Broken Rules (14 page)

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Authors: Olivia Jake

BOOK: Broken Rules
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Marco lifted her off of him and laid her back
down. “Go back to sleep, Alexandra.” He whispered as he kissed her cheek and
pulled her to him.

 “But, you didn’t come.” Alex said through a

Marco laughed and then said, “I also didn’t have a
condom on,

Alex stiffened, immediately mad at herself for
being so careless. “
Mi amor
, don’t worry, I have no diseases.” He tried
to reassure her.

 “How do you know that I don’t? And what if
you did come, what if you lost control?” Alex asked in a panic.

 “You’re one of the most responsible people
I’ve ever met, Alexandra. I would be very surprised if you weren’t completely
clean. And, as for control, there are some things I’m very, very good at.” He
held her and kissed her again. Alex was still mad at herself, but she was also
so tired that she let him hold her and stroke her until she fell back asleep.



The following morning, Alex knew she had to have a
conversation with Marco that would take them back to territory neither of them
wanted to visit. But it had to be said. It was one thing to be as open as they
had been with his family, but it was something else completely to be that way
with the Vanity Fair reporter around.

Alex felt like, within the span of a few days,
they already had their fair share of ups and downs, all revolving around the
same theme: Alex’s lack of comfort with their relationship. But Alex knew it
had to be discussed, regardless of how uncomfortable a conversation it would
likely be.

When Alex raised the topic, suggesting that they
not show affection for each other around the reporter, the mood immediately
turned tense.

 “I’m not the story, Marco, you are. And I
don’t want people to think that I’m sleeping with you.”

 “Why not? Is that so horrible? Would it be
so embarrassing for people to know we’re together?” If his words didn’t make it
clear, his posture and expression let Alex know he wasn’t just upset, he was

Before he gave Alex a chance to respond he added,
“You know, you haven’t just insulted me, but my family too. You have no problem
with the people of this island knowing we’re together, because what? They’re
just simple, backwards island people? They don’t matter? Not like the big
important Hollywood people? You know something, Alexandra? You’re a hypocrite.
You talk about Hollywood playing by its own rules, and you seem so disgusted by
it, but you play by their rules. You let yourself be judged by them.” He paused
and smiled a tight, pained smile as he shook his head. “It’s interesting, no?
The people here who don’t judge, who are open, you don’t care about what they
think. You only care about the superficial, the judgmental people.”

 “That’s not true, Marco.” Alex protested. “I
do care about what your family thinks. I worry they see me as the gringa who’s
so easy and unprofessional that I sleep with my client. That I’m the typical
American woman who has no morals.” She could see he didn’t agree, until she
added, “What would they think if it were one of your sisters? Huh? Can you
really tell me they’d think it was ok for one of them to sleep with someone
they only knew a couple of weeks, someone they were working with?”

Obviously that resonated and Marco got down off
his high horse. He didn’t say anything, but his posture and expression both
softened, making it clear that he understood a little bit.

 “Do you see now what I’m talking about? Ok,
so maybe I put too much stock into what people think, but it’s only because
perception is reality. Especially in the industry we work in.” She paused,
looking down. “You of all people should know that.”

 “But the industry is more important to you
than I am, than what I feel?” he asked sincerely.

 “Marco, it’s not as simple as that. If I become
seen as the photographer who sleeps with her subjects, that will be the end of
me. Whether or not it’s true doesn’t matter. I understand that it hurts you,
and that’s the last thing I want. And I also understand if you can’t see it
from my perspective. But I can’t ruin a reputation I’ve built for the last 15
years. I can’t.” she paused.

 “Please, just try to put yourself in my
shoes. Try to see it. I am not embarrassed of you. But I can’t just pretend
that what people think doesn’t matter. It does. And I don’t have a support
system like you do. I don’t have a loving family to fall back on if I lose my
job, my career. I have no one to catch me if I fall.”

He smiled and shook his head, “Perhaps that’s
because you won’t let anyone.”

Such an easy comment for a man to make to a woman.
Easier even for someone who never once questioned not just the roof over his
head, but that there would be love and support of him. She didn’t begrudge him
the differences in their upbringings, but she knew that they couldn’t help but
affect how they viewed the world and how they ran their lives. Alex was about
to protest again, but she was getting tired of trying to explain something that
he’d never understand. It wasn’t that he was dense, it was just so far from his
reality. She knew he was smart enough to understand it on an intellectual
level, but this wasn’t just a theoretical question. It was personal. It
probably never entered his mind that sleeping with her could harm his
reputation. Because it wouldn’t.

 “So, that’s it then? This was just a little
fling to you?” Marco asked.

 “Come on, Marco, that’s not fair. And you
know that’s not what it is to me.”

 “No, Alexandra, it’s not fair. You’re right
about that. You’re making decisions for the both of us. Decisions that we should
make together, as a couple.”

Hearing that word shocked Alex. A couple? She
hadn’t thought of them as a couple. She hadn’t thought of them beyond their
time on the islands. Perhaps he was right, that she only saw him as an island
fling. No, that wasn’t it. She just hadn’t really thought about reality, or
what things would be like once they got back home until Tiffany showed up,
throwing cold water on them, or at least, onto Alex.

 “Ok, Marco, you’re right. This should be a
discussion between us. But the only way we’re going to be able to genuinely
compromise is if you’re able to see it from my perspective. Because if you
can’t, then there’s no discussion.”

 “You’re making the decisions again.” He said

 “No, Marco. I’m being realistic. If you think
that image and perception play no role in my career, then there’s nothing to
discuss. I’m not asking you to agree, I’m just asking you to understand.” She
paused. They were both getting exhausted with the direction of this
conversation, but she had to make it clear.

 “Before you met me, if you had heard that I
slept with talent I was shooting, what would you have thought?” She saw him
consider it. “Would you have thought of me as a photographer, or would you have
started to think of me as something else?”

 “Ok, I see your point. But Alexandra, does
that mean that you’re never allowed to have a relationship? That’s not
realistic. To let your entire life be dictated by what other people think?”

 “It’s never been an issue before, Marco. So
I don’t have an answer to that.” She took his hands in hers. “If there weren’t
a reporter here whose sole job was to chronicle your life, both professional
and personal, then it wouldn’t be as big a deal. But there is.”

He nodded. He understood that the timing sucked.
But the reality was that there was someone here documenting his every move. And
unless he wanted the story to be about his relationship with Alex, he was
starting to realize that they would have to be more circumspect.

 “You’re right, Alexandra.” He said as he rubbed
the back of her hand with his thumb.

She visibly exhaled. “Thank you.”

 “So now what?” he asked genuinely.

A huge grin spread over Alex’s face, “Now, you put
those amazing acting skills into play. You’re an actor. Act like we’re not

Marco didn’t find this as amusing as Alex did.
“It’s ironic, no? You want me to do exactly the thing that you were afraid of.”

 “I’m sorry, Marco. But it’s the only way.
For right now, while this story’s being written. Please.”

He nodded and stood up, holding his hand out to
Alex. She took it and he pulled her up to him. “I don’t like it, Alexandra. I
want there to be no misunderstanding about that.” He said with such force that
she felt sick to her stomach. Alex just nodded. There was no possible way she could
misunderstand him.



They all went back to the Flores house where they
waited for Tiffany Yi, the reporter, to arrive. Once she did, the dynamic
changed instantly. Alex was on guard, hanging back while Tiffany talked with
all of the Flores women. Marco had asked everyone to be truthful in their
answers, but that the one area he would not discuss was his love life, and
asked that none of them answer any questions about it either.

After a couple hours, Alex suggested this would be
a good opportunity for her to get a family portrait. They set up in the living
room, all the women surrounding Marco. To see all those sets of blue eyes
looking back at her stilled Alex’s heart. In such a short time, Alex had come
to know these people and be welcomed into their home and their hearts.
Pretending she was just the photographer was harder for her than she thought it
would be. She missed his touch, his terms of endearment, and just the attention
he had paid her. Alex had become used to it and now that it was temporarily
gone, she realized just how hard she was falling for this man.

 “I’d love to see some of the shots you’ve
captured so far, Alex.” Tiffany said after the family portrait.

 “Sure, when we get back to the hotel, I can
run through each setup in my laptop. I don’t have all the drives here.”

 “That would be great. In fact, let’s go talk
on the patio about what else you’d like to shoot and we can all go together.”

Alex nodded and followed her out, thinking it odd
that she wanted to talk out there. Once alone, Tiffany said, “I still can’t get
over how gorgeous he is! I don’t want to gush like a schoolgirl, but Jesus! And
as much as I’ve talked with him, he really does seem like a nice guy.” Alex
just nodded, unsure what she was supposed to say. “You’ve spent a couple days
alone with him down here, is he really that nice? Is it really not an act?”

Alex wasn’t expecting this. She was a little
tongue tied at first. All she could come up with was, “as far as I can tell, he
really is.” Tiffany waited for more, but Alex didn’t offer anything else.

 “Well ok then.” Tiffany said, clearly
disappointed. “So, what have you shot so far?” Alex described everything they’d
done, and as she was finishing, Marco walked out onto the patio. They both had
to hold themselves back from going to each other to embrace or kiss. Alex hoped
Tiffany didn’t catch that.

 “So Marco, Alex just shared all the things
you’ve done while you’ve been down here. I’m sorry I got here as late as I did,
it sounds like I missed out on a lot.”

Marco grinned, “Alexandra, you’ve shared
everything?” Alex shot him a look.

 “I think I got it all.” She deadpanned, not
wanting to encourage him, though it was nice to see his playful side directed
at her after the last few hours of distance.

 “Well, I’m sure there’s more to do, more to
experience. I still have a few tricks left up my sleeve.
.” Marco
said with a wink that seemed to be for both women. Alex didn’t react but
Tiffany actually giggled, surprising Alex. Tiffany Yi was a very well respected
reporter, but obviously Marco’s charms were hard to ignore, no matter how
professional the woman.

Marco took them to some beaches they hadn’t yet
visited, and to another local bar, and Alex captured a few more shots, but it
wasn’t at all the same with their third wheel. Fourth wheel, technically, since
Jesús was with them, but he was family, and Marco, well, Alex wasn’t sure what
he was. But Tiffany was definitely not part of the core group. As the day was
winding down and they pulled up to the hotel, Alex offered to show Tiffany all
the shots and setups so far. Tiffany was excited and Alex suggested that she go
to her room as it would take her and Jesús a little bit to unload the

Once Tiffany was safely inside, Marco looked at
Alex and asked, “So, this is how you want it to be, Alexandra?” he had been
happy and charming all day, but apparently that was an act. He was mad. Hurt.

 “No, Marco. It’s not. But we’ve talked about
it and we agreed that the story would be about us if, if…” she didn’t have to
finish her sentence.

 “I will be in my room, waiting for you after
you show Tiffany the shots. Don’t take too long.” He said sternly, but bent
down and kissed her forehead. Then they both walked into the hotel, going to
their separate rooms.


Alex went through all the setups, pulling a few
shots from each and put them into a separate folder. The last thing she needed
was for Tiffany to see all the shots of her and Marco together.

Alex and Tiffany went through the images, and Alex
shared a bit about each setup, trying to sound as objective and professional as

 “There’s no way this guy can be single. But
every time I’ve asked, and everyone else I’ve tried to get information out of,
no one knows about his love life.” Tiffany said and Alex just shrugged. “God, I
hope he’s not gay.” And Alex actually spit. Tiffany laughed and said, “Yeah,
doesn’t seem to be, but you never know.”

Alex composed herself and agreed, “Yeah, you know,
actors, models…”

 “So, what else are you hoping to get
tomorrow, since it’s our last day here?” Alex asked. She really hated the fact
that she had to share her time with Marco with this woman. Nothing against
Tiffany, Alex just hated not being able to be with him.

 “Honestly, I was hoping to have him to
myself tomorrow.” Tiffany said and Alex immediately felt sick to her stomach.
“I think I’ll get more out of him alone, nothing personal. And it seems like
you’ve gotten a lot of great coverage.”

 “Um, yeah, I’m fine with that. There’s a ton
to choose from already.” Alex hoped her jealousy didn’t show.

 “Great! And who knows, maybe I’ll be able to
find out personally if he’s straight or not!” Tiffany said and grinned.

Alex returned her smile and said, “Well, if we’re
all good, I think I’m going to turn in for the night.”

 “Yep, good night!” Tiffany said
enthusiastically, clearly excited about the prospect of having Marco to herself


Alex went straight to Marco’s room and knocked,
her heart pounding so hard she could hear it in her ears. She was so anxious to
be alone with him, she could hardly wait another second. The minute she was
inside and the door closed behind them she threw herself into his arms. “God I
missed you today.” She panted in between kisses. She could feel him smile
against her lips.

Igualamente, mi amor.”
He said as
they continued to make out. It was like they hadn’t seen each other for days,
when in reality they were together all day. But having to hold back from each
other had clearly taken its toll as they were both starved for the other.

Alex wasn’t sure how long they stood there in
their embrace. When they finally broke apart, Alex said, “Tiffany wants you all
to herself tomorrow.” Making Marco frown. Alex tried to make light of it, “I
think she, um, really wants you all to herself tomorrow,

Marco rolled his eyes and shook his head. “Do you
see, Alexandra, if we were together, then I wouldn’t have to play games with
this woman.” Before Alex could answer he said, “I know, I know, we don’t need
to go over why again.” He trailed his hand down her cheek, brushing her hair
behind her ear and then this tender move changed in an instant as he reached
around and grabbed Alex’s ponytail, pulling her head back forcefully.

 “One positive thing came out of our little
act today, Alexandra. Do you know what that is?” Alex now recognized his tone,
the shift was obvious. She tried to shake her head, but he held it in place.

 “No, Marco, I don’t.” she said, just above a

 “It gave me all day to think about
I was going to punish you. And it gave me oh so many reasons

 “Punish?” Alex squeaked.

Sí, por supuesto.”
He grinned
devilishly. “Now, enough talking. It’s time for your punishment young lady.” He
sat down in the big guest chair and grinned up at her. Alex had no idea what was
to come.

 “Take off all your clothes and lay yourself
over my lap.” His tone so commanding, his inference clear. Alex hesitated.
“Now, Alexandra. The longer the wait, the more spanks you’ll receive.” Alex
felt herself flush. She’d never been spanked. Ever. Her parents never did, and
no boyfriend ever tried to either. She’d heard about it being sexual, but she
had no idea how or why it could be. Regardless, she was excited. She stripped
quickly and then eyed his lap. Nothing had even happened yet and she was
tingling with anticipation. And his expression, it alone made her wet.

Marco patted his thighs and Alex laid herself
across his lap. Once again, she felt incredibly vulnerable as she lay naked on
his thighs, her breasts on the outside of his right thigh, her legs dangling,
her ass in the air and her pussy exposed. And from her vantage point, she
couldn’t see much other than the ground and his leg. But then she felt his
hands rubbing her ass, and her worry melted away. He was gently stroking each
cheek, down to the spot where they join with the thigh. He let his fingers
travel to her inner thighs, but only far enough to get Alex frustrated. As he
rubbed, Alex relaxed, enjoying the feel of his big, warm hands on her. Lulled
into the feeling, she was shocked when he spanked her. Her whole body arched
up, but he had placed one hand on the small of her back, keeping her there as
if he anticipated her reaction. He immediately rubbed where he had spanked, the
stinging subsiding quickly. Then he slapped the other cheek. Again rubbing it
after. Then again, and again, and again. And what started out as pain and
stinging started turning into a strange warmth that Alex was starting to enjoy.
It hurt, but the more he spanked, the more she wanted it. It was like when he
pinched her nipples, it hurt but she kept wanting it harder and harder. Alex
was now arching her back pressing her ass higher as if asking for more. Her ass
was on fire by now and suddenly, he stopped. Alex slumped back down onto him.
She didn’t realize she had been panting. He started rubbing her ass which felt
nice, but frustrating. She wanted the slaps again. Then he dipped his fingers
into her and said, “Oh, Alexandra, you’re so wet,
. Did you like

He knew the answer. And she was too embarrassed to
admit that she did. So she just wiggled her bottom and he laughed. “Ok,
Alexandra, stand up.” It took Alex a moment to find her footing, she was
lightheaded from the spanking and from all the blood rushing to her head. But
her ass was still stinging and she couldn’t believe it, but she wanted more.
Marco tipped her chin up so that she was forced to look him in the eyes. “You
liked that, didn’t you, Alexandra?”

Alex just nodded, her face as flushed as her ass.
Marco pinched her nipple hard. “Answer me.” Alex was starting to realize that
Marco’s easy going nature was completely absent in the bedroom. He clearly
needed to be in control. There really was so much more to him than met the eye.

 “Yes, Marco, I liked it. A lot.”

 “Good. Punishment is over.” He said sternly
and then took her to bed and made love to her more tenderly than he had before.

Alex couldn’t sleep all night. Everything was
happening so fast with Marco. And not just that, but she let a man spank her.
Even beyond that, as much as Alex liked that there was a depth to him, seeing
that side to him scared her. Not that he hurt her, she wasn’t afraid of him
physically. But seeing that side made it clear that as close as she felt to
him, she knew that she really didn’t know him completely. Never in a million
years would she have imagined his need to do that, much less actually doing it.

She also didn’t like what it said about her. How
could she enjoy that? How could she let someone do that to her?

Alex wanted to slip out and go to her own room, but
even given her feelings about what had happened, she still didn’t want to hurt
him, and she knew that if she left, he would be. But she couldn’t lie there
staring at the ceiling any longer. It was close to 4am, so she woke him.

 “Alexandra, what’s wrong? Are you ok? What
is it?” he asked groggily. Once his eyes focused, he could see she was wide
awake. “Alexandra?”

 “Marco, I’ve been awake all night trying to
process what happened, and I can’t. I wanted to just leave and go to my room,
but I knew that would upset you. So, I need to know, why did you do that?”

She could see the wheels turning, trying to
process what she was saying. He looked so confused. “
Mi amor
, do what?”

Alex was shocked. Was this so commonplace to him
that he didn’t even know what she was talking about? “The spanking. Why did you
spank me? Why did you want to punish me?”

 “But Alexandra, you enjoyed it.” He said,
still clearly confused.

 “That’s something else entirely. I need to
know why you did it. It wasn’t just playing.”

Marco ran his hands through his hair, rubbed his
eyes and sat up. He took a deep breath. “I’m sorry if I hurt you,
He said with regret.

 “You didn’t hurt me, Marco. Please, just
tell me why.”

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