Broken Halo (13 page)

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Authors: Zoey Marcel

BOOK: Broken Halo
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several days of kindness and gentility from Nimbus, Sonya was appalled when she
learned that he intended to train her as his own personal pony. He claimed that
he would have considered an animal that required a less grueling training
regime, but her willful obstinacy demanded a more severe method of training.
She was strong and stubborn like a horse, so that was precisely what he would
turn her into.

had a bridle specially made for her human-like face and made her wear it while
he lunged her in the buff of course. It nearly made her irate to be treated
like a dumb animal and forced to trot and jog around him while she was nude and
barefoot, but he found an area that was free of sticks and stones so she could
lunge without sustaining any injuries, which she found thoughtful of him.

thoroughly enjoyed the carrots and apples he fed her as rewards for her
obedience and good behavior, which was quite rare in the beginning, but became
more commonplace as her pony training progressed. It was strange to eat grain
out of his hand like a horse, especially considering the concoction he made for
her was exactly the sort of mixture a real horse would eat as a special treat.
Still, it tasted sweet since it was flavored with molasses, so she got used to
it rather quickly.

Sonya resented his praise in the beginning as degrading condescension, she
eventually began to appreciate his compliments. It was far better to be petted
and given tasty treats than it was to feel the riding crop swatting at her
belligerent ass, evoking pain and redness with the inevitable marks when she
was extra stubborn.

trained her to sleep in a horse stall in the stable whenever she was naughty.
She hated being forced to sleep in the sawdust while he sat in the comfy hay
nearby guarding her. When she was really bad, he kept her in there for much

the beginning she had tried to control her natural urges, but soon learned that
going in the stall was part of her punishment for her disobedience. He was nice
enough to clean her stall each day she was in there and it embarrassed her
endlessly that he did so. At first she swore at him for treating her like an
animal, but soon learned that this tactic only led to more days and nights in
the stall and no time with neither her master, nor being put to pasture in the
fresh air.

she became sympathetic that he should feel compelled to carry out such an
unpleasant chore and apologized for her bodily functions, but he insisted he
didn't mind and brushed her hair with a brand new horse brush he had purchased
for her.

learned to behave so that she could earn back the privilege of wearing clothes
some of the time and sleeping in his bed with him whenever she was good. She
missed the luxurious comfort of sleeping in a bed and the closeness of lying
next to him at night in his arms, both nude and sated. The extensive periods of
abstinence that were utilized on her out of discipline, only made her want him
that much more. Whenever she earned back the right to sleep with him, the
experience was out of this world for them and she always wondered afterward why
she ever bothered to defy him when it was so much sweeter to surrender to him




was thankful Nimbus didn't ride her around since he knew doing so would hurt
her as he was so much stronger than she was. However, he trained her to give
smaller demons rides like a living pony would.

brat she had on her back today irked her and made her want to buck the troll
off, or whatever he was, probably some demon child. It was odd to her that she
couldn't tell right away anymore like she once could, but the troll certainly
behaved like a little hellion.

was around twilight when Demornae's carriage rolled up led by two svelte women
in the buff who were toting their mistress around the English countryside in
horse harness and other equestrian paraphernalia.

hoped Nimbus never wanted her to pull him around by carriage in public, but the
conversation she overheard him having with Demornae removed all doubt that this
was his intent with his little pony girl.

steed is coming along well, I see,” Demornae observed.

is,” Nimbus agreed proudly. “She has gotten so much stronger too since I've
worked with her. Notice how muscular her arms and legs are now.”

see that. She looks leaner too, but not starved. You are a good master, Nimbus.
What do you think of my mares?”

was pleased with their admiration of her body, but her jaw dropped in outrage
when she saw Nimbus groping the slender arm of one of Demornae's horsewomen.

look strong and healthy.”

you think they will win the race next month?” Demornae asked slyly.

grinned. “They would except Sonya and I are going to win.”

felt a keen sense of value, but not as his one and only treasured pony. He used
her name in the company of a guest. He didn't refer to her as a slave, a whore,
or a mare. He simply used her name as though she was equal to her master and
for this she respected him.

keep telling yourself that, Nimbus. Everyone knows I have been the champion for
three years standing,” Demornae boasted.

because I have never entered before. This year you will taste of defeat. Sonya
is compliant and even-tempered now.”

probably wasn't the ideal moment for the brat on Sonya's back to kick her sides
and holler at her to giddy up. She decided she had had enough of the fitful,
little beast and rolled over onto her back squishing the thing and delighting
in his crying and screaming tantrum.

laughed at this. “I can see that. Well, I should be going now. Mama has some
hunting to do, doesn't she, my babies?”

women whinnied a little and she encouraged them to start up again and take her
away to feed.

pulled Sonya off the tiny monster and instructed him to get gone, which he did.
She was surprised and relieved when he laughed at her sudden loss of temper
with the troll rather than punishing her for it.

are a little hellion, aren't you, woman?”

let out a gleeful, little whinny and he chuckled at her spunk.

really do deserve to spend the night in the stable rather than bathing and
sleeping with me like I had planned,” he let out a long, pitiful sigh, but
there was a gleam in his eyes that told her to sway him.

tongue became drawn to the metal bit in her mouth and it made kissing his
crotch difficult, but she muddled through the challenge, eager to let him know
how badly she wanted him and hoped he would change his mind about disciplining
her. As fun and intriguing as it was to be his little pony, it was a hundred
times better to be his woman. Tonight she yearned to be the latter and to know
him intimately. They had been especially close lately and she didn't want to
lose that.

groaned as she kissed his groin and licked at the fabric, looking up at him
with sad puppy eyes. He chortled at how pathetic she looked in her pleading
state. “Then again, I suppose I could be merciful if you promise to be generous
later as you always are.”

nodded frantically, stretching her jaw and tongue once he released the bit from
her mouth and removed the bridle. Her back felt sweaty once the saddle and
blanket came off of it, but when he pulled her to her feet and put his arm
around her while leading her up to the house, she knew he would take care of
her as he always did.




training proved odd and challenging. The carts they used for racing were in actuality
chariots to make the work lighter for the horses, enabling them to run faster.
The chariots looked like the ones in Egypt and Sonya wasn't sure if they had
actually salvaged them from the ancient civilization, or merely replicated them
with uncanny precision.

her utter horror, Nimbus rode her through London naked and leading his chariot.
She pleaded with him not to, but he assured her that they would be invisible to
the human beings walking past. Only the spiritual realm and any immortals in
the vicinity would be capable of seeing them. He was right of course, which was
made apparent when they rolled through the crowded streets without so much as
drawing an ounce of attention to themselves from the mortal population. Still,
she received lustful stares and whistles from vampires, demons and shifters who
happened by them and it was a bit unnerving.

the urge to urinate became nearly unbearable she stopped pulling the chariot
and squeezed her thighs together, trying to keep from letting go.

jumped down and walked around to the front of her. “I assume you have a good
reason for stopping, because if not my riding crop would like a word with your

smiled weakly, practically dancing with the impending urge to pee. “I must
relieve myself.”

expression eased into a sadistic grin that wanted to humiliate her. “So do it.
No one is prohibiting you.”

might have known he would suggest something as outrageous as urinating in
public. “I can't do so in the street.”

not? The homeless do.”

not homeless. I can hold it.”

you can't and I don't want you to suffer anymore. Now let go.”

felt relaxed as he brushed her cheek adoringly, but she couldn't bring herself
to do it. “Master, please don't make me defy you.”

not making you defy me, Sonya. You are the one willfully disregarding my
orders, which were given in your best interest I might add. If you do not piss
when I tell you to, then perhaps you favor holding your urine inside. I can
arrange that, you know. I know of a way to control your natural urges so you
will be unable to go unless I permit you to. Would you like to play that
horrendous game with me, slave?”

wasn't entirely sure she wanted to know what he had in mind, or whether or not
he was bluffing. She took a deep breath and let some of her pee trickle out of

it,” he murmured softly as he caressed her face, “squeeze your legs together
and let go. I want you to go all over yourself like a horse would.”

squirmed. “A horse would spread its legs.”

your master desires you to keep them together and leak all over your strong,
lovely legs. Now do it before I show you how to piss and accidentally spray it
all over you.”

sardonic comment amused her even as the threat didn't particularly appeal to
her. She squeezed her thighs together and peed on them. Her urine felt hot as
it washed over her inner thighs and the act of peeing simply because he ordered
her to regardless of the public setting they were in, was freeing in spite of her

wasn't everything, was it?”

grimaced. He knew her all too well. He should after ten months of living with
her. She sighed and let go, a tremendous sense of release from the act. A
strange sense of liberation even in the clutches of total submission to his
twisted will. Her bladder felt soothed and empty once she finished.

girl,” he whispered, teasing her lips with his, “I'm very proud of you.”

respect and pride in her were worth the temporary embarrassment of peeing on
herself while nude in public with the potential for spectators. “I'm a mess.”

will wash you later.”

felt a wave of excitement come over her. “Will we...”

threw her a wink and traced her lips with his fingertips. “Oh, I think we will.
You deserve it.”

sweet, tender kiss stirred her heart and she could contain her true feelings no
longer. “I love you, Nimbus, so much.” She went breathless with excitement.

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