Buckhorn Beginnings (17 page)

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Authors: Lori Foster

BOOK: Buckhorn Beginnings
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Morgan shrugged. “Who the hell knows. The man's obviously an idiot as well as a bastard.”

“But why were they after me?”

She looked so lost, everyone was quiet for a moment, trying to find a gentle way to explain it to her.

Sawyer cleared his throat, taking on the duty. “Honey, when you left Alden, you fouled up all the plans. Not only did you make it impossible for him
to recoup the money through the marriage, but when you packed up, you evidently took his tape by mistake.”

“It…it was with my things. I just sort of shoved everything into a box. I was angry and not really paying attention.”

“Exactly. I don't know why he would have hidden the tape among your things, but—”

“Oh, God, he didn't.” She clutched at Sawyer, eyes wide. “When I pulled the stereo out, there was a tape shoved up against the wall behind it. Alden only has CDs so I assumed it wasn't his, and I just threw it in with the others.”

“But now you have it, and it's evidence not only against the men after you, but against Alden, too. I imagine he had to tell them about it, knowing you'd find it sooner or later and they'd all go to jail. They have to get you, to get the tape.”

Honey covered her mouth with a hand, then turned for the phone. “I need to call my father to make sure he's okay. And my sister—”

She looked so panicked, Sawyer gently folded her close, despite her struggles, and held her. “Baby, listen to me. You spoke with Misty yesterday, remember? If anything had been wrong, she'd have told you.”

He felt her relax slightly, the rigidity seeping out of her spine. “Yes, of course you're right.”

She drew a deep breath, and slowly, right before his eyes, Sawyer watched her pull herself together. She'd been given a terrible blow, but already her shoulders were squared, her expression settling into
lines of determination. She stepped away from him. “Let's get this over with. I want to talk to Alden, to find out what I can, and then we can have the police pick him up. The tape will be enough evidence, don't you think?”

Morgan gave one hard nod. “Damn right, especially with the break-in at your sister's and the way you've been chased. But with any luck, he'll incriminate himself further on the phone, and we'll all be witnesses. Don't worry, Honey. It's almost over with. I have friends with the state police who can handle everything.”

Sawyer didn't want to let her go, didn't want her to so much as speak to Alden, much less carry on a deceptive conversation, but she was adamant. When she turned her back and walked away from him, it was all he could do not to haul her back up to his side and tote her out of the room.

Honey took a seat by the phone, looking like a queen surrounded by her subjects, and she dialed Alden's number. It took several rings for him to answer, and when he finally did, Honey closed her eyes. “Hello, Alden.”

There was a heavy pause. “Honey? Is that you?”


Another pause, then,
“Where the hell have you been?”

Honey started, but in the next instant she scowled and tightened her hand on the phone. Sawyer felt a swell of pride for her courage.

“Have you been looking for me?”

“You're goddamned right, I've been looking for
you. For God's sake, Honey,
I thought you were dead.

Honey stared at the phone, her entire body trembling with rage. “Why would you think that, Alden? I left because I didn't want to marry you. Didn't you read my note?”

Her calm tone seemed to sink in to him. She heard him breathing heavily in an effort to control himself. “Yes, I read it. Where are you, Honey?”

She stared at her hands on the desk, not at the men who watched her so closely. “I'm afraid, Alden. Someone has been chasing after me.”

He muttered low, then said in sugary tones, “Have you spoken with anyone?”

“About what? Our breakup?”

“About… Dammit, never mind that. Where are you living now? I'll come get you.”

“I'm not living anywhere.” In a calculated lie, she said, “I've been so afraid, just running from whoever is after me. I haven't had a chance to unpack. My clothes were all left at my sister's, but everything else is still in boxes in my trunk. I shouldn't have left, Alden. My father doesn't believe someone is after me, so I can't go to him.”

“I know,” he answered in soothing tones. “He's never been overly concerned for you. But I am, sweetheart. You know that. I wanted to marry you long before I learned about his will. If you want, we'll make him change it. He can leave everything to your sister. I don't care about the money, I just want you back with me, safe and sound. Tell me where you are so I can come get you.”

“I don't know….” She tried to put just the right amount of hesitation into her tone.

“Listen to me, damn you!” He made a sound of pain and cursed. “People
after you, and they're dangerous. I know because they already put me in the hospital once. I spent almost a week there and I can tell you it wasn't pleasant!”

Honey glanced at Sawyer and saw his dark eyes glint with satisfaction. She held no sympathy for Alden, either, but knowing they'd hurt him scared her spitless. She didn't want the men anywhere near Sawyer or his family. “Why would anyone hurt you, Alden?”

“I don't know. I think it might have something to do with a shady deal your father made to buy some inside corporate information.”

Honey raised her brows. That was an excellent lie, because it was one she would have believed. She made sounds of understanding, and Alden continued. “They won't hesitate to do the same to you, Honey. Let me bring you home where I can protect you while we sort this all out.”

Sawyer covered the mouthpiece. “Tell him to meet you here tomorrow.” He handed her a piece of paper that Morgan had slipped to him. Honey stared down at the address, recognizing that the location was an area on the outskirts of Buckhorn. Numbly, she shook her head, knowing he planned to put himself in danger. “No.”

“No what?” Alden tried cajoling. “Listen to me, Honey. I know you feel betrayed. And I'm sorry. I really do care for you—”

“Let me think, Alden!”

Sawyer walked over to her and gripped her shoulder. He shoved the paper toward her again, then whispered low, “Trust us, Honey. Tell him.”

They were all looking at her, waiting. How in the world could she do this to them? She loved each of them. Then Morgan gave her the most furious face she'd ever seen on a human. He reached into his pocket and pulled out his sheriff's badge, flashing it at her as if to remind her this was his job, as if her hesitation had insulted him mightily.

Jordan shrugged at her, and he, too, spoke in a faint whisper. “Either you have him come here, on our own home ground where Morgan has some legal leverage, or we go after him. It's your decision.”

She narrowed her eyes at the lot of them. Bullies, every one. They had the nasty habit of ganging up on her whenever it suited them.

Alden suddenly asked, “Who's with you?” and suspicion laced his tone.

Knowing she had no choice and hating Alden for it, she did as the brothers asked. “I'm in a diner in a small town in southern Kentucky.” She glanced at the note again, then said, “You can meet me in Buckhorn at the town landfill at nine o'clock tomorrow morning. It's…it's deserted. There won't be anyone around.”

Sawyer nodded and whispered, “Good girl,” and she elbowed him hard. He rubbed his stomach and scowled at her.

“Can you give me directions, sweetheart?” Alden
sounded anxious, and Honey's stomach knotted with dread even as she did as he asked.

“Just hang on until tomorrow morning, darling. You'll feel safer as soon as I get you home.”

Though she nearly choked on it, she said, “Thank you,” and after she hung up the phone, she glared at all the men, but concentrated most of her ire on Sawyer. “I hope you're happy,” she meant to growl, but what emerged was a pathetic wail quickly followed by tears. The brothers looked appalled, and Sawyer, his face softening with sympathy, reached for her. Honey knew if he so much as touched her she'd completely fall apart, so she ran from the room.

She didn't want him to confront Alden. She didn't want him in danger. At the moment, she wished she'd never laid eyes on him. At least then she'd know he would stay safe, and because she loved him so damn much, even though he didn't feel the same, his safety was the only thing that seemed to matter.

She wanted to pretend sleep when Sawyer crept into the dark bedroom hours later, but she was shaking so bad, he knew right away she was awake. He sat on the side of the bed and smoothed his hand over her cheek.

“Are you all right, sweetheart?”

“Yes. Did you make all your plans?”

His hesitation was like an alarm, making her sit up. “Tell me, Sawyer.”

“You'll stay here with Casey and Gabe.”

“No. If you insist on doing this…”

“I do. Morgan has alerted the state police, and
once Alden shows up, we'll grab him. There's no reason to worry.”

“Like you wouldn't if you were left behind!”


She hated acting like a desperate ninny, but she was choking on her helplessness, and she didn't like it. “If Morgan and the police have it in hand, why do you need to go?”

“Because he hurt you.”

His quiet words nearly crumbled her heart. She launched herself at him and knocked him backward on the bed. “Sawyer.”

He couldn't answer because she was kissing him, his face, his throat, his ear. Sawyer chuckled softly and tried to hold her still, but she reared back and tugged on the fastening to his pants. Surprised, but more than willing, Sawyer lifted his hips and helped her to get his pants off, removing his underwear at the same time. Honey stretched out over him, relishing the feel of his hot, hard flesh. She loved him so much, she wanted to absorb him, his caring, his strength and honor.

Sawyer groaned as she pressed against his pelvis, rocking gently. She felt the immediate rise of his erection along with his accelerated breaths. “Honey, slow down.”

She had no intention of listening to him. Moving quickly to the side, she caressed him from shoulders to hip. His hands fell to the mattress, and his body stiffened. Honey bent and kissed his chest. “I love how you feel, Sawyer, how you smell, and how you…taste.”

He caught his breath, then let it out in a whoosh when her mouth began trailing kisses down his chest to his abdomen. Both of his hands cupped her head, his fingers tangling gently in her long hair.

Her hand wrapped tightly around his erection, holding him secure, giving him fair warning of her intent. She heard a low growl and knew it was Sawyer.

Rubbing her face over his muscled abdomen, she whispered, “You know how you've done this to me?”

“This?” The word was a strangled gasp.

” she clarified, and lightly ran her tongue down the length of his penis.

“Damn.” His entire body jerked and strained, his hands tightening in her hair.

“And…this.” She gently raked her teeth over him, down and then back up again.


“And this.” His body lurched as her mouth closed hotly around him. She'd had no idea that pleasuring him would pleasure her, as well, but her heart raced with the incredible scent and taste of him and the muttered roughness of his curses. He slowly guided her head, his entire body drawn taut, his heels digging hard into the mattress.

She had no real idea how to proceed—she'd never done this before—but it seemed he enjoyed everything, so she supposed her inexperience didn't matter. But before long he was pulling her away despite her protests.

“You're a witch,” he growled, then tucked her beneath him after hastily donning a condom. He en
tered her with one solid thrust, and she bit back a loud moan of acute sensation. As he moved over, his rhythm smooth and deep, he watched her face. “You liked doing that, didn't you?”

The room was dark, but moonlight spilled over the bed through the French doors, and she could see the intent expression on his face, how his eyes seemed to glow.

She licked her lips and felt his thrusts deepen. “Very much.” Smoothing a hand over his back, she asked, “Do you like doing it to me?”

He froze for a heartbeat, struggling for control, then with a vicious curse he wrapped her up tight, holding her as close as he could get her. “Hell, yes, I like it,” he growled. His thrusts were suddenly hard and fast and frantic, and when she cried out, her entire body flooding with sensation, he joined her.

And through it all, his arms were around her, and she heard him whisper again. “I like it too much.”


his head in the door but kept his gaze judiciously on the ceiling. He spoke in a near-silent murmur. “I hate to interrupt all this extracurricular activity, but you didn't hear my knock and we have visitors.”

Sawyer immediately lifted away from Honey, and answered in the same quiet hush. “Who?”

“I don't know for sure. I was in my room about to bed down when I heard a noise. I looked out and saw someone in the shed. If I don't miss my guess, good old Alden called in the muscle. His bully boys are probably looking for the tape in her car.”

“Goddammit,” Sawyer hissed, angry at himself, “we should have thought of that.” Sawyer was out of the bed in an instant and pulling on his pants.

Honey threw herself against his back, wrapping her arms tight around him. “No, Sawyer, just stay inside!”

“Shh.” He took a moment to gently pry her hands loose and kiss her forehead. “It's all right, sweetheart.”

Since she was barely covered by the sheet and evidently didn't care, it was a good thing Jordan had averted his face. He said without looking at her, “Morgan has called in the troops, sweetie, so don't get all frantic on me.”

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