[B.S. #2] Bound to Cyn (14 page)

Read [B.S. #2] Bound to Cyn Online

Authors: Dale Cadeau

Tags: #BDSM, #Chick-Lit, #Erotica, #Fiction, #Military, #Mystery, #Romance, #Spanking, #Suspense, #Women's Fiction

BOOK: [B.S. #2] Bound to Cyn
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Cyn could feel the bulge beneath her ass getting bigger the longer the kiss went on. Her body started to dampen and heat up in response to the nudges she felt from his cock every once in a while as if it wanted to escape the confines of his jeans.

Angel rose from the couch, with her still held in his arms, her legs now wrapped around his waist. Breaking the kiss, he looked down at her. “I hope we’re on the same page. I have to have you. Your body is scorching mine. I feel like I’ll go up in flames if I don’t. So, if you don’t want to go any further, you better speak up now.” Angel spoke like he was out of breath and kept leaning down and claiming her lips between sentences.

Cyn knew they should stop. Oh, but how she wanted this man. He was offering her pleasure she knew only he could give her. “My bedroom’s just down the hall. You know the way. Do you think you can carry me that far?”

Angel just flipped her up over his broad shoulders and gave her a slap on the ass. Laughing, he carried her down the hall and pushed the bedroom door open with his boot. “Just watch me. Let’s see if you can keep up.” Bringing her back over his shoulder, he held her over the bed for a second then let her fall onto the comforter.

Angle stood, watching her bounce on the bed as he heeled his boots off. His eyes never left hers. Unbuckling his belt, he undid the button and zipper of his jeans, letting out a sigh of relief as he sat on the bed beside her. Reaching out to her, he fingered the buttons of her blouse. “Do you mind if I unwrap you? Laying there on the bed, you look like a gift just for me.” When she didn’t say anything or make any move to stop him, he started to undo the buttons one by one. Finally the last button was undone and he pulled her blouse apart. Her breasts were on display as she hadn’t put on a bra. He looked at her like he was seeing everything that he had ever desired. Putting a large hand to her breast, he gently covered it. His hand was so warm and his touch so soft, Cyn could barely feel it. Her nipple tightened as his fingers moved and worried the nub. Cyn could tell he was trying to be gentle and not overwhelm her. But that’s not what she wanted from him. She wanted the warrior unleashed. Reaching out, she grabbed both sides of his head and brought his lips down to hers for a searing kiss.

Angel returned the kiss and let his hand leave her breast and slide down to the top of her stretch pants and start to push them off. Cyn, finally needing air, broke the kiss and started pushing at her clothes. She was now desperate to feel him everywhere.

As soon as they disposed of her slacks and underwear, Angel started to run his hand up her legs, just feeling her soft skin. He had never seen such a perfect woman in his life and in such a small package. Angel knew he would have to be careful with her. If he let himself get out of hand, he could hurt her, she was so petite. Resting his hand on the small line of hair above her mound, he could smell her arousal and feel the heat coming off of her.

He couldn’t wait to taste her. What stopped him from going further was the feel of her small hand squeezing his cock. At her first touch, he wanted to explode. She had worked her small hand into his pants and was petting his cock. The feel of her bare hand on him had him reaching out a hand to stop her. He knew this first time together would have to be quick and fast. He didn’t want it to be this way, but he was on his last nerve. He had never had this overwhelming rushed feeling with a woman before. He just wanted to jump on top and get into her heat as fast as he could. Pulling her hand from out of his pants, Angel stood up from the bed and shoved them and his boxers down his legs.

Cyn, naked and stretched out on the bed, watched him as he got on his knees on the bed and crawled back to her. She couldn’t wait to finally feel him skin to skin. Laying over her, he gently let his body touch hers. He kept most of his weight on his arms and just gave her enough that she knew he was there. Cyn raised her arms and wrapped them around his broad shoulders, running her nails over the hard skin.

Angel rose up higher on his arms, dislodging her nails from his back. “Don’t do that. Your touch is going to make me explode and it will be over before I even get started.”

Cyn looked at him and made a little pout “Well, get started. I can’t wait any longer. Just sitting on the couch tonight with you was misery. I wanted to touch you so much. Even if you don’t share your popcorn. I hope you’re not stingy with anything else.”

Angel just rubbed his cock on the curls nestling her mound. “I am very good at sharing. I just want to make sure you’re ready. I don’t want to hurt you,” he said as he started to make his way down her body, kissing every part of her he could reach. Finally, he got his knees between her legs and brought his hands to her heated core. He wanted a taste. No, he needed a taste. This woman he knew would be pure ambrosia. Sliding down off his knees, he made more room for his shoulders between her legs.

Opened her up, he just stared at the pink and juicy flesh of his woman. He knew this woman was made just for him, and her scent was better than any perfume he had ever smelt. Leaning his head down, he gently lapped at her. Her taste exploded on his tongue. Wanting more, he dipped his tongue in her cunt and tried to scoop out all of her goodness.

Cyn couldn’t process the feelings fast enough as Angel devoured her. She could feel her body rising higher and higher, ready to explode as her legs gripped his head, trying to keep him in place. Angel took his tongue and worried her clit. That was all she needed and she soared off into bliss. He just kept on lapping at her cunt, trying to savor her unique taste and not let any of it escape. Cyn felt her legs give out and fall peacefully on the bed beside his head. Looking up, Angel could see that Cyn had her eyes shut and was wearing a silly grin on her face. He hoped that was her satisfied look.

He rose up from her core and crawled back up her body, giving her a kiss when he reached her lips. His cock trailed a line of liquid all the way up her stomach. With the touch of her stomach on his leaking cock, he had reached his limit and knew he couldn’t take no more.

Cyn opened her legs more fully and made him feel welcome as he lowered himself to her core, and his hips met hers. His aim was true and he could feel the heat of her cunt surrounding his cockhead. With small pushes, he gained passage into her heat. She was small and tight, so Angel went as slow as he could. When he reached halfway, Cyn came fully back to her senses as she felt Angel’s cock stretching her. Reaching up with a shaky hand, she pushed his hair out of his face and watched with him as his cock disappeared the final inches into her. Cyn turned her wide green eyes up to his and gave him a devilish smile. “That feels amazing. No—that doesn’t even describe it. Oh, Angel, you are so big, I think I can feel you in my throat.”

Angel just lost it, forging his way even more into her. Hearing her gasp, Angel felt terrible and cursed himself for forgetting how small she was and pulled halfway out and stopped all movement. He didn’t dare move a muscle, and he could feel the sweat starting to bead on his forehead at the exertion it took him to remain still.

“Don’t stop, Angel. God, I’ve never felt anything so good.” Cyn raised her body to his, engulfing his cock back into her heat.

Angel, hearing her words, let his control completely go, his hips pounding into her. His cock couldn’t seem to get deep enough into her. His cock, with every stroke, felt like it was wrapped in warm silk. He knew this lady was meant for him. With her at his side he knew he was complete. Just as Angel felt he couldn’t hold out any longer, he felt Cyn tighten and reach her peak again. Angel just let himself go and he could feel his cum filling her up. In the moment between ecstasy and peace, he remembered he had taken her without protection. He wasn’t worried. He wanted a family with this woman who made him feel whole. But he had no idea how she felt about kids or him. With a sigh, he let his body come to rest on hers, letting the worries go. They would work it out, they had to. They were meant to be together. Cyn just put her arms around him and squeezed him.

Angel felt everything was right in the world right at that moment. He hoped his first of many with his soul mate. As Angel lay there thinking of a life together, he heard a little snore. Grinning, he lifted his body off of Cyn’s and lay down beside her. Angel pulled the comforter out from under her and covered them both. Turning Cyn on her side looking away from him, he nestled her in his arms, the cheeks of her ass keeping his cock warm. This was the life! With that thought running though his head, Angel kissed Cyn’s forehead and laid his head beside hers and went to sleep.

Chapter Sixteen


Around four o’clock in the morning, Angel dimly heard the phone ring and felt Cyn get out of the bed to answer it. Angel was just starting to get out of bed to follow her when she came back into the bedroom and got back into bed and cuddled up next to him. Angel just held her close and didn’t ask questions. Morning was soon enough to find out who would phone in the middle of the night.

Angel woke the next morning to a cold empty bed and looked around for Cyn. The door was opened to the bathroom just off the bedroom but was dark. Getting a little concerned now that he remembered the call last night, he sat up in bed and found his pants on the floor beside it,. Pulling them on, he didn’t waste time fastening them and hurried out to the living room. It was empty, their empty bowls of popcorn still sitting on the coffee table.

In the kitchen, Angel could smell coffee and walked over and felt the pot. It was still warm. Reaching into the cupboard, he took a cup and filled it. Cyn had to be around here somewhere. Taking his cup, he walked to the large patio doors in the living room leading to the backyard. Pulling the curtains back, he could see Cyn sitting in an oversized, stuffed patio chair and sipping at her coffee. Angel could feel his body let go of his anxiety. He opened the door and made his way to her side. She didn’t look up as he neared, just kept looking at the small grass patch that made up her tiny backyard. Angel wondered what she was thinking about so earnestly that she didn’t hear him come out. Reaching out, he put a hand on her shoulder. It took a minute but finally she looked up at him. Her eyes looked cloudy and not quite alert. Angel didn’t like that she seemed to be in some kind of daze again. When she just looked blankly up at him and didn’t say anything, Angel put his cup down on the small side table and reached out and picked her up in his arms. Taking her seat, he sat with her on his lap. Finally she squealed and looked at him with surprise.

“I thought you were still sleeping. Why come out and scare the life out of me like this?”

“Cyn, I couldn’t seem to get your attention. I didn’t mean to scare you. But you were scaring me the way you didn’t respond to me coming up to you. What is so fascinating about your backyard that it has your whole attention that you block everything else out? It’s a dangerous habit to get into, especially now we know that Howard might be lingering around.”

“I was just sitting here thinking about my garden. Wondering what kind of seeds would grow the best. You know we had special seeds that we planted in the commune. We always had a great crop and sold them at the market.”

“I don’t think you had special seeds. You were in California and everything grows there. You might have a problem here, though, with the small growing season. Detroit is not known for having a long growing season.”

“No, I don’t think it was the weather. I think it was the seeds. I don’t know why that comes to mind. Now that you’re up, tell me what’s on your agenda for today? I have to go to the club. Lance probably would like a break after filling in for both of us yesterday.”

Holding her with one arm, Angel reached out and grabbed his coffee cup off the table. Taking a sip, he nestled her in his lap. Now he knew she was safe, his cock was rising at her nearness.

Cyn could feel the hard ridge under her bottom. She knew if she acknowledged it, that they would probably spend the day in bed. She was torn. She would love a day in bed with Angel, but it wasn’t fair to Lance to make him look after her part of the club for two days in a row.

“Let’s just sit here and enjoy our coffee. Then we will go to the club together. After I see that Lance is looking after you, I have to go to the office and get an update from Grant.” Holding her close as they sat, she laid her head on his chest and sipped her coffee and thought about the man with her that she was starting to crave.

Cyn didn’t want to leave the peace of the morning but knew she had to. After getting dressed and eating a quick breakfast, she walked out to her car with Angel. He unlocked her car door and helped her in.

“I really don’t like this. I feel I should go with you to the club.” Angel was squatting at
eye level inside her open door. She could tell he was reluctant to leave her and go to the meeting at the office.

“I’ll be perfectly OK. I’m not stopping anywhere and Lance is already at the club. You spoke to him yourself. I’ll stay around Lance until you get there. Don’t worry.” She laid a hand on his cheek. “I love it that you do, but it’s really not necessary. This guy, if it is Howard, seems to love the night. That’s the only time he seems to strike.”

Taking her hand, he turned it and gave her palm a kiss. Getting to his feet he rolled down the window of the car and closed the door. Bending down, he said through the open window, “I don’t know. It just feels wrong, letting you go alone. Promise me one thing and I’ll let you go? Call me as soon as you reach the club. I want to know that you’re safely there.”

Cyn reached a hand up through the window and grabbed a handful of his hair, pulling him close inside the car. “I think I could get used to having you around. But don’t push it. Because I know you’re worried, I will call. But we really have to go or we’ll never be together until late tonight. It’s almost one o’clock now.”

Giving Angel a peck on his nose, she shoved him back out the car window. She knew he had allowed her to do it as she watched him straighten and give her a smile. “I’ll see you shortly. I’ll just check in at the meeting and meet you at the club in a couple of hours. But don’t forget to call,” he yelled at her as she backed the car out of the driveway and waved as she took off down the street.

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