Brooklyn Rockstar (Kendall Family #1) (20 page)

BOOK: Brooklyn Rockstar (Kendall Family #1)
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After strumming the last note, Charlie sets the guitar down between his legs, chuckling with a hint of nervousness. “I hope those aren’t tears of pain.”

Giggling, I wipe them away. “That was amazing. Once your label pulls their heads out of their asses they’re going to realize they’re working with a mega star. You’re destined for big things, Walker. That song is going to be a big hit.”

“I wrote it this morning while on my run.” Leaning in close, his lips dangle temptingly close to mine. “I wrote it for you, Freckles. I don’t plan on ever letting you go.”

Holy hell.

He steals the sharp gasp that falls from my mouth, owning it with his tongue and lips. I pounce into his arms, settling on his lap and taking my turn to devour him back. He releases a guttural moan when I grind into the healthy hard-on building in his trunks.

“I love you," I whisper, releasing his lips. I touch his forehead to mine, stuttering on a cry. “I’m just…scared. I mean the parties, fans, award shows, tours—where would I fit into all that? What place does someone like me have in your life?”

“You’re mine
baby,” he says with a growl, taking my face in his hands. “Now that I have you, I’m done with the traditional rock ’n' roll lifestyle. From now on, anywhere I go, you go. After a show I want to go back to my bus and make love to my girl. You don’t have to worry about fitting into my life. I’ll figure out a way to make my life fit around you.”

Well if that doesn’t melt a girl’s heart, I don’t know what would. But if he really wants all this, shouldn’t he be able to say out loud that he loves me? Struck with a blinding need to convince myself this is real and worth pursuing, I spring into another kiss, moving around on his lap until I can grasp his hard-on.

His hand shoots out, stilling me as he gasps for air. “Aren’t you still sore?”

“I need you,” I coo, going in to suck the salty skin on his neck. “Now
I can’t wait.” My hand breaks free of his hold, gently stroking up and down until I’m sure he won’t be able to resist.

With a frustrated growl, he yanks the straps down on my one piece. His mouth and hands go to work on my breasts, groping and nipping at them until I’m dripping wet and his for the taking. I curse myself for not buying a bikini he could easily remove as I work on his swim trunks, nudging them down his hips until I have his rigid shaft in hand.

“I want to see all of that gorgeous body,” he says. Eager hands tug the tight fabric the rest of the way down until I’m straddling him with my suit around my thighs. I swing my foot out behind me and pull it off one leg then struggle to do the same on the other side without leaving his lap. Both of us laugh when I nearly topple over, and suddenly things are right between us again.

I stand. He lifts his hips. I slide the trunks off him with ease. His hand shoots out for mine, pulling me back into his lap.

My tongue and lips take turns tasting the inked skin along his chest. The combination of the ocean air and Charlie seem to be an irresistible combination when it comes to my libido. I’m ready to shatter even before his thick fingers slip back and forth across my warmth. Moaning, I slip down onto his fingers and kiss him again, achy and restless with the feeling of something inside me. His beautiful eyes widen when I grind my hips against his digits, proving I’m ready.

“Shit,” he grumbles to himself, fisting a handful of hair behind my head. “Climb on, baby. I can’t take it anymore.”

I sink down, biting on my tongue when his girth stretches me wider than I once thought imaginable. It doesn’t hurt as much as it did the first time as there’s only a small flicker of pain. In fact, my body springs to full attention, welcoming the feel of him sliding against my tender insides.

Charlie latches onto my breasts and our bodies move together in a familiar rhythm as I rise and fall like we’ve been doing it together our whole lives. I feel him hold back in an attempt to be gentle, and bounce on him harder, loving the way his icy blue eyes darken and his wide mouth creates an O shape. It’s intoxicating, knowing I’m the sole reason for this gorgeous man’s pleasure, and I’m the one he wants to be with.

My chest swells with every varying emotion Charlie Walker stirs in me: love, pride, joy, passion, fear of the unknown. He’s become the master of my heart and now he’s mastering my body. He moans and sputters my name, signaling that he’s close. We kiss again as his fingers rub a pattern between my legs, bringing me to an unimaginable bliss.

We come together mere seconds apart, each of us shattering with our own electric vibrations. Charlie kisses a dizzying path along my arm and shoulder. “It just keeps getting better with you, Freckles,” he says against my skin.

I couldn’t agree more. If this is what it’s like to be madly in love with someone, how do couples manage to stay out of the bedroom? Worse yet, how will I stop myself from dropping everything and everyone for the chance to be with him like this every day? It seems crazy that he’d want to move in together this early on. Then again, I’ve never had feelings this strong for someone and he seems just as enchanted.

What if this is it? What if Charlie’s
The One?
When I picture spending the rest of my life making love to this beautiful man, I can’t stop smiling. It’s inevitable at this point. Charlie said he wants to spend his life with me.

So why does a part of me still worry there’s a reason he can’t tell me the one thing I want to hear?

Chapter 20

nother night
of falling asleep with Evelyn in my bed leaves me both satisfied and anxious as hell. She’s the only good thing that’s happened to me since Danny’s disappearance. When I asked her to move in with me, she looked genuinely spooked, so I haven’t brought it up again. But as I see our long weekend coming to an end, I know I won’t be able to sleep without her by my side. Her feelings for me are unmistakable, mirroring my own, so I don’t know what it could be about moving in with me that has her so upset. Guess I have 24 hours to figure something out.

We spend another day hanging out both in and out of the water. Turns out Evelyn’s a strong swimmer, able to keep up stroke for stoke with ease. I’m amazed by every new thing I learn about her. The night before I found a selfie of her on Instagram from behind the wheel of a tractor, wearing a cute as hell flannel shirt and one of those sexy side braids. Without a doubt I’ll be making a trip back home with her someday soon. Maybe we could even fool around in that tractor.

She becomes spunky later in the afternoon, ready to wrestle me in the water. At one point her strong legs wrap around my waist and I drag her further into the ocean where we mess around.

Between hot kisses and fervent touches, her fingers trace the designs on my arm. “I’ve always wanted a tattoo,” she tells me. “Maybe something in memory of my mom. Before now I was too scared James would lose his shit.”

“If you decide you want to get one, I’ll take you,” I say, lacing our fingers together. “I want to be there for all your firsts.”

Her eyes fall to the word “trust” over my heart. “What’s this one about?”

I suck in a sharp breath. For a brief moment I consider telling her everything, letting it all out. It would feel good to finally get the truth off my chest. It would also ruin what little time we have left and there’s a chance I would lose her for good. I’m not willing to risk it.

Instead I avert her attention by slipping my finger beneath her swimming suit and stroking her wet flesh. I grin with the little cooing noises she makes in response to my touch. There’s nothing hotter than seeing her breathe heavily as her body answers mine, eager for more. Things get intense until a group of teen girls float by on paddle boards. Deciding it’s late anyway, we head back to the beach house to get ready for dinner.

There are countless mysteries about women that I’ll never understand. Why they need to go to the bathroom together. Why they seem more interested in getting dressed up to impress each other rather than guys. Why the dumbest shit can make them cry like a baby. And why it can take them hours to get ready. Thankfully Evelyn comes out of the bathroom after a mere twenty minutes, though I suppose without her make up and whatever stuff from home, there isn’t a whole lot for her to do.

She clearly took most of the time styling her hair in a complicated braid that pulls her bangs away from her face, giving me an unobscured view of every last freckle. But it’s the sexy-as-shit little dress clinging to her tight body that I can’t tear my eyes away from. She spins around, the slinky fabric dancing against the swells of her gorgeous tits until I’m given a jaw-dropping view of her bare back, dusted with more freckles that coax a small growl from my throat. The dress drapes over the top curve of her perky little ass where I suddenly envision a little tattoo. Maybe even my name. Just thinking about marking her flawless skin gets me as hard as steel.

My balls tighten when I realize she isn’t wearing a bra. Or panties. The knowledge that she’s naked under the dress and I’ll get to strip it off her at the end of the night gets my fingers twitching at my sides. She’s all mine for the taking.

Then my gaze follows the length of her tanned, silky legs and I discover her fuck-me heels. Suddenly I can’t swallow or manage a rational thought. The only thing on my mind is how killer those heels would look wrapped around my waist as she’s riding me.

I manage, making the nickname sound like a curse word.

“You like it?” she asks, her voice thick with amusement. When I look up, her eyes are sweeping over my white button-down and khakis sent to me from some designer in Paris, probably worth more than I care to know. “Am I overdressed?”

Rather than laughing at her naivety, I step up to wrap my arms around her, bending to brush my lips over the freckled shoulder that’s driving me insane.
is more like it.”

A low hum vibrates in her throat as she leans into me, rubbing her ass against my cock like a damn cat. I run my fingers up and down the tender skin above her ass, breathing in my girl and whatever’s making her smell like the best kind of flowers while running my lips and tongue along her sun-kissed skin.

“You are so damn beautiful,” I say with my lips pressed to the hollow of her neck. “I’m the luckiest guy in the world.”

“We’re going to miss our reservations,” she replies in an irresistible, throaty voice.

“They’ll wait.”

Without any coaxing, she spins around and our lips lock. She readily glides over to the bed along with me and we fall down to the mattress together in a tangle of limbs. The primal urge to bury myself in her burns through my belly with every stroke over her lips and touch of her fingers. She brushes the sensitive skin beneath my shirt, dragging her fingernails along my back with every surge of her tongue.

Then her hand wraps around mine, moving it down between her legs. I almost blow my load knowing I’ll connect with skin instead of panties.

“Patience, baby,” I say, flipping her over to lay on her stomach.

I take my time worshipping every last inch of the supple skin on her back with my lips, loving the way she mewls and squirms beneath me. I could sit here and do this for the rest of the night, immersed in her scent and anticipating ways I could make her come.

Turning her back over, I settle between her legs and stare into her big beautiful eyes. I didn’t go down on women before since I honestly didn’t care if they got off. But after getting a taste of Evelyn, I want more and I want to hear her scream because of my mouth. When I dive in to give the skin inside her thighs special attention, her fingers hook behind my head. Anticipating the feel of my tongue well before it makes contact with her flesh, her hips buck upward. A quiet whimper rolls off her lips when I finally sink inside.

She’s sweeter than honey and already delightfully wet. My own need for release takes a back seat to satisfying her in every way possible. I revel in the way she reacts to every stroke, gripping the sheets in her fists and tilting her head back. I never knew getting a woman off could be so satisfying. Then again, I’ve never been with anyone I cared about as much as Evelyn. Watching her thrash from my touch is better than any drug out there.

She comes apart with a final cry and screams,

It gives me another rush of pride knowing I drove her far enough to utter something she normally doesn’t say.

she whimpers, stroking my hair. “That was out of this world.”

Chuckling, I run a finger along her side as I slide back up to meet her gaze. “Seeing you light up like that was unreal. I thought I was going to lose it just watching you.”

She sleepily blinks back at me, her eyes swarming with desire. “I love you, Charlie Walker.”

My gut roils with shame. Why can’t I say it back?

I bend in to kiss the tip of her nose. “We better get going. We’re already late for our reservations.”

“We have to take care of this first,” she purrs, rubbing the bulge in my shorts. It’s adorable how she’s still in a post-haze bliss, drunk with satisfaction.

“I plan on taking care of that when we get back later,” I say with a growl, wondering where the hell I’m mustering the kind of self-control it takes to resist. Watching her parade around in public without anything underneath her dress is going to be hell on my control. It’s also going to make for the best foreplay.

By the time Dante gives us a ride, we arrive to find the restaurant packed. My upper lip curls with the sight of the big crowd waiting for their table beneath trendy chandeliers. The manager assured me the place would be quiet so long as we arrived before six. So much for coming during their downtime.
If I hadn’t been so eager to please Evelyn, we would’ve made it in and out without the extra hassle.

“Stay here, Freckles,” I whisper in her ear, loving how she shivers when my breath tickles her skin. I kiss her cheek and dust my fingers over her lower back before going in search of a host. Without my trusty Nets cap I’m painfully exposed and at the mercy of the dim lighting. I try to keep my head low, avoiding eye contact with anyone as I make my way up to the front.

“Welcome to Ocean Side,” a perky blonde greets me from behind a podium, glancing down as she scribbles something. “Do you have reservations?” When we lock gazes, her jaw lags and her eyes get that
haze I’ve seen a thousand times. “Oh…
We’ve been waiting for you! Wait here and I’ll get the manager…he…uh…wanted to personally escort you to your table!”

She makes a scene when stumbling away with flushed cheeks, drawing the attention of a few people nearby. I clear my throat and look down, casually draping my arm over the podium. I’m in no mood for a scene. I just want to hurry through dinner so I can take Evelyn back to the beach house and make love to her before asking her again if she’ll move in with me. Maybe if I catch her in another post-orgasmic bliss, she’ll give in this time. My gut twists knowing we have to head back in less than twenty-four hours.

“Charlie?” a woman calls at my side. I turn to find a middle-aged couple staring back at me. The wife looks ready to straddle me while the husband looks mildly amused. “Can I please get a picture with you?”

Shit. Here we go.
I glance around, praying no one heard her request. I normally don’t hesitate to take pictures, but a few people are already looking on with interest. “Sorry,” I say, looking back at the wife. “I’m hoping for a quiet night out with my date.”

I excuse myself past them and make my way back to where Evelyn stands, talking with two thick-necked men in suits who are closer to her than necessary. From the subtle pinch to her eyebrows, I get the sickening feeling she doesn’t welcome their attention either.

“Everything okay?” I ask, nudging my way between her and one of the men.

The guy on her other side looks from me back to Evelyn as a sly smile spreads over his lips. “I
you looked familiar.” He elbows his buddy in the stomach. “It’s that chick from the news!”

“Please respect our privacy,” I snap, dragging Evelyn closer. A fist forms at my side, ready to pound the fucker for leering at her like she’s a two-bit hoe. Lucky for him there are too many people around.

The man’s thick fingers curl around Evelyn’s bare arm. “You should try being with a one-woman kind of man, sweetheart. With someone like me you wouldn’t wonder what STD I’m going to bring home from work.”

“The fuck you say?”
I roar, pushing Evelyn out of the way to leap at the prick. My right hook connects with his jaw and he stumbles back, falling on the laps of surprised customers waiting on a bench.

Pansy ass has probably never been in a real fight,
Danny snickers.
Better teach him not to mess with what’s yours.

There’s a commotion of people yelling and scrambling around as the man collects himself off the floor, cradling his jaw. I lurch forward, ready to charge again until Evelyn’s hands hook beneath my armpits. “Charlie,

With the sound of her voice among dead silence, the fog clears from my vision. Every single person in the front of the restaurant is staring at me. More than a couple have their phones held up, taking pictures or video. Defeated, I relax until I feel each of my tense muscles uncoil and the anger in my gut fizzles. Fucking perfect. Another thing the media can go apeshit over.

Evelyn releases me, instead taking my hand. “Let’s go,” she whispers, tugging me in the direction of the entrance.

The prick I punched watches on with a scowl as Evelyn leads me out of the restaurant. I’m still stewing once we’re standing out in the cool night air, and she’s waving Dante down.

What made me lose my shit back there? The fact that someone was openly making a pass at my girl when I was two feet away, or the fact that somewhere deep down I worry he’s right and the asshole side of me that’s just like my father and Danny won’t be able to control myself once I’m back on tour?

I can’t let that happen to Evelyn. She deserves so much better. I’ll just have to convince her to go along with me on the road to insure I don’t give into temptations.

Then what? You gonna drag her around with you twenty-four/seven?
Danny’s voice asks, laughing.
Get real, brother. You aren’t cut out for this kind of shit! Getting unlimited pussy any way you can is in your DNA! It’s the reason you couldn’t stop yourself from bringing Madison and her friend home!

“Take us to the nearest drive-through, please,” I hear Evelyn tell Dante the minute we’re sitting in the back of his SUV. Before we’re out of the parking lot, she sets a hand on the side of my face.
Look at me. Are you okay?”

I glance down at her big brown eyes, lit with worry. I sink a little further into the seat. My outburst ruined what was supposed to be a special night. “Who the fuck talks to a complete stranger—a
that way?”

“I don’t know. I just hope you didn’t break his jaw. That guy could sue you.”

“I’m sorry, baby.” I pull her tight against me and kiss the top of her head. “I wanted our last night here to be memorable.”

“That shouldn’t be a problem,” she answers dryly. Then she giggles. “I think his buddy crapped himself when he saw you coming the second time. He couldn’t back away fast enough.”

I wrap both arms around her and bury my face in her hair, wishing I could think of some way to keep her in the Hamptons forever. “I promise I’ll make it up to you when we get back.” Caressing her bare back with one hand, I lower my face to deliver a series of kisses behind her ear.

BOOK: Brooklyn Rockstar (Kendall Family #1)
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