Bringing Home Danny (51 page)

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Authors: M.A. Blisher

BOOK: Bringing Home Danny
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Finally!” TJ jumped up eager for his turn.


Eleven!” TJ shouted in delight.

Oooww!” Danny shouted back, in irritation.


Twelve.” TJ continued to count, softening his last three spanks. “You're up, Ricky.”

Ricky hesitated.

Mitch held Danny in place while rubbing the sting from his bottom. “I have his hiney nice and shiny for you. What are you waiting for?”

Danny groaned. He couldn't believe Mitch had such a sadistic and corny streak in him.

Come on, Ricky. If you love him, you have to spank him. Otherwise, he'll be jinxed with an unlucky year.” TJ almost convinced himself of the superstition. “Danny doesn't mind. Do you?”

It's fine,” Danny mumbled. “Besides, your birthday's next.”

Ricky smiled in relief that Danny's good humor was coming back. “Okay,” he agreed.

He ended Danny's birthday ordeal once and for all with four final spanks. He planted them very gently on the little bottom poised over Mitch's lap that was covered in large handprints. Ricky topped it off by placing a conciliatory kiss between the warm cheeks. It tickled, and Danny giggled.

I guess that can replace your pinch to grow an inch,” TJ said.

You don't need to grow one little bit," Ricky assured him. “Like I already said, I think you're perfect the way you are.”

Danny groaned at all of their sappiness.

Mitch lifted him back up to sit on his lap. “That wasn't so bad, was it?” he asked.

For who?” Danny demanded to know.

Mitch chuckled, gave him a tight hug, kissed him on the top of the head, and let him go. Danny crawled back under the blankets. “You're all evil,” he pouted, then covered his head.

Mitch patted his blanket-covered bottom. “Don't stay in bed too long or you'll never get to sleep tonight.”

Antonio threw on a robe and followed Mitch out of bed to make breakfast. The other two boys crawled under the blankets in search of Danny.

What are you two doing in here?” Danny groused, in bad temper.

We're making a tent,” TJ said, without batting an eye.

Danny rolled his eyes. TJ and Ricky nodded to each other, reading the other's mind. Within seconds, Danny was clutching his gut and roaring with laughter. “Stop!” he yelled at their merciless tickles.



There is no pressure, Danny,” Antonio said, as they took a seat at the breakfast table.

Despite having had the most erotic night of his eighteen years, Danny was still a virgin in some respects.

TJ was keen on pointing that out. “What do you mean no pressure? You obviously haven't bottomed lately, Antonio,” he quipped, walking in behind them.

Thomas James, we've had enough of your mouth.”

That's not where it goes,” TJ continued to sass.


Mitch followed up behind him. Overhearing the conversation he swiftly swatted TJ's backside. It wasn’t too hard. It was a caution to hold his tongue.

Danny didn't want to be a baby about the whole thing, and decided that it was time to take the plunge. “Forget it. It's no big deal.” He was embarrassed to be so worried about it.

Speak for yourself.” TJ grabbed his cock and smirked. “I think it’s plenty big.”

TJ, enough already,” Mitch scolded.

Sorry, sir.”

You better be, because the next time I smack your bottom, I won’t be playing around.”

TJ felt awful when he saw Danny hunched over biting his nails. He ruffled his soft messy hair and offered another apology. “I’m sorry, kid. I shouldn’t have been making light of something so serious. This is a big deal for you. For all of us.”

Danny shoved TJ’s hand from his head. “No it’s not,” he argued.

You’re wrong,” Antonio corrected. “It most certainly is a big deal. So take your time, Danny. There's no rush. We're going to do this right. Why don't you take a few
days to really think about who you want your first time to be with.”

Danny was nervous. Okay, the truth of the matter was, he was scared. He not only was left with the decision of when to do the deed, but who to do it with.
Why couldn't Mitch make the
decision? He decides everything else,
Danny thought wistfully.
Too bad they couldn't all do it at the same time
. Danny shuddered at the thought.
Now that would hurt!

Will you still be there even if I choose someone else?” Danny asked Antonio, after everyone else left the kitchen.

I wouldn't miss it for the world. Now, finish your breakfast.”

What if I choose you? Will Mitch and everyone else still be there?”

I am sure everyone would love the opportunity to share in the experience, if that's what you want. If you would prefer it to be more private, we will respect that, as well.”

Danny tapped the crumbs off his toast, and broke it in half before placing it back on his plate. He waited for Antonio to appear distracted, and then asked coyly, “Who do you think it should be with?”

Antonio put down his washrag, and turned to Danny. “We already discussed that this is your decision to make. Whoever you pick will be fine. I know it's hard to eat on an anxious stomach, so please stop worrying. It will do you no good to go hungry.”

Danny eventually ate his breakfast then he went upstairs to think. As comforting as Antonio's words were, he was no closer to making a decision. Although nobody had tried to persuade him in any direction, it was suggested that Mitch and Antonio might not be the easiest choice due to their large stature. Even so, they were naturally protective. Danny was confident that they would take every precaution to make the experience as painless as possible.

When Danny got to the top of the stairs, he stopped to follow the music pouring from Ricky's old room. He stood apprehensively by the door, listening to Ricky practicing his cello. He loved the gentle melodic sounds Ricky could produce from such a large instrument. Opening the door ajar, he was mesmerized by the way Ricky seemed to dance with his cello. The music he played was eerily erotic. It was a song of longing and promise, sadness and bliss. It was like taking a peek into Ricky's soul. Noticing Danny through the cracked door, Ricky brought his piece to a harmonic end with sweet release. He put down his bow and smiled at his young partner.

Hi, Danny. Do you want to come in?”

Sorry for interrupting you.”

Don't be sorry. Come on in.”

Thanks. Can I ask you something?”

Anything. What is it?”

Danny sat on the bed and hugged a pillow to his chest. After a few moments he asked, “Who did you do it with first?”

Ricky was not surprised by the question, and he thought carefully about his response. “Antonio was the first one I fell in love with. It felt natural that he was also the first one to make love to me. He was so gentle and thoughtful.”

Yeah, he is.”

Mitch can be surprisingly gentle, too.”

Yeah, they're very careful with me. Too careful sometimes, like they think I'm going to break.”

Well, when you're as big as they are, I'm sure it's easy to hurt people unintentionally.”

They sure are big.” Danny thought about making a pun that TJ would appreciate. But, Ricky was kind enough to take his question seriously, and Danny wanted a serious answer.

Instead of worrying about who you think it
be with, why don't you choose the person you
it to be with?”

Danny gave his words serious thought. That night he made his decision.



He sat up in bed chewing on his nails as the four men waited patiently for Danny to tell them who had the honor of being his first.

I choose…TJ,” he finally said, glancing up from his hands.

Good choice,” Antonio affirmed.

TJ's heart leapt - as well as other things. “I've been waiting a long time for this,” he said, with a mischievous grin.

Danny was nervous, but immediately knew he had made the right decision. TJ was the first person to see him as he really was. It irked Danny sometimes, how well TJ could see right through him. He could get under his skin and provoke him. On the other hand, TJ wouldn't baby him when he didn't need it, and that made him feel more secure. In an odd way, it was reassuring when TJ was teasing and treating him more like an equal. He was also tender and considerate when Danny was at his most vulnerable. Danny trusted TJ. He was the first person he ever felt safe enough to cry in front of. He was the first person he ever loved.

TJ tried to hide his own nervousness. It was important he did this right, and he needed to be confident for Danny. “Let's get you prepared first.” TJ wasted no time flipping Danny on his back.

Danny was about to revolt at TJ’s bossiness, and then changed his mind. He turned to his side to unfasten his pants. TJ swatted away his hands. He wanted to be the one to undress him. Danny dropped his hands and laid back down to give TJ free access. TJ got to work with such slow intensity that it created a trail of goose bumps down Danny's bared legs. After TJ inched his jeans and underpants from his feet, Danny sat up to lift his shirt off in an attempt to gain some control back. But TJ was too quick, pulling it from his arms. Danny felt extremely vulnerable being the only man naked in bed.

TJ rubbed his hands together and licked his lips. “Face down, tushy up,” he ordered.

Danny hesitated and blushed from head to toe before complying. He felt every eye on him as he self-consciously lifted his bottom and buried his head under his arms.


I don't know what's more adorable, the sweet little dimples on your face, or the set above your butt cheeks.”

Danny blushed even more at the compliment. TJ licked the twin crevices below Danny's waist. He rubbed his hands together again, this time to warm them up before placing them against Danny's backside. TJ kneaded the small buttocks giving them a deep massage. Danny was beginning to relax when TJ started to spread his cheeks apart. “Let's see that little rosebud of yours.”

At those words, Danny tensed up and clenched his bottom cheeks together.

TJ chuckled. He leaned over Danny, kissing him all the way up his spine. Danny's whole body trembled. TJ quickly stripped off his own clothing to rest naked against him. He moved Danny's bent arm away from his face and kissed his rosy cheekbone.

Danny sighed.

TJ licked his ear and whispered, “Are you going to open up those sweet cheeks for me, or am I going to have to guess some secret code word first?”

Danny turned on his side to say something wise, and TJ stopped him by covering his mouth with his. TJ's tongue reached in, vying for control. Danny relinquished control for a stunned moment before pushing back. He loved the taste and smell of TJ. He sought out his scent whenever he felt hurt and lonely. It brought him back to the first time TJ kissed him, the first time he was held and comforted by a man.

Danny was left speechless. TJ took the opportunity to continue kissing him down his throat, chest, and belly. He got to the soft, smooth area below his waist and just above his groin. He sucked in the flesh between his teeth causing Danny to writher in anticipation. TJ was enjoying his reaction, and kept sucking until it was sure to leave a hickey. He kissed the mark lovingly before placing a pillow by Danny's stomach and turning him back over. With his backside comfortably raised, TJ nudged Danny's legs further to spread his bottom cheeks. He circled his opening with his tongue, and Danny fought the urge to clench. TJ sucked the tip of his finger and then pressed it firmly to his rectum. “Relax, baby, and open up that boy pussy for me.”

Danny would have rolled his eyes if he weren't so turned on. His groan turned into an extended moan. This was all new territory for Danny. No girl ever did this to him. He closed his eyes and quivered as TJ delicately pushed in the tip of his finger, wiggled it, and pulled it out. TJ grinned and rested his chin on one of Danny's taut butt cheeks. “Tight.”

He nestled his nose into Danny's crack and blew into it. It gave Danny chills and his cheeks quivered again. TJ spread his bottom further apart, and licked up and down his sensitive perineum until Danny's body became accustomed to the sensation. TJ moaned at the cute little mewing noises Danny was making before he reached the tip of his tongue into his small opening.

Oh,” Danny said in surprise. He instinctively lifted his backend up to greet TJ's tongue as he dipped in further. “Yuck, you like that?” Danny questioned.

Mmm...Yummy,” TJ answered.

Danny shrugged, but couldn't hide his obvious pleasure. He was unable to hold back his 'Oohs' and 'Ahhs' when TJ began to feverishly lick and kiss the contractions he was creating.

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