Brie’s Russian Treat (Submissive in Love, #5)

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Authors: Red Phoenix

Tags: #Erotica, #erotic, #Romance, #Novella, #Brie

BOOK: Brie’s Russian Treat (Submissive in Love, #5)
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Brie’s Russian Treat

Submissive in Love

Red Phoenix

Brie’s Russian Treat

Copyright © 2015 by Red Phoenix

Smashwords Edition

This eBook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only.

All rights reserved. Except as permitted under the U.S. Copyright Act of 1976, no part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, or stored in a database or retrieval system, without the prior written permission of the author.

[email protected]

Edited by Rebecca Hill

Overall Book cover design by Viola Estrella; Phoenix symbol by Nicole Delfs

Heartfelt hugs and kisses to:

My hubby – my lover, friend and inspiration


My betas!!!

This book is a work of fiction and any resemblance to persons, living or dead, or places, events or locales is purely coincidental.

Adult Reading Material



Title Page

Copyright Page

The Parents


Pink or Blue

Wicked Sadist

The Lake


This Will Hurt

In the Woods


A Call for Help

About the Author Red Phoenix

Connect with Red on Substance B

The Parents

nce they were in the air, Sir explained that he had a short detour planned for them. Brie was beyond thrilled, thinking that not only was she getting a trip to Russia, but an additional surprise as well. Those happy feelings soon died when she started noticing the familiar landscape of Nebraska outside the airplane window.

“We’re visiting my parents, aren’t we?”

“Yes. Although we’ve spoken to them about the wedding date, your parents deserve to be part of the planning process. It’s tradition.”

“True, but normally the bride knows
she’s getting married.”

Sir smiled charmingly. “Nothing about us is normal, babygirl.”

“You aren’t planning on telling them the location, are you?”


“But how is that fair?”

“This is not about being fair, Brie.” He kissed her hand, grinning with a mischievous glint in his eye. “It’s about planning an event that will surprise you.”

“I hate surprises.”

“No, you don’t,” he corrected. “You hate having to wait.” A young boy peeked his head over the seat and stared at them. Sir continued, “As I am a responsible, Ma—” he looked at the child and amended his next word, “…man, I must provide you with lessons in patience.”

“You try my patience, Sir,” Brie replied, pouting.

He chuckled, nodding to the child who was staring at him so intently. “I must continually provide her with lessons because she’s such a stubborn pupil.”

The little boy’s eyes grew wide at actually being acknowledged by Sir, and he quickly popped back down in his seat.

Brie grinned. It was heartwarming to see her Master interacting with a child.

Sir turned to Brie. “I firmly believe in the saying ‘Spare the rod, spoil the child’.” He kissed her on the lips and whispered hoarsely, “But it may be because I enjoy using my rod on you—repeatedly.” Her stomach fluttered at his words.

She could only giggle when the little boy popped his head up again.

As they pulled up to her parents’ home, Brie’s stomach trembled for a different reason. “This should be a good visit, right?”

Sir held out his hand and helped Brie out of the rental car. “I’m unsure. Although your parents have accepted your choice of husband, I don’t get the impression they’re happy about it.”

“Then, Sir, may I ask why you keep putting us all through this?”

“I believe in showing people the respect owed to them. Your parents did a fine job raising you and deserve to be a part of your life now. Just because they dislike me, it should not preclude them from seeing you.”

“But it hurts my heart when they’re rude to you,” she said, stepping reluctantly onto the porch.

“I’m quite capable of handling their displeasure, Brie. Don’t let that concern you. I trust the bonds we create now will eventually mend the rift between us.”

Brie shook her head. “If my parents understood how wonderful you truly are, they would greet you with open arms and a bottle of champagne.”

“Possibly.” He smirked as he rang the doorbell.

Brie’s mother opened the door, smiling shyly at Sir. “Please, won’t you come in?”

“Mom!” Brie cried, stepping inside and hugging her long and hard.

She felt her mother’s muscles relax as they hugged. After a couple of seconds, Brie relaxed as well—it felt good to be in her mother’s arms again.

“It seems like ages since we’ve seen you, Brie,” her mother complained lightly as she took Sir’s jacket and Brie’s purse. She nodded them towards the living room. “Please make yourselves comfortable.”

Brie was embarrassed to see her father sitting in his chair, purposely not standing up to greet them.

However, Sir did not let it deter him. He walked over to her father and held out his hand. “Pleasure to see you again, Mr. Bennett.”

Her father could not take Sir’s intense stare and stood up, shaking his hand. “Forgive me if I seem less than excited to see you, Mr. Davis. My experience has been that your visits only herald bad news.”

“Wait,” Brie piped up. “The first time I came I introduced my new boyfriend to you, and the second time I told you about my documentary.”

“Exactly. If you look at it from our perspective, neither was exactly good news, now was it?”

Brie stepped back, hurt by his answer, but her mother put her arms on Brie’s shoulders. “Your father is mistaken. Meeting Thane was certainly a shock, but we are both pleased to see you so happy. As for the documentary, although it was followed by much unpleasantness, we are proud of your accomplishment.”

Her father looked as if he was about to say something, but wisely changed his mind and sat back down. “Pardon me if I’m not exactly anxious to hear what you have to tell us today.”

Sir sat down and pulled Brie next to him when she sat on the couch. “As you know, we have a date set for the wedding and would like you to be a part of the planning process.”

Brie’s mother’s eyes lit up. “Really?”

Sir’s smile was engaging and genuine. “Yes, Mrs. Bennett—it would mean a lot to Brie and I.”

“Oh, you can call me Mom if you want to,” her mother replied, blushing profusely.

Brie’s father cleared his throat. “I do not think I will ever get used to a man nearly my age calling me Father.”

Sir turned to him. “And yet you will.” He took Brie’s hand in his. “Family is important to us.”

“I know why you’re here, Mr. Davis. You act all formal and superior, but the reality is you came to ask us to pay for this wedding.”

Sir shook his head, amusement on his face. “As you so eloquently pointed out, I am
enough to finance our wedding. No, your involvement would be purely your choice—with Brie’s approval, of course. In the end, it is the bride we all seek to please.”

Brie felt the heat rise to her cheeks. Hearing Sir refer to her as his bride was all kinds of romantic.

“Brianna, do you plan to come back here to marry?” her father asked.

“Actually, Dad, I have no idea where we’re getting married.”

Her father turned on Sir, his voice tainted with self-righteous venom. “Is this another example of you controlling my daughter, Mr. Davis?”

Sir patted Brie’s hand gently. “No. I enjoy surprising Brie, and in this case it’s strategic. While I devote my attention to the wedding, it gives Brie time to finish filming her documentary.”

Now all her father’s attention was riveted back on Brie. “What documentary, daughter?”

“Dad, I was asked to film a sequel.”

“Not again!” he bellowed. “Didn’t you put us through enough hell the first time? We’ve just barely recovered from the humiliation. What is this, Marcy?” he exclaimed, turning to Brie’s mother. “Why must we continually be put through the wringer by our only child?”

Her mother wrung her hands nervously. “Another film, Brie?”

“I thought you would be happy for me, Mom. Although the first one met with some resistance, overall it was received positively by the film industry.”

Her father frowned. “It was
a positive experience, young lady. Maybe for you, but certainly not for us.” He turned savagely on Sir. “Why are you letting her do this again? You
what happened last time.”

“Mr. Bennett, this is your daughter’s career, not mine. As her fiancé, I support her decision to do this second film and will help her complete the project in any way I can.”

Her father was not pleased by Sir’s reply and turned to her. “Brianna, time and time again you have proven how childish you are. It’s as if you go out of your way to test us. Why? Aren’t you too old to play the rebellious teenager?”

Brie’s lip trembled as she fought to keep back the tears. She wanted to respond, longed to put her father in his place, but she sat there mute—as helpless as a baby.

“Brie,” her mother said kindly, “Are you sure this is the best direction for your career? I know you once dreamed of making romantic comedies. If you do this second documentary, what chance have you got of being taken seriously by the mainstream media?”

“Mom, I was a kid when I told you that. Things have changed since then—my dreams have taken a new direction. Trust me when I say that this film is important to me. I’m proud of my work and I believe in it so strongly that I’m willing to face your disappointment.” She turned to her father, adding, “
unfair judgments.”

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