Brother Bear Mated (2 page)

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Authors: P. Jameson

BOOK: Brother Bear Mated
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Chapter Two


I’m the anchor. I’m all she needs. Me. I’m hers, and she’s mine and no one else will hold her to the light but me. Me. Mine. I’m enough. I’m good enough. Have to be

Thames, the eldest of the remaining two members of the Deadclaw clan, shoved the panicky ramblings of his bear down. Way the fuck down. So far down, maybe he could keep from gripping Nastia so hard next time he got protective of her.

Her heart had sped up so fast he could feel it through her back where it was pressed against his chest. He had hurt her or scared her, and neither was acceptable if he was ever going to convince her of his worth.

The human part of him knew he had to be careful. But the animal wanted to beat his chest and roar until the little witch was marked and claimed and his to do with as he pleased.

When Cleaver had forced Thames and his brother, Theron, away from their home above his bar there was much dragging of feet. The falcon shifter had been trying to convince the two bears to find a clan and make a home.

You need settlin’ is what you need, boys. Find you a place and settle those bears so you don’t spend all your time scrappin’ and fightin’. Besides, I got new blood coming in to help guard the bar. Your services aren’t needed here anymore

Cleaver’s dismissal had felt like a slap in the face, but Thames knew it was just tough love. He and Theo had worked for the man as bouncers in his bar ever since he’d offered them sanctuary.  When there wasn’t even a two in the first number of their age. They were barely grown but had the muscle mass of a heavyweight boxer and the haunted eyes of an aged man. Cleaver took the one thing they did well, and put it to good use.

Fight. Defend. Protect.

Thames stared down at the little witch. Her fiery hair was strewn about the padded blanket he’d spread out for her to rest on. He’d kept her warm through the coldest hours of the night and in the dim flicker of the candle, he could see her cheeks were rosy from his efforts. She’d probably be fine if he released her now and started work.

But he didn’t want to.

When Cleaver set up this gig for them with Gash to guard the lodge, he’d said this was their chance to find a forever home. Thames hadn’t believed him. His bear however, and Theo’s too, didn’t give him the option of saying no. The animal was desperate for a mate. Theo’s even more. And being the second born, he couldn’t mate until Thames found his female.

His brother’s future happiness depended on Thames’s ability to win his own mate over. No pressure there.

But this wasn’t what he’d expected to find here in the mountains. A witch. Sorcera, as they preferred to be called. It made sense now, his
. But in a million years he would’ve never guessed his mate would be a witch.

Your intended mate will hide evil in her heart, and have no love to give you

The Mother Bear had delivered his
like a blow, effectively condemning both he and Theron with one sentence. Theo’s
was a tad more hopeful, but rendered useless because of Thames’s and the birth order. Still, that didn’t stop him from hoping. Preparing, as bears did when they were ready to mate.

Thames sighed heavily. If he failed, he failed Theo too. But that wasn’t even the worst part of this situation, the part that left him quaking inside like he did as a boy when he was cornered by rock throwing clan members.

Nastia was in danger.

She’d taken on darkness and killed to keep him from being mortally wounded during battle. He’d been blitz attacked by three giant werecats at once. The nastiest of them was going for his throat when the Sorcera drew from the darkness to kill him and finish the spell that would put their enemies’ animals back inside their bodies for good.

The Alley Cats were a vile bunch and deserved what they got. As horrible as it felt to lose control of your animal, Thames had zero guilt over what they’d done to those cats.

But it didn’t matter that they got what was coming to them. As Adira explained while he’d carried Nastia’s body to his cave, the light she contained within her, was disrupted, diluted with dark power. Now, it would continue to poison until there is no more light within her.

Unless they could find a cure. Her Anchor. And even then, Adira wasn’t sure it would be enough to hold her.

Your intended mate will hide evil in her heart, and have no love to give you.

He’d prepared for this. As a bear does when he’s ready to mate.

He’d taken up religion. Prayed to any god who would listen. He followed the Ten Commandments as closely as possible. Watched his mouth—he saved most of the colorful words for inside his head. Read the Bible even if he didn’t understand it. Practiced good deeds. For all intents and purposes, he was a saint.

If his mate was destined to be evil, he would be equally the opposite. He’d be good enough for the both of them. He’d love enough for the both of them.

Carefully, Thames pulled away, tucking the heavy blanket around Nastia’s shoulders. He’d slept with his back to the cave opening so he’d be the first thing any intruder saw. Not that he was expecting one, but he’d never be too safe with his mate.

Stepping over the bed, he walked to the candle in the corner and used its flame to light several more until the cave was significantly less dark.

A small gasp had him jerking his head around to find Nastia’s pinched expression.

“What is it?” he asked, his bear alert and ready.

“Your back,” she murmured, easing to a sit. “You are hurt. Of course you are. I remember what the cats did. Don’t worry, bear. I can help you.”

Her offer, after what she’d done to save him on the battlefield, it smacked him in the chest, leaving a gaping hole that needed filling. God, she was so sweet. How could she be the one hiding evil inside. Could a
be flawed? The Mother Bear wrong? He’d never known of such a thing, so probably not.

And he was certain Nastia was his. She’d defended him. Sacrificed for him. It was the way the mating ritual began for his kind. If a female stuck her neck out to protect a male, it was the same as laying claim to him. With her actions she’d chosen him and proven her worth, and in return, the male must do the same.

“No need,” he answered. “My bear is strong and will heal me just fine. It’ll only take a little time.”

Her bright eyes shadowed before her gaze fell to his feet. “I wouldn’t use the darkness. I still have light in me. If that’s what you’re worried about.”

As his mate, she should be able to heal him with the mating bond. Without using any magic. It was another reason he held her so close throughout the night. But their contact hadn’t seemed to help. Because she was weakened or because their bond was newborn baby fresh, he didn’t know.

“Would it weaken you further?” he asked.

Nastia shook her head.

“Would you need to touch me?”

“It could make it easier, but if my touch worries you, I can do it without. But…” She stared directly at him and her chin pushed out, giving her that stubborn expression she’d worn the first time he ever saw her. When she’d taken his bear from him and forced it back under his skin. “Just so you know, the darkness isn’t contagious. I can’t pass it on to you or anything like that. You aren’t a Sorcera, and even if you were, it doesn’t work like that.”

Oh, his little witch misunderstood him. He wasn’t afraid of her touch. He
it. Needed it. Their bond needed to grow for his own sanity but also for hers. Instinct told him growing the mating bond was the key to anchoring her to her light.

Thames stepped closer, a half grin creeping up. “I’m not the least bit worried about your magic.”

“Well, you
damn well
should be,” Nastia snapped, her delicate face morphing into a snarl and stopping him in his tracks. But in the very same breath, her expression cleared, making her seem like a frightened young. Her eyes grew wide, showing all the pear green of her iris as she whispered, “I don’t know why I said that. It wasn’t what I meant at all. Please forgive me.”

Thames eased closer, crouching low, his bear registering the way his female trembled and not liking her fear one bit. “Nothing to forgive,” he said. “Me and Theo have spoken to each other more harshly than that. And I want you free to speak your mind anyway.”

“But that’s just it.” Her brow creased with worry and he had the urge to reach forward and iron it out with his thumb. “It wasn’t my mind. It was like… like… something else had control of me.”

The darkness, Thames thought. This was what Adira had described, that Nastia wouldn’t be herself. But he hardly knew his female. How was he to discern what was her and what was the power she was fighting off?

, his bear whispered.
Learn her

Nastia shivered. “This must be what it felt like when I took control of your bear. This must be what it’s like for the Alley Cats now. The inability to have control of your own self is…” She didn’t finish but instead pinned him with her regretful gaze. “Thames, I apologize for what my sisters and I did to you upon our first meeting.”

Well, damn. His name sounded really great on her lips, but he didn’t want her apology. What happened that first day between the Sorcera and the shifters had been necessary. It was a sampling of their powers. It was their
hey, look what we can do, you want some
? If they hadn’t shown up like the bosses they were, Ouachita wouldn’t have given them a chance.

And besides… he was a tad sentimental about that first meeting.

It was a great story to tell their grandcubs one day. He’d leave off the part about how his bear went all raging boner just in her presence. How he’d fought her spell harder just because he wanted to see how far she’d go.

He’d skip ahead to the part where his bear knew she was the one.

Shackled inside his human body, the animal had known even then, there was something special about the female. His heart had pounded double time and it wasn’t just because of the spell. It was because in a blink, he could see their future laid out in fine detail. Him courting her, winning her love, marking her with his claw, but also with his seed. A young planted in her belly.
young. A home, one he’d made with her. And then more young later. A whole brood of them. Growing old beside each other. A happy smiling witch and a protective caring bear. Together until the world wasn’t for them anymore.

That future he saw was beautiful. So damn beautiful. And also something his mind had conjured from his hopes where he buried them down deep. Because that wasn’t what fate had in store for him and Nastia.

And… that was okay. Because he was going to do his best by her, no matter what ugliness came their way. He’d settled on that long ago, when he was still a young and had no idea who his female was. It didn’t matter. If she was his, he’d love her.

Thames reached his hand forward, offering it to Nastia. She pressed her lips together, staring at his scarred up fingers, but then finally placed her perfect little delicate ones in his.

Now what? He hadn’t thought about what he’d do if she took it.

Thames cleared his throat and rose to stand, pulling Nastia up with him. When she was steady on her feet, he let go and turned so his whole back was visible to her.

“Go ahead,” he said, straightening his shoulders. “I’d appreciate your help, little witch.”

His words were met with silence, but he stayed patient, letting her focus. He registered the slight warmth of her body as she scooted closer.

“This might be a bit uncomfortable,” she warned. “It appears your bear has already facilitated some healing. I’m not sure how my power will react with your animal’s. Let me know if it feels… wrong.”

Thames gave a stiff nod. Nothing she did to him would feel wrong. They were meant for each other.

The anticipation of her touch had him wound tighter than a spring, and he tried not to move. When her hand made contact with his skin, it was nothing like he expected. There wasn’t pain as she’d suggested. Not even a spark or tingle. Instead, her power washed over him like a warm bath, melting his tense muscles until he had to remind himself to stay upright. Nastia’s palm smoothed across his shoulder and down, following the path of his ragged skin. He couldn’t feel the wound mending, though he knew it was. Only warm numbness and relaxation. It was like he’d been given a drug.

“Is… is it too bad?” she asked uncertainly.

Thames tried to answer. Struggled to make his tongue move. But what fell from his lips instead was a deep moan of satisfaction. His head fell forward, his shoulders slumping. Damn. It was like he didn’t realize the pain he’d been in until it was taken away. And it went farther than just what the cats had done to him. It was a lifetime of pain cached away inside him and her touch was making it disappear.


“The wound is healing,” she murmured. “It’s working.”

Only now did he hear her chanting words under her breath. Something he couldn’t make out. A different language.

Another pass over his back and she eased around to the front, her fingers trailing over his upper arm as she moved. When she stood directly in front of him, Thames found her gaze before it flittered away, uncertain.

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