Broken Forest: Book One of the Daath Chronicles (34 page)

BOOK: Broken Forest: Book One of the Daath Chronicles
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I was not expecting that. “But the way she acted? By the sulfur you found, I assumed it was a possession spirit.”

Lucy shook her head. “Jeslyn would have had traces on her skin. She was clean.”

Do not fret my child. This is one of many attacks coming against our house.”

Lucy and I looked at each other in shock. It had been months since our last contact.

Yes, it is I my children,”
he said, his voice echoing in our minds. “
This attack came from The Council.”

The Council? What would they gain? Lucino returns to Mirth in less than two days.”

Before I explain, I must tell you something that has been kept from you both for all your lives. Do you know why you two are unique among our race?”

Twins were rare; almost non-existent—I assumed it was because of that. When neither of us answered, Father continued.

Your mother is not your real mother. Your birth mother … was human.”

This cannot be!”
Lucy’s expression mirrored my own.

It is the truth. A small group of us discovered the gate to Daath when we were searching for a new world. That was over three hundred years ago. There I met a young woman; they were no forbidden then. We did not know much about the humans. It was all new to us. Your mother was astounding. She showed me what the humans refer to as love—a powerful emotion they possess, capable of great deeds. She gave birth to you two—half-human, half-Reptilian.”

Lucy buried her head in her hands. “No.”

She hated the humans more than I did.

Eldesar and I were both on The Council. When he found out about your mother, he killed her. He only spared you two because of me. The Council is afraid of what you two possess—the best from each race. It was then they created the law about humans and the incident was never spoken of again. You two have been raised thinking you are simply an anomaly, but you are so much more.”

I had many questions to ask him, but only one pressing matter.
“Why am I a threat now? My loyalties have always lain with our people.”

The abilities you and your sister have are enhanced by your human traits. The Council is afraid your human side will be more dominant after you ascend and your current objectives may change, but there’s no more time to discuss this. I must go.”

Father, wait!”

Not now, Lucino. I will see you soon. In the meantime, watch yourselves.”

Our father broke the mental connection, leaving us in disarray. Lucy stood and headed for the door. “Where are you going?” I asked.

“I need to be alone.”

“Lucy, we need to discuss this.”

“It changes nothing,” she said. “I am full Reptilian, regardless of what Father says.”

She stormed out of the room.

Human? All these years I’ve been planning their extinction and treated them as the lower species. I had discovered I am part of that which I despise.

The night hours passed by, long and arduous. My father’s words haunted me until the moment the suns rose. Too many unanswered questions rattled my mind.

I decided to pay Jeslyn a visit.

When I entered her room, she was still asleep. Her hair feathered across the pillows. I stood at the door, watching her. When she woke, she bolted upright in bed. Her chest heaved and she frantically looked around the room.

I was by her side in an instant.

“I had such a horrible nightmare,” she moaned.

I rubbed her back gently. “You’ve been having a lot of those lately. They are only dreams. You are safe.”

She sighed.

I stared at her rosy cheeks and the freckles splashed across them. Her chestnut hair was messy, diminishing nothing of her beauty. That foreign warmth spread through me and I slid away from her.

“Are you upset about last night?” she said. “I shouldn’t have been so bold. That’s not like me.”

“Not at all, but I should leave. You have a big day ahead of you. I’m sure you need to get prepared.”

“Today’s the wedding,” she said quietly, her hands pulling the blanket closer to her.

“It is. I will see you shortly.” I bowed and left the room.

On my way out, I summoned Lucy. She was in my chambers when I arrived.

“I have changed my mind about killing Jeslyn.”

Lucy crossed her arms, glaring at me. “I’m sure you have a valid reason, especially since the girl diminishes your powers.”

That loud fool told her. “Yes, I do have a valid reason, sister.”

Lucy grabbed a canter from the table and poured herself a glass of red wine. “This should be interesting.”

I ignored her sarcasm. “I need to study her. Did you not find it odd that The Council did not use a spirit of possession?”

Lucy raised an eyebrow. “Yes, coercion demons can only influence not control. They made a poor choice.”

I rubbed my chin, shaking my head. “No. I don’t think they were able to.” Now I had her full attention. “I have read about this creature the humans refer to as The Creator. Jeslyn mentioned this deity on occasion and I observed her performing an act they call praying. I believe this deity protects her. We need to find out if this deity, spirit, whatever denizen it may be, can be controlled. That may be why my powers were losing effect on her.”

“You think she’s being protected?”

“Yes, and I believe she actually loves me, or thinks she does. That’s the only reason the coercion spirit worked.”

Lucy emptied the goblet. “What do you propose, brother?”

“I need you to switch out the wines before the ceremony. Once Jeslyn’s aura is fused with mine, she won’t go against me. Take Jeslyn to Dune Island where I will meet you after I make an appearance in Mirth. We’ll say Jeslyn tried to escape after the wedding and we had to dispose of her.”

“And after you study her, what then? She must not live, not after what Romulus told me. If you do not kill her, I will.”

“You dare to order me?”

Lucy glared at me with an intense malice. “I will not have a human weaken the prince of our race. You are too important. Kill her, or I will. Do not make me inform father.”

“Very well, sister. She will die by my hand.”

“Good.” She placed a hand on my shoulder. “If you’ll excuse me. It seems I have some work to do.”

The hours drew near to my ascension and the wedding. Anxiousness bubbled under my skin. I visited Jeslyn one last time, to see if my powers truly did not work.

I entered the room quietly, observing her. She faced a full-length mirror, wearing a flowing white gown encrusted with crystalline beads, creating an iridescent design. The dress draped off her delicate shoulders. Shoulders I suddenly wanted to touch.

“It’s bad luck to see the bride before the ceremony,” she said softly, staring at me through the reflection in the mirror.

“I have a gift for you,” I said, walking to her.

In my hands, I held a silver pendant with a heart-shaped emerald in the center. I dangled the necklace in front of her. “I hope you would honor me by wearing it.”

She touched the locket. “It’s breathtaking. Thank you.” With one hand, she lifted her hair and I clasped the necklace around her neck. She stared at us in the mirror, her fingers grazing the sparkling gem. “I’ve never seen its equal.”

I slid my arms around her waist, staring at our reflection. “You are absolutely stunning.”

She smiled and her cheeks tinged pink. “You flatter me too much. And you are quite handsome yourself. It’s strange a man like you had trouble finding a bride.”

You came in here to test your spell, now do it.

Staring at her through the mirror, I thought of what I wanted her to do. When she was locked in my gaze, I activated the spell. “Close your eyes.”

She smiled ruefully. “Why?”

I hid my disappointment and anger. “Because I have another surprise for you.”

“All right.” She shut her eyes.

Placing my hands on her shoulders, I turned her around. I lifted her chin with my hand. The pink of her cheeks reddened. Slowly, I placed my mouth on hers. Her hand reached for me, sliding across my chest, and in that moment, I understood why my spell had no effect.

Avikar and Derrick were both alive and somewhere in Daath. Once Lucino and I wed, I would find a way to send word to Avikar, and bring both him and Derrick to the mansion where we could sort out this mess. I didn’t believe Lucino was as evil as they portrayed him to be. I sensed goodness in him. Any other man may have taken advantage of me, but not him. A true gentleman through and through.

I was going to be the Lady of Daath. That title gave me an exciting shiver. My family would never go hungry, and we could all live here in Daath.

The only issue tugging at my mind was Derrick.

How could I explain my marriage to Lucino after Derrick came all this way, for me? I didn’t want to hurt him, but I knew he would be.

Every choice will leave someone in misery.
But didn’t I deserve my own happiness?

Lucy arrived at my room in another tight-fitted gown. Her sense of fashion had always made me feel as if I dressed in children’s clothes, but not today. Today I was a woman, and I was beautiful.

BOOK: Broken Forest: Book One of the Daath Chronicles
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