Brie Masters Love in Submission: Submissive in Love (79 page)

Read Brie Masters Love in Submission: Submissive in Love Online

Authors: Red Phoenix

Tags: #Romance, #Anthology, #Brie, #Erotica, #Fiction, #Erotic

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“We would love an invite to the wedding,” Amy begged.

Master Anderson shook his head. “Sorry, Mrs. Dawson, the wedding won’t be held in Colorado. However, I appreciate the sentiment.”

His casual statement caught Brie’s attention. Was it possible that Master Anderson knew where her wedding would be? Surely, Sir must have told him… “I’m curious about the location, Master…”

Amy’s eyes sparkled with intrigue. “You mean you don’t know where your own wedding will be?”

Brie shook her head, smiling at Master Anderson. “But I’d
love a hint.”

Master Anderson laughter filled the restaurant. “My lips are sealed, pet. I’m not spoiling the surprise for you.”

“Drat,” she pouted.

When the baby fussed again, Brie walked over to Troy. “It has certainly been a pleasure meeting you, Mr. Dawson. I must say you have a lovely wife and the cutest little boy.”

“Thank you. I’ve enjoyed sharing lunch with you. I hope our paths cross again.”

“Me too,” she said with sincerity.

Brie hugged Amy next, the baby between them. “You have a beautiful family.”

“Thanks, Brie. It’s been a real treat getting to know you better.”

“I feel the same way.”

“Come, pet,” Master Anderson commanded.

Brie played with the collar around her neck so that Troy noticed, and purred, “My pleasure, Master.”

She trusted Troy would take the hint, hoping Amy might enjoy a little side of kink in the near future…

Tono Experiences Flight

rie was shaking with excitement as she pulled up to the Academy.

Tono laughed beside her. “You’re behaving like a little kid at Christmas.”

“That’s exactly how I feel, Tono,” she giggled. “You know me so well—you always have.” She reached over and opened the glove box, pulling out the small container that held the orchid comb he’d given her. “I never film without it.”

Tono opened the box and lifted out the delicate white orchid, admiring the flower. “Do you mind if I put it in your hair?”

“Please, it would be my honor.”

He smiled as he carefully placed it in her hair, his lips coming dangerously close to hers in the process. In another time and place, she would have leaned forward to kiss those lips, but neither of them made a move towards the other.

Tono sat back to admire it when he was finished. “It looks as good in your dark hair as I’d hoped.”

Brie lightly touched the petals and smiled. “Thank you, Tono. I’ve gotten many compliments on it.”

“It’s unique, like you.”

She gazed into his chocolate-brown eyes, trembling with joy. Something was going to happen today, she could feel it in her bones.

He looked at her questioningly. “What’s got you so anxious?”

“I’m not sure. Maybe because I get to film you today? I never thought I would have the chance again and you know I love watching you in your element. The icing on the cake is that I get to hang with Lea and you get to meet Autumn. I think this is mounting up to be the perfect storm of happiness.”

Tono looked at her curiously. “I didn’t realize Autumn was coming.”

“I hope you don’t mind. I invited her as soon as I knew you would be partnering with Lea.” Brie got out of the car and popped the trunk, handing Tono his heavy duffel bag full of jute. He slung it over his shoulder and offered to take some of her equipment while Brie explained, “This is a rare chance for her to see what Lea does. Plus Autumn is such a graceful person on the ice, I’m certain she’ll fall in love with your art.”

“If you think she’ll enjoy it, I’m fine with her watching.”

Brie stopped pulling out her camera equipment from the car for a moment to warn him, “She’s
shy, Tono. Autumn has never seen bondage of any kind, so this is a huge step for her. Don’t be offended if she hides from you.”

Tono gave her a half-smile. “I’ll keep that in mind when we meet.”

Brie picked up the rest of the equipment, bumping shoulders with him. “I can’t believe you’re really here with me!”

As they walked towards the school, she thought back to the dream she’d had about Tono a few nights earlier, and realized that it must have been her soul hinting at their upcoming reunion. The soul connection she had with him was truly rare and beautiful.

While Brie set up her camera equipment in the auditorium, Tono laid out all his rope on the stage. He then hung the black lights that would add to his unique performance. “I’ve chosen a toned-down version of my act, since you’ll be filming it for the documentary.”

“That’s perfect, I thin—”

Hands covered Brie’s eyes as big boobs pressed against her back. “Guess who?”

“Pamela Anderson?”

Lea giggled as she turned Brie around. “Aren’t you cute?”

Brie noticed that Lea was wearing the red kimono she’d worn for Brie’s twenty-third birthday surprise. Seeing it brought back a flood of pleasant memories involving the three of them… She grabbed her best friend, squeezing the breath out of Lea. “Oh, I’ve missed you!”

Lea gave as good as she got, and the two were left gasping for air by the time they were done.

Then Lea turned to Tono, bowing formally. “I’m thrilled to be working with you again, Tono Nosaka.”

“I’m looking forward to it as well, Ms. Taylor.”

Lea grinned, bursting out, “By the way, I’ve got a joke for you.”

Brie groaned. “Why am I not surprised?”

Lea was not deterred by her lack of enthusiasm. “So, God, in all His wisdom, promised the Dominants that good and obedient subs would be found in all the corners of the Earth…then He made the world round.”

Tono chuckled lightly.

“A+ for me!” Lea squealed.

Brie teased her, “Forced to grade your own jokes these days?”

“Hey, I’m the only one who judges them fairly.”

Brie hugged Lea again, her heart overflowing with happiness. She wanted so desperately to beg Lea to come back to LA, but knew the decision was not an easy one for her friend. In the end, what Brie honestly wanted was for Lea to remain true to her heart, even if it meant staying in Denver.

“So, Tono Nosaka, is there anything I need to know about this scene today?” Lea asked.

He led her up onto the stage and went over the progression of the rope ties. Brie went back to setting up. She looked through the camera’s lens, focusing it on her best friend, and watched Lea nod enthusiastically while Tono explained the scene to her. Brie felt a twinge of jealousy knowing that her girlfriend was going to experience flight with the jute Master.

Once again, woman, you owe me one.

Brie nearly jumped out of her skin when she felt an unexpected tap on her shoulder. She turned to see Autumn, dressed in blue jeans and a T-shirt, wearing a thin veil that covered the lower half of her face.

“I’m sorry, Brie. I didn’t mean to startle you like that.”

“Oh, no, that’s okay.” She giggled, hugging Autumn tightly. “I’m glad you made it!”

“Me too. I’ve wanted to see what Lea does here.”

“Well, you’re in luck, because you’ll also get to see Ren Nosaka, a world-renowned Kinbaku artist. Since they’re going over the scene right now, why don’t you sit beside me and we can chat while I finish setting up?”

Autumn quietly took a seat, admiring the comfortable leather auditorium chair. “I didn’t realize the school was going to be such a fancy place.”

“Master Anderson believes in quality.”

“I see that.” Autumn watched as Brie finished making the final adjustments to her equipment, and commented, “You must enjoy making films.”

“I love it!” Brie answered, not holding back the excitement she felt towards her craft.

Lea heard them talking and looked down from the stage. “Is that Autumn?”

“In the flesh!”

Lea let out a joyous squeal as she ran down the steps. She hugged Autumn tight, looking over her shoulder at Brie. “You sneaky devil.”

Brie shrugged. “Once in a lifetime opportunity. Couldn’t let Autumn miss out, now, could I?” She then asked, “Autumn, would you like to meet the man who is going to make Lea fly today?”

She seemed startled by the suggestion and sat back down. “Oh no, I would prefer not to, Brie. Let me just sit here and watch.”

“If you’re sure,” Lea stated, “then it’s time to get this party started!”

“Let’s,” Brie agreed. She called up to Tono, “Are you ready?”

He gave her a thumbs-up, looping the first rope through the hanging metal ring above him. While Lea rejoined Tono on the stage, Brie readied the auditorium lights with a remote control, turning them down except for one solitary beam that shone from above, highlighting the couple.

She whispered to Autumn, “I’ll need you to be quiet through the entire performance. My mic will pick it up anything you say.”

“Got it.”

Even though Tono hadn’t given the signal to start, Brie turned on the camera to capture this moment. It was one of her favorite parts whenever she’d scened with Tono—the process of becoming in sync with each other before the formal scene began. Brie suspected movie-goers might find it as romantic as she did.

Lea knelt on the jute mat he’d placed on the floor, and Tono settled behind her with his hands on her shoulders. He leaned forward and whispered in her ear. Brie knew that he was instructing her to breathe with him, as he slowly embraced her in his arms. Brie closed her eyes, slowing her own breath, and soon felt soothing peace enter her soul. She was amazed Tono still held that kind of power over her.

Brie opened her eyes to find him staring at her through the lens, waiting for her to begin the countdown. She blushed, held up her fingers and silently counted down from five before cuing the music.

The musical piece Tono had chosen for the performance was a combination of traditional flute and low bass drums. It started off dramatically but soon slowed to a sensual beat, drawing Brie into its erotic spell as Tono and Lea swayed to the captivating rhythm.

Brie adjusted the lighting, dimming it to a soft glow as she turned up the black lights, so the dyed jute could reveal its intense colors. She bit her lip as she watched Tono pick up the first bundle of rope and begin binding Lea in a rope harness of fluorescent purple. His movements were graceful, sensuous and precise.

Brie’s skin tingled as if she could feel the jute caressing her own skin with its magical touch.

The next color Tono chose was a bright pink, which he used to bind Lea’s wrists and legs. He pressed her gently to the floor, continuing his binding by tying Lea in a pose reminiscent of a dancing ballerina.

Tono stood, grabbed the glowing yellow rope from the metal ring above him, and secured Lea’s bonds to it. Brie leaned over, whispering to Autumn, “Lea’s about to fly.”

The two watched with rapt attention as Tono took the strands of rope and pulled on them with such skill that Lea was lifted gracefully from the ground, as if floating by her own power. He tied the jute off and cradled her face, kissing her on the lips before pushing against her shoulder to start her twirling in circles.

“Head back,” he commanded.

Lea threw her head back and the pose was complete, the ballerina caught in mid-air.

Brie heard Autumn gasp loudly, and smiled to herself. She didn’t reprimand the girl, because the vision before them was extraordinary and poignant. Gasping was a totally appropriate response that the audience would echo.

Tono continued, binding Lea in several different positions. Each was reminiscent of the last but building upon it, becoming more complicated and challenging as he progressed. The bindings the Asian Dom created accentuated Lea’s sexuality while remaining elegant, artfully emphasizing her female form as she floated gracefully above the stage.

The entire performance was breathtaking and romantic, enhanced by his occasional kisses and light touches throughout the scene. By the time Tono finished, Brie had fallen completely under his spell—along with Lea.

Brie turned off the camera and sighed quietly to herself.
That was pure perfection, Tono…

Autumn clapped enthusiastically, the moment Brie stepped away from her camera. “Bravo, bravo!”

Lea was still coming down from subspace after the scene, and was a little slow as she attempted to walk down the steps of the stage. Tono took her by the arm and guided her, sitting her next to Autumn.

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