Broken (Endurance) (36 page)

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Authors: April Thomas

BOOK: Broken (Endurance)
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"It just came up."


"Well, it might take me all day, but I will be back tonight. Let’s go hit one of the new restaurants tonight," Makayla requested, walking towards him.


Tamarius leaned down and kissed her. "It's a date."


"Let’s eat."


It was after nine in the morning when Makayla and Tamarius went their separate ways. He was happy that God had heard his prayer and Makayla would be kept busy all day. He made his way to the orphanage hoping to cleanse it quickly. Before entering the building he said a powerful prayer, placing the armor of God on him to protect him in battle. He took a deep breath before unlocking the door and entering the old building.


It was dark and smelled foul. Tamarius quickly felt uneasy when he locked the door behind him. He could feel something staring at him. Tamarius turned to see what was causing him to feel on edge. He froze at the sight of a little boy staring him down. "Hey, little man, what are you doing here?" Tamarius asked, looking around as he walked towards him and knelt down to the boy’s level. The little boy stood motionless as he stared at Tamarius.


"Where is Makayla?" he questioned robotically.


Tamarius jumped up and remembered what Tia had said about finding a mysterious little boy at the mall. "Who are you?" Tamarius asked.


"I want Makayla!"


Tamarius centered his focus on the little boy who stared at him with disdain. He wasn't going to let anything or anyone harm his wife. "Who sent you?"


"I want Makayla!"


Tamarius bent down to meet the little boy face to face. "Not even over my dead body."


"Take me to Makayla, now!"


"Show your true face, Demon."


"Take me to Makayla, now!" the boy yelled as his voice transformed into a dark demonic scream and he disappeared.


Tamarius stood up as he mentally summoned his sword, which instantly appeared in his open and waiting right hand. He spun the handle of his sword in his hand as he walked around the orphanage. Tamarius could hear all sorts of demonic voices. He felt things flying past him while blurs of entities appeared and disappeared before him. Suddenly Tamarius was blindsided and knocked across the room.  He slammed into a wall. He was grabbed by the neck and held up against a wall. Tamarius chuckled as he recognized the demon that was attacking him.


"Missing a horn?" Tamarius laughed, mocking the demon he’d attacked and had hacked off his horn.


The demon threw him across the room. Tamarius stood up coughing and rubbing his neck. He was amused and ready to get to the bottom of why this demon was after Makayla. Tamarius stood up and walked over to the eight foot demon. "What is it about you and Makayla?" Tamarius held his sword out in front of him.


The demon laughed "You don't know." He started.


"Know what?"


"Who the hell are you to ask me questions?" the demon growled.


"I really don't think I need to explain myself."


"I don't have to tell you anything."


"In the name of Jesus you will tell me why you are coming after Makayla."


The demon had no choice, but to answer Tamarius. He hissed as he glared at him, his black leathery lips glistening in the dimly lit room. "Why did you have to bring him into it?" he snarled.


"In the name of Jesus..." Tamarius was cut off as the demon began to speak.


"Neil Boswell made a deal with me, allowing me entrance into his temple and into his body so that I could impregnate Makayla and bring into the world my very own demonic son."


"How would that work? He would only be half. He could go either way. Why would you choose her?" Tamarius inquired.


"After the child was born, I would kill her, leaving my son to be raised by Neil. Without his mother around he would be molded to evil."


"And how is that working out for you?"


The demon growled at Tamarius. "Neil failed me. He was not strong enough to hold Makayla, and you..."


"Don't even try it," Tamarius said, cutting him off.


The demon knew he couldn't fool Tamarius. He was too close to God. "This isn't over. I had her once and I will have her again."


"Is that what this is really about? You just want to have her?" Tamarius asked.


"I must have her again. The taste of her has become my addiction," he said, grinning and showing Tamarius his teeth.


"Well, that’s just not going to happen," Tamarius said.


The demon approached Tamarius
and sniffed him
then turn his head, trying to blow the scent out of his nose. He walked around Tamarius, glowering at him. "You... You are the one covering her now."


"You will never touch her again. She is not one of your kind," Tamarius growled as the demon continued to walk around him.


"You know how much fun it is to defile one of God's beloved." The demon snarled and faced Tamarius. "Oh, I know she's a special one... a daughter."


Tamarius laughed. "I don't even know why I’m worrying. You can't touch her."


"If I can't have her, no man will," the demon yelled before vanishing.


Tamarius looked around the orphanage. It was pointless to even think he could perform a spiritual cleansing on it. The entire structure needed to be torn down and demolished. He looked at his watch and saw it was almost time to meet Makayla for dinner. He glanced at his sword and it disappeared into thin air. As he walked out of the building, he made sure to lock the door behind him.


He thought about what that demon had said and felt a sudden need to see his wife. He needed to make sure she was safe, just for his peace of mind. Tamarius rushed up to their hotel suite. Makayla was not there. He took a shower and put on a clean suit then walked out into the living room and waited for Makayla to walk through the door. He called her cell phone numerous times, but could not get through. Finally Makayla walked in.


Tamarius was so relieved to see her.


Makayla smiled. "Honey, what's wrong? You look like you've seen a ghost." She walked up to him. "Sorry I’m late. My taxi got into it with another passenger. I got into another taxi and it had an accident. I finally managed to get one to bring me here in one piece," Makayla explained as she kicked off her shoes on the way to the bedroom. "Just give me a minute to change and I’ll be ready."


Tamarius couldn't talk. He’d never felt this strong for any woman. He followed her into the bedroom and walked up behind her as she undressed. He wrapped his arms around her and kissed her neck. "Let's just order room service. We can check out the restaurant later."


Makayla turned around in his arms and looked up in to his grey eyes. "Are you sure?"


"I had a rough day... I need my wife." He held her closer.


"What happened?" Makayla asked.


"It was just stressful."


"Hey, we are married now. Let's be straight forward with each other," Makayla said, leaning on his chest. "Please, Tamarius, you seem really disturbed about something."


Tamarius took a deep breath as he gently held his wife's head. "I just can't let anything bad happen to you." Tamarius looked into her brown eyes. "I went to the old orphanage today and ran into that kid, the one Tia was talking about. He's a demon. He kept asking for you."


"Why?" Makayla asked, stepping back from him.


"To make it brief, did you know your ex-husband had made a deal with a demon to impregnate you?"


Makayla looked at Tamarius.  She made her way to the bed and sat down, not knowing how to respond. She was already aware of her ex-husband’s deals with the devil to keep her. "I know."


"Well, they both failed." Tamarius followed Makayla.


"I knew he’d made deals with different demons. I struggled to understand why. Tamarius this is nothing to worry about. Why are you worried?" Makayla looked at him. "This is why I got away and divorced him. He can't harm me anymore. I don't even know what became of him."


Tamarius took off his coat and kicked off his shoes then pulled out his shirt and sat on the bed next to her. "Soul Reaper threatened your life." He looked into her eyes.


"That’s nothing new," Makayla said, looking away.


"I don't like it."


"Don't get yourself all worked up.  That demon has been trying to kill me for years."


"It's time that he was stopped."


"I've tried everything.  This is what I was afraid of."


"Did you think he would get to me?" he asked, feeling offended.


"No, that's not it. I feel like it’s my mess and you shouldn't have to fight my battles or deal with my problems." Makayla threw herself back on the bed.


Tamarius stared at his wife and his eyes roamed her stomach. Thoughts of his son growing in her womb excited him. "God placed us together for many reasons. Helping each other, fighting for each other is just one of them. I love you." He looked into her eyes while his hands gently rubbed her stomach.


"I love you, too," she replied.


"I'll figure it out. Just promise me you will stay away from there," he whispered.




Maxwell reclined in an office chair as he spoke on a conference call with detective Ryan Harris and undercover agent Ronald Morgan. The DNA test results had finally come back showing two sets of DNA. Maxwell, still upset that Cressida had been placed in danger by Ryan's half-brain scheme, tried to control his temper while listening to Ryan question him on how they were able to get the evidence. Ryan was worried it would not hold up in court.


"Mr. Martinez, I need to know how you got this evidence," Ryan told Maxwell.


"Blake attacked Cressida a few weeks ago. Because I was worried about her, I hired security to keep an eye out on her," Maxwell explained. "To put it briefly, we got there in time to put a stop to Blake."


"Well, why didn't you call us and let us in on what was happening that night?" Ronald



"Maybe if you weren't so busy trying to play house, you would have caught on to Blake. He’s not as stupid as you may think," Maxwell snapped, getting mad at himself for losing his cool.


"I do apologize for placing Cressida in this danger. I underestimated Blake. Please accept my apology, after all it was my idea," Ryan apologized.


"She is alive and safe now. That’s all that matters at the end of the day," Maxwell said, accepting his apology. "We should have called that night, but I was focused on getting her to safety. Besides, after I got his blood, I didn't want to tip this guy off," Maxwell explained.


"Tip him off? What if he comes after her again?" Ronald questioned.


"Since that night Cressida has moved in with me."


Ronald was quiet. This was news to him. Ronald was now curious about the extent of Maxwell and Cressida's relationship. Ronald Morgan had developed a slight crush on Cressida and had figured  rich boy would eventually drop her for some other fling,  leaving him open to pursue dating her; maybe becoming a strong and secure shoulder for her to cry on. "What...she lives with you? You’re really putting yourself out for a friend."


"Cressida is way more than a friend to me," Maxwell replied. "We go way back."


"Really?" Ronald said.


"Look, the test; you said that two sets of DNA were found?" Maxwell said, changing the subject.

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