BULL: MC ROMANCE (Forsaken Riders MC Romance Book 6) (41 page)

BOOK: BULL: MC ROMANCE (Forsaken Riders MC Romance Book 6)
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Without a word spoken Liam cupped Ginny face in his hands and slowly leaned in for a passionate kiss with tongues and teeth dueling it out.  Liam even bared his fangs a bit and nicked Ginny’s lips, letting a few drops of blood flow freely from her pouty lips.  Licking up the dripping blood Liam attacked Ginny’s mouth more intensely while at the same time reaching behind Ginny’s back to undo her bra.  In one fluid movement Ginny’s bra was on the floor and her bosom was free.  Her perky nipples stood at attention as Liam moved his hands across her breasts.

The sensation of Liam hands on her bare breasts was stimulating and even more so when he gave the girls a bit of a squeeze.  A breathy gasp escaped Ginny’s lips as Liam moved his intense kissing and licking from Ginny’s lips down her neck and across her collarbone, making a beeline for her exposed bosom.  In one fell swoop Liam captured Ginny’s nipple in his mouth, sucking ever so slightly to bring the sensitive nub to full attention.  Liam didn’t want the other breast to feel left out so he continued to squeeze and stimulate it with his hands.

“Ah!  Ah!”  Ginny cried out as the attention to her breasts continued to turn her on.  It was only a matter of moments before Ginny was wet and ready for Liam to move forward with their love making.  Liam could sense Ginny’s needs and desires and moved his hands from her breasts down to her underwear and helped her wiggle her way out of the last piece of clothing she wore.  Soon both of them were completely naked on the museum floor with only their discarded clothes as cushion.

Liam spread Ginny’s legs wide and settled himself in between them.  Ginny nodded her head when Liam began to move into position.  She wanted this and she was ready for it.  Slowly Liam pushed his hard member into Ginny’s ready and wet hole.  There was a slight discomfort as Liam was rather wide and long, but soon enough the pain subsided as Liam began to rock back and forth inside of her.

“AH!”  Ginny felt utterly stimulated at the penetration she was receiving from Liam.  She was as full and aroused as was humanly possible, certainly more so than she had ever experienced before.  To say it was mind blowing would have been an understatement.  Liam thrust in and out of Ginny at a rather intense pace, clearly feeling the passion himself and eager to bring it to full fruition.  Ginny wrapped her arms around Liam’s strong shoulders and groaned and moaned out her love and enjoyment of the love making.

After a few more moments of lovemaking, both Liam and Ginny were at their tipping points and ready to feel their release.  Ginny practically clawed at Liam’s shoulders leaving angry red marks all across his skin.  Liam sought out Ginny’s neck and bared his fangs to sink deep into her neck.  The pain was nearly non-existent for Ginny as Liam started to suck her blood while also continuing to thrust in and out of her at a breakneck pace.  It didn’t take long from that moment for Liam to clench his muscles and shoot his seed deep into Ginny’s welcoming body.  Ginny also reached her climax and orgasmed like she never had before in her life.

For several long seconds Ginny only saw the white hot passion flash across her eyes as she relaxed into Liam’s arms and rode out the feeling of pure ecstasy that came from a mind blowing climax and orgasm.  Liam also rode out the high with Ginny, wrapped up in each other’s arms.  Together they just sat there in pure bliss and cuddled, reveling in the afterglow of sex.  Several moments passed before either one of them spoke.  It was Ginny who said something first.

“Well that was freaking amazing,” it was by far an understatement, but she had to start somewhere.  Liam simply chuckled, sending vibrations throughout Ginny’s body.

“I would have to agree,” he stated.

“I’ve never felt such a bond with someone before.  It’s crazy how connected I feel with you.”  Ginny leaned back slightly to take Liam in one more time.  He had a similar expression of semi-disbelief and curiosity.

“It is uncanny,” Liam started, but shook his head as if he changed his mind on what he was going to say.  Ginny yearned to ask him about it, but she desperately sought to quash out her journalist tendencies and tried to just enjoy the moment.  Her resolve lasted all of three seconds before she just couldn’t help herself.

“What do you mean by that?”  Ginny prodded.  Liam shifted and looked somewhat uncomfortable all of the sudden.  Ginny was at once intensely interested in what he had to say and growing worried about why he was acting so strangely.

“The last time I had such a strong connection with someone, it was Philippa.”  Ginny knew then why he was being so odd.  He was talking about his ex-girlfriend again.  While it irked Ginny that he was talking about another lover, she just couldn’t stop pressing him for information.

“What ever happened to her?  You talk about her so longingly.”  Ginny pulled back slightly from Liam, her journalistic-self beginning to dominate the situation.

“She was my love from many centuries ago.  I actually was the one to turn her into a vampire, but even that immortality couldn’t save her from the eternal sleep she now exists in.”  Liam looked away as though the shame of not being able to save his love was entirely his fault.  Ginny’s heart broke a little at the sight of the man before her so clearly in pain.  She squashed anymore of her interview-like questions and instead chose to press herself against him in a comforting kind of way.

“I’m sorry.”  She whispered softly.

“It’s not your fault.”  Liam stroked her hair gently and the two of them sat quietly once more.  All the while Ginny’s mind continued to work and to wonder about the man she was surely in love with.  Sure there were plenty of things she still didn’t know about it, Philippa included, but he was never secretive with her and he was always open to telling her anything and everything she ever wanted to know.  Liam was an open book to her and Ginny was keen to keep notes for a book of her own. 

Chapter Four


After the night in the museum Ginny went home and simply basked in her happiness.  She felt comfortable saying that her life was going extremely well and she was beyond excited for where things were going to between her and Liam.  At the same time she was ever so slightly worried and more than a little curious about Liam’s former lover Philippa.  Ginny had purposely not asked more about her ‘eternal sleep’ but her curiosity was surely going to spike up again soon and make her question.

That night, once Ginny had come home from her magical night in the museum she wrote up another blog post.  She was hesitant to put all the details in there, especially concerning the sex, but in the end she decided to bare all and put the entire story up there, sex and all.  Her readers would want to know and she didn’t want to deny them the juiciest bits.

The next morning however, things blew up for Ginny.  She went from having a few hundred readers to thousands.  Her story was more than just popular; she was trending hardcore on nearly every social media site.  It was like overnight instant celebrity status and Ginny wasn’t sure how to handle it.  What was worse was wondering whether or not Liam had found out about the blog and what he would think about it.  She had never stopped to think about what Liam’s reaction would be to her blog.  Ginny had to see Liam right away.

Quickly Ginny punched the numbers into her phone and the sound of a dial tone filled her ears.  But Liam didn’t answer, instead it went to voicemail.  Ginny was conflicted about whether or not she should leave a voicemail or not when another call came ringing in.  It was Liam.

“Liam?”  Ginny was slightly panicked but tried to keep her voice calm.

“Ginny can you come over right away?”  Liam had an odd tone to his voice which threw Ginny off.

“Of course, I can be there in less than fifteen minutes.”  Ginny started to grab her stuff and head for the door.

“Good, I will see you soon then.”  Liam hung up and Ginny rushed down the four flights of stairs and dashed out onto the street.  An odd sense of uncertainty gripped her and made her stomach flip the entire journey from her apartment to Liam’s.  Had he already found out about the blog?  Was it something else entirely?  Not knowing exactly what it was, was killing Ginny.  The fifteen minute drive seemed like an eternity to her. 

Finally the cab pulled up the familiar building and Ginny made her way through the security and onwards to Liam’s penthouse apartment.  This time as she stood in front of his door the nervousness she was feeling wasn’t necessarily good.  She knocked softly, still unsure of what she was about to be facing.  The door opened and Liam stood there, a picture of pure chaos.  It was then that Ginny realized her summons to his penthouse apartment was not in relation to the blog.  There was something far greater at work here.

“Liam?  What’s wrong?”  Ginny moved to pull him into a comforting hug, but Liam withdrew into his apartment and Ginny, though hurt at his reaction, followed him inside.  Softly she shut the door behind her and followed where Liam had disappeared to.  Around the corner she saw him sitting on the couch, a bundle of nerves and perhaps even the slightest hint of fear.  Now Ginny was truly worried.

“Liam, talk to me.”  Ginny had never seen this man before her, he was all nerves and uncertainty and it made Ginny insanely worried and curious as to the reason why.  Liam built up his courage and opened his mouth.  When the words finally came out Ginny instantly wished they hadn’t.

“Philippa has awoken from her slumber.”  Ginny was lucky she was close to the couch as her legs gave out from underneath her.  There was so much more behind those simple words than perhaps even Ginny knew.  But in that moment Ginny knew the unwavering fact that Liam’s former lover, one whom he had thought of over the course of centuries, the woman he compared to her, was awake.  Ginny could have cried.  How could the love they had just started to share with each other compare with a love that surpassed time itself?  There was no comparison.

“I never thought this day would come, it has been so long I hardly even remembered what she looked like.”  Ginny was pulled back, suddenly unsure of what Liam was trying to say.  She dared not speak, hesitant to break the thought process Liam was working through.

“I know I should be with her as she wakes, but all my mind can think about it you.  The love I had for Philippa should be filling me, but it’s not.  The moment you walked into the door I knew why my love hadn’t come back.  My heart belongs to you now.”  Liam then moved his eyes from boring holes in the floor to piercing Ginny’s soul.  Had he really chosen her over his love from across time?

The distance between them was suddenly closed as Liam stood from the couch and pulled Ginny into an intimate embrace and cupped her face with his hands.  There was a warmth in his hands that Ginny hadn’t noticed before and in that moment she knew with all her heart that Liam had chosen her. He had chosen their new love over the centuries of love for Philippa. Ginny pulled Liam down and their lips crashed together.  Their love was going to be something for the ages, Ginny was sure.

The Bear Wants Babies



Cynthia Wilde


Copyright ©2015 by Cynthia Wilde. All rights reserved.

No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic of mechanical means, including information storage and retrieval systems, without written permission from the author, except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.


Thank you so much for your interest in my work!



Table of Contents

Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Chapter 3

Chapter 4

Chapter 5

Chapter 6

Chapter 7

Chapter 8


Chapter 1


Aria looked out from the top deck of the ferry. She was on her way to somewhere in Alaska that she had never heard of, in order to take possession of a cabin she had inherited from a great aunt whom she had never known. She had been looking for a change anyhow, and so with the promise of free rent and adventure, she left behind the small town in Florida where she came from. There were a few tear-filled goodbyes, but they were balanced by the fact that Aria was more than ready to start fresh somewhere new. As she looked around her at the wide open wilderness on all sides, she realized that if the awe inspiring beauty of nature up her was any indication, she would soon have a whole lot of new things to get used to.

Everything had changed as she drove northwest through the expansive country. It got considerably colder, even for June, the closer she got to Washington. The houses were separated by wider and wider spaces, and those spaces went from holding a few trees each, to being made up of whole forests. Everything just got more natural as she headed further west. She had been overjoyed to get through what she felt was the vastly overpopulated South. The further she got from it, the more she realized how much she had disliked it. Aria was on a shoestring budget, and by the time she had gotten on the 3-day ferry up to Alaska she was already getting low on funds. Traveling like this actually cost more than flying, but there was absolutely no way she was going to get on a plane. Regardless of the cost, though, or the means of travel, she was excited to be on this new adventure.

It was the third day on the ferry and she had already spent two nights camped out on the front deck. Even though the price for an actual room was astronomical, she now kind of wished she had chosen that route. The air outside was far colder than she would have imagined for early summer. At least there were many others who had underestimated the temperature as well. On the bright side, they now shared a sense of camaraderie that had been forged through the mutual trauma they had endured in the deep chill of the last few nights. Many were ending their trip in Ketchikan, but Aria was pushing forward north to around Barrow. According to her map, even once she arrived there, there would still be two more days of travel by bus as well as by boat.

All she knew about where she was going was what she had looked up, and that had in no way prepared her for the vast majestic views that had awaited her. She also had had no way to anticipate how small such open spaces would make her feel. Nature definitely reigned supreme in Alaska. The paperwork in her knapsack said that she now owned a cabin and fifty acres somewhere up there. She could feel her destiny calling to her from the wilderness.




Aria finally arrived at Ketchikan and then almost immediately picked up a bus that was headed even further north. Even though the trip meant several more hours of driving, it was mainly coastal roads and the views kept her in a perpetually awestruck state. She sat next to a gentleman a little older than she was for the last leg of the journey and the two talked for hours. The conversation made the time pass quickly. At the next town, she got off to catch a boat to the northern coast. Everything had been pre-booked, so it was supposed to be a smooth trip, but she was still genuinely surprised when each leg went off without a hitch. Aria decided that she would take that as a sign. Things were on the upswing.

Her first impression of Barrow was how small it was. Taking in the houses in a glance she figured that there couldn’t have been more than a hundred or so people in the whole town. But the thing that made it seem so much smaller she decided, was the way the town was so close to the shore. It looked dangerously close. She imagined it would only take one tantrum and the sea would swallow it all up in one angry surge.

Aria’s heart skipped a beat as she hopped off the boat in the uneven tide. Her legs were happy to feel the solid dock, and then actual ground underneath her. She only had one large duffel bag that the mate handed her as he waved goodbye. Everyone had been so nice and even the couple of hours on the boat had yielded several friends she would be happy to see again. It seemed to Aria that people were just different up north. She had admit that she liked the change.

Looking through her bag pockets, she found the piece of paper that had the address. She had bought a car through a man and she was supposed to pick it up. Vehicles were extremely hard to get, in large part because the cost of transporting one exceeded the value of the actual car. So she hoped that the car she had purchased was not a complete rust bucket and that it would at least get her to the cabin some 10 miles inland. Aria found it hard to take her eyes from the view though. She could see the icebergs just off the coast. It was just so … wild … and dangerous.

Aria shivered as she walked the several blocks to the address. It turned out to be a small house/restaurant and when she opened the door, several pairs of eyes were instantly on her. There was a small bar with a few stools and she went to sit down, smiling at a few people that kept her eye contact. A waitress quickly brought over a menu and asked what she wanted to drink.

Trying to prop the large bag up, she asked for the name she had written down on the piece of paper.


The woman turned her head back towards Aria and told her that he would be out in a moment. Aria asked for a Coke and settled in to look at the menu. She had ordered and started eating by the time Ralph came up from the back. He turned out to be a rotund older man that looked much like his name sounded. He gave Aria a once over that made her a bit uncomfortable.

“So you’re Aria?”

“Yes Sir.”

“Look at you, so polite. I daresay that won’t last long around here. You kind of look like Martha you know. We never knew she had nieces.

“Great niece. I think her and my mother had a falling out when they were younger. I actually never met her or even knew that she existed until a couple of months ago.”

“Tragic. Hell of a way to learn.”

His green eyes stared into hers, as if probing for something for a moment, until he finally turned away when she didn’t. It sort of reminded her of a stare down that she had with her cat a week before.

“So you ready to pick up your car? She is a beaut. I really think you are going to like it.”

Aria had hoped for a picture, or something, but the man did not seem too on top of things technologically speaking. When she explained cell phones with cameras, he snorted. But she had been a little desperate so she went on his word.

“Oh I don’t have one of those fin dangled picture phones. What do you need that for?”

As Aria looked around the man’s yard, she believed him. There wasn’t a thing in it that didn’t look like it had been there at least ten years already. He seemed to have a combination used car and salvage business – and diner. They walked to the back where he had most of the cars. They went pretty far before he finally pulled a sheet out from the wipers of a sedan of some sort. It was a beaut and though it was old, it seemed to have no outside damage. Aria did not know the model unless she looked at the paperwork, but it was a pretty powder blue and was more of less what she had had in mind. She had been warned that it would be useless 6-8 months out of the year, but for now it was perfect and she would worry about winter when the time came.

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