Bright Segment

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Authors: Theodore Sturgeon

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Theodore Sturgeon with his third wife, Marion Sturgeon. Halloween, 1961 or 1962, in the Streibel House, Woodstock, New York.

Copyright © 2002 the Theodore Sturgeon Literary Trust. Previously published materials copyright © 1954, 1955 by Theodore Sturgeon and the Theodore Sturgeon Literary Trust. All rights reserved. No portion of this book, except for brief review, may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means—electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise—without written permission of the publisher.

Published by
North Atlantic Books
P.O. Box 12327
Berkeley, California 94712

Bright Segment
is sponsored by the Society for the Study of Native Arts and Sciences, a nonprofit educational corporation whose goals are to develop an educational and cross-cultural perspective linking various scientific, social, and artistic fields; to nurture a holistic view of arts, sciences, humanities, and healing; and to publish and distribute literature on the relationship of mind, body, and nature.

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The Library of Congress has cataloged the printed edition as follows:

Sturgeon, Theodore.
      Bright segment / Theodore Sturgeon; edited by Paul Williams; foreword by William Tenn.
          p. cm. — (The complete stories of Theodore Sturgeon; v. 8)
      eISBN: 978-1-58394-752-4
      1. Science fiction, American.  I. Williams, Paul, 1948– II.  Title.
      PS3569.T875 A6 2002 vol.8





was born February 26, 1918, and died May 8, 1985. This is the eighth of a series of volumes that will collect all of his short fiction of all types and all lengths shorter than a novel. The volumes and the stories within the volumes are organized chronologically by order of composition (insofar as it can be determined). This eighth volume contains stories written in 1953, 1954, and 1955. The last two (short-short) stories were written in 1946 and 1947, and are out of chronological sequence because copies of them have only recently been found.

Preparation of each of these volumes would not be possible without the hard work and invaluable participation of Noël Sturgeon, Debbie Notkin, and our publishers, Lindy Hough and Richard Grossinger. I would also like to thank, for their significant assistance with this volume, William F. Seabrook, Phil Klass, the Theodore Sturgeon Literary Trust, Marion Sturgeon, Jayne Williams, Ralph Vicinanza, Jennifer Privateer, Paula Morrison, Alan Bostick, Eric Weeks, Robin Sturgeon, Kim Charnovsky, Cindy Lee Berryhill, T. V. Reed, and all of you who have expressed your interest and support.


Without Sorcery

The Dreaming Jewels
The Synthetic Man
] (1950)

More Than Human

E Pluribus Unicorn


A Way Home

The King and Four Queens

I, Libertine

A Touch of Strange

The Cosmic Rape
Medusa] (1958)

Aliens 4

Venus Plus X


Some of Your Blood

Voyage to the Bottom of the

The Player on the Other Side

Sturgeon in Orbit


The Rare Breed

Sturgeon Is Alive and Well …

The Worlds of Theodore

Sturgeon’s West
(with Don Ward) (1973)

Case and the Dreamer

Visions and Venturers


The Stars Are the Styx

The Golden Helix

Alien Cargo


A Touch of Sturgeon

The [Widget], the [Wadget]
and Boff


Star Trek, The Joy Machine
(with James Gunn) (1996)


The Ultimate Egoist

Microcosmic God


Thunder and Roses

The Perfect Host

Baby Is Three

A Saucer of Loneliness

Bright Segment

And Now the News …

The Man Who Lost the Sea

The Nail and the Oracle

Slow Sculpture

Case and the Dreamer

Sturgeon, The Improbable Man

By Philip Klass (William Tenn)

I first met Ted Sturgeon in 1939 in an all-night cafeteria in New York City. The place was on West 57th Street between Eighth Avenue and Broadway, and around 2
served as a hangout for what might be called the midtown Bohemians. These were indigent writers and artists and actors and students, as well as many of the orators from Columbus Circle. The Circle, in its very close proximity to Central Park, was then pretty much the American version of the London’s debaters’ heaven, Hyde Park.

I met his slightly older brother, Peter, at the same time. I called Peter, who had just returned, utterly disillusioned and spent, from fighting on the Loyalist side in the Spanish Civil War, I called Peter “the real Sturgeon.” I called Ted “the improbable Sturgeon,” why I didn’t know right then. But as I got to know him, I realized my original instinct had been exactly right.

My friend Rouben Samberg brought me over to meet him. Rouben was a very, very indigent painter who was just then about to give up the easel for the camera and was thereby to find enormous riches in advertising. He knew I was trying to write science fiction.

“Listen, Phil,” he said, grabbing my arm and pointing me at a table in the rear of the cafeteria. “Your ambition is very clear and simple: You aspire to starve for art in the pulps. I want you to meet someone who’s already made it. This is Ted Sturgeon, a successful, selling pulp writer. He’s starving.”

I shook hands with Ted and his brother, Peter, sitting beside him. Peter was thin and gloomy, prematurely slightly bald and slightly gray. Ted was thin and vibrant, with dancing eyes under a head of surprisingly curly hair.

Both of them had half-filled cups of coffee in front of them, cups which they raised to their mouths from time to time but from which they were careful not to drink. (The deal was simple: If you had some coffee left in the cup, you were still a customer who was finishing his meal and the management would not ask you to leave the steam-heated cafeteria and go outside into the ice and snow of 57th Street. Therefore I had carried my own half-filled cup of coffee over to the Sturgeon table, and—as I sat down—I carefully put it in front of me as a token of cafeteria respectability.)

While Peter spoke gloomily and bitterly of his experiences in Spain (he had gone there to fight the fascist Franco on behalf of the Spanish Republic, had become a POUMist, and therefore had been treated with careful viciousness by the Stalinist-dominated Loyalists), Ted lifted the neck of a nonexistent guitar with his left hand and began fingering its chords. After a while, he picked up an imaginary pick with the other hand and carefully and intently played the imaginary guitar. And then, as Peter spoke of specific battles and intricate left-wing Spanish politics, Ted, still strumming the imaginary guitar, began singing in a very low voice, providing an unmistakable musical background to Peter’s what-should-I-call-it?—to Peter’s

He sang “Los Quatros Generales,” the original Spanish version of a song much sung in those days by intellectuals who saw themselves as on the side of the hard-pressed Loyalist government of Spain, the government fighting for its very existence against Francisco Franco and the powers of fascism. I had only heard it up to then in its English version, “The Four Insurgent Generals.”

When Ted had finished singing—still in a very, very low voice, for why irritate the management or the busboys of the cafeteria?—and Peter had paused in his tale of a bloody night along the Ebro, I asked Ted with a bit of a chuckle why he didn’t get himself a real guitar.

“I have a real guitar,” he said. “But it’s in hock right now. If Campbell buys my new story for
, I’ll get it out. Then you must come and visit me, and I’ll play for you.”

He phoned me two weeks later and told me the story had sold.
He gave me his address and asked me to come to his furnished room that evening. By then I had read his first sale to
, “Ether Breather,” and not thought too much of it. But I was terribly impressed with the fact that he was truly a published writer, and, above all, a published writer in my favorite magazine, Street & Smith’s

He played a lot of wonderful stuff for me, but I’m afraid I was a wee bit snotty about his performance. After all, I told myself, I had recently heard both Leadbelly and Woody Guthrie in the same room, taking turns: Leadbelly on his twelve-string guitar, playing his own “It’s a Bourgeois Town”; Guthrie in his cowboy hat, playing his own “Talking Dust Bowl.”

This, of course, was years before Sturgeon came back from a disastrous couple of years in the tropics with a quiverful of wonderful songs which I and others would beg him to play again and again at parties and science fiction conventions.

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