Build a Love (Siren Publishing Ménage and More) (4 page)

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Authors: Suzy Shearer

Tags: #Siren-BookStrand, Inc.

BOOK: Build a Love (Siren Publishing Ménage and More)
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“Would you like me to go?” he asked softly, his voice a little sad.

I nodded, I was too frightened. I could feel my eyes filling. He dropped his hands. Slowly he turned away and took a step. I gasped and felt a tear run down my face. Could I do this? Deep inside I wanted to, I desperately wanted to.


He stopped and turned back toward me.

Oh hell, what was I supposed to say? How could I tell him I was terrified? He stood looking at me, waiting.

I dropped my head and murmured, “I felt it, too.”

He was at my side in a second. I felt those strong arms go around me again as he pulled me to his side.

I felt different.

For the first time in a long, long time I felt alive!

I listened to his heart beating as his hands were caressing my back, running up and down. The feel of his naked chest against my face.

“Harry! I’m glad, but I do have to tell you something about me.”

I must have looked scared. A stray tear was running down my cheek.

He laughed. “It’s nothing bad.”

I went to lift my head and speak when the doorbell rang. Bryan backed away. He followed me out as I went into the hall and he walked into the kitchen. I tried to wipe away a few tears as I reached the door. Opening it, I discovered Vince and Andy. I stood aside as they walked into the hall. They pushed past and headed to the kitchen-family room.

“Sweetie, we’ve come to cheer you up. I know you’re missing that hunky builder, he’s all you talk about,” Andy announced.

Please floor, swallow me now!

“Ooh, I love the decorating.”

Andy stood looking at the shambles of my family room. Vince, on the other hand, had stopped and was staring at Bryan, who was leaning nonchalantly against the kitchen counter.

“Andy!” Vince hissed.

Vince was moving toward Bryan with his hand outstretched. Andy turned, looked at Bryan, looked at me, then back to Bryan. He stepped toward me and peered into my face.

“Why have you been crying?”

Vince stopped and turned to look at me. I waved them both away and smiled.

“Um…this is Bryan Garrett, my builder.”

Vince, never one to mince words, said, “The hunky one?”

I rolled my eyes and nodded. He grinned and finally shook hands with Bryan.

“Hi, I’m Vince, and that’s Andy.”

Bryan smiled at the two of them, probably wondering who the hell they were. The two had rode their bikes here. Both had thrown their helmets on the hall table as they walked in. Andy looked like he belonged in a motorcycle gang, covered in tattoos, longish hair and beard. He stood around 6’5” and was dressed in leather pants and a sleeveless T. Vince, on the other hand, looked as if he had just stepped off the pages of GQ—he was tall, around 6’3”, slender but very muscular. He also wore leather pants and a T-shirt with an opened leather jacket.

Vince was gorgeous. I know every woman who saw him fantasised about having him in bed with her but he only had eyes for Andy.

I spoke up. “These are my best friends. Vince is also my agent.”

Bryan nodded as Andy pulled me aside. “Spill. Why were you crying?”

“It’s okay, Andy, honestly. It was nothing.”

They both looked at Bryan, who held up his hands. “Honest, we were just talking, or rather we were about to when you arrived.”

Vince took my hand and said he had some paperwork for me. Beats me where he had it stashed, but he pulled me into the shambles of the studio. I pulled a wry face at Bryan and hoped he would understand.

“Are you okay?”

“Yes. Yes I’m okay Vince. I…I just panicked—again. Bryan, he came and he touched my lip. Oh hell.” I felt all hot and bothered. “He told me he wants to see me, that he can feel an attraction.”

“So why were you crying?”

“Because he…I…” I started to cry again. “He was going to leave. He said he would go if I wanted him to and I…oh shit, Vince, I didn’t want him to leave.”

Vince put his arms around me. “Harry, don’t cry. This is a good thing. Just relax and let it happen.”

“Relax? I don’t know how.” I moaned.

“Come on, beautiful, wipe your face and let’s go check out your hunky man.”

“He isn’t my man.”

Vince just raised an eyebrow. I wiped my tears and we walked back. Bryan and Andy were both leaning against the counter. They were chatting about the studio and how the renovations would look when we walked back in.

“I think we will leave you two to finish your talk.” Vince held out his hand and shook Bryan’s. Andy looked surprised, I think he was intending to stay.

“Come on, lover. These two need some time together.” He put his arm across Andy’s shoulder and kissed his cheek. Bryan looked a little surprised but did not seem at all concerned. I was glad. My friends were important to me and if Bryan had shown any sort of prejudice that would have been it.

Andy reluctantly agreed and shook hands with Bryan, and they both enveloped me in their usual group bear hug and kissed me.

“We’ll see ourselves out, Harry. You remember what we talked about the other week?” I nodded as he continued, “Promise you’ll try.”

“I will.”

They walked out and we both heard the roar of bikes starting then leaving. I felt clumsy and wasn’t sure what to do or say. Fortunately, Bryan took charge of the conversation.

“You said Vince is your agent? I guess you’ve known them a while.”

“Yes, over eighteen years. They are wonderful men, my best friends, I honestly don’t know what I’d do without them.”

“They seem very nice. They been together long?”

“Nearly twenty-five years.”

“Wow, how great is that!”

I relaxed, I hadn’t realised that I was so tense until then. I had been waiting for some snide comment about gay men but instead Bryan seemed genuinely pleased that they were together.

“So Harry, can we talk?”

Suddenly I was tongue-tied again. Me, who was usually so confident and charming, I found I couldn’t even string two words together when I was around him.

“Um…er, okay.”

“Why are you so scared? I have no intention of hurting you. You say ‘no’ or ‘stop’ and I will.”

Great! Now where had I heard that before? Let me guess! I started shaking.

“Harry? Harry, what is it?”

“I’m sorry Bryan. I…I…don’t know if I can do this.”

“Hey, I’m not asking you to marry me.” He gave me a silly grin. “I just want to get to know you.”

“I…” I took a deep breath, Vince’s words echoed in my head. “I know. I–I would like to know you, too, but I just don’t know if I can.”

His smile was wonderful. He looked as if he genuinely was happy to know that I wanted to learn about him as well but he also looked a little confused.

“How about we start again? Hi, I’m Bryan Garrett.” He held out his hand and I started to laugh.

“Hello, I’m Harry.” I took his hand intending to shake it, but he held on to it.

“Harry, I’d love to get to know you.”

I felt all funny inside, he was rubbing his thumb back and forth across my hand. I swear it was like he was stroking my pussy, I felt a tingle and knew I was getting damp.

“Um…me, too. I mean, I know me, I…oh damn!”

He just laughed.

“Would you like a coffee?”

Wow, sometimes I even amaze myself, I just managed to get out a sentence without making a complete idiot of myself.

“Thanks, Harry. I would.”

He released my hand, slowly, his fingers lingering as he withdrew. I busied myself and popped a pod into the machine.

“Do you have milk, sugar?”

“White with two, please.”

I busied myself with the frother and made the two coffees. Looking around I realised there was nowhere to sit. My studio renovating had taken over the rooms.

“I’m afraid we will have to stand, my couches are somewhere underneath all that.” I gestured at the messy family room. Bryan just laughed.

“I think I can stand okay.”

I gave him his coffee and then was unsure where to stand. Should I stand alongside? Maybe in front? How to look casual when you are nervous? Bryan must have guessed my thoughts because he moved a little and patted the bench alongside him.

I moved over to lean against it alongside him. We stood drinking in silence for a few minutes, then both went to speak at the same time. I told him to continue, I was only intending to fill the silence anyway.

“How long have you been painting?”

“For as long as I can remember. Professionally about fourteen years.”

“I looked up your website. You’re a very talented woman, your work is amazing.”

I blushed. I was not that good at compliments about my work. You would think after all this time that I had got used to it but I still blushed. Blame it on my red hair.

“Thank you.”

“I’m sorry I teased you that first day but I couldn’t help myself.”

“And I kept saying the wrong things.”

“I don’t know, they sounded rather interesting to me.”

He moved slightly and I felt his leg touch mine. It was as if I had an electric shock. He leant an elbow on the countertop, that meant he was even closer. If I turned my head, I could almost touch his lips with mine. I was so tempted to but I was far too nervous.

“So, Ms. Kempton, what do you suggest we do about this mutual attraction?”

I bit my bottom lip. He reached out to run his finger across it. I felt my breathing increase. He moved his finger and ran it down my cheek, I felt myself instinctively lean into it then it was back, rubbing my lip again.

Oh, oh, I was going to need a change of panties.

My hand was shaking slightly as he took my coffee cup and placed it on the bench beside me. That meant his body brushed across mine. He straightened and stepped in front of me. I looked up at him.

His eyes were filled with desire. I opened my mouth slightly, trying to get more air, it felt like someone had taken mine. He reached out with both hands and lifted me onto the bench. Now my face was almost level with his. He pressed my legs apart and stood between them. Bryan just stood there looking at me, maybe he was waiting for me to start screaming again.

When I didn’t move—or scream—he moved his hands. They started running up and down my arms, rubbing gently on my shoulders then down and up. It felt good. I think I closed my eyes, and yes, I was biting my bottom lip.

“Harry, I want to kiss you,” he whispered.

I opened my eyes. His face was so close to mine, it got closer and I felt his lips brush against mine. I think I may have moaned a little. His lips got a little firmer on mine, a little insistent.

To hell with it.

I threw aside my fears for the moment and kissed him back. Oh boy, had I missed this. That wonderful feeling you get when someone you’re attracted to kisses you.

Bryan’s tongue was running over my lips, pressuring my teeth to open. I obliged. Now that was kissing!

Of their own accord, my arms went around his neck.

“Hey, anyone home?”

We broke apart. I heard Bryan groan.

“In the kitchen,” he called.

I tried to look nonchalant while blushing. I turned my head from my perch on the counter and gave a little gasp. Another very gorgeous hunk walked in. He grinned at Bryan, nodded to me, and held out his hand.

“Ms. Kempton. I’m Marco Campione. I’m with B.AC.”

“Oh…hello, Mr. Campione.”

“Marco, please.” He looked at Bryan. “When did you get back, Bryan?”

“Grabbed an early flight and landed this morning. I came here first. Was going to head over to the office later.”

“Great. George told me they were going to start the brickwork today so I came over to check things. Didn’t expect you home until tonight.”

He looked at Bryan, and something unspoken passed between them. Bryan raised his coffee cup and gave him a minute salute with it.

“Don’t suppose I could get a coffee, too, Ms. Kempton?”

“Coffee?” I sounded confused.

“Yes, coffee. Like Bryan’s drinking.” He just grinned at me and I felt a little weak at the knees. This wasn’t fair. Two handsome hunky builders at once. I was flustered.

“Oh, sorry, yes. Milk?”

“Black thanks, two sugar.”

I went to jump off the counter but he quickly moved in front and lifted me. Breathlessly, I moved over to the machine and proceeded to make his coffee. My back was to them but I could see them reflected in the stainless steel of the fridge door. There was certainly something going on. I saw Bryan reach out and touch Marco’s face.

I finished making the coffee and handed it over to Marco. Where Bryan was blue eyed and had almost shaved hair, short back and sides, Marco was dark brown eyes and long dark hair. He had that stubbly unshaved look, very hot! He looked around 6’6”, a little shorter than Bryan and maybe a year or so younger. He was muscular but not like Bryan. Bryan was built like the proverbial brick outhouse, Marco was sleeker, but still with plenty of muscle. I think he must have some European background, he had that sexy Italian look about him plus his Italian sounding surname.

I handed him the mug.

“Careful, you’re hot. I…I mean it’s hot, the coffee’s hot.”

“Thanks, Ms. Kempton.” He had the hugest grin. “So has Bryan been looking after you?”

For some reason I had the feeling there was more to the question than appeared.

“He’s just come.”

Mr. Italian hottie looked at me, then Bryan, and grinned wickedly.

“Fast work.”

I was confused for a moment then realised what I had said.

“Arrived, he’s just arrived.”


I was feeling like I was at a movie where everyone else knew the plot except me. There was definitely something going on with these two. Marco looked around the family room, at the mess.

“Bet you’ll be glad when this is all over. Hope we aren’t disturbing you too much.”

There it was again, that simple phrase, but there was an undercurrent of double meaning. I was feeling flustered on several levels.

One—I was annoyed in a way that Marco had turned up and disturbed what was turning into an out-of-this world kiss.

Two—I was trying to ignore it but I was attracted to Marco as much as I was attracted to Bryan.

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