Broken Truth (24 page)

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Authors: Beth Ashworth

BOOK: Broken Truth
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Moving between the various embracing couples, Charlie allowed Jay to steer them into the centre of the dance floor. As the music changed and Jay made a move towards her, she flicked her eyes apprehensively at the darkened mirrored floor underneath their feet. Instinctively she found her hands reaching to pull down the hem of her fitted dress as she attempted to cover some of her modesty.

“No need to be shy,” Jay teased as he snaked his arms tightly around her waist.

She felt the gentle tug of the muscles in his arms as he pulled her body closer. Charlie lifted her hands and placed them on the front of his chest. “Like you said,” he murmured. “It is only one dance after all.”

Charlie lifted her heavily mascara coated eyelashes to meet Jay’s humorous gaze. She could feel her heart pounding frantically as she tried to ignore the feel of her hands pressing against the hardened wall of muscle underneath his shirt.

Jay licked his lips hungrily as she started to squirm beneath his penetrating stare. She felt his leg gently nudge into the space between her parted thighs. A gasp escaped her lips as he started to grind his hips in time to the sensual and rhythmic pulses of the music.

“You can dance,” she smirked.

“Oh, I can do more than dance,” Jay winked before throwing his head back with a rumbling laugh. He gripped her hips tighter and gently coaxed her body into following the erotic sway he had begun. “That’s it,” he growled as Charlie found herself matching easily with his rhythm.

As the song progressed, Charlie found that the alcohol in her blood was finally making its way up to her brain, where it was starting to leisurely drip feed her with bursts of confidence. As she started to feel braver, she found herself stroking her hands in a teasing path up to Jay’s neck.

Without breaking their eye contact, Charlie locked her hands behind the back of Jay’s head, pulling her body flush against him in one swift movement. His eyes bulged from their sockets before he tilted his head to the side to hide the sudden groan emanating from the back of his throat.

“Fuck,” he grunted as she pushed her gyrating hips into the solid hardness of his groin.

Charlie felt her body starting to come alive the further she pushed her boundaries with Jay. His low grunts and groans teased her body in more ways than she had thought possible.

The sounds of his satisfaction had caused her breasts to feel heavy within the confines of her satin cupped bra. She could feel the erect and tender peaks of her nipples as they pushed and pressed against the straining fabric.

They needed to be touched.

They needed to be soothed.

She needed Jay to make her forget.

Unexpectedly, a bright spotlight ripped through the darkness of the wall to wall bodies. “Why hello,” she teased as the shining light covered and perfectly illuminated Jay’s face.

“Hey,” he smirked as he raked his eyes over her body. She saw him pause at her chest, clearly distracted by the sharp and protruding points of her nipples.

“Kiss her!”

“Come on you guys!”

Although Charlie vaguely registered the sound of the cat calls and jeers all around them, they no longer mattered to her as Jay’s lips descended to claim her mouth in an explosive and fiery kiss that set off and shutdown every sense of control she had.

She knew that she was on a slippery slope down into a pleasure filled pit and she couldn’t wait.



Charlie linked her legs around Jay’s waist as he pushed through the fire escape and out into the alley around the side of the nightclub. She could feel the strong pressure in his grip as his hands firmly clutched at her hips.

She was in a daze.

All she could focus on was the way that Jay’s lips continued to roughly attack and assault her body as she tried to push away the surfacing guilt of what she was about to do from her thoughts.

“He doesn’t deserve you,” Jay whispered as his mouth feathered kisses along her collar bone.

The unexpected softness in his voice caused Charlie to freeze. Instantly, she felt the blood in her veins run ice cold. She didn’t want him to be sweet and caring, the thought reminded her too much of the man she was trying to forget. What she wanted right now was a rough, no-strings fuck.

“What’s wrong?” Jay asked, pulling away at the feel of Charlie’s rigid and unresponsive body.

“Quit with the pleasantries,” she snapped, her eyes blazing into his. “I’m not here for niceness alright? I’m here because I need you to fuck me. You told me you can make me forget, so go on and try,” she challenged.

Jay’s mouth opened in shock as he digested the words that just flew out of her mouth. She felt his hands tighten intensely on her hips as he walked them into a darkened spot in the alley.

“I’ll give you a good fucking then, Sweetie,” Jay spat as he pushed her back against the brick wall. Using one hand to hold her weight, he roughly gripped the hem of her dress and pushed it up around her hips, exposing the small expanse of material covering her modesty. “Fucking nasty little bitch wants to be fucked,” he muttered as he ripped the elastic string holding her underwear together.

The mild evening air blew against Charlie’s bare and dampened pussy making her writhe and groan against the hard brickwork. She felt Jay’s hand at her neck as he forcefully pulled the strap of her dress down to expose some of her skin to his waiting mouth. Pouncing with his teeth, Charlie tilted her head to the side and whimpered as he bit and suckled at the soft skin.

She needed it to feel different.

She needed it to feel like a quick fuck and nothing else because the guilt she was already feeling was starting to become too much for her to handle.

“Do you like that?” Jay grunted as he lifted a hand to grasp and knead one of her breasts. “You want to feel my rock hard cock don’t you?” he said, growling deeply into her ear.

Charlie groaned as an aura of pleasure settled over her. She could feel the moisture practically oozing from between her thighs as her crotch continued to rub tantalisingly against the rough fabric of his jeans. It was just the right level of abrasiveness to keep her mind from wandering into the territory of regret.

“Oh fuck,” Jay hissed as he rubbed his fingertips through the slippery wetness at her opening. He plunged two fingers inside of her and caught Charlie completely off guard.  

Her body bucked suddenly and she felt the instant bite of the brickwork as the rough and sharp edges jabbed painfully into her back. “Harder,” she moaned against his ear as she fought to catch her breath.

The familiar sensations of her climax approached quickly before they disappeared again in a sudden flash of blurred lighting. She registered the sudden loosening of Jay’s hands before they dropped her altogether. Luckily, she was already lowering herself as his grip loosened so she didn’t hit the floor as could have been the case.

Hastily pushing down her dress, Charlie heard a loud cracking sound that caught her attention. Her eyes snapped up to find Callum landing a punch directly into Jay’s jaw before following seconds later with a further crippling blow to his gut.

The force of the hit crumpled him to the floor where Charlie watched on with horror as Callum continued his onslaught. The muscles in his arms were clearly evident in the short sleeved shirt he was wearing. She could see the adrenaline pumping through his veins at a rapid speed.

“You fucking wanker,” Callum hollered as he gripped the collar of Jay’s shirt and landed a blow to his temple.

Charlie remained rooted to the spot as he continued to kick and punch a now unconscious and bloodied Jay. She could see from where she was stood that Callum’s eyes were a horrific shade of black. She knew he wasn’t planning on stopping anytime soon and that she had to do something. She knew she had to intervene before he killed him.

“Stop it!” Charlie screamed at the top of her lungs. She rushed forward to stop Callum before he landed a further blow to Jay. “Don’t do this!” she said, placing her hands on his chest. She pushed him away with all of her might causing him to stumble back in shock. “What the fuck are you doing? You do not have any right to come here and do this to me! I am trying to forget Callum,” she cried. “I’m trying to take the pain away, but once again you are right here at the centre of it!”

“Do not speak to me like that,” he snapped, clenching his fists into balls. “It is a good job I decided to keep an eye on you because I just saved you from making the biggest mistake of your fucking life,” he yelled, his entire body shaking visibly with bitter rage.

Charlie’s eyes widened at the fury splintering in his voice.

 Suddenly finding the air around her too thick to breathe in, Charlie felt her lungs inflate and deflate far too quickly for her to be able to catch any oxygen. “I have to go,” she choked as she turned around and ran towards the waiting line of taxi cabs at the front of the club.


Tears of shame burned in the back of her eyes as she ignored Callum’s calls and jumped into the first taxi she could see. Immediately locking the doors, she instructed the driver to take her back to Amelia’s house just as Callum started to rain angry fists on the roof of the car.

“Please get me out of here,” she pleaded to the driver as a mixture of mascara and tears streamed uncontrollably down her face.

“Alright, Love,” he said as he pulled away from the outside of the club.

Flicking a glance over her shoulder and through the back windscreen of the taxi, Charlie saw Callum run into the middle of the road and throw his arms up into the air.

He was pissed and she knew that he had every right to be.

She couldn’t believe how stupid she had been. She had tried to use a man for meaningless sex to try and cure a small proportion of the heartache she was feeling. As far as she was concerned, Callum had every right to feel angry at her. She had opened up her body to a complete stranger that she didn’t even know.

Thinking about Jay made Charlie’s stomach clench nauseously. She pictured his bloodied body lying still in the alley and the way Callum’s fist repeatedly crunched into him.

She shook her head at the overwhelming feel of guilt that was overtaking her body.

There was never any doubt in Charlie’s mind that Callum wouldn’t keep tabs on her. She knew him too well to know that he wouldn’t just let her leave and that be end of it.

What she hadn’t anticipated however, was for Callum himself to be the one keeping an eye on her. It was the one part of his plan that she hadn’t actually considered. She hadn’t been prepared for the instant guilt that swept over and consumed her mind, body and soul when she set eyes on him. All of the hurt she had been trying to forget came back even more forcefully than before.

A barrage of questions flooded Charlie’s confused mind the more she thought about the events that had just happened.

Why was Callum keeping tabs on her?

Why was he not at home with Claire?

What was going to happen to her now?

 “You alright, Love?” the now concerned taxi driver asked.

“I guess,” Charlie lied as she stared absently out of the window.

She wasn’t alright and she knew that she probably never would be. The man she thought she loved had just caught her in a compromising position with a stranger. Right now she knew that it was going to be an impossible feat to try and push Callum to the back of her mind. Clearly he was going to be around her whether she liked it or not, so she needed to find a way to suppress and block her feelings as much as possible.



Twenty Three


Following on from the chain reaction of catastrophic events that happened to Charlie on Wednesday, she decided to spend the remainder of the week moping helplessly around Amelia’s house before returning back to work the following Monday. Thankfully the time alone had given Charlie the space she had needed to revaluate her plan for the future. Starting firstly with work, she devised a plan that she was going to take one step at a time.

A month later and Charlie was still throwing everything she had into her work. With the lack of distractions in her life, she was now able to commit as much of her time as possible to progressing her career in the fashion industry.

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