[B.S. #2] Bound to Cyn (3 page)

Read [B.S. #2] Bound to Cyn Online

Authors: Dale Cadeau

Tags: #BDSM, #Chick-Lit, #Erotica, #Fiction, #Military, #Mystery, #Romance, #Spanking, #Suspense, #Women's Fiction

BOOK: [B.S. #2] Bound to Cyn
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“Whatever you want. I’m prepared for anything.” Angel prayed he was telling the truth. He really didn’t know if he was ready.

“There’re other theme rooms in the club, but these are the three you’ll be in charge of.”


Mark turned the knob on the first door in the hallway. “Let’s take a look at what’s behind door number one. Remember, these three doors lead to people’s ultimate fantasies. Don’t judge them for what you see,” Mark cautioned as he swung open the door.

Angel nodded and stepped into the room behind his guide.

Inside the door, this room could have belonged to an entirely different building. It was as far from a dungeon as one could expect. The décor was lush. The walls were papered in a textured red-and-black pattern, and the furniture belonged to another century. Parlor tables and settees were spread around the room, helping to make the impression that Angel was being lead into a historical mansion and not just some hidden room in a kink club.

The room was also filled to the brim with people. Some relaxed and drank wine while they watched the activities. Other people were actively involved in all manner of play. Some were tied up, some were tied down. Some were even actively engaged in sex.

“Tonight’s orgy night in the Victorian Room,” Mark explained.

Angel’s attention, and everyone else’s, was drawn to the middle of the room where a young woman was strapped down on a table. She was completely naked, as were the two lovely ladies who were assisting her by holding her legs up in the air. As a result, the woman on the table was open and spread for anyone to admire her private region. A Dom took her up on the offer. He used his fingers to probe around what she had on display before unzipping his leather trousers and pulling out his ready cock. His first plunge inside of her had her mouth open, gasping. His second stroke inside barely gave her time to recover before he pounded in her for a third time. He took her hard and rough, and she loved it. By the growing crowd around them, the club members loved it, too.

“So I just watch?” Angel asked.

Mark grinned. “Yup, and make sure things don’t get too out of hand. Great job, eh?”

Angel just shrugged in response. This might be a great job for some people, but he wasn’t one of them. He was no novice when it came to sex, but he had never experienced anything like what he was seeing before him. This wanton display of sexuality was not his cup of tea.

Also, the music in the room was pulsing and it was making Angel’s body throb. “Is it always this loud?”

“No,” Mark replied with a grin. “It’s usually louder.”

Angel scowled but followed the young man across the floor. They were stopped a few steps in by a young brunette with a dazzling smile who wore a dress that would have fit better on a doll.

“Hi, Merry.”

The woman smiled and wrapped Mark in a big hug. “Hi there, handsome, who’s your friend?”

“Not interested,” Angel choked out between clenched teeth. When he was on a job, he never looked to hook up with anyone. Although he would be willing to break his own rules in order to get a chance with Cyn. This woman paled in comparison to the spicy lady he had just left in Lance’s office.

Mark smiled. “Merry, this is Angel.
He’s one of our new dungeon monitors. He’s on the clock and not here to play.”

Merry looked Angel up and down. “Too bad. Let me know if you change your mind.” With a wink, she turned and danced away.

“Let’s get on with the tour,” Angel prompted.

“Fine by me.” Mark led Angel back out of the room and further down the hallway to the second door. From the outside, this door looked
exactly the same as the first. Angel hoped that he wasn’t walking into another orgy.

This time when Mark opened the door, he revealed a more modernly decorated room. The décor was gray spiced with some black and white. Steel- and chrome-footed benches were arranged around a stage, so that whatever was being performed could be seen on all sides. The room wasn’t silent, but there was no music to cover up the sounds the performers might make.

Mark motioned for Angel to follow him as he took a seat on one of the benches closest to the door. Angel sat beside him. It was clear that Mark had picked this particular bench because it was farthest away from the dozen or so other people in the audience. It was also far enough away from the performers so that Angel could ask questions and not offend them.

Good idea, Mark.
As soon as Angel took time to actually look at the performance, he had a head full of questions and a rolling stomach that made him regret his promise to Clay to take on this assignment so he could spend more time with his lady.

The guys had told him about public scenes, so he understood their dual purposes of teaching the crowd and titillating them. Here on the stage, an impossibly petite and dainty woman was tied up. It wasn’t just her hands and feet that were bound, but rather her entire body.

“The rope work is what is called Shibari. It’s an ancient Japanese art that not many people know how to do properly. The ropes look industrial but actually they are specially crafted not to burn or chafe the skin. It’s also easy enough to cut off if the sub has to use their safe word.” Mark pointed toward the stage and Angel could clearly see the pair of scissors handily placed on the equipment table.

Angel let his eyes quickly survey the table’s contents. Some he recognized, like clothespins, but others he had no clue of their use. He watched as a Dom picked up something that resembled a back massager. Then he tensed as he watched the man hold it to the woman’s crotch and turn it on.
God, it’s a vibrator
. Angel tried to focus instead on the man who was on stage. Or rather, men. Both were dressed identically and both were actively involved in giving the sub pleasure. While one wielded the vibrator, the other stood behind the sub, his arms wrapping around her front, his fingers teasing and pulling at her nipples.

The guys had never mentioned more than one Dom being involved with public scenes.

“Which one is her Dom?”

“They both are.” Mark smiled, seeing Angel’s confusion. “In our world, sometimes relationships work a little different. It’s not unusual to see a sub with two Doms that love and Master her…”Mark’s voice trailed off, but Angel could easily fill in the gaps.

“And sometimes each other?”

“Sometimes. The men can have a sexual relationship with each other or just with the sub. It all depends on how their trio works.”

Angel’s head was spinning. “Why would you want to share your woman?”

Mark shrugged. “I wouldn’t, but I understand it. Men working together with the same goal, the sub’s happiness and welfare.”

That comment stopped his spinning head. Angel and the other men at Braden Security worked together all the time on projects with one singular goal. It didn’t seem so bizarre that some of them might team up to love a woman.

He shook his head again. He knew how protective his boss James was of his new woman, Avery. There’s no way that he would share her, even for a second. If Cyn was his, he would never share her. He would hold onto her and—

Time to focus on the job again. “So what am I required to do in here?”

“Watching out for the subs again, listening for safe words, plus crowd control.”

Great, a glorified bouncer. He could do that. “Okay, if this is it, let’s move on to room number three.”

The men stood and quietly walked out of the room. Once they were back in the hall, Angel took a deep breath. In the past few minutes his eyes had already been opened quite a bit to the BDSM lifestyle. He was anxious about what was behind door number three.

“Last one,” Mark announced before swinging open the door.

Angel followed his guide into the room. It took a few seconds for his eyes to adjust to the darkness. They stood along one wall with a few other observers. This, too, was a public scene room, but the décor and the somber atmosphere of the room was that of a dungeon.

Across one wall was a bank of candles. They had been burning a long time and filled the air with a musty odor. Beyond the display was a stone wall. Steel shackles were affixed to the wall, and a woman was restrained with her arms stretched upward. Angel couldn’t see the woman’s face, but he did see her back, which was exposed and ready for her Master’s whip.

Angel didn’t recognize the man who was her Master, but he did recognize the weapon in his hand. When he threw out the whip and the end hit her back, it took all of Angel’s strength to hold himself back and not interfere. In Angel’s world, women were to be loved, cherished, and protected, not hurt. The other rooms now appeared harmless compared to this one.

He didn’t realize that he had stepped forward until he felt Mark’s hand on his arm holding him back. “You’re only here to watch,” Mark whispered. “You can’t interfere in a scene unless a safe word is said or the sub’s welfare is in jeopardy.”

“It looks like her welfare is very much in jeopardy with that monster whipping her,” Angel choked out.

“I promise you she is fine. Watch her, learn how a sub reacts. You’ll see that she is happy to receive a bite of pain with her pleasure.”

Angel shook his head but made no further move. He tried to do as Mark asked and rein in his anger and really examine the woman’s reaction. Her body was loose, not taut, like someone dreading the next strike. Her breathing was a little fast, but she wasn’t panting like someone being tortured. With the next strike of the whip, it was very clear that she cried out in pleasure. She looked happy, her head tilted back, and her eyes closed. Mark was right—she enjoyed this punishment.

And her punisher, her Master, was smiling, too. It was clear that he enjoyed administering this equal mix of pain and pleasure. When he again cracked the whip against his submissive, he used all of his strength to throw the whip.

The Sub moaned loudly and found release. It was really something seeing her orgasm. Angel couldn’t help but be aroused by her release. When it was over, she looked so sated she would have pooled onto the floor like a warm stick of butter if the restraints hadn’t been holding her up. Her Master went to her then and touched her shoulders murmuring secret words in her ear. When the sub opened her eyes, she looked at her Master with such love and affection it made Angel ache. He didn’t need second sight to see that these two were very committed to each other. However deviant their sex life was, these two were clearly in love.

Mark motioned for Angel to follow him back out of the room. Now the scene was over it was time to give these two some privacy.

Once the door was shut and they were back down the hall, Mark was able to speak at a normal volume again. “So what did you think?”

Angel shrugged. “It’s not for me that’s for sure.”

“What part? The trust, the open communication, the pleasure?”

“I don’t see it that way.”

Mark walked back up the hallway toward the bar. “Well, remember that even if you don’t agree with it, we do. This is who we are. We’re all here because we’re part of the BDSM lifestyle, and the lifestyle is a part of us.”

Angel was about to grumble something trite in response when the truth of what Mark said hit him. This club required a membership—people wouldn’t pay to play here if they weren’t dedicated to the scene. And even employees like Mark seemed to be into BDSM, too. Angel seemed to be the odd man out here.

Wait, what about Cyn? Was she part of this lifestyle, too? She was if she was in here. Angel’s stomach rolled.


* * * *


After Angel had left with Mark, Lance resumed his seat and looked at Cinnamon still clutching his chair.

“Did Angel do something to you? You seem scared of him, but also fascinated, if I do say so. Just give me the word and he’s out of here. He’s Clay’s friend and colleague, not mine. So if you are uncomfortable, just say the word. There are other guys from Clay’s firm that can come in and help us.”

Cinnamon unclasped her hand from the leather chair and walked in front of Lance’s desk, taking a seat.

“What do you mean? He doesn’t bother me in the least. He’s just another Dom, no different from the others strolling around the place.”

Cinnamon looked down at her hands and seemed very interest in her nails.

Lance knew she was avoiding dealing with the feelings that he’d witnessed between Angel and her. “I thought the way you hid behind my chair and gripped the leather that you were afraid of him. Or maybe I have it wrong. Maybe you were holding yourself back from rushing him? I’ve never seen you act this way before,” Lance told her sarcastically

Cinnamon reached up and pulled a few hair pins out and pulled the black wig from her head. Holding it in her lap, she took her other hand and brushed it through her long copper locks and gave a sigh. “God, that feels better. I don’t know why I have to dress up every time I go into your side. The regulars all know me now and it’s such a waste of time having to dress up just to take inventory. Which, by the way, I didn’t get to finish.” Cinnamon didn’t want to talk about Angel. She didn’t know what to make of her reaction to him herself, let alone try and explain it to Lance.

Lance picked up the phone on his desk and in a minute he had Fred at the spice bar take over the inventory for her. She didn’t like to bother the bartenders. She knew that they had enough on their plate just keeping up with the crowd, without being saddled with a job she should have done. But she didn’t protest this time. She needed space between her and Angel. If she went back over to Lance’s side of the Playground, she would surely run into him.

Lance, after laying the phone receiver down, folded his hands on top of his desk and looked her straight in the eye.

“Listen, Cyn, I know you better than most people and what I saw here in this office with Angel is something I have never seen before. You’re always so cool and collected, even when dealing with a Dom twice your size. I know he is a bit intimidating, but you have dealt with worse and always come out on top with their respect. Angel got to you, didn’t he? And don’t lie. I only want the best for you.”

“To tell you the truth, Lance, I don’t know what I’m feeling right now. You think I would be used to big muscle-bound Doms by now, but for some reason he just got to me. Can we leave it at that? When I can explain, I will, but until then let’s just drop it. As far as him being here, he must be the best for this situation, or Clay wouldn’t have brought him in. I know you trust his judgment and I won’t allow my feelings to get in the way of catching the man grabbing the women in the parking lot. I couldn’t forgive myself if something happened to one of them just because of my reaction to Angel. I’ll go to my office and just get on with the nightly paperwork. Have Fred bring in the inventory list when he’s finished and I will e-mail our order out tonight.” Clutching her wig, she gave Lance a small smile and, walked out of his office towards her very vanilla bar. Just the way she liked it.

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