Broken Lion (18 page)

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Authors: Devon Hartford

Tags: #doctor, #martial arts, #sport, #office, #comedy, #vacation, #women's fantasy

BOOK: Broken Lion
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“I’m clean too. And born again three times over.”

“Wow. That’s a long time.”

“Don’t remind me. So, who won?”

“I think we both did.”

“No, I won because it’s been three years for me!”

“Sorry, Irish. The bet was sex in the past year. It was a draw. We’re both winners. But, since I’m a gentleman, I’ll let you go first.”

“Wait, what? I’m not blowing you first.”

He chuckled. “I meant, you could win first. I’ll devour that dripping wet pussy of yours until you scream my name. Then you have to give me the best head I’ve ever had.”

“The best ever?” The idea made me nervous. I wasn’t sure if I could measure up to the women he’d been with.

“Don’t worry, Irish. Something tells me the second those sweet lips of yours touch my dick, I’m going to lose it. I hope you swallow.”

“Yes I swallow.” I was confident of that much.

“Good, because I’d hate to give you a facial. Unless you want one.”

“Hmm. I’ve never had one. I’m open to it.”


“Yes, I’m serious.”

His eyes darkened. “I knew I liked you the second I laid eyes on you.”

“Why is that?”

“Because you’re willing to talk about sex. With most women, everyone just goes for it and you hope things work. That works great until they don’t. Or, you want to change things up. The only way to do that is talk about it.”

“Oh. I’m happy to talk about it. And I’d be happy to have a facial.”

“You know what that is, right?”

I rolled my eyes. “I’m not some sheltered virgin. We’re not talking about the kind of facial you get at a spa.”

“Just checking.” He shook his head. “You know, Irish, you are sexy as hell and you’re not even trying.”

Funny, I thought the same thing about him the day we met. It was hard to believe he felt that way about me, but he’d said it without any prompting. “Thank you.”

“So, before I tear your clothes off, what about those condoms?”

“Lucky for you I’m a doctor. I came prepared.” I reached into my purse and tossed a box of ten LifeStyles condoms onto the breakfast table. The label read Kyng. “I got the big ones. I saw you in your shorts.”

“You only got ten?”

“Isn’t ten enough?”

“Not for me it isn’t.”

“Good. Because I also got these.” I tossed a box of 12 Ultra Studded condoms onto the table. “I thought I would give the studs a try.” I winked at him.

He grinned that adorable grin of his. “I’m all the stud you’ll ever need, Irish.”

“Cute.” I knew he was right. He was more than enough stud for any ten women, and with that body of his, I imagined he would keep some lucky woman sexually satisfied for a lifetime. But today wasn’t about forever. It was a one time thing. To get it out of my system. “I considered getting a third box. Would you believe they now have condoms textured like snakeskin?”

“No shit?”

“They’re called Viper condoms.”

“Is that the regular size or the large? I ask because you’re a doctor and you probably studied biology so you know vipers aren’t exactly the biggest snake in the animal kingdom.”

“I do know that. But they only have one size. Viper.”

“When they come out with Python, we can try that.”

“Did you want to get on the phone with customer service and let them know?” I joked.

“It can wait. Right now, my mind is focused on other things…”

I shivered pleasantly as I imagined that huge cock of his filling me up as I came all over him. I could fantasize all day, but the real thing was waiting right in front of me. “So… how are we going to do this? Candles? A little wine? Some romantic music?”

“What chick flick do you live in? I’m going to tear your clothes off and fuck you until forever.”

“Oh. Okay. That’ll work,” I giggled barely above a whisper. “Um, what do I do?”

“Try not to scream.” He leaned over and pulled the leg of my chair forcefully, yanking it across the hardwood floor and me with it.

“Oh!” My chest tightened with anticipation. We were knee to knee in our chairs. He leaned forward in his. My heart started to pound as his face neared mine. I caught his scent. Natural, musky, arousing.

“I never got my Irish Kiss,” he muttered in that voice of his.


“Me neither,” I tittered, suddenly nervous.

This close, Lion’s physical presence was overwhelming. He was a very large and muscular man. He hadn’t shaved in a day or two, and had the perfect scruff. Or was the word whiskers? What was it that lions had? And why was I comparing him to an actual lion? That was too weird. Maybe it was the sense of danger. Gone was that playful grin of his, replaced by a feral mask that bordered on gorgeously monstrous.

In his YouTube fight videos, I had seen him take on countless men and win every time. Many of the matches were bloody and savage but Lion always emerged victorious. There was an undeniable viciousness to him.

He was literally a very dangerous man.

But he had a softer side I had seen first hand with Daniel. That was why I was giving myself to him. But for some reason, I was still scared. Probably because I hadn’t had sex since Donald. I wasn’t sure how I would perform. Was Lion used to women who knew their way around the bedroom? Warrior women like Candy the Stripper groupie? I wasn’t sure if I could compete with them, but I would certainly try.

“You scared, Irish?”
That voice.


“You sure?”

“Maybe a little.”

“Tell me why.” His breath was minty. He must’ve just had a breath mint. He didn’t naturally smell like mint, did he? No, that was ridiculous.

“You know why. Because I haven’t been with anyone since my husband. And we both know that didn’t end well.” I didn’t tell him that the lack of sex was a huge part of the reason for my divorce. That was embarrassing.

“Don’t worry about him, Brigid. You’ll forget every man you’ve ever been with once I’m inside you.”

I absolutely believed him. He was that handsome, that virile, that confident, that sexual.

He leaned to my side until we were cheek to cheek. What was he doing? Was he sniffing me? He shifted to my other cheek. Yes, he was sniffing. Like an animal. He buried his nose in my hair and inhaled again, then warm breath blew across my ear, followed by his hot wet tongue flicking against it. Oh my goodness, that was incredibly sexy. I sank in my chair, melting into the seat. He pulled back and licked my cheek experimentally, then down to my jawline. My skin sizzled where his tongue touched it. I felt like he was a beast tasting me before it did… what? Ate me? Or mated with me? I didn’t know, but I was so turned on, I decided he could do either.

He fisted my hair and pulled my head back, exposing my neck. Was he going to tear my throat out? Nope. His tongue ran down to the dimple between my collar bones then back up to my chin.

“Nnnh,” I moaned.

We hadn’t even kissed and I was ready for him. My panties were soaked.

He still had his fist in my hair as his mouth descended on mine. Our lips locked. His tongue speared past my teeth and overpowered my tongue. I tried to fight against it, but he was too strong. All I could do was submit to his powerful kiss.

The intensity of it nearly killed me.

“Nnnnh, nnnnnnnnnhhhh.” My entire body burned with desire that flowed like hot magma down between my legs and to my toes. My vagina clenched over and over, harder and harder, like I was about to come. Maybe I did come. I wasn’t sure. Whatever was happening, it felt incredible.

Best. Kiss. Ever.

Strong hands slid up my ribs and massaged my breasts through my bra. He grunted into my mouth as I let his hands have their way with me. Thumbs circled my nipples. Sexual energy spiraled down into my clitoris and spun out of control.

Then I did come.


He grunted into my mouth and bit my lip, tugging on it until it popped free of his teeth.

Before I could recover, he lifted me out of my chair and sat my ass on the breakfast table. He grunted in pain. His brace was meant to stabilize the knee laterally and minimize twisting, but that didn’t mean it prevented pain during flexion or extension.

Concerned, I gasped, “Is it your knee? We can stop if you want.”

“No,” he growled, his face aggressive with dark desire. He ripped my shirt over my head and I shimmied my arms out of it. Then he pulled my bra straps off and pushed my bra down without bothering to unhook it.

“Fuck,” he hissed as he ogled my breasts.

“They’re all yours,” I giggled.

He stared at them, rapt, heaving deep breaths. “Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck!” He lifted his head and pinned me with his eyes.

Suddenly afraid, I was tempted to cover my breasts. I raised my arms half heartedly.

He grabbed both my wrists and forced them down. “This is it.”

“What is it?” I was confused.

“There’s no going back after this, Brigid.”

“That was the plan,” I chuckled uncertainly.

“No. I mean, once you and I do this, I… we…”


He squeezed my wrists hard.

“Ow, Lion!”

“I’m serious, Brigid. We’re about to cross a line. There’s no going back.”
That voice.
It was all business. Dangerous business. It was thrilling, exciting, a huge risk. He knew it. I knew it. But I was an adult, not a child.

“Yes, I understand. No going back.” What was I agreeing to? I was almost afraid to ask. In that moment, I didn’t care. I was too turned on, desperate to have him fill me up with his cock and his cum in every way possible.

Still squeezing my wrists, but not quite as hard, his mouth dove for my left nipple. He sucked the hard bud into his mouth and attacked it with his teeth and tongue. One of his hands savaged my right nipple and his other supported my lower back. Good thing, because I almost fell backward as the intense sensations melted every muscle in my body.

My will gave way to his.

I was lost in erotic ecstasy as he laid me gently down on the table. While his mouth lapped at my nipples, both of which were now wet and sore and stinging with need, his hands undid my belt and pulled my skinny jeans down to my knees.

“Wait, my sandals.”

He made quick work unbuckling them and they slapped against the wood floor as he dropped each one. My jeans were on the floor a second later.

The heel of his heavy hand suddenly pushed against my mound through my panties and ground across my clit. I jumped. His palm continued up my stomach, which spasmed as he slid it across my skin. My arms were up over my head and I looked at him through sleepy eyes.

His flickered black fire. “I’m going to eat you alive, Irish.”

“You better,” I moaned.

He sat back down in his chair, between my legs. He winced when he did. His knee must really have been bothering him.

“Do you want to stop? If your knee is hurting we can…”

“No,” he barked and grabbed my hips and yanked me to the edge of the table. Hot breath blew across my panties. He inhaled deeply, his nose against the thin material. “You’re wearing a thong.”

“I told you I came prepared.”

“Then I better make you come,” he growled savagely. He bit down on the cotton thong and pulled on it. The muscles of his neck corded and he snarled.

“You’re not going to—”


The cotton panel tore free from the elastic.

Rip, rip, rip!

Like a beast of prey, he pulled with his neck until the panel was dangling down between my legs, exposing my wetness.

“I can’t believe you did that,” I mumbled.

He glared at me. “Quiet, woman. The only thing I want to hear out of your mouth is moans or my name.”

He was so damn hot it was ridiculous.

He inhaled my scent, his nose plowing up and down through my wet folds like he couldn’t get enough. Donald had never done that to me before. I’d never even heard of that. It was so fucking hot. His eyes rolled back into his head and he grunted.

Mine did and I grunted too. “Nnnnh!”

His tongue jabbed deep inside me. I was already soaking, my labia engorged with blood. Just as quick, his tip slipped upward and spiraled around my clit.


He grunted approval.

It didn’t take long for his ravenous mouth to bring me to my peak. EroTouch gloves had nothing on the real thing. I was half insane with need for more. Expertly, he would take me to the edge of orgasm then back off, doing it over and over again until I was ready to burst. Finally, I couldn’t take any more.

“Please, Lion. Make me come. Please.” I was nearly weeping.

He attacked me then and I came hard.

He wouldn’t stop.

Just attacked and attacked, drinking me in until everything faded to orgasm.


“I’m going to fuck you right now,” he growled.

I noticed his FEEL THE BEAST tank top. That was exactly what I wanted from him. His beast. I wanted to feel it and eat it then let him take me and make me do whatever he wanted. I had recovered just enough to whisper, “What about your blow job?”

“Fuck that. I can’t wait.” He leaned over me, his massive body pressing against mine, and grabbed a box of condoms. While he weighed down on me, his heavy erection pressed against my stomach and I felt it pulse through his shorts. He sat back down in the chair and peeled his shirt off and dropped it on the table. His body was as magnificent as I remembered. Then he stood and shoved his shorts down over his knee brace and kicked them off.

His cock pointed straight at me like a weapon.

I sat up.

“Lie down,” he barked.


“I’m going to fuck you, Brigid.”

“I’m going to blow you, Lion.”

“Do it later.”

“No!” I glared at him.

He smirked, his eyes glinting. “Fine. Go ahead. Suck my fucking cock, Irish.”

I slid off the table and knelt between his legs.

He had a really big dick.

I wasn’t going to let that stop me.

I grabbed the base of his shaft hard and tickled around the seam underneath the swollen head with my tongue. There was already a big dribble of pre-cum spilling out and running under the bottom. The taste of it made me moan as I savored it. The taste of sex. Such a turn on. I went to work on the head first to wind him up, squeezing the shaft firmly, but not moving my hand. Something about focusing on the head made men go crazy if you did it right.

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