Bringing Up Bebe (30 page)

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Authors: Pamela Druckerman

BOOK: Bringing Up Bebe
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After a few minutes, Bean cometesings over to me on the couch. “Breakfast is ready, but you have to do the coffee,” she says. She’s calm, and very pleased. I’m struck by how happy—or more specifically how
—being autonomous makes her feel. I haven’t praised or encouraged her. She’s just done something new for herself, with me as a witness, and is feeling very good about it.

Dolto’s idea that I should trust my children, and that trusting and respecting them will make them trust and respect me, is very appealing. In fact, it’s a relief. The clutch of mutual dependency and worry that often seems to bind American parents to their kids feels inevitable at times, but it never feels good. It doesn’t seem like the basis for the best parenting.

Letting children “live their lives” isn’t about releasing them into the wild or abandoning them (though French school trips do feel a bit like that to me). It’s about acknowledging that children aren’t repositories for their parents’ ambitions or projects for their parents to perfect. They are separate and capable, with their own tastes, pleasures, and experiences of the world. They even have their own secrets.

My friend Andi ended up letting her older son go on that trip to the salt marshes. She says he loved it. It seems he didn’t need to be tucked in every night; it was Andi who needed to do the tucking. When it was time for Andi’s younger son to start taking the same class trips, she just let him go.

Maybe I’ll get used to these trips, though I haven’t signed up Bean for one yet. My friend Esther proposes that we send our daughters off together to a
colonie de vacance
next summer, when they’ll be six years old. I find this hard to imagine. I want my kids to be self-reliant, resilient, and happy. I just don’t want to let go of their hands.

the future in french


y mother has finally accepted that we live across an ocean from her. She’s even studying French, though it’s not going as well as she’d like. An American friend of hers, who lived in Panama but spoke little Spanish, suggests a technique: Say a Spanish sentence in the present tense, then shout the name of the intended tense. “I go to the store . . .
!” means that she went to the store. “I go to the store . . .
!” means that she’ll go later.

I’ve forbidden my mother to do this when she comes to visit. To my astonishment, I now have a reputation to protect. I have three kids in the local school and courteous relations with neighborhood fishmongers, tailors, and café proprietors. Paris finally cares that I’m here.

I still haven’t swooned for the city. I get tired of the elaborate exchanges of
and of using the distancing
with everyone but colleagues and intimates. Living in France feels a bit too formal and doesn’t bring out my freewheeling side. I realize how much I’ve chaneryged when, on the metro
one morning, I instinctively back away from the man sitting next to the only empty seat, because I have the impression that he’s deranged. On reflection, I realize my only evidence for this is that he’s wearing shorts.

Nevertheless, Paris has come to feel like home. As the French say, I’ve “found my place.” It helps that I’ve made some wonderful friends. It turns out that behind their icy facades, Parisian women need to mirror and bond, too. They’re even hiding a bit of cellulite. These friendships have turned me into a bona fide Francophone. I’m often surprised, midconversation, to hear coherent French sentences coming out of my own mouth.

It’s also exciting watching my kids become bilingual. One morning, as I’m getting dressed, Leo points to my brassiere.

“What’s that?” he asks.

“A bra,” I say.

He immediately points to his arm. It takes me a second to understand: the French word
(with a silent “s”) means “arm.” He must have learned this word at his crèche. I quiz him and discover that he knows most of the other main body parts in French, too.

What has really connected me to France is discovering the wisdom of French parenting. I’ve learned that children are capable of feats of self-reliance and mindful behavior that, as an American parent, I might never have imagined. I can’t go back to not knowing this—even if we end up living elsewhere.

Of course, some French principles are easier to implement when you’re actually on French soil. When other children aren’t having midday snacks at the playground, it’s easier not to give your child a snack either. It’s also easier to enforce boundaries for your own kids’ behavior when everyone around you is enforcing more or less the same boundaries (or as I often ask Bean, “Do they let you do this in school?”).

But much about “French” parenting doesn’t depend on where you live, or require access to certain types of cheese. It’s as accessible in Cleveland as in Cannes. It mostly requires a parent to shift how she conceives of her relationship to her children and what she expects from them.

Friends often ask whether I’m raising my kids to be more French or American. When I’m with them in public, I usually think they’re somewhere in between: badly behaved compared with the French kids I know and pretty good compared with the Americans.

They don’t always say
au revoir
, but they know that they’re supposed to. Like a real French mother, I’m always reminding them of it. I’ve come to see this as part of an ongoing process called their
, in which they increasingly learn to respect other people, and learn to wait. This
seems to be gradually sinking in.

I’m still striving for that French ideal: genuinely listening to my kids but not feeling that I must bend to their wind ="-lls.
I still declare, “It’s me who decides” in moments of crisis, to remind everyone that I’m in charge. I see it as my job to stop my kids from being consumed by their own desires. But I also try to say yes as often as I can.

Simon and I have stopped discussing whether we’ll stay in France. If we do, I’m not sure what’s in store as our children get older. By the time French kids become teenagers, their parents seem to give them quite a lot of freedom and to be matter-of-fact about their having private lives, and even sex lives. Perhaps that gives the teenagers less reason to rebel.

French teenagers seem to have an easier time accepting that
have private lives, too. After all, the parents have always acted as if they do. They haven’t based life entirely around their children. French kids do plan to move out of their parents’ homes eventually. But if a Frenchman in his twenties still lives with his parents, it isn’t quite the humiliating tragedy that it is in America. They can let each other live their lives.

The summer before
Bean starts kindergarten I realize that the French way of parenting has really gotten under my skin. Practically all of her French friends are spending weeks of their summer vacations with their grandparents. I decide that we should send Bean to stay in Miami with my mother. My mom will be visiting us in Paris anyway, so they can fly back together.

Simon is against it. What if Bean gets madly homesick and we’re an ocean away? I’ve found a day camp with daily swimming lessons. Because of the timing, she’ll have to start the camp midsession. Won’t it be difficult for her to make friends? He suggests we wait a year, until she’s older.

But Bean thinks the trip is a spectacular idea. She says she’ll be fine alone with her grandmother, and that she’s excited about the camp. Simon finally acquiesces, perhaps calculating that with Bean away, he’ll get to spend more time in cafés. I’ll fly to Miami to bring her home.

I give my mother just a few instructions: no pork, lots of sunblock. Bean and I spend a week fine-tuning the contents of her carry-on bag for the airplane. We have a moment of melancholy, when I promise to call every day.

And I do. But as soon as Bean arrives in Miami, she is so absorbed in her adventure that she won’t stay on the phone for more than a minute or two. I rely on reports from my mom and her friends. One of them writes in an e-mail to me, “She ate sushi with us tonight, taught us some French, told us about some pressing issues concerning her friends from school, and went off to bed with a smile on her face.”

After just a few days, Bean’s English—which was once mid-Atlantic-mysterious with a British twist—now sounds almost fully American. She says “car” with a full, flat “ahr.” However, she’s definitely milking her status as an expatriate. My mom says they listened to her language tapes in the car and that Bean declared, “That man doesn’t know French.”

Bean does try to figure out what’se oritish t happened in Paris while she was away. “Is Daddy fat? Is Mommy old?” she asks us, after about a week. My mom says Bean keeps telling people when I’ll arrive in Miami, how long I’ll stay, and where we’ll go after that. Just as Françoise Dolto predicted, she needs both independence and a rational understanding of the world.

When I tell friends about Bean’s trip, their reactions split straight down national lines. The North Americans say that Bean is “brave” and ask how she’s coping with the separation. None are sending kids her age off for ten-day stints with their grandparents, especially not across an ocean. But my French friends assume that detaching a bit is good for everyone. They take for granted that Bean is having fun on her own and that I’m enjoying a well-deserved break.

As the kids become more independent, Simon and I are getting along better. He’s still irritable, and I’m still irritating. But he’s decided that it’s okay to be cheerful sometimes and to admit that he enjoys my company. Every once in a while, he even laughs at my jokes. Weirdly, he seems to find Bean’s sense of humor hilarious.

“When you were born, I thought you were a monkey,” he tells her playfully one morning.

“Well, when you were born, I thought you were a caca,” she replies. Simon laughs so hard at this, he’s practically in tears. It seems I’ve just never hit on his preferred category of humor: scatological surrealism.

I haven’t started making potty jokes, but I have made other concessions. I micromanage Simon less, even when I come out in the morning and he’s serving the kids unshaken orange juice. I’ve figured out that, like them, he craves autonomy. If that means a glass full
of pulp for me, so be it. I no longer ask what he’s thinking about. I’ve learned to cultivate—and appreciate—having some mystery in our marriage.

Last summer, we went back to the seaside town where I first noticed all those French children eating happily in restaurants. This time, instead of having one child with us, we have three. And instead of trying to manage in a hotel, we wisely rent a house with a kitchen.

One afternoon, we take the kids out for lunch at a restaurant near the port. It’s one of those idyllic French summer days, when whitewashed buildings glow in the midday sun. And strangely, all five of us are able to enjoy it. We order our food calmly, and in courses. The kids stay in their seats and enjoy their food—including some fish and vegetables. Nothing lands on the floor. I have to do a bit of gentle coaching. It’s not as relaxing as dining out alone with Simon. But it really does feel like we’re on vacation. We even have coffee at the end of the meal.

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I am extremely grateful to my agent, Suzanne Gluck, and to Ann Godoff and Virginia Smith at the Penguin Press.

My profound thanks go to Sapna Gupta for her astute reading of the manuscript. Adam Kuper gave me advice and encouragement when I needed it most. Pauline Harris provided expert help with research. Ken Druckerman didn’t just comment on the early chapters; he also accepted packages on my behalf.

to my posse of mother readers: Christine Tacconet, Brooke Pallot, Dietlind Lerner, Amelia Relles, Sharon Galant, and the heroic Hannah Kuper, who read the chapters on pregnancy while having contractions herself.

For their general support, often in the form of food or shelter, thanks to Scott Wenger, Joanne Feld, Adam Ellick, Jeffrey Sumber, Kari Snick, Patrick Weil, Lithe Sebesta, Adelyn Escobar, Shana Druckerman, Marsha Druckerman, Steve Fleischer, and Nancy and Ronald Gelles. Thanks to Benjamin Barda and my colleagues on the
rue Bleue
for their camaraderie, parenting tips, and lessons on how to enjoy lunch

I am indebted to the many French fam
ilies who let me hang around with them, and to the people whose introductions made all that hanging around possible: Valerie Picard, Cécile Agon, Hélène Toussaint, William Oiry, Véronique Bouruet-Aubertot, Gail Negbaur, Lucie Porcher, Emilie Walmsley, Andrea Ipaktchi, Jonathan Ross, Robynne Pendariès, Benjamin Benita, and Laurence Kalmanson. Thanks to crèche Cour Debille and crèche Enfance et Découverte, especially Marie-Christine Barison, Anne-Marie Legendre, Sylvie Metay, Didier Trillot, Alexandra Van-Kersschaver, and Fatima Abdullarif. Special gratitude goes to the family of Fanny Gerbet.

It’s much easier to write a parenting book when you’re blessed with extraordinary parents—Bonnie Green and Henry Druckerman. It’s also a gift to be married to someone who’s better at what I do than I am. I couldn’t have written this book without the encouragement and tolerance of my husband, Simon Kuper. He critiqued every draft, and in so doing, made me a better writer.

Finally, thanks to Leo, Joel, and Leila (rhymes with sky-la). This is what Mommy was doing in her office. I hope that one day you’ll think it was worth it.

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