BURN (23 page)

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Authors: Suzanne Wright

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Reaching the top floor, they exited the elevator and headed for Knox’s suite. “Kendra went to North Las Vegas last night.”

“Yes, she’s looking for information on Lucian’s whereabouts.”

He smiled. “Her informant works for you, doesn’t he?”

“Imps are liars and cheaters by nature. But we don’t betray our own. He’ll send her on a wild goose chase, which will hopefully get her away from Harper.”

Tanner, who was guarding the door, frowned at Knox. “Everything okay? You have some serious anger radiating from you.”

Of course he did. “Levi will fill you in on the details. I need to talk to Harper.” With that, he left his sentinels outside and led Jolene into the suite. They found Harper in the living area, talking on her cell phone. Knox picked up Raini’s voice, but he didn’t hear the words. He was a little distracted by how stunning Harper looked in a pastel blue dress.

Looking up, she smiled. “Hey, Grams. Raini, I’ll call you later.” Glancing from Jolene to Knox, she said, “All right, what’s going on?”

Jolene sat on the sofa opposite Harper. “I won’t begin this by saying ‘
there’s something
you should know,
’ because honestly, sweetheart, I don’t think you need to know this. It will only hurt you. But Knox insists that you should have the truth. So if that’s what you want, you can have it.”

Harper again looked from Jolene to Knox, who was now sitting beside her. “The truth about what?”

When Jolene didn’t respond, Knox spoke. “Carla.”

Harper twisted her mouth. “Let’s hear it.”

Jolene flicked her hair away from her face. “She didn’t dump you on my doorstep. I’ve had you in my care since the day you were born. I was actually at the birth.” She paused. “I paid her to carry you to term and hand you over.”

“You paid her?” Harper easily read between the lines. “She wanted to abort me.” Her grandmother nodded. While that didn’t exactly make her feel warm inside…“I could have handled that, Grams. Why not just tell me?” But there was only one reason Jolene would have kept it to herself. “It gets worse, doesn’t it?”

“Carla sought out an incantor’s help when the abortion didn’t work. She didn’t just want you dead, she wanted to trap your soul.”

Nice. Her inner demon curled her upper lip, ready to hunt down the bitch.

“It wasn’t to hurt
,” Jolene quickly added. “I don’t think she even saw you as a person. She’s so self-centered that she couldn’t see past her own desperate need for vengeance.”

“I was a pawn she was hoping to use to hurt Lucian.”

“It wasn’t a story I wanted you to hear as a child. But I had to give you a story that was close to the truth – close enough that you would never wish Carla was in your life, that you knew you were better off without her.”

“You could have told me everything when I grew up.”

“You’d been hurt enough. I didn’t think telling you the rest would serve any purpose other than to hurt you more.”

While a part of Harper was pissed that Jolene had withheld the truth, she understood. She also understood something else. “I was wrong.”

“About what?” Knox asked, waiting for Harper to start ranting. She seemed too calm.

“I always thought Carla hated me. But I wasn’t a person to her.”

Jolene sighed. “When you were eighteen months old, we came across Carla in a store. It was one of the times Lucian came to visit. He was holding you, laughing at something you’d done, when Carla rounded the aisle.” Jolene looked at Knox. “Whatever you might think about Lucian, he loves Harper. He truly does. And right then in that store, Carla saw that. She hated it.” Jolene moved her attention back to Harper. “She started yelling that children should be with their mothers, she tried to grab you. You slapped her hand. And then she was sobbing on the floor.”

“I used my ability?” Her inner demon was seriously smug about that.

“At eighteen months old, you reduced the bitch to tears. That day, she was
to see you as a person – a powerful child that couldn’t be manipulated and used against Lucian. A child even more powerful than she is. She wanted to hurt
soul, and instead you were able to hurt
. Ironic, really.” Jolene paused. “You understand why I didn’t tell you?”

“I’m not mad at you. I get it. I would rather have known the truth, but I get why you didn’t tell me.” She gave Knox a half-smile. “Thank you for ensuring I knew the truth.”

Knox frowned, once more surprised by his mate. She wasn’t crying, she wasn’t yelling, she wasn’t condemning Jolene, and she wasn’t vowing to see Carla dead and buried. She just wasn’t normal. “I expected tears. A little ranting.”

“Why? It’s not like I didn’t already know that Carla’s twisted. Am I upset? A little. I mean, no one wants to hear that their mother tried to abort them, do they? But honestly, I always thought it was kind of odd that she
abort me, considering that would have hurt Lucian more than dumping me on Jolene’s doorstep. It made no sense to me that she went through the birth. So I’m not really that surprised by all this.”

“You’re not upset about the soul-trapping part?” Knox fucking was.

“Well, yeah, but how can I take it personally when she didn’t
me as a person? The fact is that a demon that’s lost its mate is a very dangerous thing. She considered Lucian her mate, and he rejected her. He didn’t even want her as his anchor. Everything she did as a result of that wasn’t about me, it was about her. And look, it’s all backfired on her, hasn’t it?” So much so that her inner demon was smirking.

Gazing at his mate, Knox shook his head, musing, “So unpredictable.”

Harper shrugged. “I just think that if someone has a problem with me, well it’s their problem to deal with. Why should I feel bad about it? I’m not responsible for what other people do or don’t feel. Carla didn’t want a child – that’s not my fault. She craved vengeance – also not my fault. So why torment myself with it?” As her cell phone started ringing, she grabbed it from the table in front of her. “It’s Devon.” No doubt Raini had told Devon and Khloë that Harper had taken Knox as her mate. Harper hadn’t wanted them to find out from the grapevine. “I’ll be back in a second.”

When Harper shut herself in the bedroom, Knox turned to Jolene. “She has a very unique way of looking at things. I like that.”

“Lucian’s partly responsible for her outlook on life, you know,” Jolene told him. “He’s aloof to anything that doesn’t directly affect him, he isn’t personally threatened by the opinions or actions of others, and he doesn’t take life too seriously.”

Knox growled, “He’s an asshole.”

Sighing tiredly, she shook her head. “You insist on seeing him as this evil person. Harper didn’t have a terrible upbringing, it was just different. He passed on a lot of good traits to her – the independence, the confidence, and even the directness.”

“He’s selfish and ignorant.”

“He is.”

“He put his own needs before hers.”

“In some ways, yes. You’ve heard all about Lucian the partying playboy. His playboy-ways stopped the moment he took Harper to live with him. He also stopped doing drugs and partying too hard. Yes, he dragged her around the world with him. But Lucian
traveling – it’s the only thing in life other than Harper that brings him any joy. Sharing that with her was really the only thing he could give her.

“He honestly believed that exposing her to different lifestyles and cultures would be good for her. If at any point I’d thought she was unhappy, I’d have insisted he return her to me. But she liked to travel, even though it had its ups and downs. She has little knickknacks from all over the world. They’re all important to her, because they all have good memories attached to them.”

“She deserved better,” he insisted.

“But she might not be the person she is today if it wasn’t for the upbringing she had. There are so many people out there who’ve had horrific childhoods filled with abuse and neglect and cruelty.”

Knox knew that too well.

“Harper never suffered any of that. Lucian is self-centered and has the emotional age of a kid. But he never hurt her. Never will.”

Knox leaned forward. “Jolene, if I thought for even a second that he had, he’d be dead by now.”

Jolene actually cackled. “I really do hope I’m present when you two meet.”

“When who meets?” asked Harper as she reentered the room.

“Lucian and Knox.”

Harper’s nose wrinkled. “Yeah, I can’t say I share your anticipation.”

“I do,” said Knox.

“He’ll be here for her birthday in two weeks’ time,” Jolene told him. “You’ll see Lucian then.”

When were you going to tell me your birthday is approaching?
he asked Harper.

Oh…never. I don’t like fuss.

Get used to it fast.
He’d already warned her that he intended to spoil her; he meant it. She’d just have to learn to love it.






Raul, Tanya, Martina, and Beck were already at the table when Knox, Harper, and Jolene arrived. As Raul started to make small talk, Knox quickly realized that he was looking for clues as to whether or not Harper and Knox were more than anchors. Knox had known of course that his sexually possessive display in the reception area would spread throughout the Underground. It had been his plan. He wanted everyone to know Harper was taken.

What they couldn’t know was that he and Harper were mates, and he was positive that no one would consider it was possible. Everyone knew how detached he was. They wouldn’t imagine he would ever take a mate. Knox hadn’t seen it coming either. But then, he hadn’t seen Harper coming.

“Some anchors have sexual relationships,” Tanya reminded Raul irritably. “Big deal. Why are you hung up on the subject?”

Knox already knew the answer to that. So did Tanya. Hell, probably everybody at the table knew – except for Harper, because she seemed to miss male demon flirting cues. Probably because she was used to human males. “Harper’s off-limits, Raul,” Knox said as he played his fingers possessively through her hair. “I don’t share. And I’d never let anyone touch my mate.”

“Mate?” Tanya echoed, stunned.

Smiling, Raul whistled. “Can’t say I blame you.”

Martina whined at Harper, “You took Knox as your mate and you never told me?”

Harper sighed at her. “A lot has happened in the past twelve hours, okay.” And she really didn’t want to relay it all right there and then.

“I’ll explain everything,” Jolene told Beck and Martina. “But not here.”

Harper mouthed ‘thank you’ at her grandmother, who winked.
Thanks so much for blurting that out to Raul when I haven’t even told all my family yet, Knox.
The gossip would quickly spread. The culprit would no doubt be pissed at Harper and potentially even at Knox. Understanding hit Harper like a slap; she’d come to learn how Knox’s mind worked.
You’re hoping it will piss off the culprit so much that they might even come after you.

Knox had to smile at her astuteness, even though it was a pain in his ass.
I want to flush out the person targeting you, yes. If they’re angry enough about this, they might act rashly.

I’ll act rashly if you get hurt, you dumb bastard.
The vibe of male amusement that stroked her mind only served to irritate her more. At that moment, waiters arrived at the table with their meals. Each course was as delicious as the one before, and she felt her tension slowly drain away. As always, the dessert was her favorite.

Feeling Knox’s hand lightly squeezing her knee, Harper snapped her gaze to his. He looked her dead in the eye, laser-focused on her in that way he often was. It sent a shiver of anticipation down her spine, though she still maintained he was a dumb bastard.

“I’m still hungry. You going to feed me when we get back to the suite?”

She knew he wasn’t talking about food. She could have said ‘Maybe’ and played aloof, but that would have gotten her another psychic finger-fuck. She wasn’t going to allow that to happen while her grandmother was sitting next to her. “I can do that.”

He tapped her ear gently. “Come here.”

“I am here.”

“I want you closer. Come here, Harper.”

“I think you should meet me in the middle,” she said. A crooked, sexual smile curved his mouth.

Cupping her chin, he leaned in as he pulled her toward him. “I love that dress on you.” He moved his mouth to her ear. “The trouble is…it’s keeping me from what’s mine. That just makes me want to slip my hand up your dress and find out if you’re wet for me. Are you, Harper?”

Well she was now. He didn’t need to whisper, he could talk to her telepathically. But he knew the whispering in her ear thing
did it for her. “Don’t get me too wet. I’m not wearing panties.”

Knox’s cock twitched. He was hard and heavy, and he wanted to fuck that mouth that was pursed in an impish yet sensual smile. “One less barrier between me and what’s mine.”

She chuckled. “I guess so.” The sound of a throat clearing had her looking up to see Dario, stiff as a board. Knox didn’t move, and she realized his focus was still on her face. Oh, he knew Dario was there. Had probably sensed the guy approaching – Knox was always aware of everything around him. “Speech time, huh?” she said.

Sliding his hand from her chin to her nape, Knox finally looked at Dario. He wasn’t broadcasting any fantasies tonight, which meant he could live.

“Before I give my speech, I just wanted to thank you for your hospitality this weekend, Knox. The entire event has been peaceful and enjoyable. I doubt it would have been so if you hadn’t been the host.” The Primes might have risked pissing off another host, but not him. After Knox gave him a simple nod, the demon headed for the dais.

“I have to admit,” began Harper, “I’m interested to hear what he promises.”

“You would consider voting for a Monarch?” asked Raul, shocked.

She snorted. “Not even in an alternate reality. What I mean is that he’d have to offer something different from Isla and Malden, and I can’t think of much else anyone could possibly suggest that would appeal to our kind.”

“Good, because then there’s a high chance his proposal will be dismissed,” said Jolene.

Dario’s smile was wide and pleasant. “Good evening, my fellow demons. If you’re listening after two days of speeches, you’re obviously not as bored as I’d expected. I’ll try to keep this short to minimize the risk of boredom, so listen carefully.

“I do believe the idea of a hierarchical system has merit. But I also believe it will not work for every Prime or every lair. Some demons simply aren’t built to submit, and I do not believe it would be fair to punish them for being who they are.”

“I didn’t see that coming,” muttered Jolene.

“And let’s be honest,” continued Dario, “it isn’t realistic to assume that we can punish every Prime. Some are simply too powerful to be forced to do anything. Any attempts to punish them would only result in them retaliating which, in turn, will soon lead to a war. Or being swallowed by the flames of hell, if that is indeed an ability Knox can boast to have, and I’m not eager to know what that’s like.” Chuckles spread around the room.

“If I am made Monarch, all Primes will have the right to choose whether or not they wish to be part of the new structure and, as such, whether or not they answer to a Monarch. If they choose not to join, their decision will be respected, not punished.”

“Well that’s different,” said Harper in a low voice.

“I am not tempted by the idea of a hierarchy where Primes of small lairs are automatically denied the influence and power that Primes of large lairs would have.” Dario shook his head. “Just because a demon has a small lair does not mean they shouldn’t have the same rights, respect, and say in their lives as other Primes. That is why I am proposing that, in addition to having a Monarch, we should also form a council.

“The Prime of each and every U.S. lair will have a place on that council – providing, of course, they accept me as their Monarch. This does not mean, however, that only the council will have power over decisions. It means that we can work together. Any major changes proposed will, like now, be put to a vote by all U.S. demons – other than for those who have a Prime that chooses not to answer to a Monarch.”

Dario’s gaze swept the room before concentrating on the camera. “There is one final issue I wish to address. Right now, we have lairs that span cities and even entire countries, but we do not have territories. Demons from different lairs can easily intermingle, and this is part of what results in conflict between lairs. I am proposing that each Prime be given their own territory – a territory that outsiders can only cross with permission. This would not only avoid many disputes, but it would make demons within their lairs feel much safer as they will be better protected.”

“Shit, that might just tempt a lot of people,” said Harper. Demons loved to own things. Having territory of their own would seriously appeal to them.

“As for the Primes that do not wish to answer to a Monarch,” began Dario, “however far their lair expands will be considered by those who are part of the new system to be their territory. They will have the right to punish anyone who crosses it, and no one will seek vengeance for such an act. It also means, however, that they will need to in turn respect the boundaries of other territories so as to avoid feuds.

“I truly believe this is a system that can work. Why do I believe that? Because it would benefit everyone, and it would inconvenience no one. The public will have a vote in each decision. No Prime will be considered more influential than any other as only the Monarch would have any authority. All lairs will have territorial boundaries that keep them safe. And any Primes that do not wish to be part of the new system are free to continue as they do now; I only ask that they respect the boundaries of other Primes, just as we would respect theirs. If you want a system that works for all of us, vote for this – vote for me.” He exhaled heavily. “Any questions?”

“You said that any Prime who doesn’t wish to be part of the new system can opt out,” called out a Prime on their left. “What if none of the Primes here wish to join?”

“It’s a very good question, since there is a possibility that it will happen,” allowed Dario. “All I would ask of those Primes is that they respect the boundaries of my territory – nothing more, nothing less. I will form a council from the demons within my own lair, and each future decision I make will depend on votes.”

“So you intend to implement some kind of system, even if it’s only within your own lair?” asked another Prime.

“Yes, because I believe very strongly that it can work; that all demons should have the right to have a say in their lives.”

“When you say that all Primes would be given their own territory, how would you measure the boundaries of that territory?” There was a disturbing amount of interest in that voice coming from the back.

“Let’s say, for instance, that the demons living within a Prime’s lair covers half of Manhattan. That will be their territory. If it covers the whole of Manhattan, all of that will be their territory. In other words, it will only expand as far as those living within their lair currently reside.”

“But what if a small number of the lair live among demons that belong in a separate lair?” Malden asked. “It’s extremely rare, since lairs like to stick together. But what if that was the case?”

“I would say the simplest answer would be for those demons living away from their lair to move closer to it. However, they could also request to switch to the lair they currently live among, or simply ask permission from the Prime of that territory to live in that area without having to join. As you say, it’s an extremely rare situation, so it will hardly affect anyone.”

“Okay, but what if demons want to relocate to a location that is within the territory of another lair?” persisted Malden.

“My answer to the previous question would also apply here. They would need to either switch lairs or request permission from the Prime of that territory to reside in that area without joining that lair.”

There was a short silence before another voice called out, “The problem I foresee here is that although many of the public may like your system, they won’t benefit from it if their Prime chooses not to join you.”

“They are always free to join my lair or another that is part of the new system.”

“That could mean
a lot
of demons join his lair just to have more rights,” Harper said to Knox. He nodded.

“I have a question,” declared Raul. “There are places in the U.S. that demons don’t inhabit. What if Primes suddenly decide that they want to claim those territories? Wouldn’t that lead to war?”

“No,” denied Dario. “The issue would be discussed by the council and myself. An agreement would be reached.”

Raul’s brows raised. “Without the votes of the public?”

“It’s not a decision that would directly affect the public. Asking them to vote on every little thing would eventually bore them.” That was actually true – something Isla and Malden hadn’t considered.

“All right, here’s something to consider,” said Raul. “We all know how much our kind love Las Vegas. This is where most of Knox’s demons reside, which means it would then be considered his territory. We couldn’t cross that territory without permission, could we?”

“No. But I can’t imagine that Knox would wish to keep us away. If nothing else, it would affect his businesses.”

“What about the Underground? He created this place, he runs it, so that would also make it his territory.”

“Yes, so you would need his permission to come here. Again, though, I don’t foresee him preventing outsiders from coming. He created the Underground for our kind, not for himself.”

“Let’s ask him.” Raul turned to Knox. “Would you let demons from other lairs cross your territorial lines? Would you let us come here the way you do now?”

“That would depend,” replied Knox.

“On what?”

“Whether or not having territories causes demons to see outsiders as enemies,” said Knox. “It’s true that lairs intermingling can cause conflict. But if Primes start claiming territories, that will effectively create divides. Suddenly lairs will consider other lairs to be potential enemies. I won’t have here or Las Vegas suddenly becoming a battle ground.”

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