Burn (29 page)

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Authors: Maya Banks

Tags: #Contemporary, #Literature & Fiction, #Romance

BOOK: Burn
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Brandon pursed his lips a moment before returning his gaze to Mia and Josie. “His name is Kai Wellington. He owns the club.”

Josie’s eyes widened. “He owns it? Like the whole thing?”

Brandon chuckled. “Yeah. He owns several. He’s usually not here that much. He just opened one up in Vegas a few weeks ago and he’s been spending all his time out there.” He glanced down at Caroline and squeezed her closer to him. “He wants me to work out there. Take over security. If I go, I want Caro to go with me.”

For a moment, Mia looked stricken and Josie’s heart went out to her. Caro was her best friend. But Mia quickly got a grip on her reaction and she smiled broadly.

“Is that like a promotion or something?”

“Or something,” Brandon said in amusement.

“I’m happy for you,” Mia said, but Josie could see that her lower lip trembled.

Then Mia threw her arms around Caroline and hugged her tightly.

“I’m happy for both of you,” Mia said in a rush. “Are you excited, Caro?”

Caroline pulled back from Mia, smiling broadly. “Yeah, I am. I’m so happy for Brandon. He’s worked hard for this and it’s huge that Mr. Wellington trusts him. But I hate to leave the city . . . and you,” she finished unhappily.

Brandon pulled her back into his arms and then pulled Mia to his other side.

“Look on the bright side. Your girls’ nights out can be relocated to Vegas. I’ll make sure you’re given VIP treatment from beginning to end. You can plan a couple a year.”

“I like the way he thinks,” Bethany said, speaking up for the first time.

“So, Brandon,” Josie said, pulling the attention back to Brittany. “What does Mr. Wellington want with Brittany? Didn’t he ask you to introduce her to him?”

Brandon glanced sideways again before looking back at the women. His eyes expressed regret. “I can’t really say anything. Mr. Wellington is a very private man. But I’d say he was interested in Brittany. He never took his eyes off her the entire evening.”

Very interesting. Josie glanced their way again and Brittany hadn’t once taken her eyes off him either. Ash would probably find it interesting as well, although he’d most likely do a complete background check on Kai Wellington.

“We’ve got some drinking to do,” Caroline said brightly. “The evening’s going to waste and Jace will probably be here at any time. Bethany, he’ll be so disappointed if you aren’t completely shitfaced. He thinks you’re the most adorable drunk ever!”

Mia burst out laughing and Bethany smiled, though she did reach for her drink.

“I’ll have the waitress swing by and set you up,” Brandon said. “Break’s over for me. Time to make another pass around the club. If you all want a quieter place to drink and relax, I’ll put you in one of the boxes overlooking the dance floor. There’s a button you can push to silence the music and outside noise.”

Josie smiled at his understanding. No doubt he thought that Mia and Caroline would want to talk about her impending move and they couldn’t really do that on the floor.

“That sounds perfect!” Bethany exclaimed. “Can we move there for a bit? I need a break from dancing and standing on my feet, and I’d love a quieter place to drink and talk.”

“Follow me. I’ll have the waitress round up Chessy and the others. They’re still on the dance floor. She’ll let them know where to find you when they’re done dancing.”

The women followed Brandon, but Josie motioned them to stop when they got to where Brittany and Kai were standing. She wanted to check in on Brittany and make sure she was comfortable or see if she needed rescuing.

“Hi,” Josie said, donning a bright smile as she greeted Kai. “I wanted to let Brittany know that we’re going to one of the boxes. Didn’t want her looking for us.”

Kai’s arm slid around Brittany’s waist, anchoring her to him. Okay then, it would seem the man moved fast. He smiled, and it was a gentle, warm smile, but Josie did not miss the strength in those eyes. This was a powerful, intimidating man. She glanced at Brittany to gauge her reaction.

“Your concern is admirable,” Kai said in a low voice she almost couldn’t hear over the music. “But I’ll take very good care of Brittany and I’ll escort her to your box myself when she’s ready.”

“That okay with you?”

Josie directed the question just to Brittany because so far Kai had done all the talking.

Brittany smiled and Josie could see no strain or faking it. Her entire face was flushed.

“I’m fine. Thank you, Josie. I’ll catch up to you and the girls in a minute.”

“Take your time,” Josie said with a smile.

“She will,” Kai murmured.

chapter twenty-four

Ash stretched on his couch, drink in one hand, as Gabe sprawled into the armchair across from him. The two had eaten takeout that Gabe had picked up on his way over after leaving the women at his apartment.

Ash checked his watch and grinned. “How drunk you think they are by now?”

Gabe grimaced. “I’m sure they’re well on their way.”

Ash chuckled, though he was willing the hours to pass. He wanted Josie back, drunk, cute, and he was dying to see her in that dress and heels she’d bought. She wouldn’t even let him see them when she tried them on in the store. All she’d said was that she thought he’d like the end result.

Hell, he’d like her in a sackcloth or with a paper bag over her head. Didn’t matter to him what she wore, because he’d get her out of it quick enough. It was what was underneath that mattered the most. But still, the image of her made-up, teetering on sexy heels and eyes cloudy with alcohol? Yeah, that did it for him. He’d listened to Gabe and Jace enough to know that girls’ night out was not something to miss.

Neither man had any issue with their women going out and having fun because afterward they came home to them and the reward was pretty spectacular.

His cell phone rang, and he picked it up immediately, thinking it might be Josie. He hoped the evening was going well and that she was relaxed and having fun.

He frowned when he saw his doorman’s name as the incoming call.

“Ash,” he said shortly.

“Mr. McIntyre, you have visitors in the lobby. They wanted to go up, but I called first. They say they’re your parents.”

“Oh Jesus,” Ash muttered. Just kill him now. They had to be here tonight of all nights? They’d never set foot in his apartment building, just as they’d never set foot in his office building either. Hell, before the lunch his mother had intruded on earlier in the week, he seriously doubted they’d ever stepped into one of his hotels either.

Such a move reeked of desperation. His mother had wanted to “talk” after making her scene in the restaurant and he’d let her know in no uncertain terms that he had no desire to discuss anything with her. He’d banned her from his hotel properties, but perhaps he should have broadened his parameters a bit. But he wouldn’t have imagined that they’d come here. Making him come to them was more their style.

He glanced over at Gabe who was regarding him with a frown. He shook his head to let Gabe know it wasn’t anything going on with the women.

“I’ll be down. Do not let them up. In fact never let them up if they show up again. They aren’t allowed here,” Ash bit out. “I’ll come down and take care of the matter personally, but in the future, if they show up, you’re to show them the door. And you damn sure better not ever let them up when I’m not here and Josie is.”

“Yes, sir.”

Ash ended the call and then got to his feet.

“What the fuck, man?” Gabe demanded. “What’s going on?”

“My parents are paying me a visit,” Ash said dryly. “I’m going down to inform them they aren’t welcome.”

“Shit,” Gabe swore. “I’ll come with you.”

“Not necessary,” Ash said in a calm voice. “Just hang out up here. I’ll be back in a few.”

Gabe got up, ignoring Ash’s response. “Didn’t say it was necessary. But I’m going with you.”

Ash shrugged. Most people wouldn’t want their dirty laundry and family drama aired in front of others. But Gabe wasn’t just anyone. He was Ash’s real family. Just as Jace was. And Gabe knew everything there was to know about mommy dearest. Except her showing her ass at lunch. It wasn’t that Ash hadn’t wanted to tell him or Jace, but it had slipped his mind. He’d been too focused on other things.

“She showed her ass the other day,” Ash said as they got into the elevator. “I was having lunch with Josie and Brittany at the Bentley and she strutted in making a scene. I had her escorted out and gave instructions that she wasn’t to be allowed on any of our hotel properties.”

“Jesus. Does she ever quit?”

Ash shook his head. “Evidently not. She insulted Britt and Josie. Then she wanted to talk. As if I’d give her the time of day even if she hadn’t spewed her vitriol all over Britt and Josie.”

Gabe shook his head as the elevator descended. “It’s a sad fact but maybe you ought to look into a restraining order. Have their asses arrested the next time they come poking around. Maybe that would be a wake-up call and let them know just how serious you are about them staying the hell away from you and Brittany.”

“I’ll make my point face-to-face,” Ash said, his face going hard over the impending confrontation.

Having it out with his parents in the lobby of his building wasn’t his first choice, but no way in hell was he allowing them into his home. That was his sanctuary. And Josie’s. He wasn’t about to have it invaded by people he loathed. And he damn sure wasn’t having this confrontation on their turf. He wouldn’t give them the satisfaction of going to them. Ever.

When they got off the elevator, Ash saw his mother and father waiting in the lobby. Neither looked happy and when they turned and saw him, there was no welcome in their eyes. No recognition that he was their son. But then there’d never been. He didn’t understand it. Couldn’t fathom being so cold toward your own children. The hell he’d ever treat his own kids this way.

He strode up to them and halted several feet away, his face drawn into a glacier of ice. He stared at them both coldly until his father actually flinched and looked away, guilt edging into his eyes.

“Why are you here?” Ash demanded bluntly.

His mother’s gaze flicked over him and then to Gabe, annoyance sparking in her eyes.

“Really, Ash, this is a private matter. Couldn’t we speak privately? Perhaps in your apartment?”

“Gabe is family,” Ash said in a flat tone. “Anything you have to say can be said in front of him.”

She sniffed delicately and then schooled her features. He could swear she was actually trying to appear . . . nice. Beseeching even. His nape prickled because she resembled a bloodthirsty vampire closing in on the kill.

“I wanted to apologize for my unfortunate behavior earlier in the week.”

Color rose in her cheeks and it looked as though the words nearly choked her. They probably had. Issuing an apology was not something she ever did.

“Apology accepted. Now if that’s all?”

Anger flashed in her eyes briefly before she pushed it away, once again composing herself to look more congenial.

“Your grandfather would like to have us all for dinner. Brittany too. He—and I—would like it very much if you would come. Your brothers and their wives and children will be there too, of course.”

Ash’s eyes narrowed. “No chance in hell.”

His father cleared his throat, speaking for the first time.

“I wish you’d reconsider, son.”

Ash stared at him in disgust. “‘Son’? When have I ever been your son? Suppose you cut the crap and tell me exactly what it is you want here. Because it sure as hell isn’t some family quality time over dinner.”

His mother’s lips thinned and her eyes flashed. This time she did nothing to try and hide her annoyance.

“He’s going to change his will. He’s pissed because our family has gone to hell as he put it. He’s not happy with Brittany’s defection. Said if I was more of a mother then my children wouldn’t all despise me. He’s made noises about how we should start to support ourselves and that he’s tired of dumping money into a nest of vipers. He said that if a mother and father can’t even keep their family together then why should he reward us by leaving us everything.”

Ash laughed and it only pissed his mother off even more.

“This affects you too,” she hissed. “And Brittany! If he cuts us out of his will, he cuts everyone. You won’t get a dime and neither will Brittany.”

Ash shook his head, still chuckling. “Maybe you haven’t been listening to me all these years, Mother dear. I don’t give a flying fuck about the old man’s money. I never have. It comes with too many strings. Just as everything with you has strings.”

“If you don’t care then at least think about how this will affect your sister. She won’t get anything either.”

“I’ll provide for Brittany so she never has to give a fuck about the old man’s money or strings either,” Ash said icily. “She doesn’t want to be part of this toxic family any more than I do. She wanted out. I gave her that option.”

His mother’s fingers balled into tight fists at her sides. Then she turned to his father and all but shouted at him.

“Do something, William! Don’t just stand there like a coward. We’ll be ruined if he changes his will!”

“There’s nothing he can do,” Ash said calmly. “There is nothing either of you can possibly say that will make me go play nice with the family. I don’t give a fuck about my brothers or the fact that they can’t support their wives and children. I don’t give a fuck about you and dear old dad. You made your bed and you can fucking lie in it. Brittany and I will be just fine.”

“I hate you,” his mother hissed.

He flinched, even though he knew as much. But somehow hearing those words from the woman who gave him life cut deep.

“Elizabeth, stop it,” his father snapped. “You don’t mean that. He’s our son for God’s sake. Is it any wonder he won’t have anything to do with either of us? Think about what you’re saying.”

But Ash knew she meant every word. It was there in her eyes. It had always been there since the day he’d brushed his family off and made his own way in the world.

“I think it’s time you left,” Ash said quietly. “And don’t come back. You aren’t welcome here. You aren’t welcome on any of the properties I own. And here’s a warning. Stay the hell away from Brittany. Stay the hell away from me. And you sure as fuck better stay the hell away from Josie and the rest of my family. You spread your poison to any of them and I’ll come after you. I’ll take everything away from you. Furthermore, I’ll make certain that the old man
change his will and leaves you nothing. If you don’t think I’m deadly serious, just try me.”

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