Broken (Breaking the Rules) (4 page)

BOOK: Broken (Breaking the Rules)
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“You really are something, Andi. I’m going to enjoy playing our little game,” he growled. He quickly leaned over and brushed his lips against mine but never gave into the full-on kiss I knew we both wanted. Pulling away as fast as he swooped in, he instructed, “Go to your friend. I will come get you in a little while and we can get on to the next round at my place.”

Winking at him, I tossed my hair back and strode out of the room, not giving him the satisfaction of an answer. Tonight was off to a




Today I finally dragged myself out of bed and showered. Even I was offended by my smell. Pepper told me that I should be using my time to study for my finals next week. Quite honestly, I could care less about them.

Bray texted me again today, once again begging me to forgive him. It wouldn’t be so hard if he would just go away. But no. No, he needed me back because he suddenly “realized what a mistake I made.” Too fucking bad, Bray.

Curious while in the bathroom, I weighed myself only to discover I’ve lost ten pounds. Oops. I’m not going to tell Pepper about that one.

How am I going to recover from this? I don’t feel like this hole in my heart will ever close up. It feels as if I’ve been cut and am bleeding internally. I wish there were a way to numb my pain. How do people get over having their hearts ripped to shreds? I honestly have no idea how to stop the pain.





“Did you fall in?” Pepper asked, smirking when I walked up to our table.

“Oh Pepper, you have no idea how happy I am right now. Mr. Tall, Dark, and Handsome is named Jackson. He and I just had the hottest freaking quickie in the backroom,” I exclaimed and started to laugh when she made a face.

“Andi! Are there any bounds to your sexcapades?” she frowned at me.

“Pepper, don’t be jealous. That sexy man just banged the hell out of me over the desk and stole my panties. Dare I say he’s a keeper?”

“So he’s the new weekender I’m guessing?” she inquired, picking at her nail.

I sighed as I took a sip of my drink. “Yes, he’s the new weekender. Don’t worry though. We’re going to his place. You can sleep peacefully tonight, my friend.” She looked up at me with concerned eyes.

“Andi, I don’t know if that’s a good idea. It isn’t safe to just run off with a perfect stranger you met in a bar, you know.”

“Pepper, please. It will be fine. He is a nice businessman, looks really successful, knows about architecture. It’s not a big deal. I promise,” I assured her calmly.

She sighed as she conceded finally. Smiling, I grabbed her hand. Pepper was a great friend. Always concerned and looking out for me. I loved that girl. Putting on her bitch face, she shot out, “Now, don’t get any STDs or pregnant. I swear, Andi, your vag is going to fall out one day!” Giggling, I kicked her under the table.

After a couple more drinks, she hopped off her stool and gave me a hug. “Andi, I am getting out of here and grabbing a cab home. Mr. Tall, Dark, and Handsome has been looking at you for the last fifteen minutes like he wants to devour you and it’s making me kind of nauseous. Be safe and call me if you have problems. Love you, babe,” she waved goodbye as she headed out of the bar.

As I watched her leave, an arm snaked around my shoulder. Smiling, I turned to say something sassy to Jackson but frowned when I realized it was just some guy who thought he had ownership over me now that my friend was gone.
Hell no.
Before I could rip his balls off with my words, he was jerked away from me.

“She’s mine tonight, buddy,” Jackson growled from behind me.

I laughed at his bold words.
Actually, I believe he is mine tonight

“You ready, Andi?” he questioned, pulling my hand into his.

“Why yes, Jackson. I’m ready to continue our delicious game,” I confirm, looking into those dark eyes. They darted to my lips momentarily, so I licked them for good measure. Immediately his eyes met mine again.

“I think I’ve finally met my match,” he growled, pulling me towards the exit. I smiled, thinking about how I’d affected this man. A man who looked like he led powerful meetings and had an army of employees under him. It was empowering when I could get men like this to eat from my hand. If only Brayden could see me now. Stupid fucker lost his chance long ago.

When we stepped out of the bar, the chilly air whipped around me and I immediately missed my panties. We reached the curb to call a cab—or so I thought. Instead, I was pleasantly surprised when a black sedan pulled up in front of us. Jackson opened the rear door so I could get in. Once I got inside the posh interior of the car, he closed the door and got in on the other side.

“Going home, sir?” asked the older gentleman driving the car. He had an English accent that was quite adorable.

“Yes, George,” Jackson affirmed smoothly. Reaching over, he rested his hand on my upper thigh. Sitting in the car made my dress inch up. Considering the location of his hand and my lack of panties, I could feel the heat from his pinky finger just centimeters from where I truly wanted it.

“So, do you play this game often?” he inquired.

“Every weekend,” I told him saucily. His pinky finger softly stroked back and forth causing me to shift a little closer to him, needing to be touched.

“How does a beautiful woman, like yourself, get herself involved in such an unusual game?” he asked, sounding like he genuinely wanted to know.

Annoyed at his question, I sighed and changed the subject. “So, what do you do for a living?”

He sat quietly, realizing I didn’t want to answer his question before he finally muttered, “I’m a businessman.”
Vaguest answer ever.

For the rest of the short ride to his place, we sat in silence. His pinky still stroked my thigh, but I was in another place mentally.
Why do I play this game?
Oh, that’s right—fucking Brayden. The man had changed me that night but I could honestly say I felt fine. I wasn’t heartbroken anymore and I was having fun. Why, then, did I get the feeling that I was being judged by Jackson?
Asshole better make it up to me.
There was no way I was letting him ruin my weekend fun with his judgmental undertones.

The car finally came to rest in front of a posh-looking building. Jackson got out, opened my door for me, and lent his hand to pull me out of the car. I was pretty sure he just got a sneak preview when his eyes darted between my legs momentarily.

Once out of the car, I admired the building. It had recently been renovated. And even though it boasted of newer colors and detail, it still had the charm of all the older buildings in this city. I’d never tire of appreciating these structures. Wishing I had my camera, I vowed to remember to come back and photograph it.

“Come on, let’s get inside. The wind is picking up and some of us aren’t dressed properly for it,” he smirked. He placed his hand on my lower back and guided me inside.

If I thought the outside was pretty, the lobby was absolutely stunning. It had high ceilings and gold detail. The furniture and fixtures were quite ornate. He led me to some elevators, punched in a code on the keypad, and then pushed the “P” for penthouse. Jackson lived quite well, it would seem.

After we silently rode to the top, the doors opened to a sleek, modern-looking loft. Greys and blacks seemed to be the color scheme.

“Andi, can I offer you some wine?” Jackson asked me as I sat my purse down on the entryway table. When I nodded, he whisked away to the bar area just off the living room. “So it’s safe to presume that personal inquiries are off subject in our little game?” he asked as he poured two glasses of red wine.

“You presume correctly, Jackson. I feel like we can have some fun but please, let’s just make it about sex. I am not really into spilling details about my life,” I said to him. “It’s not even worth the breath quite honestly.”

He studied me for a moment, trying to understand my answer. Finally walking back over to me, he handed me my wine, and I greedily drank it down. He just raised an eyebrow and handed me the other glass so he could go back and refill the now empty one.

Things had been completely awkward since the moment he questioned my motives for my game in the car. Pepper would probably like that about him. Damn him. Damn her. The earlier spark seemed to have fizzled, and I was at a loss as to how to get it back.

Taking matters into my own hand, I sucked down the second glass and glided over to him. Once we were touching chest to chest, I wrapped my arms around his neck and tilted my head up, inviting him in for a kiss. He set the glass down on the table beside him and leaned down until his lips were almost touching mine. I licked my lips to draw him in further, and he took the bait, claiming my mouth furiously. The spark that had dwindled roared to life as we tasted each other. He nibbled at my lip and sucked on my tongue, causing me to moan into his mouth. My hands made their way to his perfect hair and I took pleasure in pulling it and messing it up for him.

His hands made their way to my ass and he roughly grabbed it, pulling me closer to him. I could feel how excited he was, now that I was pressed firmly against him. His hands suddenly slipped under my dress and yanked it up over my hips. As he continued to kiss me, one hand slipped to my sex and began rubbing me. I shivered at the touch and moaned again into his mouth, causing him to growl.

“I need to see you naked,” he said gruffly, pulling away.

“Lead the way, hot stuff,” I purred back at him.

He surprised me by scooping me up into his arms. When I squealed, he laughed and stalked into his bedroom with me in tow. Unceremoniously, he dropped me onto his gigantic bed.

“Hey! Asshole!” I giggled. He squatted down before me and pulled off my shoes. Taking both of my hands, he pulled me up off the bed to face him. Reaching behind me, he unzipped the zipper to my dress and it fell to my hips revealing my breasts that were carefully tucked away in my man-killer bra. He licked his lips appreciatively and continued to undress me by easing the dress the rest of the way off of me. Helping him out, I unclasped my bra, finally freeing my breasts. He slid my bra down my arms and tossed it aside.

“Wow, you are an absolutely gorgeous woman.”

Smiling, I taunted, “Don’t be a tease. Show me what’s under the suit, Jackson.” When he didn’t make any moves to undress, I unbuttoned his jacket, pushing it off his shoulders so that it dropped to the floor. Following the jacket, I started unbuttoning his dress shirt and loosening his tie. He finally decided to assist and removed the tie. Once the last button had been undone, he ripped his shirt away, revealing a very sculpted, tan chest.

Instinctively, I ran my hands up his abs and over his pecks. He had a perfect body. Slipping my hands downward, I unbuckled his belt for him and then unfastened his pants. He pulled down the zipper and the pants fell to his ankles, leaving me to admire his physique in just his black boxer briefs. Keeping his eyes trained on mine, he removed the boxer briefs and his hard length bounced out.

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