Burden Of Blood (2 page)

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Authors: Wenona Hulsey

BOOK: Burden Of Blood
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Nicole started to imagine another fabricated cover story when her cell phone began vibrating on her belt.  With a relieved breath, she turned and walked a few yards away from the group.  She glanced at the screen to see Kathy’s number.


“Kat, this better be important because you know I'm working.  One of these days you’re going to get me shot by calling me whenever you want to.  What if I was sneaking up on a perp when you made my cell start singing?”


“Wow, you’re crabby today.” Kat chuckled.  “I know damn well that you keep your phone on vibrate all the time, so stop trying to blow me off.”


“So what’s up Kat?” Nicole rolled her eyes at her moot point.


“Dad’s been sitting by the scanner again.  He said y’all got a big one, so of course, he had to call me.  Sometimes, I think he wishes you were his daughter instead of me, the boring insurance agent,” she chuckled.  “I wanted to make sure you were alright and…umm… that you’re not canceling on us going out later tonight, Miss.  Antisocial.”


“So the truth is, you just wanted to know if I was going to pass on going out with you.  Girl you never change.” she grumbled.  “Yes, I’m still going, so don’t write me off yet, but remember you promised you won’t make me go again anytime soon.  The clubbing scene isn’t fun for me anymore.”


“Yes,” Kat huffed, “I remember my promise.  I don’t know what’s happened to you.  You’ve turned into such a stick in the mud.”


“I am not!  My life is full of enough excitement at work.  I don’t need to go out to find more.” Not only that, but hearing all the drunken thoughts of people in a club would be too much.  When inhibitions were shot to hell, things went from being ideas to actions in a split second, but she couldn’t tell that to Kat.  Her friend would haul her into the first church she found for an emergency exorcism. 


“Ok, I hear you loud and clear.  Hey, is Luke with you?” Kat asked, trying to seem casual but Nicole knew she had a bad thing for him.  Kat had always had a date on her arm, while another sat on the back burner.  She and Kat had been best friends since sixth grade and dating was nothing new for either of them.  Nicole wasn’t a habitual dater like her friend, although she used to enjoy going out but after her gift emerged, her social life ended.  She resolved to believe a life alone was safer for everyone, even though she had to admit the thought of Kat and Luke together hit a raw nerve.


“Yes, you know he is, why?” Nicole turned toward the group of men meeting Luke’s stare.  She flashed him an awkward smile, “Kat said to tell you hello.”


“Hi Kat,” he replied as he walked in her direction.


“Ask him if he wants to go with us tonight.” Kat’s pleasure vibrated through the phone.


Nicole pictured Kat literally melting from the sound of Luke’s voice.  The clicking of her trade mark stiletto heels as she paced on her kitchen’s hardwood floors echoed through the phone.  Kat believed in dressing like she just stepped off the runway at a fashion show every day and, with her long legs and slim build, she looked gorgeous in everything.  Beautiful black hair reached to the middle of her back in long silky strands.  Her light green eyes and high cheek bones gave her face an exotic, sexy quality.  Nicole had always been secretly jealous of how Kat’s hair shimmered like she just stepped out of the ritziest London salon, a stark contrast to her own long unruly brown curls.


“Um…Kat I’ve got to get back to work.  You know, big drug bust still in progress and all that jive.  I’ll call you when I get home, bye.” She snapped the phone shut then she turned to face Luke, putting her business face back on.


“Are they about to wrap up?” she asked gesturing toward the swarm of DEA agents loading the cocaine into large, white, plastic tubs.  The smell of marijuana lingered in the air even though the bales had been sealed away in large, green containers, evidence labels already neatly in place on each one.


“Yes, I think they are close now.” He paused as if debating something.  “So, do you and Kat have plans tonight?”


Nicole nodded, stuffing her hands into her pants pockets, “Yep, she’s dragging me out clubbing.  I’ve been trying like hell to get out of going but she seems to think I’m becoming a hermit.” She laughed nervously, knowing she didn’t need to be a mind reader to see where this conversation was going.  “Um…Kat wanted me to invite you along with us.” She was quick to get it out there as an invitation from Kat before he assumed
was asking him out.  So many times she had dreamed of testing the waters with Luke, but that same nagging voice reminded her she was crazy to try. 
Let it go, Nicole.  You need to realize you are going to be alone.  End of story.  It’s better this way.


“Sounds like fun.  We can celebrate in honor of your awesomeness today,” he paused, giving her a small, sly smile, “And Kat’s right, you do need to get out more.  You spend way too much time on the job.  Maybe if you weren’t so wrapped up in police work you would let me take you out sometime,” he said with a wink.


“I guess my work ethic is a matter of opinion and well…as for us going out, I kind of think Kat wants to get her claws into you and who am I to stand in the way of true love?” With a smirk, she walked back to the group of officers, brusquely putting an end, once again, to another guy trying to ask her out. 
Man this sucks!




Nicole spent more time getting ready for the night than she intended.  She still didn’t want to go but she couldn’t get Luke off her mind.  Her stomach fluttered as she thought of his hand resting on her shoulder only a few hours ago.  Such a simple touch that to most women, would mean nothing, but it’s the closest she would ever allow herself to get to him so she savored the moment.


Her mind drifted back to the last guy she had allowed herself to care for.  She had met Nick on a weekend trip to Panama City, Florida.  Sure, it may have ended up being only a vacation love but she never got the chance to find out.  That was the weekend everything started to change in her life, and ultimately led to her never calling the phone number Nick sent attached to a bouquet of red roses.  Nicole sighed as she went back to getting dressed, pushing away the thoughts of that wonderful weekend that ended very badly.


Black was the color for her tonight.  She put on black pants that were a mix of silk and spandex, making them hug the curve of her hips before turning into a flowing loose leg.  Her shirt, also black, tied around the neck with a split down the center from below her breasts to her waist line.  The cut let the material flow in a sexy teasing way, exposing her firm belly when she moved.  She added a pair of three inch heels, diamond earrings and a silver bracelet to complete her outfit.  After much mental debate, Nicole decided to leave her long curly hair down as she applied her makeup lightly going for a natural look.  With a little help from some concealer, she was able to cover the small bruise on her face from today’s action.  After adding a hint of peachy lip-gloss to her full lips and a touch of bronzer to her high cheekbones and across the bridge of her narrow nose, she pushed away from her vanity.


She spun around in front of the full length mirror with an approving smile.  “If I’m being forced to go, I should look the part, and damn girl, you look good.”


Nicole drove herself to the club, instead of riding with Kat.  She thought it would be better to have an escape plan, just in case she felt like a third wheel or if her mind got so jumbled with other peoples’ thoughts, she might want to cut out early.  She expected both to be good scenarios for how tonight would end.


Nicole pulled up to The Devil’s Diamond club.  The building sported a large red devil’s head, kissing a shimmering diamond, as flashing red and blue flames danced all around.  A long line of people wrapped around the building of the town’s hottest night spot.  She debated on jumping back into her car and going home but in the same instant, she noticed a waving hand at the front entrance.  There stood Kat, signaling her to walk to the door ahead of the line.  Nicole was sure this had to do with Kat’s gift with men because the gorilla like bouncer eyed her approvingly as she gave him a flirty smile.


Shaking her head in amazement, she joined her friend and followed her in.  Angry grumbles trailed after them as they walked past the line of waiting people.  Kat led her to a table where Luke sat with a beer in his hand.  His eyes got big when he spotted Nicole.


“Wow Nicole, you clean up nice.” He flashed her a charming smile as he stood to pull out her chair.  He wore a dark red, silk shirt open at the top, revealing his bare chest, and dark washed jeans.


She pried her eyes off of his pecs, forcing her gaze to his chiseled face and hazel eyes, as his woodsy scent filled the space between them.  She gave herself a good mental slap trying to regain focus.  “Thanks Luke, you’re not too bad yourself tonight,” she said, feeling the heat rush to her cheeks


Trying to change her train of thought, she turned to face Kat, only to view the back of her head.  Kat sat on the edge of her seat, watching the people dance in the flashing strobe lights.  Nicole quickly caught onto Kat’s vibe when she followed her friend’s eyes out to the floor.  The lights gave everything a sexy, slow motion feel.  Nicole gazed as a couple danced together, moving like one, bodies shimmering with sweat.  The tall, exotic woman’s arms started up the man’s chest then, in the next flash of the strobe, her arm’s draped around his neck, her mouth inches from his lips.  The guy, who could easily have been a cover model, had his hands on the woman’s upper back, pulling her close to him as he tried to taste every inch of her mouth.  In the next flash of lights, his hands gripped her ass tight, pulling her hard against his lower body as they swayed to the beat.  The atmosphere on the dance floor oozed sex and lust.  Slowly, it wrapped around Nicole like a warm bath.


“Y’all ready to have some fun?” Kat yelled over the noise, giving a goofy wiggle of her eyebrows as she smiled broadly.


Kat grabbed Nicole and Luke by the hand pulling them toward the dance floor.  She gave an alluring smile to Luke as they made their way through the sea of bodies.  Nicole could see the third wheel theory rearing its ugly head much earlier than she expected.  A pang of jealousy stung her but she hid it as fast as it appeared.  She had no right to be acting this way.  She had turned Luke down time and time again. 
So build a bridge and get over it Nicole.  This is your fault, you shot him down.


With that thought, she started dancing with the mass of bodies swaying all around her.  She tried to keep her eyes away from Luke and Kat as they danced, but it was impossible.  She cringed as Kat ran her fingers into Luke’s hair, then dropped a hand down to rest on his chest.  Kat leaned up, whispering into Luke’s ear as she slid one red fingernail along his jaw line.  Nicole pried her eyes away, trying to focus on the music and rhythm of her body, but when she glanced their way again, she locked eyes with Luke.


His deep hazel pools were ablaze with passion.  He watched every move of her body as she swayed to the beat.  His gaze burned her skin with a heat she had never experienced before.  Nicole continued to dance with her eyes locked on Luke’s.  Everyone else disappeared from her vision, there was only him watching her at that moment.  Desire started to build deep inside her belly as she moved, picking up intensity as the music coursed through her, each movement stoking the fire and making it hotter.  She teasingly ran one finger between her breasts, down her sweat-beaded stomach, seductively spreading her hand wide as she slid it along the inside of her thigh.  His eyes never left hers as he danced slowly, resolutely moving closer to her with every movement of his body.


That’s right honey, keep drinking.  You’re mine tonight you little whore.”


With a jolt, Nicole stopped moving, reality crashing into her mind as if someone had hit the fast forward button.  She began scanning the room, trying to figure out who the voice in her head belonged to.  At a table near the bar, she spotted a tall man with a neatly groomed beard and black hair.  Nicole guessed his age to be around thirty-five and she could tell he had money.  He wore a black Armani suit with a white, silk shirt neatly tucked in underneath his unbuttoned jacket.  His shoes shined with a perfect mirror finish and a diamond glimmered from his earlobe.  Nicole was sure a bright red sports car would be waiting outside for him when he left.  He sat next to a cute, small-framed blonde wearing a tight red dress.  Even the dumbest bouncer should have seen she was not old enough to be in this club, let alone doing shots of vodka.  Four empty shot glasses sat in front of her and judging by the glazed-over look in her eyes that was four too many.

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