Read BUCKED Box Set: A Bull Rider Western Romance Online

Authors: Alycia Taylor,Claire Adams

BUCKED Box Set: A Bull Rider Western Romance (29 page)

BOOK: BUCKED Box Set: A Bull Rider Western Romance
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However, when I opened my eyes again, we
were no longer on the road, but walking up toward the beach. I didn’t care how
we got there though. All I was concerned with was how absolutely gorgeous and
inviting the rolling waves were, especially while I was sharing it with Tyler.

I took my head off of his shoulder and
gave him a loving look. “You are so incredibly handsome,” I heard my words and
knew that I wasn’t lying, but there was still a part of me, deep down, drowning
in all of the alcohol that knew I shouldn’t be saying it. I ignored that part
of me though in favor of the sudden burning desire I had to see him naked.

I stared at him for a moment more, while I
heard him answer that I was beautiful, or something, before my eyes drifted off
toward the water. I smiled and giggled as I suggested, while probably
interrupting him, “Hey! I have an idea! Let’s go skinny dipping!” My eyes
glowed with excitement at the idea and even though I might have cut Tyler off
completely, he didn’t seem to care.

In fact, he seemed to be even more into
the idea than I was.





should have done this the first week I met her!
thought to myself as I watched Ashley take off her clothing, enroute down to
the water.

When she tore off her shirt, I paused to
watch her glorious breasts jiggle as she bounced around, before she laughed and
flung off her bra.

Her large, perfectly formed tits were even
better than I had imagined. There was no doubt in my mind that they were
natural, but they were beautiful!

When her upper-body was free of garments,
she turned and raised her arms to me, as I smiled broadly. “You are fuckin…to
die for,” I answered, feeling the anticipation welling up inside my body.

We weren’t even touching yet and I felt my
dick grow hard and bulge against my pants.

I continued to watch as she slid her
shorts and underwear off of her perfectly smooth legs, revealing her inviting
pussy to me.

Finally, I was able to see her naked. She
was glorious and well-worth the wait, but all I could think at that moment was;
it’s about fucking time! Shit…

“What are you waiting for?” She giggled,
before making her way toward the water.

Hoping that she didn’t change her mind
before I was able to undress, I quickly pulled off my shirt and dropped my
pants before running up to her.

When she saw me, in all of my virile
glory, with muscles bulging and an abnormally large cock growing harder just by
the sight of her, her eyes grew wide. Not that I needed it, but her expression
made me feel all the more encouraged that tonight was finally going to end in
the way that I wanted.

I was sure once I got her clothes off and
she saw the true nature of what I was offering her, she would not be able to
resist me. Hell, I wouldn’t be able to resist me if I was a woman.

When I ran up to her, I scooped her naked
body up into my arms and jumped into the waves. She screamed as the cold water
covered us both, but that only caused her nipples to grow hard and press against
my pectorals, giving me an excuse to hold her closer.

In her panic to get warm, she clung to me
and as I felt her body snuggle up against my own, I knew there was no way the
cold was going to do anything to inhibit my good time.

For a long moment, we huddled together in
the waves, and even though she put on the act like she was cold, clinging to me
and giving off a little chatter of her teeth, every now and again, I was sure
that she really wasn’t feeling any pain.

Still, I made sure that I played the part
of the protector, carefully holding her close to me and snuggling

After a little while though, Ashley jumped
out of my arms and began to frolic in the waves.

“What the hell are you doing?” I asked
her, with an amused chuckle playing at my lips. I knew that I had a little bit
to drink as well and I could definitely feel the alcohol running through my
system now, but I had made sure, every night this week, that I was in control
enough so that my actions were nothing but calculated.

Tonight especially, I knew that I was far
more in control of myself than Ashley was of herself, but I played the part of
leading her on wonderfully, without the suspicion that I was getting sloppy;
not that she would have even noticed. But I couldn’t take that chance. Not
after as hard as I had worked to get us to this point.

“What the hell are you doing?” she asked,
before she laughed and splashed me.

So, I laughed along with her and splashed
her back, before warming myself up by chasing her around as the waves rolled
past us.

She shrieked with pleasure and moved away
from me, before coming right back.

For a while, we had a really good time,
playing in the water and fooling around, without actually getting physical.
Even though I was ready to go before we left the bar, I was careful not to mess
anything up by rushing the timing. I took my time and enjoyed it, until I felt
the moment was just right.

When that happened, it came quickly, as a
giddy Ashley bounded into my arms and looked up at me adoringly.

Instantly, my gaze turned from playful to
serious as I skillfully pulled her closer to me and caught her eyes with a
seductive intent.

I knew that as soon as I did it, I would
need to act on it. There couldn’t be any room for error. This chick was hot in
every sense of the word and I knew her type; one wrong move and I would be
taking a painful cold bath in the ocean, all by myself and my limp,
disappointed manhood.

To avoid that, I had to act fast; charm
her before she realized exactly what was going on, until she was already
screaming my name and begging me not to stop.

When I looked into her eyes, I felt that
this was it, my time to shine, and so I quickly grasped her wet hair, pulled
her head back, and seductively pressed my lips against her own.

The taste of her was salty and moist and
while her skin was cool to the touch, the inside of her mouth was warm and

Feeling a rush of excitement, having
finally taken the first step toward making her beautiful body mine, I felt my
hand clench while her voice uttered a moan.

However, in order to show her just how in
control I was, I muted her by pressing my lips closer against hers while my
tongue roughly penetrated her teeth and began to wander around in a careful,
circular motion.

As I did this, I felt her sag against me.
And to my surprise and relief that all of his hard work was finally paying off,
I not only felt Ashley kiss me back but I also became aware that she had
pressed herself against me seductively.

I felt her moist body rub against me,
while her arms encircled my neck and I closed my eyes, in order to feel every
inch of her and experience every moment with a sense of excitement and fervor.

After a moment of enjoying the feel of her
breasts as they smooshed up against my chest, with nipples that were so hard
they almost felt sharp against my cold skin, I intensified the kiss before I
pulled her into me with a powerful thrust and did not hesitate to press myself
against her body as well, until I was completely surrounding her.





The feel of his hard, pulsing dick pressed
up against my body, which tingled with excitement and fervor, while his
rippling muscles encased me in a cocoon of strength that made me want to enter
even deeper into him.

Taking control immediately, I felt Tyler’s
arms grasp me and hold me against him, making me feel almost as though I could
not get away, even if I wanted to. However, I didn’t want to.

At first, I was elated by the feel of his
body rubbing up against me and the sensation that he provided by grasping my
hair in his fist and twisting my head in order to direct my head where he
wanted it to go.

I felt his tongue massaging the inside of
my mouth with a skillful certainty, while his lips caressed my own, making them
sizzle from the emotions that were encasing us.

While the waves crashed all around us, the
fortitude of Tyler’s hold was enough to keep us steady and fighting together
against the current.

In my almost crazed state of mind, I
groaned with pleasure as I delved my own prodding tongue deeper into the depths
of his mouth and wrapped my leg around his.

I then felt the hand that was not
directing my head come up and grasp my cold, wet, yet, overly sensitive breast.

I tried to yelp at the shot of emotion
that coursed through me, causing me to feel a warm moisture seep out between my
legs, which was overcome quickly by the ocean water, but Tyler’s mouth,
attached solidly against my own, muted any sound.

Feeling my cry, however, he yanked my head
back and to the side so that my body was more exposed to him and as he
continued to kiss me, I felt his thumb begin to rub around my nipple, causing
me to feel another shot of overtaking emotion; the sound of which was still

I felt my hand, which had found a home on
his shoulder, clasp onto it with a sense of need that was primal, as once
again, I tried to groan, but was stopped by the motion of his tongue.

It was at this moment that he pulled his
head back and tilted my head up, before his mouth moved over to my ear as he
hissed, “You will only scream when I want you to scream…”

He then moved back to kiss me again and
even though I wasn’t usually one for giving my partner the upper-hand
completely, his seductive nature, along with the promise in his voice which
told me he was about to give me the best damn sex I had ever experienced, only
made me feel weak in the knees.

However, when his mouth moved back to
capture my lips again and his hand began to slink off of my breast, down my
stomach, towards my womanliness, which was going absolutely crazy with anticipation,
I suddenly came back to my senses and I reached out to grasp his hand.

When he stopped moving, I found myself
grow extremely disappointed, but I was also mortified that I had let it get
this far.

Of course, I wanted to continue feeling
his kiss and allowing him to take me, body and soul, since he had awakened a
part of me that I hadn’t even known was there and we hadn’t even made it past
touching, but I knew that it was wrong.

This was exactly where I wanted to be, but
I knew that I would regret it once it was over, no matter how good it was going
to feel and no matter how much I needed this kind of skilled release.

So, when I was given the chance, I pushed
him back and his hands fell.

I looked up at him and then down at the
water before I whispered, “I can’t…”

“What?” Tyler demanded, so sharply that it
caused me to glance back up at him as he cocked his head to the side in wonder.
His expression was such that he honestly could not believe that I was resisting
him. I was lost for words and so after a moment, he laughed in a humorless,
demeaning fashion before he spat, “Are you serious?”

Unable to take the look in his eye or the
disappointment of my own loins any longer, I quickly nodded my head and
sheepishly answered only, “I’m sorry,” before turning around and moving as fast
as I could to get away from him.

My body was sluggish from the alcohol and
the disappointment. My feet felt like lead, which caused the experience of
getting out of the current to be even more degrading and difficult than I could
have ever imagined.

Throughout all of my struggling, I didn’t
hear anything from Tyler and I imagined that he was still wearing the same
dumbstruck expression I had turned away from, but by the time I reached the
edge of the water, I heard him shout to me in a cocky manner, “Well, fuck you
too then!”

I wanted to yell and cry. I wanted him to
feel badly for me and I wanted to be comforted. Instantly, I was angry and felt
used, but I knew that there was no response in the world that would make me
feel better and therefore, instead of responding, I just rushed up the beach to
find my clothes and put them on, before making a mad dash back to the house.

By the time I made it into my room and onto
my bed, I realized that I only had one saving grace. While I felt dehumanized
and taken advantage of, even though all of that had happened and I knew that I
still had to spend the summer with him, there was still one thing I could be
proud of.

No matter how tempting it was and no
matter how hurtful his words, I had managed to make it all the way back to the
house without looking back at him and if nothing else, I counted that as a





the fuck was that?
I thought as I watched Ashley’s tight ass
swagger away from me, while she found her clothing and hurried up back toward
the house.

I groaned, feeling a painful sensation
down in the area of my dick and I grasped my naked form in order to jerk off.

It was far too late and I was far too
tired of chasing pussy that obviously had no interest in being with me to try
to find another girl. So, I just released myself in the water and
my way out onto the sand.

“Fuckin’ bitch…” I grumbled to myself as I
rolled my eyes and tried to focus on what exactly was going to come next.

I certainly wasn’t the type to give up,
but what the hell could I do.
You really
screwed up,
I thought to myself as, now much calmer, having had my release,
I was able to think a
bit clearer.

usually seal the deal before you allow a woman to get that close to your cock.
You know how much of an asshole you are when you get to that point…

I sighed, continuing to wonder why I
didn’t just keep my damn mouth shut. I couldn’t believe that I had given in so
quickly. There was something about that which just didn’t make sense. I was
usually a little smoother, even when I was being an asshole.

I shook my head as I gathered my own
clothes. Once I was dressed, at least partially, I ignored the gross sensation
of the wetness causing my clothes to stick to me as I lay back in the sand. I
stared up at the sky as my slightly buzzed eyes began to ogle in and out at the
spread of the stars. I might not have been hammered, but I could tell now that
I was definitely a little more buzzed than I had originally thought.

I gave no thought to the gross sensation I
was going to endure when I moved to sit up and had nothing but some gross
prickly sand sticking to everywhere on my body.

Usually, I came prepared with a towel and
other precautions, but tonight, I felt as though I had seriously misjudged

“Most women would kill to be in the
position that bitch was in tonight,” I muttered to myself as I continued to
stare up at the sky.

I tried to replay the events of the night
in my mind, to see where it was I had gone wrong, but realized that there was
nothing wrong. She was fine with it and I was doing great, but then her goddamn
conscious had to kick in and she was gone.

“What the hell were you thinkin’?” I asked
myself as I shook my head back and forth in the sand. If I wasn’t so buzzed, I
would have probably already begun to feel the itch of the sand, seeping into
the smallest crevices of my body while I lay there, trying to think about how
to fix my problem. But right now, I didn’t feel anything but a deep awareness
of anger and a terrible case of blue balls.

can’t just let her get the best of you. You need to show her that you’re the
boss. You have owned almost everyone else who has ever caught your eye, Tyler.
Why would you give up now?
Even though I thought about it, I
knew that I couldn’t throw in the towel, just because she didn’t fall into my
arms and allow me to take her to bed the first chance I had. “What kind of man
are you?” I demanded of myself and became renewed with the sense of challenge.

tonight was shit, but there is always tomorrow,
I thought to myself and therefore, as I felt my confidence returning, I closed
my eyes and tried to think about how I was going to trick her back into my arms
and in those tight, extremely pretentious pants of hers, but when I did so,
something else happened.

Instead of hatching a brilliant plan, I
was reduced to thinking about our time on the beach, before tonight, when I was
actually able to make Ashley happy.

While I heard the waves crashing in the
distance, I began to think about what it felt like to see her smile and her
glowing, beautiful blue eyes as they both fell upon me. I saw her decadent
blond hair in the sunlight and heard her laugh as I chased her along the beach.

I felt my heart as it began to speed up in
a way that made me happy and I longed to be back there, with her, before I had
tried to make a move on her. I wanted back what I secretly feared I had
completely lost; not by trying to seduce her, but rather by my stupid response
to her rejection.

These sensations made me ridiculously
uncomfortable though and therefore, I just stopped and sat up. My eyes popped
opened and I felt my heart skip a beat.

“Dammit!” I exclaimed, pounding the sand
with my fists before standing up and tearing off down through the sand.

My body was used to this motion, for I ran
quite frequently. I needed to do it, in order to relieve stress and in this
case, keep myself from going absolutely crazy. I needed to figure out what I
was going to do and how I was going to get her back, because I certainly didn’t
want to have to face the failure of not being able to do what was needed to be

Not getting her in bed with me, at least
once and having her come begging back for more, especially after all of the
time that I had spent cultivating this fucked up relationship would have been a
failure. Even if I was the only one who knew about it, it was still a failure
and thus, it was inexcusable.

For as far back as I could remember, I had
to rely on making myself happy, because my mother never gave a shit. So, I was
the pride that was associated with what I did and where I went. I was the only
one who was ever proud of me, for the majority of my life, and so I couldn’t
very well ignore that one constant in my life, could I?

If I had a father, letting myself down
would be like letting him down…but I wasn’t going to go there.

Instead, I was just going to run and see
where my feet took me. I continued until I began to feel a tightness forming in
my chest and a wheeze developing in my throat.

By that time, my muscles burned from the
exercise and my extremities all but begged me to stop.

I just kept going.

However, in the effort of making it back
to the beach house, I did turn around, so that if I did run until I passed out,
I would at least be close to the house when I woke up.

As punishment for my failure, my plan was
to run until I threw up; push myself beyond my limits so that I would be able
to repent for my failure and my weakness.

The only thing that ever made me stronger
was the realization that I not only survived, but went back for more; but this
time, I was going to win.

However, I made it back to the house
without passing out or throwing up and so, I continued down the beach in the
other direction.

At first, the night air had made the sand
feel cool to the touch on my bare feet, but with the heat that coursed through
my body as I struggled to keep the pace, it felt as though the grains were
hundreds of shifting needles under my foot every time I stepped down.

Still, I kept going, unable to stop until
my body gave out. I could no longer allow my brain to be weakened by giving in.
My stamina had to be better than my physical capabilities. If I let one slide,
then the other would inevitably follow. Yet, while they grew together, I had
found that my will to continue always had to outweigh my physical body, else I
would stop at some point, for fear of being unable to go on. Fear is weakness.

Fear is that little corner in the mind
that tells everyone that they can’t go through with their goals even though
nothing has given out yet. It is the inkling to stop, before the win. It is the
mentality of losers and since life had only allowed me to focus on making
myself happy and making my own pride swell, then having a mentality that was
any less than my actual capacity was never going to get me anywhere in life.

So, I continued to run.

I didn’t think very much as I moved,
focusing more on keeping my balance. After all, with this shifting sand, if I
made one wrong turn, I could slide and lose my balance. If I landed the wrong
way, there were countless different injuries I could sustain and then, my
summer would be as good as over, and it had only gotten started.

If I had to give up on my goal because I
couldn’t even keep my head on straight, I didn’t deserve anything at all. I
might as well just go run into the ocean and drown, because that would be all
that I would be good for. It would no longer matter. I would be starting from
square fucking one and I would be an invalid on top of it. That was just
something that I could not allow myself to become, not even temporarily and
therefore, I continued to focus on the world ahead of me.

Finally, I felt my body give out and I
rolled easily onto the ground. I knew that when I got up, I would have to think
about how to get home. I would likely be sore, but that was all right; I
deserved it.

When I realized that I was finally on the
ground, having sweat out a good portion of the alcohol in my system, I knew
that everything was going to be all right. I knew that I had to focus on
getting everything just right and I had to avenge my own failure; that would be
the only way to bring myself peace.

I didn’t know how I was going to do this
yet, but I figured once I woke up, I would be able to figure it out. I was sure
it wouldn’t take too long. After all, she was only a woman and if nothing else,
I was pretty good at judging what it was that women wanted. I didn’t even have
to like them to get them to go down on me and I was completely convinced that
this bitch was no different.

Yet, to my dismay, right before I passed
out, as I looked up at the sky, with those crazy stars seeming to burst right
in front of me, while my blood boiled heatedly and my head thumped with an
increasing ache, I noticed that it wasn’t my vengeance, or even my next move
that I was interested in thinking about.

Rather, in that moment, all I could think
about once again, was how much fun I had with Ashley. I wondered, after I
smoothed things over with her, if it might be possible to do something like
that again sometime soon.





I stayed in my bed well into the next day.
No one had come up to ask if I wanted breakfast and I hadn’t given any
indication that I was still even there.

had left me completely alone. Screwed up as it was, I
was happy that no one had come looking for me. I was tired of trying to keep
everyone together and if someone had come up and knocked on my door, with the
way I was feeling right now, I would have probably cursed them off, gotten into
my car and driven back to school, where I actually felt like I belonged.

BOOK: BUCKED Box Set: A Bull Rider Western Romance
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