Brie Masters Love in Submission: Submissive in Love (85 page)

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Authors: Red Phoenix

Tags: #Romance, #Anthology, #Brie, #Erotica, #Fiction, #Erotic

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“What’s this about?” he asked as he sat down beside her. “I assume you must have spoken to Thane.”

She nodded sadly. “You mentioned that Sir and I might be tested, and based on my conversation this morning, I’m afraid you’re right. Something’s wrong with Sir.”

“Tell me what happened.”

“I guess Lilly claimed that his mother opened her eyes, and she’s convinced the Beast is recovering. Naturally the idea of that has Sir in a tailspin.”

“I can only imagine…” Master Anderson muttered.

“But even more disturbing is the fact that Sir went out drinking with his sister last night and totally blacked out. That doesn’t sound like Sir at all.”

Master Anderson’s eyes narrowed. “I’ll see if I can’t talk to him myself. It could be that he doesn’t want to burden you with his problems after what happened to Tono.”

“I’d be grateful to hear if he shares anything more with you, Master Anderson.”

He growled under his breath. “Something is definitely wrong.”

“I know.” Brie’s bottom lip trembled as she fought back her tears.

Master Anderson held out his arms to her and she settled into them, soaking up his strength and comfort. He squeezed her tight, chuckling softly. “You are a tiny thing to carry so much weight on your shoulders. Would you like me to make you some more soup?”

She shook her head, a giggle escaping at the suggestion, even though she was upset. “I can handle whatever comes our way as long as I know
it is that I’m facing.”

Lifting her bodily from the bed, Master Anderson put her down facing the door. “Get yourself ready to head to the hospital. I’ll speak to Thane today and let you know what I learn.”

Brie left his room feeling more confident with Master Anderson on the case. She felt certain he could get Sir to confess what was really going on.

“Good morning, Tono.”

He looked up from his arm, where the nurse was drawing blood, and smiled at Brie. “Every new morning is a good morning.”

She nodded in agreement. “How are you feeling today?”

“Actually worse than yesterday.”

Brie frowned. “I’m sorry to hear that.”

Tono shrugged with a grimace. “It’s to be expected.”

“Well, if that’s the case, I hate to think how Todd is doing today.”

“I’m going to walk to his room so I can see for myself.”

“But you just had surgery!” she protested, not willing to have him sacrifice his health further.

Flora, the nurse, explained as she finished taking the last vial of blood, “Miss Bennett, it would be best if Mr. Nosaka starts walking today. It aids significantly in recovery.”

Brie frowned at Tono, still concerned. “But you’re already in so much pain…”

“And yet I must walk.”

Brie sighed in frustration, lamenting, “I wish I could take some of the pain—that I could help somehow.”

“You can. Once Miss Flora is done, take me for a stroll. Based on how I feel today, I have a suspicion that Mr. Wallace is in serious need of company.”

Flora glanced up with a look of concern on her face at the mention of Faelan, but quickly looked back down, continuing her work.

Tono told Brie, “And that’s all the motivation I need to get on my feet.”

Brie watched helplessly as Flora helped Tono to stand. Although he grimaced in pain several times, the Asian Dom never made a sound, but she noticed his white-knuckled grip on the IV pole.

Tono took a couple of deep breaths before asking, “Would you help me, Brie?”

She hurried over, offering her arm as support, but cringed when she heard his sharp intake of breath as he took his first step. Tono wobbled momentarily from the pain, but straightened his back and willfully took another.

“Excellent!” Flora praised from behind him. “With that kind of determination, you’ll be walking out the hospital doors in no time.”

He gave her a slight nod. “I’m certain that under your exceptional care, my recovery will be doubly quick.”

Tono took it slowly, halting several times to rest and regain his composure, but not giving up until he was standing in front of Faelan’s hospital room. It was no surprise to Brie that Todd’s parents were standing outside it, looking bereft.

Mrs. Wallace looked at Tono in shock. “How? How are you walking so soon after surgery?”

“It’s a requirement if I am to heal.”

She shook her head, tears falling down her wrinkled cheeks. “My boy is in no shape to walk. He seems even worse today than yesterday.”

“That is why Mr. Nosaka came to speak to him,” Brie said, putting her hand on her frail shoulder, instinctively wanting to comfort the woman. “He knows the pain your son is suffering and can help him to fight through it.”

Brie hadn’t been prepared to see Faelan in the same condition he’d been in on her first visit. His eyes were closed and he was breathing in short, shallow gasps.

“Mr. Wallace,” Tono called.

When he got no response, Brie begged, “Faelan, please open your eyes.”

His eyelids fluttered open, but when he saw who was standing before him, he closed them again, growling as he scratched weakly at his arm. “The itching won’t stop.”

“I’m sure you’ve been told that once the kidney starts functioning fully, the itching should cease.”

Faelan opened his tortured blue eyes and stared at Brie. “It’s driving me crazy, Brie. I can’t make it stop.”

“There is a solution,” Tono informed him.

Faelan’s gaze rested back on Tono, his tone desperate. “What?”

“Get out of the bed and start moving.”

Faelan’s nose crinkled into a sneer. “Are you out of your fucking mind, Nosaka? I can barely move, much less walk.” He scratched angrily at his chest, snarling more loudly.

“Trust me, the pain of moving should take your mind off the itching. It will also speed the healing process.”

Faelan huffed in resentment. “You may have donated your kidney, but you have no idea how much I’m suffering right now.”

Tono sat down slowly, sucking in his breath as he did so. Once he’d settled into the chair, he looked at Faelan and smiled. “I agree. I do not know the level of your suffering.”

Faelan stared at him, the anger in his eyes slowly transforming into guilt. “You almost died.”

Tono nodded. “I stopped breathing, it’s true. However, I was fully present. I saw the doctors working to revive my body and I felt the presence of Brie with me. It was a remarkable experience.”

Brie turned to him, stunned to hear he’d had an out-of-body experience. And yet…it gave her considerable comfort too. Even in death, they’d been connected.

“Why do you do that?” Faelan complained. “Why do you put a positive spin on everything?”

Tono raised an eyebrow. “It’s how I have chosen to lead my life. How have you chosen to lead yours?”

Faelan looked away, unable to meet Tono’s candid stare.

“You’ve been given a rare opportunity, Mr. Wallace. A second chance ripe with possibilities. What you decide to do with it is totally up to you. You are in control.”

“You make it sound so easy, Nosaka, but you have no idea how hard I’ve had it.”

“And you have no idea about me,” Tono stated firmly. “Still, you can choose to be a positive force in the world or a negative one. I see no point in wasting my life being negative.”

Faelan looked at Brie and said in an accusatory tone, “I suppose you subscribe to the same philosophy?”

“It comes naturally to me.”

He rolled his eyes. “Well, it doesn’t for this man.”

Tono struggled to stand, accepting Brie’s help when she offered it. Once he was on his feet, he straightened his back with great effort. “It’s as easy as that. I choose to stand, even though it hurts. I accept the assistance of others because it eases the journey.”

He held out his hand to Faelan. “Stand with me, Mr. Wallace.”

“There’s no way I can walk,” he retorted.

“I’m only asking you to stand. Each obstacle you overcome will make you stronger.”

Inspired, Faelan attempted to swing his legs over the edge of the bed after Brie lowered the side rail. He grunted in pain and frustration after several attempts, then lay still. When Brie tried to help, he slapped her hands away irritably.

“Get away, I can do this.” After resting for several minutes he tried again, but the pain proved too much. “I can’t,” he finally cried, laying his head back in defeat.

“Why didn’t you take Brie’s hand?” Tono asked.

“I’m a man, damn it, not a mouse.”

“You look like a mouse to me.”

Faelan’s nostrils flared in anger. He gritted his teeth as he lifted himself again, letting Brie help him to swing his legs over the edge of the bed. He reluctantly took the hand she offered as he pushed himself off. The jolt when his feet made contact with the ground caused him to grunt in pain, but he slowly straightened his back and glared at Tono, eye to eye.

The Asian Dom bowed his head in acknowledgement. “A good effort. The next few weeks will forge your character in ways you cannot foresee, and will solidify why you were spared those many years ago.”

Tono had purposely exposed Faelan’s greatest fear—the burden of surviving, which he had carried all his adult life. The look of vulnerability on Faelan’s face when he stared at Tono nearly did Brie in.

“You believe that, Nosaka?”

it for a fact. You were meant for great things, Todd Wallace, and this was the path you were destined to take in order to prepare for it.”

When Brie saw Faelan wobble slightly on his feet, she took his arm and helped him back onto the bed. He continued to stare at Tono, as if he were afraid to believe him.

“You can endure pain, and you can do the same with disappointment, because both will hone your spirit. In some ways they are our greatest allies, even though we resent their company.”

“Is that what life is to you, Nosaka? A constant struggle?” Faelan asked, shaking his head. “What’s the point of going on if we’re only meant to suffer?”

“I don’t feel that way at all. I’m simply sharing my philosophy on living a satisfying life. I invite the lessons of pain and disappointment so that I will not dwell on them. Without resentment, I am free to enjoy the many facets this life has to offer.” He looked at Brie. “Including deep and abiding friendships.”

Brie looked at Tono, overcome by a feeling of love and gratitude. Faelan noted the expression on her face.

“Are you truly happy, blossom?”

She met his gaze and smiled. “Yes, I am.”

Faelan tilted his head slightly as he studied her. “That must be why I found you attractive when we met. I never understood my obsession with you until now.”

She gave him a questioning look. “I’m not quite sure how to take that.”

“You are a positive force in the world.”

She blushed under the intensity of his magnetic blue eyes and murmured, “Thank you.”

Faelan growled unexpectedly as he started scratching again. “God, I hate this constant itching. It’s going to be the death of me.”

“Think of it as purposeful torture.” Tono suggested. “You are being tested to prove which is more powerful—the discomfort, or your will.”

Faelan breathed in deeply, forcing himself to stop scratching. After a few seconds he snarled, his body twitching in discomfort. “It’ll require everything I have to fight against it.”

Brie encouraged him, “Then let it take over.
fight it. I know it goes against your nature, but by submitting to the sensation—mentally allowing it—you’ll tap in to a different kind of strength… At least, that has been my experience as a submissive.”

“Sage advice,” Tono agreed.

“I suppose if that fails,” Faelan snorted angrily, “I’ll try standing again, ’cause that hurts like a motherfucker.”

Tono chuckled, then groaned in pain. “On that note, I will return to my own bed, but I don’t plan on remaining there long.” Tono grasped his IV pole and started towards the door.

Faelan called out, “Nosaka.”

Tono turned slowly to face him.

“I appreciate it.” Although he was obviously uncomfortable expressing himself, Faelan continued, “The kidney, the risk you took… This second chance—I won’t let you down.”

“I know your character, Mr. Wallace, and never questioned your success.”

Faelan surprised Brie by putting his hands together and bowing his head to Tono.

Tono let go of the pole and returned the bow, a look of mutual respect on his face.

Brie felt lighter in spirit as she followed Tono out of the room, sincerely impressed by both men. Tono had the ability to strike at the heart of a problem, but in a way that empowered the individual, while Faelan remained young and stubborn, but showed an inner strength few possessed—now it was laced with a newfound humility that would carry him even farther.

She walked alongside the Kinbaku Master as he made the arduous trek back to his room. Brie stared at him in wonder as they walked, blurting, “You saved a life—literally. There aren’t many people who can make that claim, Tono.”

“To have that kind of opportunity is rare,” he agreed, smiling even though he was panting with effort from the walk.

“Todd is lucky to have you in his life,” she said, wrapping her arm around him in support, “but not half as lucky as me.”

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