Broken Together (48 page)

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Authors: K. S. Ruff

Tags: #Romance, #Romantic Suspense, #Inspirational, #Mystery & Suspense, #Suspense

BOOK: Broken Together
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Maxim announced his intention to sign the trade agreement with the European
Union, he received a standing ovation. I wasn’t surprised. President
Yanukovych’s failure to sign that trade agreement, and his decision to
strengthen ties with Russia instead, had fueled an uprising that drove him out
of office. Maxim’s plans to strengthen ties with the EU, the United States, and
NATO led to another standing ovation.

applause grew thunderous when he mentioned Russia. “I will not tolerate
Russia’s meddling in Ukraine’s governance, their incursions over our eastern
border, or the annexation of Crimea. The insidious threat posed by the SVR ends
now. Ukraine is a sovereign nation, and we demand to be treated as such. Any
trade agreements with Russia will be mutually beneficial, or I will refuse to
sign them. Putin will not dictate our future. We, the people of Ukraine,
determine our own future.”

rich baritone voice rang out as he sang their national anthem a cappella. A
choir standing opposite him in the balcony gradually joined him. They were wearing
Ukraine’s traditional clothing. In a crescendo, the parliament, and nearly
every person in attendance, layered their voices over Maxim’s.

single tear slid down my cheek. Maxim’s inauguration was the most remarkable
event I’d ever seen. Here too, God’s hand was evident. I was certain I’d never
regret bearing witness to this monumental event.

* * * *

sank into the chair next to Shae. “How are you holding up?”

shoulders lifted in a delicate shrug. “I’m okay.”

look beautiful.” Her evening gown looked like a starlit waterfall. “How are
things going with Konstantin?”

not sure,” she answered honestly. “He’s so tight lipped, we hardly speak

studied her sullen expression. “Is he planning to move back to Ukraine?”

think he’d like to, but Maxim asked him to remain at the embassy for now.” She
eyed Brady and Jase, who were conversing a few feet away. “Where’s Rafael?”

in the foyer, speaking with the security detail out of Portugal.” Tons of people
were milling about Mariyinsky Palace in anticipation of Maxim’s arrival for the
inaugural ball. Security was proving a logistical nightmare given the chaos
surrounding us.

eyes morphed into two giant saucers.

Kadyn called from directly behind me.

look on Shae’s face was enough to make me bolt from my chair and turn around. I
grasped the top of my chair. “Ma… Ma… Mr. President.”

Obama reached for my hand. “Ms. Stone, I’ve learned some wonderful things about

me?” My eyes shot to Kadyn while I shook his hand.

Obama chuckled softly. “Senator Rockefeller mentioned your interest in funding
the Odessa-Brody Pipeline in a Senate Democratic Caucus meeting in January.
Mark Sondell shared his impressions of you when I met with the IMF back in
February, and USAID called me about your request last month. When you set your
mind to something, you don’t mess around.”

fidgeted nervously. I wasn’t sure how to respond.

eyes warmed. “I admire your initiative and your determination to improve human
security in Ukraine and in the EU. Secretary Gates is thrilled we’ve found a
home for the missile defense shield.”

was Kadyn’s idea,” I insisted.

nodded. Once. “I’ve already thanked Mr. Rand. I asked him to introduce me to
you, so I could thank you too. I truly appreciate everything you’ve done, Ms.
Stone. Senator Rockefeller told me you were targeted and harmed by the SVR when
you were here on a peacebuilding trip in June. I understand these efforts may
come at a high cost for you, so I’ll tell you the same thing I told Mr. Rand. If
you are threatened, I want to hear about it. Do you understand?” He placed his
business card in my trembling hand.

vision blurred. “Yes, sir.”

patted me on the back. “You are truly courageous, Ms. Stone. I’m pleased to
have finally met you.”

introduced President Obama to Shae, Brady, and Jase. I forced myself to remain
standing until he was lured away.

we…?” Shae sank into the chair next to me.

shook my head. “How did we get to this…
this place…
where our actions
have such grave consequences… where we dine and dance with presidents?”

haven’t a clue,” she whispered.

rose from my chair. “I need water and some fresh air.”

grab some Perrier,” Brady offered.

eyes narrowed. “You’re drinking water?”

glanced at Jase. His hands rose as he backed away.

rose from her chair. “You didn’t drink alcohol at your bridal shower or last

say it,” I pleaded. “Please, Shae. We’re not telling anyone until I’m further

eyes glistened with tears. “I thought you were mad at me. You’ve been acting so
weird the past few months. You hide out in your office, you barely speak to
anyone, and you don’t invite me over anymore. I thought you were mad at me.”

not mad at you. How could I be mad at you? You’re one of the sweetest people I
know.” I pulled her into my arms. “Rafael has been living in Portugal. He’s
working a high priority case for the Portuguese Police. He didn’t want anyone
to know. He was worried about how Maxim might respond.”

looked thoroughly confused. “But you and Rafael are still together…”

nodded. “Very much so. This is a temporary assignment. We plan to live in
Virginia, although we may have to bounce between both countries for a while.”

the baby?” she whispered.

like to wait until after the wedding to make that announcement. I’m only
fifteen and a half weeks along. I lost my first baby. I just… We want to wait
until we’re further along.”

offered a solemn nod. “I won’t tell a single soul. I promise.”

eyes sparked with mischief as the tension eased from my arms. “Want to hear
another secret?”

radiant smile lit her face. She leaned closer.

and I were married in a civil ceremony in Lisbon last month. He insisted on
being married when he discovered I was pregnant.” I laughed at the shocked
expression on her face. “Don’t worry. We’re still proceeding with the formal
ceremony next month.”

Kri! That’s wonderful news.” She squeezed the air from my lungs.

chuckled softly. “One tiny secret remains.”

glanced at me uncertainly.

an insanely handsome man who has fallen hopelessly in love with you. He’s here,
in this very room. I’m certain he’ll ask you to dance, but it’s not Konstantin.”

fingers slid lovingly down my arms. “You are wearing my colors.”

trembled when Maxim’s voice rolled over me. I was wearing a royal blue evening
gown with gold beads stitched in a regal design that framed my shoulders,
chest, and waist. The gold beads dipped below my hips before spiraling across
my lower back. Slowly, I turned around. “So you own gold and blue now?”

laughed. “That precise shade of blue and gold are the only two colors that
appear on my country’s flag. Of course I own them.” He pulled me close. “Do you
deny you chose this dress for me?”

I answered breathlessly. I didn’t dare move. Maxim was clearly aroused. Any
move I might make would only arouse him more.

dance,” he whispered silkily.

tried not to panic. Jase was being restrained, as was Brady. Rafael was nowhere
to be found. “But they haven’t served dinner yet.”

can dine while we dance.” He issued a single command in Russian to the men
standing behind him.

I objected.

fingers clenched my hip as he steered me toward the dance floor. “You would
defy a presidential order?”

heart stalled.

pulled me close when he stepped onto the dance floor. As if on cue, the
orchestra began. “You belong with me,
, for the next thirty
minutes at least.” He grasped my hand while cradling my back. He peered deep
into my eyes as he began to dance.

breath caught. This wasn’t the same waltz I’d danced with Kadyn. This was an
International Waltz, which was slower and far more intimate than the American
Waltz. I straightened my spine and held my chin high when I realized that
millions of people were watching us. The event was being televised.

sighed. “Rafael is safe. He has been detained by an elusive security problem. That
is all. Please,
, relax and enjoy the dance.”

eyes narrowed. “Was this elusive security problem fabricated?”

smiled. “Perhaps.”

bit my bottom lip while trying not to laugh at his audacity. I took a deep
breath and slowly released it. The tension eased from my shoulders and back.

mood grew pensive. “Do you know there are conspiracy theories surrounding you?”

brow furrowed.

disappeared so abruptly. This sparked a great deal of speculation. Information
about your capture and the SVR’s violent acts eventually reached the media.
Most have speculated that I hid you someplace safe after rescuing you. Others
have claimed my love for you is so great that I have imprisoned you inside my
home and refuse to share you with the outside world. Some claim I’ve been
hiding you and our unborn child.”

jaw fell slack.

have often wished that one were true.” Maxim released a long drawn out breath.
“Your appearance at the inauguration today dispelled any belief that you may be
carrying my child… which makes it all the more ironic that you are in fact with

feet stalled.

pulled me closer so I could follow his lead without thinking. “You didn’t think
I would notice? Your breasts are fuller, your skin radiant. Kristine, there is
only one thing that could make you more desirable.”

room blurred. Our entwined bodies continued to move in small, intimate circles.
I gripped Maxim’s hand a little tighter. “Please,” I whispered. I couldn’t bear
to hear it.

you were carrying my child.” His eyes brazenly caressed my face, my neck, and
breasts. “Throughout my life, there has only been one thing I desired for

eyes filled with tears.

Kristine. You are the only thing I have ever desired for myself, but I fear
this world has conspired against me.”

eyes captured and held mine. “I would not wish this for you, but if anything
should ever happen to Rafael… I would welcome you and your child with open

spilled down my cheeks.

will wait for you, Kristine. I may be frail and gray before you are free to
marry me, but I will wait… as long as it takes.”

Chapter 9 – The One

tucked my feet against the bench, hugged my knees to my chest, and gazed out
over the Potomac River. Soft pink cherry blossoms softened the edges along the shore.
I took a deep breath, savoring the rich, earthy scent of freshly cut grass.
Slowly, I unraveled my thoughts.

had spent the last two weeks in Portugal while hunting pedophiles. Sadly, there
seemed to be a never ending stream of sick individuals who preyed on helpless
children. He was flying to Virginia now. My final paper was submitted last week.
Course grades were released yesterday. I was graduating summa cum laude, as was
Shae. I couldn’t believe we were finally graduating.

thoughts spiraled back to the inaugural ball. Maxim was the only man I danced
with that night. I was too wrecked to dance with anyone else. I toyed with my
food while failing to maintain any sort of conversation with my friends. Rafael
offered to take me back to Maxim’s place, but I wanted to see Kadyn and Shae
dance. We left shortly after that. I didn’t reveal what Maxim had said. I hated
keeping that from him, but I was certain no good could come from Rafael knowing
about that promise.

was still deeply in love with Rafael, but for reasons I could not comprehend, I
still mourned what could have been with Maxim. After lamenting that fact for
weeks, I decided there are some things we are not meant to understand. The
stars never fully align the way any one person wants them to. They shift over
time, often in unpredictable ways, so I was done speculating about what the
future might hold for me… or for anyone else. I was leaving that up to God, for
now. I was fairly certain it would play out the way he intended either way. That
idea was somewhat liberating.

thoughts drifted closer to home. Shae suspected Kadyn was the person I’d been alluding
to at the inaugural ball. While I refused to confirm or deny her suspicions, I
was pleased she seemed receptive to the idea. She had yet to end her
relationship with Konstantin, but she was seeing less of him. Kadyn was
spending more time at my place. He liked hanging out with Brady and Jase, and he
enjoyed listening to the baby’s heartbeat even more than Brady.

was eighteen weeks pregnant, well beyond the first trimester, but the baby was
still wreaking havoc on my stomach. I felt nauseous more often than not. This
inspired the men to cook, but they weren’t just plying me with food. They were
competing for the most enticing dish.

hand slid lovingly over my stomach while I unraveled my legs. The tiniest baby
bump had finally formed. I couldn’t wait to show Rafael.

is the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen,” he cooed.

heart stalled as I spun around. “You’re here? Already?”

laughter warmed me from the inside out. “I couldn’t wait to see you, so we left
last night.” His hand claimed my tummy as he slid onto the bench. “I can’t believe
he’s finally making an appearance.”

scooted closer. “I may have to buy Spanx to wear under my wedding dress so he doesn’t

frowned. “Spank? I don’t want you spanking my child.”

stared at him for a couple of heartbeats. When I realized he was serious, I
laughed until I cried. “I’m not spanking your child. Spanx are a type of
undergarment. They’ll pull my stomach in so he doesn’t show.”

shook his head. “I don’t want you squishing him. Besides, I’ve waited months
for this little guy to show. He’ll be hidden by the bouquet if he’s visible at

burrowed beneath his arm. “What names are you contemplating these days?”

looked thoughtful. “I can’t seem to move beyond Michael, Antonio, Leandro, and

looked up, surprised. “Antonio?”

smiled, sadly. “My father’s name was Antonio.”

know a website where we can research the meaning behind their names.” I pulled the
website up on my phone and typed in the first name. “Michael means gift from
God.” I typed his father’s name. “Antonio means worthy of praise.” I typed Chief
D’Souza’s name. “Leandro means lion… and Gabriel means God is my strength.”

think we should wait to see what he looks like. He may inspire his own name.” He
stood and reached for my hand.

true.” We walked toward the house.

drew me close. “Have you felt him move?”

can feel little flutters, like champagne bubbles, but I haven’t felt him kick
yet. Are you looking forward to the sonogram?” Our appointment was scheduled
for May thirtieth.

stopped, abruptly. “I need to get the house ready.”

stood between him and the house. “What do you mean ‘ready?’ Ready how?”

want to knock out a few walls so we can merge our townhouses into a single
home. We need space for our little ones to run around.”

eyes narrowed. “Currently, we’re only expecting one… and he won’t be running
any time soon. Can’t this wait until we return from Lisbon?”

shook his head. “I don’t want you or the baby breathing in all that
construction dust. Renovations should begin the minute we fly back to Portugal.
I want that work completed by the time we return.”

gaped at him. “We’re flying out in three days. There’s no way you can arrange
that massive of undertaking in three days.”

smiled that panty dropping smile of his. “Would you care to wager a bet?”

eyed him warily as we began walking again. “What kind of bet?”

I don’t have a construction team, a list of renovations, and a set of
blueprints drafted before we leave, I’ll reveal where we’re going for our honeymoon.”

foot stalled on the top step. “I thought your schedule wasn’t going to allow
for a honeymoon.”

D’Souza granted me five days of leave so I can take you on a proper honeymoon.
That gives us eight days from our wedding day when you count the weekends.”

turned around and blocked the door. “You should tell me now.”

eyes lit with amusement. “Or else?”

folded my arms across my chest. “I won’t let you inside the house.”

choked back a laugh. “Surely, you know better than that.”

shook my head defiantly.

time Rafael really laughed. He picked me up and tossed me over his shoulder
with very little effort. “Are Brady and Jase inside?”

am I supposed to know?” They were sitting on the steps before Rafael arrived.

pushed the door open. “Brady? Jase!”

bolted from the family room but stopped short when they saw me dangling from
Rafael’s shoulder.

taking my wife upstairs so we can have wild, passionate sex. Do either of you
have a problem with that?”

chuckled. “Have at it.”

groaned. “I’m out of here.”

head fell against Rafael’s back. “I can’t believe you just said that.”

strode upstairs. “You’re my wife, this is our house, we’ll have sex when and
where we want.” He spent the next three hours proving just that.

* * * *

Bartoli’s voice rolled through the auditorium. “Shae Ann Garlington, summa cum
laude.” He shook her hand and handed her the degree while the school
photographer snapped their picture.

erupted from our classmates, colleagues, family, and friends.

to go, Shae!” Kadyn shouted.

grinned as she crossed the stage.

put a smile on my face. I fiddled with my honor cords while the eighteen
classmates who separated us walked across the stage. Finally, the only things
separating me from my degree were three solid stairs and half a stage.

dean’s voice rang out again. “Kristine Annabelle Stone, summa cum laude.”

stomach fluttered as cheers erupted. I gaped at the billowy black robe.
the baby know my name?
I walked across the stage in a daze. I snapped out
of it when the dean handed me the tightly wound scroll and shook my hand. He
patted me on the back.

Sandstrom rose from his chair behind the dean so he could give me a hug.

you,” I whispered. “Promise me, we’ll remain friends. That you’ll keep in

nodded, his eyes softening before he returned to his seat.

walked toward the stairs, where Rafael was beaming up at me.

handed me a dozen long stemmed roses, scooped me up, and twirled me in his
arms. “I’m so proud of you, baby. You did it!” He planted a quick kiss on my
lips before I scampered off to my seat.

watched Rafael walk back to his seat. He was sitting next to my cousin, Lexie.
I still couldn’t believe he sent the jet to Montana to retrieve my family so
they could see me graduate. He deemed them an early graduation present when
they arrived late last night.

leaned over her seat so she could give me a hug. We cheered for our remaining
classmates. Finally, the last student crossed the stage.

Bartoli’s chin rose. “Degree recipients, please stand.” He waited for the
auditorium to quiet. Then… “I confer upon each of you that degree for which you
stand, the Master of Science in Conflict Analysis and Resolution, with all the
rights and privileges thereunto appertaining. You may move your tassels. Congratulations,

of joy, relief, and gratitude fell during the applause. We followed our dean
and faculty into the foyer, where we exchanged tearful hugs and promised to
keep in touch. We remained together until our families claimed us.

and her family joined us for dinner. We met at Mokomandy, a hugely popular
restaurant in Sterling, Virginia. Mokomandy served an eclectic mix of Korean
and Creole food on small plates, like tapas. Rafael had commandeered the entire
restaurant, which had recently won numerous awards.

gave him a quick kiss on the cheek before dropping onto the chair next to my
mom. I squeezed her hand beneath the table. “I still can’t believe you’re

can I,” she admitted. Like me, she was soaking in the small, contemporary
restaurant… the wood tables, the cushy white chairs, and the canvas wrapped
photographs displaying artfully presented dishes. A bright red wall framed a large
stainless steel kitchen that glistened behind pass through windows at the far
end of the restaurant. A long, narrow bar sat empty behind us.

snagged the chair across from me. “Thank you for sending the jet. I can’t
believe it has a built in chess set and a bed!”

am I supposed to fly on a commercial airplane after that?” Nate asked.


waiter stopped by to collect our drink orders.

peered down the table at Rafael. “Is that the same aircraft you’re sending for
the wedding?”

family waited with baited breath.

smiled. “Yes, sir. We’ll send the jet back for you on Wednesday.”

and Brent were going to be busy over the next few days. They were flying my
family back to Montana tomorrow, picking Rafael and me up on Sunday to fly us
to Portugal, returning to Montana so they could retrieve my family on Wednesday,
stopping in Virginia to pick up our friends, and then flying into Portugal Thursday

waiter returned with our drinks.

ducked out of his way as he began distributing the drinks. “Is Dan coming?”

I claimed my cranberry Sprite. I’d been addicted to the tart concoction ever
since Maxim introduced me to it. “Yes. Dan and Kimme will be joining my family.”

can fly to Montana to accompany Dan if he needs help getting through this,”
Kadyn offered.

had briefed my entire family on Dan’s PTSD so they’d be prepared if his
anxieties flared. “Kimme thinks he’ll be okay since he’s not flying on a
commercial aircraft. He’s met my Dad, Lexie, and Nate so he should be
comfortable with everyone. He has sleeping pills and a bed if he needs them.”

nodded. “Let me know if that changes.”

like to propose a toast to Kristine and Shae.” Rafael stood and raised his
glass. “You two are the most phenomenal women I know. You have overcome more
challenges in the past two years than most people face in a lifetime. You
juggled full time studies against full time jobs that required international
travel. Still, you graduated summa cum laude. What you have accomplished is
nothing short of remarkable. Your determination to continue on with your
studies and your careers in peacebuilding despite the horrors you faced in
Ukraine is truly humbling. What you intend to do with your degrees is even more
humbling. It is truly an honor to know you.”

Hear!” Shae’s father shouted. Our friends and family tapped their glasses.

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