Brides of the West (27 page)

Read Brides of the West Online

Authors: Michele Ann Young

Tags: #Romance, #Love, #Western, #cowboy, #Regency, #Indian

BOOK: Brides of the West
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What was he telling her? Had there been
another woman in his life who died? A wife? He must have seen her
puzzled look.

“Her name was Connie. I joined the army when
I was seventeen and went off to fight the Yankees. Before I left, I
asked her to marry me. Yankee stragglers raped and murdered her
while I was gone. The same thing happened to my mother and sister.
I wasn’t there to protect any of them.” He leaned forward and
rested his elbows on the table, his fingers pinching the bridge of
his nose.

“My dad died from heart trouble when I was a
boy. I promised him I’d take care of my mother and sister.” He
remained still. “But I wasn’t there to protect them when they
needed me. I searched for the bastards, only to find somebody else
got to them before I did.” He couldn’t tell her that he vowed to
never love again, never to have that responsibility again. That was
before he’d met Annabelle. How could he not love her?

“I know it doesn’t help, but I’m so sorry.”
She took his hand in hers and kissed it. “I promise to be careful
and wait for you. I want you to swear you’ll be careful, too.”

“Always. I better make my rounds and then
I’ll come back for you.” He cupped his hand behind her head and
gave her a tender kiss. “Lock the door behind me.” She followed him
to the door and locked it.

While waiting for Josh to return, she
cleaned the room and washed the dishes. She found herself smiling,
suddenly unable to imagine life without Josh. Despite his tendency
to give orders, he was everything she wanted in a husband. She knew
she loved him and he said he loved her, too. Her dream was coming
true after all.

Josh returned as promised, and she rushed
into his arms. After a kiss and brief conversation on safety, he
opened the door and scanned the alley. Ushering her out, he
escorted her to the saloon and gave orders to Rufus that she wasn’t
to leave alone. “I’ll come by about one. Gloria is putting together
a dinner for us.”

In her office, she settled in her chair and
drank the tea Rufus brought her. It took her a couple of hours to
do the books, and discovered she’d made money without Lauren and
her girls. The hotel awaited its first guests.

Annabelle decided there was too much money in
the safe. She prepared the deposit and went out into the saloon and
found Rufus counting whiskey bottles. “Rufus, the receipts need to
go to the bank. Josh doesn’t want me to leave the saloon. If you
take them, I’ll watch the bar.”

“Sure thing, Miss Annabelle. Simpson has a
tab of two seventy-five and I cut him off.”

“Got it.” She handed him an envelope. “The
money and the bank book are in here. Don’t let Mr. Smiley try to
tell you it’s less. I wrote down the number of bills. Would you
stop at the Emporium and pick up some cigars to sell?”

“That is a dandy idea, Miss Annabelle.” He
removed his apron and took the envelope. He retrieved a small
pistol from under the bar and stuffed it in his pocket before

Annabelle grabbed the rag and wiped down the
bar. She heard the bat wing doors squeak and saw Lauren standing in
the doorway.

“You didn’t waste any time changing things.
Can’t say I like them, but I’ll change them back when this joint is

What was she talking about?

The woman walked to the
middle of the room and continued her tirade. “Barry wanted to
and he
promised me this joint. Believe me, it’s mine and you won’t be here
much longer.”

Annabelle had had enough of Lauren Thamann.
She walked around the bar to face her. “Lauren, what are you raving
about? Barry asked me to marry him and paid for me to come from
Georgia. He made out his will leaving me all his property before I
got here. From where I stand, you don’t have a leg to stand

She saw Lauren flexing her fingers wildly
against her skirt, but Annabelle wasn’t finished yet. “Now why
don’t you slither back under whatever rock you came out from? I
have work to do.” She turned back toward the bar, but was stopped
short when Lauren grabbed her hair.

“You have no right to what was promised to
me,” Lauren whined.

Annabelle threw her foot back as hard as she
could and it connected with Lauren’s leg, causing the madam to yelp
in pain and release her hair. Turning, she saw Lauren rush her. She
sidestepped and stuck her fist out. It landed squarely in Lauren’s

Blood ran down Lauren’s dress. Her hands
covered her face and she grimaced in pain. “You bitch,” she hissed
as she grabbed a bottle and smashed the end of it on the edge of
the bar. She waved the jagged bottle and jabbed at Annabelle, whose
only choice was to retreat.

“Put the bottle down and get out,” Annabelle
shouted as she backed away from her. She threw a chair at Lauren
who brushed it aside. The chair broke apart upon hitting the floor.
If she could only reach one of the broken chair pieces, she could
protect herself.

Lauren charged Annabelle again, cursing.

Stooping, Annabelle grabbed a chair leg.

“Not until I cut your face to ribbons so no
man will ever want you again.” Lauren smirked through the

“I don’t think so,” Josh’s voice boomed over
the room. Thank God he was here. “You try that and I will drop you
where you stand. You being a woman won’t make a bit of difference.”
Josh’s gun was pointed at Lauren’s heart.

Annabelle dropped the chair leg, wondering
how he’d drawn the gun so fast.

Long moments passed before Lauren dropped the
bottle and it shattered on the floor. She stalked out of the saloon
passing Rufus on the way in.

Josh holstered his gun before he wrapped his
arms around Annabelle. “Did she hurt you?” He pressed her head to
his chest.

“Not really. She pulled my hair that’s all.”
Her controlled regular breathing belied the pounding of her heart
in her ears.

“What in tarnation happened?” Rufus asked.
“Are you all right, Miss Annabelle?”

“I’m fine, thank you, Rufus.” She leaned
into Josh and he held her up.

“Rufus, get some coffee for her.” He sat her
in a chair and took a seat. “What happened?”

She told him what Lauren had said and done.
“Thank God you arrived when you did. I think she would’ve killed

Rufus set a cup down, but she saw something
shiny lying on the floor and leaned over.

“What is it?” Josh asked, leaning closer to
see the item.

“It must have come off Lauren’s dress.”
Annabelle picked up a gold button and handed it to Josh. “It’s an
unusual button and looks expensive.” She looked at the button as he
held it out.

“I’ve got to run over to the office,” Josh
said. “She’s gone now, but I don’t trust her.” He pocketed the
button. “I’ll see she gets it back. Do you want me to take you
upstairs now?”

Enticing thoughts danced through her head.
“I’ll be fine. See you about one.”

“Rufus, send for me if Lauren comes back.” He
stood and left the saloon with his usual confident stride.

She couldn’t believe she loved him and he
loved her. Anticipation for an afternoon with Josh made her feel
warm and tingly like a schoolgirl.


Josh finally had a break in the murder of
Barry Woods. He fingered the button in his pocket. Upon returning
to his office he removed an envelope from his desk drawer. The
button inside was an exact match to Lauren’s whalebone button with
a gold inlay. The first button had been found clutched in Woods’
hand when the body was discovered.

The Emporium wouldn’t sell anything like it.
Stashing the first button back in the drawer, he decided to talk to
Hiram Johnson to make sure. The bell announced his entrance and he
found Hiram behind the counter looking at a catalog. “What can I do
for ya, Sheriff?”

“I need some information. Do you sell buttons
like this?” Josh held the button out.

Hiram looked at it, turning it over. “I
ordered two dozen of these in special for Lauren Thamann a few
months ago.”

Josh slipped it back into his pocket.
“Thanks, Hiram.” He had a suspect in Woods’ death—Lauren. She might
not have killed him, but she was there. As he faced death, Woods
had pulled the button off Lauren’s clothes.

Josh went looking for the madam. She wasn’t
at her new house and they didn’t know when she would be back, so he
went to the barbershop for a bath and shave. On the way, he
reminded Gloria about the picnic basket.

At one, he presented himself to Annabelle at
the saloon and escorted her upstairs for her to change clothes. She
tried to ferret out his plans, but he stood firm and ushered her
into the buggy he’d arranged earlier. After picking up the basket,
they rode out into the country until they reached his ranch and
stopped along a creek.

“This is beautiful. Are you sure it’s okay to
be here?” He lifted her from the buggy and she spread a blanket on
the ground. “The owner isn’t going to run us off with a load of

“No, the owner gave his permission, but if
you want to ask him, go ahead.” He lay on the blanket and patted

“We should have asked before we got here.”
She sat close to him and spread her skirt around her, but not
before he saw her shapely legs and felt a response below his

“Just say it out loud,” he teased. “You never
know where he might be.”

“Sir, can we use your property for a picnic?”
Her throaty laugh excited him.

“Be my guest,” he answered. Her head jerked

“Really, Josh. The owner might get upset.”
She gently put her hands on his chest and shoved him on his back.
When she leaned over, her breasts pressed against him. He wrapped
his arms around her.

“Who says I’m not the owner? Actually, I
bought it about a year ago. I had a well dug, but haven’t gotten
around to building a cabin yet, although I’m working on it. A
couple of times a month I come out here and hunt.”

“This is your ranch?” Pink splotches colored
her cheeks and wonder filled her eyes. “You tricked me.”

“Yep, I own it. There’s a
special reason I brought you here.” He sat up and pulled her around
to sit facing him. “This place is special and so are you.”
Her little hand was warm and soft in his big calloused hands.
He reached into his vest pocket. “I love you,
Annabelle, and can’t imagine life without you. Will you marry me?”
He pulled out an engagement ring. She squealed and threw her arms
around his neck.

“Yes, I’ll marry you. I can’t imagine a life
without you either.” He slipped the small diamond ring onto her
finger. “I love you so much.” She held out her hand and stared at
the ring. “It’s perfect.”

They kissed and he felt her breasts pressing
against him. He could no longer deny his body and lay her down on
the blanket. In moments he had her undressed. His eyes feasted on
her smooth delicate body. “You’re so beautiful. I can’t wait to
make you my wife.” After spreading kisses over her body, he shed
his clothes and slowly entered her, savoring their passion until
finally they exploded with pleasure.

After dressing, Annabelle opened the picnic
basket. “Do you want chicken or ham? There are some hard-boiled
eggs, too.” She fed him chicken and he fed her ham and they
laughed. Soon he helped her to her feet and interlaced fingers with
her. They planned the house he would build for their family.
Standing at the crest of the hill, he wrapped his arms around her
and caressed her. She touched her stomach and imagined their child
growing there.

Josh held onto her, stealing kisses, as he
drove back to town. He wanted to get married as soon as possible
and get her out of the saloon business.

At the livery, Josh stopped the buggy and
helped her out. “Let’s get you into the saloon before someone takes
a shot at you.” Solving Woods’ murder had suddenly become urgent;
his future wife’s life depended on it.

He left her in the office with the order,
“Stay in here. Things might get rowdy out there and I don’t want
you exposed to danger. Keep that gun close by at all times and if
in doubt shoot first and I’ll ask questions later. I want us to
grow old together.” She pressed herself against him and slid her
arms around his neck. “I love you, Annabelle. If anything happened
to you, I would die.”

“I would die without you, Josh. I’m certain I
can find something to do around here until you get back.” She
gestured at the general disarray around her.

A quick kiss and he departed, closing the
door behind him. Once again he headed to Lauren’s place to question
her. Her girls denied she was there, but he searched the
establishment. He failed to find her, but he found a dress with the
same buttons with one missing and the dress she’d worn this morning
with a button missing. He found a gun, but it wasn’t the same
caliber that had killed Woods. Lauren could have disposed of it. He
took the dresses to his office and left them there.

When he came out of his office he saw smoke
bellowing from the other side of town and broke into a run. Flames
shot from the saloon high into the air. His blood pounded through
his ears. Annabelle promised to stay in her office in the center of
the saloon. He had to protect her. He wasn’t going to fail this

He slid to a stop across the street from the
saloon. Flames licked the sky from the upper rooms and the roof and
spread to the front of the saloon. There was no way to stop the
fire; it would burn the building to the ground. Judging from the
flames, the back seemed still intact and he ran around to the
alley. The back door was locked. He tried kicking it with all his
strength, but it wouldn’t budge. He should’ve known Woods would put
the heaviest and strongest door in the rear. He moved to the front
of the saloon and to his amazement found it still intact.

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