Brother to the Boss: Billionaire Romance (Managing the Bosses Series Book 8) (6 page)

BOOK: Brother to the Boss: Billionaire Romance (Managing the Bosses Series Book 8)
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“Nice to meet you,” he said instead. “I hope that you’re enjoying your time with us.”

“Oh, absolutely,” Arthur said, reaching out to take the hand that Mark had offered in a firm grip and giving it a friendly shake. Obviously he’d decided that he wasn’t going to take offense at Mark’s sudden appearance or the fact that Erica was clearly off limits. “You’ve got a really nice place here, Mr. Reid. It definitely lives up to the hype.”

His quiet friend nodded, taking Mark’s hand and shaking it as well. “A good place to spend a few hours, for sure.”

“It was nice to meet you, Erica. And you, Mr. Reid,” Arthur said. He turned then, and wandered away, Richard following, and Mark watched them go.

“Nice guys,” Erica said.

Mark didn’t comment. He wasn’t going to start a fight over something that hadn’t even happened, especially when that was what their last argument had been over. He smiled at her and brushed a hand against her hip, a brief touch that someone else might take for an accident if they caught the gesture at all. “They were,” he said. He sighed. “Unfortunately, I’ve got to go mingle with the rest of the room again.”

“Poor you,” Erica laughed. “It’s such a trial to be the famous owner of a famous country club.”

“Ha, ha,” Mark answered, shaking his head at her before he moved away, meandering his way through the little clusters of people on the edges of the dance floor.

It wasn’t easy, actually, being the famous owner of a famous country club, but he could handle it. It would all be worth it in the end.



Chapter 7


Jamie was in the kitchen when Alex wandered down the next morning, cooking pancakes in the soft golden light that flooded in through the windows. She was also wearing nothing but one of his button-down business shirts.

Alex stopped dead in the doorway.

After the beach, she’d been happy, although he hadn’t missed the thread of tension running through her, probably to do with the phone call he’d had to take and Lilli running for the water. He didn’t ask her about it, not wanting to disturb the nice night they were having curled together on the couch with the twins in bed and a movie on. They hadn’t had sex, though, and suddenly he was strongly reminded of that. And even more strongly reminded of how much he wanted her.

“The twins are still asleep,” Jamie said without looking up from the pan. “So I thought we could have breakfast.”

He wasn’t surprised. They’d been fussy in the early morning hours. With any luck they would sleep for another hour or two. Maybe three. But he didn’t say so. He was still staring.

“Alex?” Jamie turned around and caught the look on his face. She smiled. It was an expression that Alex thought of as particularly dangerous, and he knew she knew exactly what it did to him. Just like she knew what she was doing when she’d decided not to put on anything more than one of his too-large shirts that morning. Apparently, she wanted it as bad as he did.

Jamie looked down at her bare feet and bare legs, then back up at him. “What?” she asked, as though she didn’t know, that same wicked smile still on her mouth, and he wanted to kiss it off her.

When he didn’t answer, she turned back to the pancakes still bubbling in the pan, humming some little song to herself with studied nonchalance that was probably just meant to drive him even more crazy.

The shirt skimmed too close to the middle of her thighs, closer to her hips. Alex wanted to run his hands up the length of her thighs and he wanted to get his fingers in her and he wanted a whole lot that he fully intended on getting. With a growl of approval, he closed the gap between them and settled his hands on the curve of her waist, dragging them upward to run his thumbs across the flat of her ribcage. As far as he could tell, she hadn’t even bothered to put on a bra, and he was half hard in his boxers already. Lately he’d been worried about them as a couple, about the effect that work was having, but maybe this was a sign that they were going to figure it out.

Or just a sign that Jamie was as hungry for sex as he was. She always had been. It was one of the many, many things that Alex loved about her.

He felt her breathing catch. His hands moved up to cup the weight of her breasts through her shirt, heavier since she’d had the twins, and he stroked his thumbs over her hard nipples.

She gasped.

Whatever else was going on with work, in that moment Jamie was all his. He pressed up against her from behind, feeling the curve of her backside against his cock and wrapping his arms around her waist. She shifted, pushing harder back against him although all of her attention was seemingly still on the pancakes she was flipping in the pan. Like she couldn’t feel him.

“Good morning, baby,” Alex managed to speak finally, his lips against her neck.

“Morning,” Jamie answered, turning enough to give him a peck on the cheek, and Alex groaned low in his throat when her ass rubbed against him again.

She rolled her hips, slow and easy, and it was all he could do not to bend her right over the counter. The fact that she was standing in front of a hot stove was the only thing that stopped him.

“You had better finish with those pancakes in about ten seconds, Mrs. Reid,” he growled against her ear. “Because either way I’m dragging you out of this kitchen.”

Jamie shuddered against him, all the way down to her toes.

“I guess you’ll have to eat cold pancakes then,” she answered, but she turned off the heat.

The minute it was off Alex’s hand was around her wrist, tugging her toward the living room and the couch. He wasn’t going to wait until they got upstairs. He sat down, pulling her forward into his lap, and she laughed.

“We have a room, you know.”

“And it’s a very nice room,” Alex said, leaning in to kiss her, slow and hard. Her mouth opened to him, sweet and easy, and he settled one hand on the small of her back, dragging her in closer. When he broke the kiss, they were both panting. “It’s also very, very far away, and I’m not going to waste my time going up there when we have a perfectly nice couch right here.”

Jamie laughed, and he silenced her with another kiss, his lips against hers and then moving down, over the curve of her throat. His hands curled around her hips. When they slid down, smoothing over the fabric of the shirt to the warmth of her thighs, he stilled. He then moved his hands under the shirt, slid up until he was sure she was panty-less. His cock jumped in his boxers when his fingers slid over just skin.

“Tell me something, Jamie,” he said, low and hot, leaning close to breathe the words against her ear so that she arched against him and let her breath out on a sigh. “How long have you been down in the kitchen wearing nothing but my shirt, with nothing underneath it?”

“Mmm. An hour?”

Alex growled, and one of his hands slipped out to tangle in her hair, gently tipping her head back so that he could kiss along the line of her jaw. He could feel the hard peaks of her nipples through the thin fabric of the shirt, and he wanted her. Wanted his mouth on them.

“Damn, woman. You drive me completely mad.”

“I try,” she answered, words breaking off on a gasp when his hand tightened in her hair and his mouth found hers again, his hips bucking up against the curve of her ass.

Her fingers curled against his neck, nails scraping the skin, and Alex finally dragged himself away from the kiss, sitting up enough that he could get his hand between them to start working the buttons open so that the sides of the shirt fell loose around her, baring her breasts and the not-quite-flat line of her belly. She was self-conscious about it, had been since the kids were born, but Alex had made sure to tell her as often as possible that she was beautiful. Hot. Everything he fucking wanted. He hadn’t told her that enough since things had started going bad at work. That would have to be remedied. He’d show her right now.

Jamie squirmed, looking up at him through her eyelashes, her tongue flicking out to wet her lips. If she didn’t stop that they weren’t going to make it very far.

Her hips rolled down against his, her body shifting so that the rock of them together rubbed his cock against the place where she was already wet. She must have been thinking about it the whole time she was down in the kitchen, bare under the inadequate cover of the shirt, waiting for him to come down and find her like that.


His thumb rubbed circles against her thigh, and then he let the hand slide upward, fingers tracing up her belly to the underside of her breast. She moaned softly. The roll of her hips grew faster, needier.

“Alex,” she gasped. “Stop. Damn it.”

He knew what she meant. But she hadn’t said it and so his hands stopped, stilling against her skin.

Her eyes, dropped half-lidded, snapped open, and she whined in the back of her throat. “That’s not what I meant and you know it.”

“I was just doing what you said, baby,” Alex answered, grinning at her. “Was that not what you wanted?”

“I wanted you to stop teasing,” she bit back.

His fingers dragged against her inner thigh. “You mean that?”

“Damn it, Alex.”

He laughed then, and finally gave in, leaning in again to bite gently at her collarbone, mouth moving slowly downward until he could catch one of her nipples between his teeth, his tongue quick to follow suit. His other hand dipped between her legs, the back of his index finger pressed against her folds.

She moaned, and he echoed it. Fuck, she was so wet for him. So ready, and he wanted her. He thought about pushing the shirt off her shoulders and letting it fall, but he liked the way it framed her. Liked the brush of the fabric against his skin and the fact that it was his shirt, holding her close the same way he was.

“Fuck,” Jamie said. “Come on, Alex. Please.”

Obligingly, Alex stroked his fingers up to her clit, whispering an ‘I love you’ against the valley between her breasts. She said it back, the words mixed up in another soft moan.

His fingers pressed into her, filling her, and she writhed down against them.

“Tell me what you want,” he said. “How do you want me, baby?”

“More,” Jamie answered. “Fuck. Anything. Just more.”

Alex stroked his fingers against her inner walls.

“More, like that?” It was meant to be teasing, but he didn’t quite hit the right note. He wanted her, too, was so hard that it hurt. But he didn’t want to rush it. His thumb rubbed over her clit, and he slid another finger inside.

“Alex…” She didn’t get the rest out, whatever she wanted to say. Her thighs trembled against his, and her body bucked.

“Yes,” Alex growled. “Give it to me. Come on. I want to watch you. Feel you come.”

A surprised little gasp and she was coming, fingers clutching at his shoulders, and he leaned in to swallow the sounds she made so that they didn’t wake the twins.

When he pulled back, he gave her a moment, let her catch her breath while her heartbeat slowed. But she wasn’t done and he knew it. Once was never enough for them. He looked down at her, with her kiss-swollen lips parted and her hair falling loose around her face, and wherever this was going it had better go quickly because he wanted his cock in her. Needed to feel her around him.

Apparently she felt the same way, because she was writhing again, rocking down on his fingers like they weren’t enough.

“Alex. Come on. Fuck me. I need you filling me up.”

“No please?” Alex teased, despite how much he ached to give her just what she wanted.

She didn’t give him one, and so he kissed slowly down her body to her thighs, letting her feel his breath across her skin, and she squirmed under him. Her hands tangled in his hair and pulled just enough to give him very blatant direction.

He grinned up at his impatient wife, and then his mouth was on her, his tongue sliding between her folds, slow as though he had all the time he could possibly desire, as though he was simply enjoying himself. He flicked the tip of it over her clit, and Jamie tossed her head against the couch, whimpering. He licked circles around her clit and then rubbed it with the flat of his tongue. Jamie moaned, clutching at his shoulders, his hair.

He loved that she had such a strong reaction to him. Couldn’t get enough of him. Alex mouthed at her outer lips, feeling the smooth skin and dipping his tongue to trace between them, tasting her wetness and going up, grazing her clit just barely. Jamie whimpered against her biceps, her fingers tugging again at his hair. Alex didn’t mind. He wanted to feel how much she wanted it.

His hand shifted down to spread her open and he pressed in with his tongue pointed, tracing her opening, all his senses overwhelmed with the taste and sound of her. Of Jamie. The woman he loved more than life itself. He would never stop loving the way he could make her feel. His tongue moved briefly over her entrance before moving up to circle her clit, lightly, teasingly, not touching, making her needy, desperate, begging, waiting till he could give it all to her. Another stroke of his tongue over and around the sensitive little bundle of nerves and then he flicked lightly over it, and if it weren’t for his hand on her hip holding her in place she would have bucked up against him, chasing his mouth with the low sound of pleasure in her throat.

“Alex, please.”

He didn’t pay attention to that, though, his tongue ignoring her clit and going down to taste her again, his hand squeezing rhythmically at her hip. It was all he could do not to take her right there, but he wanted her to ask for it. She gasped his name again, and he slid two fingers inside her. It was an easy glide; she was so wet for him. He licked slow and firmly at the place she wanted it most. Then he closed his mouth on her clit, sucking and flicking it with his tongue

His hands curled around her thighs, holding her open, holding her still as he teased again, tracing lines over her clit, down along her folds to where she was wet and wanting and empty. He drew circles around her opening with the tip of his tongue until she was begging in words that stumbled over each other.

fuck me. Please. Damn it.” Her voice grew loader. “Now!”

And fuck. That was it. He could help but groan, lifting up enough that he could yank his boxers down, Jamie’s hands aiding him, as eager as his own. Alex tipped her back onto the couch, her legs spread wide, and leaned down over her with his fingers under her knees to hold them there as he pressed inside.

Her arms wrapped around him, dragging him close, and he groaned.

She gasped. “Fuck. Yes. Alex.”

He moved inside her with long, slow thrusts, and she met them with the roll of her own hips, taking him as deep as he could go. Like this, he could look down into her eyes, read the pleasure moving across her face, and he wasn’t going to last. He let himself move faster, harder. Hungry for her the way he had been since he’d walked into the kitchen.

BOOK: Brother to the Boss: Billionaire Romance (Managing the Bosses Series Book 8)
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