." Yeah I said those words, on a Saturday morning while walking down a street littered with little shops, and little white haired old women pushing their little pushcarts up and down the sidewalk, on their way to and from the market.

She screamed so loud I had to take the phone away from my ear with a grin. Of course she wanted to know everything, so I filled her in.

Not surprisingly, she wanted to know how soon she could get her hands on the boys, but I cautioned her to let me work my magic first. The woman is a baby hog.

She didn’t question my certainty either, if there’s anyone who knows me in this world it’s my mom.

She’d been having a hard time dealing with the drama that had been unfolding in my life here lately, that’s why I didn’t want to wait to share my good news with her. We could both do with some positive news right about now.

I was a mess for the next few hours before it was time to go back to them. I kept replaying everything about the morning over and over in my head. I don't remember ever being that hung up on a woman before.

Shit, I didn't even know her last name, didn't know who she was, where she came from. None of that seemed to matter though, because my dick was already in a twist.

Looks like my two dogs were running the show. I needed to learn more about the sperm donor though, make sure he was out of the picture.

I'm not into sharing, and I damn sure wasn't about to have some other dick sniffing around her once I claimed her.

I hope like hell the coast was clear, she didn't strike me as the type to accept my dinner offer if she was involved though; and the way she'd kissed me said she was starved. If her pussy was as sweet as her mouth my cock was going to be very happy with me.

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