Brothers in Arms (48 page)

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Authors: Odd Arne Westad

Tags: #Political Science, #International Relations, #General, #test

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Page 137
6. The visits of such delegations often were featured in the official magazine of the Soviet-Chinese Friendship Society. See
People's China
(Beijing), 1950-1953.
7. A typical list of Soviet contributions to China can be found in an interview with I. V. Arkhipov in
USSR-China in the Changing World
(Moscow: Novosti Press Agency, 1989), 44-5.
8. It appears that some people were sent for as little as two weeks, others for as long as two years.
9. O. B. Borisov and B. T. Koloskov,
Sovetsko-Kitaiskie otnosheniia 1945-1977gg
[Soviet-Chinese relations, 1945-1977], 2nd ed. (Moscow: Mysl, 1977), especially chapter 2; L. V. Filatov,
Ekonomicheskaia otsenka nauchno-tekhnicheskoy pomoshchi Sovetskogo Soyuza Kitaiu 1949-1966
[An economic evaluation of scientific and technical assistance of the Soviet Union to China, 1949-1966] (Moscow: Nauka, 1980).
10. "An account of the work of Soviet specialist-advisors in the PRC for the first quarter of 1954," TsKhSD, f. 5, op. 28, roll 5113, no. 187 (January-October 1954), 1-97.
11. Ibid.
12. Fedorenko worked with Arkhipov in the early years as his interpreter. About forty years later, he lamented that "The development of relations between the USSR and China was done, inconceivably, without specialists: China specialists, people who knew the history and the contemporary situation of our great neighbor, the spiritual life of the Chinese people," in N. T. Fedorenko, "Stalin i Mao Tszedun" [Stalin and Mao Zedong],
Novatia i noveishatia istoritia
5 (1992): 98-113, 109.
13. TsKhSD, f. 5, op. 28, roll 5104, no. 138 (January-October 1954).
14. The titles were: "On the tasks of ideological work of party organizations," "Tasks of the department of science and culture of local and party organs in fulfilling the decree of the September plenum of the Central Committee CPSU," and "Soviet literature at the current stage.''
15. TsKhSD, f. 5, op. 49, roll 8862, no. 41 (April-December 1957), 146.
16. The best memoir is M. A. Klochko,
Soviet Scientist in Red China,
trans. Andrew McAndrew (New York: Praeger, 1964). Others include A. A. Arsent'ev,
Zvezdy nad Ki-


Page 138
[Stars over China] (Simferopol': Krymizdat, 1959); N. S. Babin,
Raduga nad Iantszy
[Rainbow over the Yangtze] (Moscow: Sovetskaya rossiya, 1959); N. Fedorenko,
Kitaiskie zapisi
[Chinese reminiscences] (Moscow: Sovietskii pisatel, 1955).
17. Fedorenko, Stalin i Mao Tszedun, 98-113; I. V. Kovalev, "Dialog Stalina s Mao Tszedunom" [Dialogue of Stalin and Mao Zedong],
Problemy dalnego vostoka,
1/2/3 (1992): 77-91; and ibid., 6 (1991): 83-93.
18. Bo Yibo,
Ruogan zhongde juece yu shijian de huigu
[A review of some very important policies and events] (Zhongguo zhongyang xuejiao, 1991); Wu Xiuquan,
Zai waijiaobu baniande jingli
[Eight years in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs] (Beijing: Shijie zhishi, 1983);
Jianguo yilai Mao Zedong wengao
[Mao Zedong writings since the founding of the PRC], vol. 1 (September 1949-December 1950) (Beijing: Zhongyang wenxian, 1990); Shi Zhe, "Soprovozhdaya Predsedatelia Mao" [Accompanying Chairman Mao],
Problemy dalnego vostoka
1 (1989): 139-48.
19. He was an engineer and mechanic by profession, and a Communist Party member since the age of twenty. By the time he was thirty-two years old, he was the first secretary of the party in Krivoy Rog, Dnepropetrovsk oblast, in Ukraine.
20. In an interview with Arkhipov on February 23, 1993, in Moscow, I asked him for which government organization he had worked for in China. He answered: "I worked for nobody," and explained later that he had been Stalin's personal emissary.
21. As he tells it, he was called to Moscow from his factory in Ukraine, amid much fear and anxiety during the purges of 1937. It turned out that he had been chosen to move upward quickly in the ranks of the Communist Party.
22. CPSU CC, Registration Blank of CPSU Member, Exchange of Party Documents of 1954. May 23, 1955. From the Collection of Personal Documents on CPSU Members, RTsKhIDNI.
23. Interview with Dmitrii Semenovich Krivozub, Moscow, May 14, 1994.
24. Interview with Aleksandr Vasilevich Chudakov, Moscow, April 6, 1993.
25. Ibid.
26. Ibid.


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