Read Burn After Reading Online
Authors: Ladislas Farago
Hull, C.,
2 vols., New York: Macmillan, 1948
Ignatov, P. K.,
Partisans of Kuban,
London: Hutchinson, 1945
Ind, A.,
Allied Intelligence Bureau. Our Secret Weapon in the War Against Japan,
New York: McKay, 1958
Jacobsen, H.-A.,
Der zweite Weltkrieg in Chronik und Dokumenten,
Darmstadt: Wehr und Wissen, 1960
James, C.,
I Was Monty's Double,
London: Rider, 1954
Jong, L. D.,
Civil Resistance in the Netherlands,
Amsterdam: Rijksinstituut voor Oorlogsdocumentatie, 1950
Jong, L. D.,
The German Fifth Column in the Second World War,
Chicago: Chicago University Press, 1956
Jowitt, Lord,
Some Were Spies,
London: Hodder & Stoughton, 1954
Kompani Linge,
2 vols., Oslo: Gyldendal, 1948
Koop, T. F.,
Weapon of Silence,
Chicago: Chicago University Press, 1946
Kordt, E.,
Wahn und Wirklichkeit,
Stuttgart: DVG, 1947
Kordt, E.,
Nicht aus den Akten,
Stuttgart: DVG, 1950
Kovpak, S. A.,
Our Partisan Course,
London: Hutchinson, 1947
Lampe, D.,
The Savage Canary,
London: Cassell, 1957
Leverkuehn, P.,
Der geheime Nachrichtendienst der deutschen Wehrmacht im Kriege,
Frankfurt: Bernard & Graefe, 1957
Lockhart, R. H. B.,
Comes the Reckoning,
London: Putnam, 1948
Loeff, W.,
Spionage. Aus den Papieren eines Abwehr-Offiziers,
Stuttgart: Rigler, 1950
Lonsdale Bryans, J.,
Blind Victory,
London: Skeffington, 1951
MacDonald, E. P.,
Undercover Girl,
New York: Macmillan, 1947
Maclean, F.,
Eastern Approaches,
London: Cape, 1949
Marshall, B.,
The White Rabbit,
London: Evans, 1952
Mashbir, S.,
I Was an American Spy,
New York: Vantage Press, 1953
Maskelyne, J.,
MagicâTop Secret,
London: Stanley Paul, 1949
Maugeri, F.,
From the Ashes of Disgrace,
New York: Reynal & Hitchcock, 1948
Michel, H.,
Histoire de la Résistance,
Paris: Comité d'Histoire de la Deuxième Guerre Mondiale, 1946
Miksche, F. O.,
Secret Forces,
London: Faber & Faber, 1950
Montagu, E.,
The Man Who Never Was,
London: Evans, 1953
Moorehead, A.,
The Traitors,
New York: Scribner's, 1952
Morgan, W. J.,
The OSS and I,
New York: Norton, 1957
Mosley, L. O.,
The Cat and the Mice,
London: Barker, 1958
Moyzisch, L. C.,
Der Fall Cicero,
Heidelberg: Palladium, 1950
Neuhaeusler, J.,
Kreuz und Hakenkreuz,
Muenchen: Verlag der Katholischen Kirche Bayerns, 1946
O'Callaghan, S.,
The Jackboot in Ireland,
London: Wingate, 1958
Passy, Colonel (pseudonym of André Dewawrin),
2 vols., Paris: Raoul Solar, 1948
Pechel, R.,
Deutscher Widerstand,
Erlenbach-Zuerich : Rentsch, 1947
Picker, H. (ed.),
Hitlers Tischgespraeche im Fuehrerhauptquartier, 1941â42,
Bonn: Athenaeum, 1951
Pinto, O.,
New York: Harper, 1952
Pinto, O.,
Friend or Foe?,
New York: Putnam, 1954
Pitt, R.,
The Courage of Fear,
London: Jarrolds, 1957
Polish Ministry of Information,
The German Fifth Column in Poland,
London: Hutchinson, 1941
Ponomarenko, P. K.,
Guerilla Warfare in the Occupied Parts of the Soviet Union,
Moscow, 1945
Psychoundakis, G.,
The Cretan Runner,
London: Murray, 1955
Rachlis, E.,
They Came to Kill. The True Story of Eight Nazi Saboteurs in America,
New York: Random House, 1961
Redelis, V.,
Partisanenkrieg. Entstehung und Bekaempfung der Partisanen und Untergrundbewegung in Mittelabschnitt der Ostfront, 1941â43,
Heidelberg: Vowinckel, 1958
Renault-Roulier, G.,
Profil d'un espion,
Paris: Plon, 1953
Rendel, A. M.,
Appointment in Crete. The Story of a British Agent,
London: Wingate, 1953
Rothfels, H.,
Die deutsche Opposition gegen Hitler,
Frankfurt: Fischer,1958
Royce, H. (with Zimmermann, E., and Jacobsen, H.-A.),
20. Juli 1944,
Bonn: Berto-Verlag, 1960
Saunders, H. S. St. G.,
The Green Beret,
London: Joseph, 1950
Schellenberg, W.,
Koeln: Verlag fuer Politik und Wirtschaft, 1959
Schlabrendorff, F. v.,
Offiziere gegen Hitler,
Frankfurt: Fischer, 1959
Schreider, J.,
Das war das Englandspiel,
Muenchen: Stutz, 1950
Schultze-Holthus, N.,
Fruehrot in Iran. Abenteuer im deutschen Geheimdienst,
Esslingen: Bechtle, 1952
Schwarzwalder, J.,
We Caught Spies,
New York: Duell, Sloan & Pearce, 1946
Seth, R.,
The Undaunted. The Story of Resistance in Western Europe,
New York: Philosophical Library, 1956
Seth, R.,
Secret Servants,
New York: Farrar, Straus & Cudahy, 1957
Sillitoe, Sir Percy,
Cloak Without Dagger,
New York: Abelard-Schuman, 1955
Sinevirskii, N.,
New York: Holt, 1950
Smith, N. (with Blake Clark),
Into Siam, Underground Kingdom,
Indianapolis: Bobbs-Merrill, 1946
Sturani, L.,
Antologia della resistenza,
Torino: Centro, 1951
Thorwald, J.,
Wen sie verderben wollen,
Stuttgart: Steingrueben, 1952
Thorwald, J.,
Die Ungeklarten Faelle,
Stuttgart: Steingrueben, 1950
Thorwald, J.,
Der Fall Pastorius,
Stuttgart: Steingrueben, 1953
Tickell, J.,
Odette. The Story of a British Agent,
London: Chapman & Hall, 1949
Tickell, J.,
Moon Squadron,
London: Wingate, 1956
Trabucchi, A.,
I vinto hanno sempre torto,
Torino: DeSilva, 1947
Vinogradskaya, Y. A.,
A Woman Behind the German Lines,
London, 1944
Wehner, W.,
Geheim. Ein Dokumentarbericht ueber die deutschen Geheimdienste,
Muenchen: Suddeutscher Verlag, 1960
Weisenborn, G.,
Der lautlose Aufstand,
Hamburg: Rowohlt, 1953
West, R.,
The Meaning of Treason,
New York: Viking, 1947
White, J. B.,
The Big Lie,
London: Evans, 1956
White, L.,
The Long Balkan Night,
New York: Scribner, 1944
Whitehead, D.,
The FBI Story,
New York: Random House, 1956
Wighton, C. (with Peis, G.),
Hitler's Spies and Saboteurs.
Based on the German Secret Service Diary of General Lahousen, London: Odhams, 1958
Willoughby, C. A.,
Shanghai Conspiracy,
New York: Dutton, 1952
Woodhouse, C. M.,
Apple of Discord,
London: Hutchinson, 1948
Wucher, A.,
Seit 5 Uhr 45 wird zurueckgeschossen.
Ein Dokumentarbericht ueber den Beginn des zweiten Weltkrieges, Muenchen: Suedd. Verlag, 1959
Yardley, H. O.,
The American Black Chamber,
Indianapolis: Bobbs-Merrill, 1951
Zacharias, E. M.,
Secret Missions,
New York: Putnam, 1946
Zacharias, E. M. (with Farago, L.),
Behind Closed Doors.
The Secret History of the Cold War, New York: Putnam, 1950
* * *
The documents consulted were far too numerous for individual listing, as were newspaper and magazine articles. Much material was found in the records of the various Pearl Harbor investigations; the transcripts and exhibits of the Nuremberg war crime trials; the findings and exhibits of the Canadian Royal Commission investigating Soviet espionage; transcripts and exhibits of U.S. Congressional hearings; publications of the Dutch Parliamentary Commission of Inquiry that investigated the tragic circumstances of the
the collections of Dr. de Jong's
Rijksinstituut voor Oorlogsdosumentatie,
the French
Comité d'Histoire de la Deuxième Guerre Mondiale,
and the
Office de la Résistance
in the Ministry of National Defense, in Brussels, Belgium.
I would like to list the following magazine articles with the acknowledgment of my debt of gratitude to their authors :
Abend, H., “So sorry for you,”
Saturday Evening Post,
March 4, 1939, vol. 211, p. 7ff.
Chamberlain, J., “OSS demonstrated need for coordinated intelligence office,”
November 19, 1945, vol. 19, pp. 118â120ff.
Davis, F., “The secret story of a surrender,”
Saturday Evening Post,
September 22, 1945, pp. 9â11ff; September 29, 1945, pp. 17ff.
Donovan, W. J., “Intelligence: Key to defense,”
September 30, 1946, vol. 21, pp. 108â110ff.
Gubbins, Sir Colin McV., “Resistance Movements,”
Journal of the Royal United Service Institution,
May 1948, vol. 93, no. 570, pp. 210â223.
Hoover, J. E., “How the Nazi spy invasion was smashed,”
September 1944, vol. 138, pp. 20â21ff.
Hoover, J. E., “Hitler's spying sirens,”
December 1944, vol. 138, pp. 40â41ff.
Hoover, J. E., “Enemy's masterpiece of espionage,”
Reader's Digest,
April 1946, vol. 48, pp. 1â6.
Hoover, J. E., “Spy who double-crossed Hitler,”
May 1946, vol. 141, pp. 23ff.
Nowinski, M. M., “Behind Poland's defeat,”
American Mercury,
April 1940, vol. 49, pp. 400â404
Yoshikawa, T., with Stanford, N., “Top Secret Assignment,”
U.S. Naval Institute Proceedings,
December 1960, vol. 86, no. 12, pp. 27â39
Airey, Major Gen. Terence S.,
Akinchitz, Fabian,
Alba, Duke of,
Albert, Prince,
Albrecht, Ralph G.,
Alexander, Field Marshal Sir Harold R. L. G.,
Ambler, Eric,
Arden, Elizabeth,
Badoglio, Marshal Pietro,
Bagge, Widar,
Balli, Margaret (“Rosie”),
Baltes, Otto,
Barcza, Margarete,
Baril, Major,
Batley, Captain Ervine,
Baum, Vicki,
Beaumont-Nesbitt, Gen. Frederick George,
Beck, Gen. Ludwig,
Bedford, Duke of,
Bemis, Captain Harold,
Best, Captain Payton Sigismund,
Biddle, Francis,
Bily, Gen. Joseph,
Bingham, Major,
Bismarck, Prince Otto von,
Bissell, Gen. Clayton,
Blake, Thomas,
Blanchard, Gen.,
Bloch, Admiral Claude C.,
Bock, Field Marshal Feodor von,
Boeselager, Col. Georg Baron von,
Boetticher, Gen. Hermann von,
Bohlen, Major Ludwig von,
Bohr, Prof. Niels Henrik David,
Bollaert, Emile,
Boon, Colonel,
Borgia, Cesare,
Boyle, Archibald,
Bradley, Gen. Omar N.,
Braeuer, Herbert,
Bridges, Sir Edward,
Britton, Colonel,
Ritchie, Douglas
Brodie, Dr. Bernard,
Brossolette, Pierre,
Bruce, David, K. E.,
Brusenko, Lt. Ivan,