Brooklyn Brothel (16 page)

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Authors: C. Stecko

BOOK: Brooklyn Brothel
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When I walked inside, my feelings seemed strikingly different from my former visit. Betty’s spot somehow felt warm, almost like home. Crazy as it sounded, it was true, maybe because there was no otha place I could call home. Betty stood by her office door leanin’ up against the wall, with a small glass of Hennessey in her hand. She reached out to me while laughin’ at the same time.

What the hell was so funny? I wondered walkin’ into her awkward embrace. Maybe she laughed because I was
back and she had no space for me. Maybe it was laughter because of my failed relationship with Bo.

Shocked was the only word to describe the love Betty showed me. She grabbed me tightly for several seconds. “My girl Co-Co,” she saluted. “I’ve been looking out for you all morning. Glad you made it.”

I looked ova at Mike wonderin’ why he lied to me. He just hunched his shoulders as if to say he didn’t know how she knew I was on my way back.

“You knew I was comin’?” I asked.

“Of course.” Betty looked ova at Mike. “Hey, we’re done with you for a while. Get outta here. Go drive around or some shit.”

I looked at Mike and gave him a quick wave goodbye. He turned around and neva even hesitated to follow her orders. I then followed Betty as she swayed her way into the office.

“Bo called, just as pimps always do when their fortunes leave. He asked if you were here.”

My jaw dropped an extra two inches, and my heart skipped a beat. I had already convinced myself that Bo was on his way. I swallowed hard. “What did you say?” I fumbled around in my purse for a stick of gum.

“I told him you weren’t here and wouldn’t dare come back to my spot after all the extra drama I went through with you.” She grinned wickedly. “Now make me some money so I don’t regret my decision to go against Sugar G and Bo.”

“Thank you Betty,” I sang. “I mean really… thank you. I think Bo wants me dead.”

“Look Co-Co, in this game you gotta be strong. I know you got it in you. You been to prison, right?”

I nodded.

“Were you weak? Had bitches eating your pussy? Or were you strong?”

“Strong,” I said quickly, rememberin’ how confident I was durin’ my bid. I didn’t take shit off nobody and needed to get back to that.

“Oh, I’m sure,” Betty replied, shakin’ her head positively. It was crazy how she had more confidence in me than I did in myself. “Now put Bo outta your mind. That nigga is past tense.”

“What if he comes here lookin’ for me?” I inquired.

“Trust me, I’ll take care of that. You see my two guys out there, right?”

I turned to see the guys in the black suits. “Ahhhh, Betty…I don’t mean no disrespect, but they neva talk.”

“Of course they don’t,” she laughed. “They’re mute. Born deaf and prefer not to try to talk. They’re my brothers actually…so they’ll kick ass for me if somebody come up in here on some shit.”

“Damn.” That was all I could say.

“Besides, Bo knows better than to come here trying to fuck up my operation. Now, stop worrying about that nigga and let’s make this money.”

I placed my hands on my hips transformin’ into the original Chantel. “Speakin’ of money. Let’s be clear. I keep all my money, give you half, right?”

“That’s right, no middle man or middle pimp… I should say.” She chuckled.

Betty was laughin’, crackin’ jokes, and bein’ somebody I hadn’t seen before. It was weird, but I liked it. I didn’t have many outfits so it was probably a good time to ask her for a loan. I filled her in on all the details about my exit from Bo, and why I needed a loan to get more clothes. However, I ended up gettin’ somethin’ one-hundred percent better. Betty took me to a room near the kitchen where she kept tons of nice clothes she’d kept from broads who cheated her out of her money, or who’d gotten thrown out.

“Take what you like,” she told me.

I did just that and made my way up to 2A, where I took the bed where my one-time lover, Sasha, once laid. I thought about her a few times back in Pittsburgh, but realized she wanted too much of me. My eyes scanned the room, checkin’ out the beds, and how many seemed occupied. All the otha girls were in 2C makin’ money while I had the room to myself. I unpacked my stuff and chose my outfit for the night. It was a black, form-fittin’ one-piece outfit with a flirtatious split up the side of the bottom part of the short get-up. I laid everything out perfectly on the bed, then hopped in the shower. It was crazy how I felt so at ease.

I lathered my body with my almond scented Victoria Secret lotion, and sang Beyonce’s song
Crazy In Love
as if I were really in love. Ha! I made fun of myself. Who was gonna love me now? I thought about Mike for a minute or so, but the reality was, it didn’t matter. I was away from ol’boy and ready to get what I deserved. Money!

Once I got out, I took extra time makin’ sure everything smelled perfect, especially my treasure chest. I even sniffed it one time, and dipped my finger inside for a taste. Then I moved to my face. A little foundation was added to give me an extra glow, along with some bright red lip stick. On normal occasions, I woulda stuck with just the lip stick, but tonight called for drastic measures; lip liner, gloss, the works. I wanted to be seen instantly.

My game face was on strong when I entered 2C. When I walked in, all eyes focused on me. There were only three bodies in the room, so I assumed the othas were fuckin’. With a quick scan of the room, no faces were recognized, which allowed me to really show off my new and improved attitude to the new girls. There was one fat bitch standin’ near the window starin’ me down. I stared back at her, but kept my distance. There wasn’t enough fight left in me after what I’d
gone through with Bo. So I waltzed ova to the love seat and sat next to a beautiful, slender dark-skinned chick. Her long hair was screaming-weave! It was pretty though, lengthy for the most part except for her bangs front and center. She seemed nervous so I had to represent as a veteran of Betty’s place.

“I’m Co-Co…and you are?” I extended my hand with extra confidence.

“Megan,” she replied.

“Megan? That sounds so white.” I turned my head as if Megan no longer existed, and pulled my miniature pack of baby wipes from my garter belt. I felt so assured that the first guy I saw would be mine. With so many plans for the money made while at Betty’s, it was imperative that I showed up the otha girls in the room.

My new attitude seemed to work well until Angel exited one of the rooms to the far left. As usual, her hair had been whipped up into a bun, but she’d added a lil’ spice by allowing a few curls to dangle down near her ear. She looked shocked to see me, and I acted as if I’d neva seen her before.

“So, you’re back, huh?” she asked me.

Before I could even respond, a tall man, nearly six feet seven came bargin’ through the door. His beard looked scruffy, unkempt, and badly in need of a trim. I saw Serita suddenly pop her head inside the door givin’ us a sign with her fingers that he had money. We all jumped up, lined up side-by-side, and gave our best poses.

I fluffed my wig, all along checkin’ out Megan’s weave. I hated to admit it, but it looked damn good. I wanted to play around with my fake shit a lil’ more but the flavor of the hour stood two feet in front of me.

“You and you,” he snapped.

I knew he’d just pointed to me like I was beneath him, but my expression asked the question- did he just say both of

I looked at Angel, who acted as if she hated me. I rushed to hop in front of our paycheck showin’ him that I was in charge. I had neva had a threesome before, but as long as he was payin’ I didn’t give a fuck. I grabbed his hand softly, and rubbed the palm of my hand against his chest. As I led them both to the room, I asked playboy his name.

“Hassan,” he answered sharply.

That was the crazy thing about New York. It was definitely a fuckin’ meltin’ pot. We got’em all- black, white, Asian, Italian, Puerto Rican, etc. I didn’t know what Hassan was. He appeared to be black, but dressed a lil’ suspect.

Once inside the room, my eyes zoomed in on his sandals. They were weird, almost Roman. Strangely, he had on a pair of stylish jeans, and an up-to-date polo styled shirt.

“So what’cha asking for, Daddy?” Angel asked tryna out-shine me.

“I wanna be treated like a King. I’m Muslim…got two wives already. But it’s simply not enough. Give me the works,” he ended, then pulled his shirt ova his head.

His chest, a damn six pack, had me drooling at the mouth. I stood there tryna figure out how everything was gonna go down, while Angel attacked his belt buckle with her teeth.

“That’ll be three hundred to sex us both,” Angel announced between growls.

“How you gonna decide for me?” I barked at her.

“Oh yeah…fight… I like it.” Hassan grinned.

“Okay, how much then, Co-Co?” Angel countered.

“I want two-hundred for myself and if I gotta touch her, an extra one-fifty,” I replied.

Hassan showed us that he agreed by the way he dropped his pants and stepped outta them leavin’ his balls swingin’ like a lost chimpanzee. Angel just rolled her eyes
hatin’ the fact that I was makin’ moves.

“Ladies, let me make something clear…I have two wives at home, so I’m used to getting what I want when I want it.” He smiled. “So if I’m here, I want even better service than I get a home. Agreed?”

Angel nodded. I didn’t, but knowin’ the amount of money at stake, we didn’t hesitate to get down to business. There was no time for cattiness; it was all about makin’ paper. Before I knew it, me and Angel both had stripped down to our thongs and four inch heels, waitin’ for instructions from our Muslim master.

Makin’ the first move, I sashayed ova to the bed where Hassan sat with his ten inches in his hand. “Damn Daddy, you sure workin’ wit a big stick. Let me taste it.”

Quickly I dropped to my knees and took the big shaft into my mouth. Hassan looked down as he watched his dick disappear, then looked ova at Angel, I assumed wonderin’ how she would top my work.

Scratchin’ his scruffy beard, Hassan grunted, “Ahhhhhh.”

He grabbed the back of my head roughly as his erection made its way to the back of my throat. I looked up at him and massaged his balls while suckin’ him off.

Angel refused to be left out. She stood off to the side fingerin’ herself, and mufflin’ under her breath. I guess it was an attempt to divert Hassan’s attention.

“This bitch tryna show off,” I warned myself. “She aint got nothing on this pussy,” I chanted.

Angel kicked off her hot pink thongs and stood with her legs spread open, rubbin’ her hardened nipples between her fingers. Her pussy was clean shaven with the exception of a small narrow patch that reminded me of a landin’ strip. Hassan was hypnotized as he watched Angel rub her clit with increased speed.

“I want you. Now!” Hassan demanded by tappin’ on the bed where he wanted Angel to lay. “Get on your knees so I can fuck the hell out of you.” Hassan was demandin’, as he was used to havin’ things his way with his women and expected no less in this situation, especially since he was payin’ for it.

Angel did as she was told and Hassan slapped on a condom then climbed on the bed behind her. He entered Angel with force and began to pound into her.

“Ahhh, damn. Yeah, give me that pussy. Ahhh, yeah just like that.”

Angel threw that ass to him. I had to give it to her, she definitely knew how to work it. But Hassan wasn’t completely satisfied, he wanted more action. He looked at me who was still pissed from him choosin’ Angel for the moment. He kept slippin’ his tongue from his mouth in my direction.

I was willin’ to stand by patiently, just waitin’ for my turn until he snapped his fingers at me vigorously.

“Hey you, come lie down and let her eat that pussy while I fuck her.”

I gave him a look that said, “Are you fuckin’ crazy?”

Angel responded with just as much attitude and in between breaths from being fucked roughly, “Baby, I don’t do girls and girls don’t do me. Sorry.”

“Whatever, for another two hundred each I bet you will do whatever the fuck I ask,” Hassan replied.

He knew that he would get what he wanted.

I still didn’t budge.

Shockingly, Angel spoke up. “Dammit, Co-Co, come lay your ass on this bed and lemme eat that pussy. Shit, girl he spending for this.”

I sucked my teeth and thought of Carlton. Then I thought about how much money I needed to make before the
end of the week. If all things went well, maybe we’d convince Hassan to come back before the week was out.

I snapped from my thoughts when I heard our master’s fingers snappin’, again. I rushed toward Angel and our oppressor for the hour. I laid down on the bed spread eagle inches from Angel’s face. Without hesitation, she drove her warm tongue straight into my clit, flickerin’ back and forth and givin’ little sucks in between. I couldn’t deny the fact that Angel was good, but she wasn’t better than Sasha. Even if I wanted to pretend, my pussy started throbbin’, so I started grindin’ my ass into Angel’s face.

Hassan had found his new spot, deep inside Angel’s ass. I could see him poundin’ but couldn’t focus ’cause all I wanted was for Angel’s tongue to reach deeper and deeper into my pussy.

I slipped with my own tongue and moaned…“Oooh yeah…. Damn Angel, that shit feels so good.”

Angel smirked and feasted harder.

Hassan enjoyed watchin’ the sight before him and began to bang against Angel’s ass with such force, the headboard slammed against the wall makin’ chip markings in the paint.

Just when I thought I was about to explode all ova Angel’s face, Hassan pushed Angel off of me. I was pissed!

“Okay, enough of that,” he demanded. “I want you both to suck my dick until I cum all over your faces.”

“Together?” We both questioned him at the same time.

Hassan pulled at his long thick beard, and looked at us with disturbin’ eyes.

“I get what I want! A hundred extra each and I nut all over them beautiful faces.”

It’s all about the money
, I told myself. I whined sexily, “Oh yeah baby, squirt it all ova.”

Angel nodded her agreement hesitantly.

Hassan sat on the corner of the bed, with his manhood standin’ erect like a chocolate monument. I took charge, knelt before him first, looked up at him as I took his rock hard stick into my hands. I guided his penis into my mouth and began to work my magic. He moaned in ecstasy as my tongue danced on the head of his dick.

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