Brothers: The Hidden History of the Kennedy Years (No Series) (86 page)

BOOK: Brothers: The Hidden History of the Kennedy Years (No Series)
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Goodwin on

gravesite of

guilt feelings of

Guthman and

hears of JFK’s assassination

Helms and

Hoffa and

homosexual rumors about

Hoover and

Howard and

JFK compared to

Johnson, Haynes and

King’s assassination and

labor movement and

Lane and

LBJ and

McCarthy and

McCone and

McNamara and

Mexico City trip of

Nazi appeasement charges and

New York Times Magazine
profile of

1964 Senate race

presidential race and

office at Justice Department

organized crime and

Oswald and, Polish trip of

political identity of

premonitions of

protection of

on Rackets Committee

Ruby, investigation of

Sahl and

Secret Service and

Seigenthaler and

Senate staff of

as senator

Sheridan and

South African trip of

South American trip of

Soviet Union, secret message to

Thanksgiving 1963 and

thirty-eighth birthday of

University of Capetown speech (June 6, 1966)

U.S.-Soviet relations and

Vidal and

Vietnam War and

visit to JFK’s gravesite by

Walton and

Warren Commission and Report and

Kennedy, Rose

Kennedy Library

Kent, Sherman

Khrushchev, Mrs. Nikita

Khrushchev, Nikita

Cuban Missile Crisis and

death of

JFK and

letter from Jacqueline Kennedy to

removed from power

at Vienna Summit

Khrushchev Remembers,

Kilduff, Malcolm

Kilgallen, Dorothy

Kilp, Alfred

King, Jim

King, Martin Luther, Jr.

assassination of

Kissinger, Henry

Knebel, Fletcher

Knebel, Laura

Kohler, Foy

Korean War

Kornbluh, Peter

Krock, Arthur

Ku Klux Klan

Kubrick, Stanley

Kushner, Tony

Laird, Melvin

Lancaster, Burt

Lane, Mark

Lansdale, Edward

Lansdale, Richard H.

Lansky, Meyer


Lardner, George

Lareau, Fritzi

Last Investigation, The

Lawford, Patricia Kennedy

Lawford, Peter

Lawrence, Barbara

Lawrence Livemore Laboratory

Leahy, Edmund

Leahy, Jane

Leary, Timothy

Lechuga, Carlos

Lederer, William

Lee, Robert E.

LeMay, Curtis

Lemnitzer, Lyman

Lesar, James

Lewis, Anthony

Liebeler, Wesley


Limited Test Ban Treaty

Lincoln, Abraham

Lincoln, Evelyn

Lincoln Memorial, Washington, D.C.

Lippmann, Walter

Llaca, Enrique Orbiz

Lodge, Henry Cabot

London Observer,

London Times Literary Supplement,

Lone gunman theory

Long, Huey

Long, Russe


Lopez, Eddie

Lopez, Gilberto

Los Angeles Herald-Examiner,

Los Angeles Times,

Lowell, Robert

Lowendahl, Walter

Lowenstein, Allard

Lubic, Richard

Luce, Claire Booth

Luce, Henry

Luciano, Lucky

Lumumba, Patrice

Luthuli, Albert

Lynch, Tom

Lynd, Staughton

Macdonald, Dwight

MacLaine, Shirley

MacNeil, Robert



Magsaysay, Ramon

Maheu, Robert


Manchester, William

Manchurian Candidate, The

Manchurian Candidate, The

Mandelkorn, Phil

Mankiewicz, on JFK

Mankiewicz, Frank

Mankiewicz, Herman

Mankiewicz, Holly

Mankiewicz, Joseph

Mann, Thomas

Mansfield, Mike

Marcello, Carlos

March, Frederic

Marcus, Ray

Marcus, Stanley

Marshall, Thurgood

Marston, Dave

Martin, Dean

Martino, John

Marx, Karl

Massive retaliation

McCarthy, Eugene

McCarthy, Joseph

McClellan, John

McClellan Committee.
Senate Select Committee on Improper Activities in the Labor or Management Field (Rackets Committee)

McCloy, John

McCone, John

McGinnis, Joe

McGuire, Phyllis

McHugh, Godfrey

McKinley, William

McManus, George

McMillan, Doug

McNamara, Craig

McNamara, Robert

Cuban Missile Crisis and

on JFK assassination

on LeMay

RFK and

Vietnam War and

McShane, James Joseph Patrick (Jim)

McSorley, Richard

Meagher, Sylvia

Mendes-France, Pierre

Meredith, James

Merton, Thomas

Mexico City, Mexico

Meyer, Agnes

Meyer, Cord

Meyer, Mary Pinchot

Miami Herald,

Miami New Times,

Miami News,

Midlothian Mirror,

Migliore, John

Mikoyan, Anastas

Military, JFK’s relations with

Military-industrial complex

Miller, Herbert “Jack,”

Mills, C. Wright

Minnis, Jack

Minority of One, The


Miró Cardona, José

Missile gap

Mitterand, François

Moldea, Dan

Montevideo, Uruguay

Morales, David Sanchez

Morgenthau, Robert

Morley, Jefferson

Morris, Errol

Morse, Wayne

Moyers, Bill

Moynihan, Daniel Patrick

Mullins, J. P.

Murder One

Murgado, Angelo

Murrow, Edward R.

Naftali, Timothy

Nation, The,

National Archives

National Intelligence Estimate

National Labor Relations Board

National Security Agency

National Security Archive

National Security Council

National War College

NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organization)

Nelson, Jack

New Frontier

New Left

New Orleans, Louisiana

New Orleans Times-Picayune

New Republic,

New York

New York Post,

New York Times,

New York Times Magazine,

New Yorker,

Newfield, Jack

Newman, John

Newman, Paul




Nhu, Ngo Dinh


Nitze, Paul

Nixon, Richard M.

CIA and

1960 presidential race

pardon of

Vietnam War and

Noguchi, Thomas

Nolan, John

Noland, Kenneth

Norstad, Lauris

Not in Your Lifetime

Novello, Angie

Nuclear weapons

OAS (Organization of American States)

O’Brien, Larry

O’Donnell, Helen

O’Donnell, Kenny

O’Donnell, Kenny, Jr.

Oliva, Erneido

On the Waterfront

Onassis, Aristotle

One Hell of a Gamble
(Naftali and Fursenko)

O’Neill, Tip

Operation Mongoose

Operation Northwoods

Operation Phoenix

Orange Bowl ceremony (December 1962)

Osgood, Charles E.


O’Sullivan, Shane

Oswald, Lee Harvey

as Communist agent

intelligence connections of

Mexico City trip of

Murgado’s surveillance of

in New Orleans

pro-Castro portrayal of

RFK and

Ruby shooting of

Oswald, Marguerite

Oswald, Marina

Other Side, The
(Hayden and Lynd),

Overseas Weekly,

Paar, Jack

Palamara, Vincent

Palermo, Joseph A.


Parkland Memorial Hospital, Dallas

Parmet, Herbert

Partin, Ed

Patterson, John

Pauling, Linus

Pawley, Edna

Pawley, William

Paz, Elena Garro de

Paz, Octavio

Peace Corps

Peace Speech, American University(June 10, 1963)

Pearson, Drew

Pell, Claiborne

Peloquin, Robert

Pentagon Papers

Perils of Dominance

Perry, Malcolm


Philadelphia Inquirer,


Phillips, David Atlee

Phillips, James

Phillips, Shawn

Pincus, Walter

Pleasure of His Company, The

Plimpton, George

Porter, Gareth

Porter, Katherine Anne

Posner, Gerald

Power, General Thomas

Power Elite, The

Powers, Dave

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