Brick (Double Dippin') (20 page)

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Authors: Allison Hobbs

BOOK: Brick (Double Dippin')
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Except for the days that I use my nutt to heal the whelp marks I put on her ass, we’ve been sticking to this routine like clockwork. I don’t know why she feels the need to switch up the game right now with all this mushy kissing.

Licking and purring, Evette glides her tongue down the middle of my back. I’m mad that this bullshit feels so fucking good. She got me squinting and flinching as if her tongue is a high-voltage taser gun.

I kind of know where she’s going with this. And she’s taking shit too far.
Aye, aye,
I yell in my head, but I don’t say anything.

“I know you don’t like me to get overly affectionate, Kaymar, but would it be okay if I kiss you on your butt?”

Hell, yeah!
I think to myself, but I don’t say anything. Mum’s the word; the cat’s got my tongue. I ain’t verbally agreeing to a damn thing.
Do ya thing, ma, but don’t expect me to cosign on nothing.

She kisses both butt cheeks, murmuring, “I’ve been waiting for you to let me kiss your hard, muscular ass, Kaymar.”

Her warm breath on my ass tickles and arouses me.

Getting greedy, she separates my butt cheeks. A strangled groan rises in my throat. Helping her out, I lift up a little. Now she has total ass access.

Hot jolts zing through my system as her tongue dips deeply.

“Goddamn!” I shout as her tongue slips and slides deep inside, teasing me as she circles my anus with the tip of her tongue. Now I’m starting to lose it, grinding hard, and acting like I done found a wet pussy hole in the mattress.

She’s driving me crazy and I can’t take any more of this! I’m ready to explode.

I shake her off of me and then pounce on her. “You tryna make me your bitch or something?” I growl in anger.

Her eyes are wide with fear. “No, I wanted to try a new way to please you.”

I smack her face. Not real hard because I don’t wanna send her off to work with my handprint on her mug. “Talk that shit to somebody that don’t know you.”

Her good eye fills with tears. The droopy eye is dry.

“I told you, I’m not with all that kissing and affection.”

“I know; that’s why I was trying something different.”

“Well, I don’t like it. You were acting too tender and romantic. We gon’ do this my way. Understand what I’m saying?”

Evette nods dumbly; she has no idea what I have in mind.

I pick up a pillow and toss it at her. “Put that under your head and lay still.”

She’s wearing a terrified look as she obeys me. I ain’t paying that scared look on her face a bit of attention; I know she’s faking the fear factor. I can guarantee you that if I stick a finger in her pussy, it’ll be soaking wet, bubbling over with excitement.

“I call the shots in this relationship. If you wanna lick ass, you gon’ do it my way.”

“All right,” she says, nodding. So I straddle her and then shimmy upward. Squatting over her face, I separate my own ass cheeks, and align my butt hole with her mouth. My nutt sack is dangling on top of the bridge of her nose. Meanwhile, I’m sliding my dick up and down her forehead, right between her eyes.

Once again, Evette is a quick study. I don’t have to give her any guidance. I’m literally sitting on her mouth with my ass cheeks spread open, and she’s giving me a thorough tongue job. The shit she’s doing feels real raunchy and erotic. Her lizard tongue is darting all fast and crazy.
Whew! Goddamn!
She’s got me losing control and squirting out cum.

Amazingly, my nutt isn’t squandered. I smile with pride when I peep the high-protein shampoo that’s saturating the front of Evette’s hairline.


Munch came through about an hour ago. We’ve been sitting in the crib, smoking weed and kicking it while we’re waiting for Fawn. I been calling her every fifteen minutes, but she’s not picking up. I look over at Munch and shake my head. He picks up his cell from the coffee table and taps on it, sending her a text message.

“Where’s she at?” Munch says, somewhat irritated as he sets his phone on the coffee table. “I’ma try again in a few minutes.”

When he first got here, we were laughing and joking around; the mood was upbeat. Now we’re both tense and solemn, realizing Fawn has played us.

“That bitch is fucking with us; she ain’t coming,” I say.

“Nope. It don’t look like it,” Munch agrees.

Rejection hurts. Feels like I’ve been stabbed in the heart. I was
really feeling Fawn. I was willing to go out on a limb for that slut. Agreeing to share her with Munch wasn’t an easy decision.

I intended to show Fawn a lot more of my tender side today. I planned to hold her in my arms and kiss her lips while Munch took care of the sexual needs between her legs.

I was so concerned about showing Fawn a nice time, I refused to allow Munch to sniff glue. That nigga is on chill. I got him nice and mellow. I let him smoke up most of my weed so he won’t rip up Fawn’s pussy. I figure she’ll appreciate having her cunt sucked softly and licked with a gentle tongue stroke.

But it don’t pay to be nice to bitches; they take kindness for weakness every damn time.

“Whatchu got in your fridge? I’m getting hungry,” Munch says.

“Nothing, man. Evette ain’t going shopping for food until tomorrow.” I kick it like Evette is the housekeeper slash boarder. I keep the nature of our relationship on the low.

“Y’all ain’t got any snacks… potato chips…a bag of pretzels.”

“Nah. We down to bare bones in this crib.” I fail to explain that I used the last cash Evette had to buy the weed his ass is smoking up and enjoying.

“Wow, I could go for a hoagie or cheesesteak right about now.”

“I know, right? Why don’t you call the deli and order us some grub?”

“I can’t, man. I’m broke.”

I sigh. The best part of this fucked-up day was giving Evette that early morning shampoo. I find myself looking forward to her coming home. Fuck Fawn! I gotta bitch at home that’s willing to do whatever it takes to satisfy my sex drive. She ain’t selfish like Fawn. I can’t even remember the last time Evette had a climax. In this relationship, it ain’t about satisfying Evette’s needs. She’s the kind of female that gets her pleasure from knowing her man’s all right.






nya woke up in bed alone. Her first thought was that Brick had deserted her. Last night he’d promised to put his Miami plans on hold and help her get the scumbag that murdered her mother. But maybe her situation was too intense for him…more than he’d bargained for.

Her sense of panic was alleviated when she saw the text he’d sent. Brick had gone to Philly to handle some business. He said he’d be back around noon to take her to lunch. Immense relief washed over her. She was falling for Brick. He was sensitive and sexy. The combination made him so easy to love.

Their relationship was a temporary situation. Brick had made that clear. Still, Anya was determined to make the best of every day that she and Brick shared. During this temporary love affair, she was not going to hold back from showering him with all the love stored in her heart. If he only gave her a mere fraction of the love she planned to give him, she’d be able to walk away without any feelings of regret.

She thought about what she’d wear on her lunch date with Brick and sighed. Anya had been rotating the same three outfits all summer. It was a shame that some desperate and immoral person had broken into her room at the youth hostel where she was staying when she first arrived in Philly. Her money and possessions had been stolen. With no means to pay her weekly rent, Anya had been cast out into the streets.

She could have called her aunt and gotten airfare back to Indiana, but that would have defeated her purpose. Instead, she met a boy named Troy at a seedy hotel. Troy, who went by the name Cash Money. She called him C.

From the moment that she told him about her inheritance, Cash Money stuck to her like glue. He looked out for her. Found ways to pay the rent in the hotel. And when they had absolutely no money or food, he would take her to his mother’s house for meals.

The difference between Cash Money and Brick was that Brick was helping her without expecting anything in return.

Merely thinking about Brick put a smile on her lips. It would be nice to put on something new and pretty for their lunch date. With the money Brick had given her, she could buy something fly, but she hadn’t noticed any malls within walking distance of the motel.

Making the best of what she had to work with, Anya ironed her cut-off shorts and top. Giving herself a feminine touch, she painted her fingernails and toenails in multiple colors: turquoise, pink, and a bright yellow to fit her sunny mood.

At noon, she met Brick in the parking lot. To her surprise, he was driving a different car.

“Where’s your car?” she asked as she slid in the passenger seat. The car he was driving was nothing spectacular. It was actually a downgrade from his previous car.

“I had to get rid of it.”

“Oh.” She didn’t press him for details. He’d tell her whatever he felt she needed to know.

Brick patted the steering wheel fondly. “This baby don’t look like much, but she’ll get us wherever we need to go.”

“Did you hook up with your friend?” Anya was curious about the gun Brick said he’d be able to get for her.

“Yeah, my man in Philly handled the car transaction. He can’t get you that piece right now, but he’ll have something in a few days.”

“Okay, that’s cool.” A part of Anya felt instant relief. If she had the gun in her possession, she’d feel compelled to embark on the search for Kaymar Crawford. She was grateful to have a little extra time to chill with Brick. Constantly thinking about retribution put a drain on her spirit.

She promised herself that until she had the weapon in her hand, she’d keep her mind off of revenge and savor every moment with Brick.

“Is there anywhere special you’d like to eat? The sky is the limit,” Brick said, teasingly.

“With these old clothes, I’m not dressed for anywhere special,” Anya replied.

Brick gave her a look that told her she was crazy. “You’re special, and you look good in anything you put on.”

“Stop playing.”

“I’m speaking the truth.”

“You’re sweet. Thank you, Brick,” she murmured.

“For what?”

“For making me happy. I can feel myself glowing when you’re around.”

Brick smiled, but didn’t say anything. Anya understood that he didn’t want to give her false hope. But fuck it. She was caught up, and didn’t mind showing it.

“How about that restaurant. You ever eat there?” He pointed to The Cheesecake Factory, which was on the other side of the road.

“Oh, yeah, I love that place. The food’s good and the cheesecake is to die for.”

“I’m sold,” Brick said as he made a turn at the next light. A few minutes later, they were parking in the lot.

Though Brick was only about four or five years older than Anya, he seemed much older. Carried himself like a mature man. In his presence, Anya felt cared for and protected. As they entered the restaurant, two energetic kids ran ahead of their parents and almost collided into Anya. The way Brick pulled her close to him was so endearing. It was a small gesture, but it meant a lot to Anya.

There was a forty-minute wait. Brick asked her if she wanted to go somewhere with a shorter wait. “No, I’m good,” Anya said with her nose practically pressed against the glass case displaying the vast variety of cheesecake. “So many choices, but I think I’m going to try the key lime. What about you?” she asked Brick.

“Whatever you’re getting. I trust your taste,” he said. “Oh, I left something important in the car. Be right back.” Brick squeezed her shoulder reassuringly, as if he sensed that every time he left her, she feared he wouldn’t come back.

“Here you go,” Brick said, handing Anya an iPad. “I bought this off of my man. Figured you was feenin’ to get online.”

She covered her mouth to smother a squeal but her eyes bulged with surprised pleasure. “Thank you.”

“Now you won’t have to search for your pop using a public computer.”

Anya looked at Brick and pointed her finger. “You are so lucky that we’re in a family restaurant.” She shook her head. “Umph, umph, umph.”

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