| and class struggle, 29, 49, 265, 276;
 | collectivizafion of agriculture in, 17, 26-7, 174, 204, 261, 262;
 | and continuous revolution, 246, 247-9, 261-2, 265, 267, 276;
 | counterrevolution in/subversion of, 18-19, 68, 167-8, 169, 173, 174-5, 190, 254-5, 256;
 | and human capabilities, 3, 211-12;
 | and imperialistic influences, 194-5, 247, 248;
 | and people's communes, 271-2;
 | status reports, 301-13, 369-75.
 | See also Anti-Rightist movement; Cultural Revolution; Five Antis movement; Great Leap Forward; Great Movement to Resist America and Assist Korea; Hundred Flowers campaign; Three Antis movement
 | Chinese students, 16, 39n52
 | Chuikov, I. V., 48, 49
 | class struggle, 29, 49, 265, 276
 | collectivization of agriculture, 17, 26-7, 174, 204, 261, 262.