Read Burning Desire Online

Authors: Heather Leigh

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Short Stories & Anthologies, #Short Stories, #Romance, #Contemporary, #Contemporary Fiction, #Single Authors

Burning Desire (2 page)

BOOK: Burning Desire
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My father’s words echoed in my head, “You and that boy are to stay away from each other, do you hear me?”

“Chase,” I said dryly, pushing my father’s words to the back burner of my mind. I smoothed down my tight black sweater.

“Roxy.” he nodded in my direction and I thought I saw a glimpse of my old Chase. My body ached to be held by him, but he kept his distance.

“Come on, man, let’s ride.” Jeremy nodded his head to the garage.

“What are we waiting for?” Chase asked.

“I don’t know, you two want to stare at each other a little longer? You know what Dad said, Roxy.” Jeremy teased. My lips parted as I placed a hand on my hip. This was women’s universal language of “don’t fuck with me right now.” Before I could get a word out, Chase filled in.

“Come on, we can’t keep the girls waiting.” His eyebrows did this sexy wiggle thing and my heart dropped to my stomach. Motherfucker…

“Yeah, don’t let me keep you from your weekly slutty seat warmers,” I grumbled, walking to the fridge and grabbing a bottle of water.

“Awe, is someone jealous because she can’t go riding because the back seat of my bike is already taken? And who says it’s weekly anyways? That seems a little long, don’t you think?” Chase teased.

Who the fuck did he think he was, trying to pull that shit with me? If he’s going to take it there, two can play at that game.

“No, actually I need a break from all the riding I’ve been doing.” I threw him my best ‘fuck you, literally’ smirk.

“You better be talking about riding a bicycle, Rox, or I’m going to have to kill someone.” Jeremy’s fists clenched by his sides.

I giggled and could sense Chase’s eyes on my back.

“I’ll never tell…” I chanted as I turned and walked out of the kitchen, assuring the sway in my hips. There, stick that in your pipe and smoke it!


~ Chase ~

I watched that perfectly round ass walk right out of the room. She better not be doing any kind of riding. I swear to God-I don’t care who, what or when, but I’ll kill any guy that looks her way. I didn’t realize I was cracking my knuckles until Jeremy cleared his throat.

“Dude, that’s my sister. Keep your thoughts to your fucking self.” Jeremy shook his head and headed for the back door, sliding his Prospect cut on, and smacking my cut to my chest.

Fuck, did I just say that out loud? I have to get my head right- she is only home for a week- just avoid her, like you were told to do.

We rode out to our favorite spot, Full Throttle. It was the bar where different MCs could hang out, grab a beer, snag some pussy, and whatever else went.

Our sweetbutts of the moment, Jenny and Olivia took the seats next to us. This will be a good night, no worries, no problems, no Rox. I wonder what she’s doing right now. Fuck me.

~ Roxy ~

I quickly pulled my phone from the back pocket of my skinny jeans, and called Nicole. “Hey! What are you doing tonight?” I said before she could get a word out.

“Hey babes! Um, spending the night with you, I would assume?” she laughed.

“Hells yes. Let’s go out tonight- I need to let loose.”

“Uh oh, you’ve already seen him, haven’t you?”

“I’m damned if I do, and damned if I don’t. Yes, of course I saw him. He still looks edible as ever. Ugh, I don’t know. He’s already got girls lined-up, I’m sure. Chase seems so different now…” I trailed off while skimming my closet for something to wear tonight.

“Yeah, as in he’s forbidden, how did he look again?” Nicole laughed, she knew me too well.

“Look, I’m trying to live through this Thanksgiving. I just have to forget how good he looked, and how bad I want…never mind. No point in wasting my time, he doesn’t even seem interested anymore. I’m sure of it. Ugh, I’m rambling. Damn you! I’m going to get a shower, I’ll see you tonight, you little hussy.”

Nicole’s laughter filled the phone, “See ya then! Love you.”

“Love you too.” I gave her a smooch over the phone and hung up.

Around nine o’clock my front door swung open, and I could hear the click of heels across the hardwood floors.

“You up or down?” Nicole yelled up the banister.

“Up!” I shouted to her.

She entered my room looking smoking hot. Nicole was a petite 5’6” frame, with long light brown hair that had caramel ombré ends. She had these stunning blue eyes, a fit figure with a perfectly sized rack and a cute little booty. She taught pole-dancing classes on the weekend, so she had a rockin’ bod. Tonight she wore a tight gray tank dress that stopped right below her butt, black stockings, and leather coat topped off with black bootie heels.

“Whoa, hot mama alert!” I gave her a whistle and ran to give her a tight hug.

“You know it, babe, I have been waiting for this night since school started! I hate that shit. I just want to get my degree so I can do something with my life. Look at you- did your ass get bigger? Is it possible? I freaking hate you, bitch.” She laughed as she watched me put the finishing touches on my mascara.

“Y’know, those squats at the gym pay off!” I laughed as I tossed my outfit onto my bed.

“Yeah, yeah…so where are we going tonight?”

“Was thinking pre-game at Full Throttle then we can head to that new club, Tunnel, that just opened downtown.” I slipped on my leather mini skirt and perked up the girls in my matching black leather bra top.

“Ooh, good idea. Whoa babe, you on a mission to get laid tonight? Hot damn!” Nicole laughed as she slapped my ass.

“Okay, let’s get to it, we have some men to get tonight.” I grabbed my clutch and we headed into town.

Full Throttle’s parking lot is packed once I pull up. We find parking nearly eighty miles away. Okay, maybe not eighty but for girls in heels- distance is no joke. I reapplied my lip-gloss and fluffed my curls as Nicole adjusted her cleavage.

Since this bar has been supporting all the local MCs, we never get carded. And let’s face it, we didn’t look 18 tonight. “Yummy bikers at 3 o’clock.” Nicole leaned into my ear as we made our way through the thick crowd. We grabbed our spot at the bar- I asked for a cranberry and vodka, and Nicole ordered a margarita on ice.

“Ladies, it’s on me.” I heard a deep voice to our left. I turned to see one of my father’s club members,- Jake. Also known as “Mr. Hottie with a body!” He was 6’1, built as all hell, both arms covered in full sleeve tattoos, light brown hair, deep brown eyes and the corner of his lip was pierced and just screamed, “fuck me.”

“Jake,” I smiled as I noticed his gaze falling lower on my body. His tongue swept along his bottom lip and he bit down on his lip ring. Sweet lord.

“Jeremy said you’d be home for break, I can’t believe how good you look. College treating you good?” he said leaning into my ear.

“Thank you, I can say the same for you. And college is college, can’t wait to get it done and over with.” I took a big sip of my drink, as I felt his nose graze my ear as he leaned in.

“Dance with me,” he stated rather than asked.

“And what about my girl?” I asked him sweetly.

“Travis, I’m sure would love to get to know her.” Jake smiled.

We had a few more rounds at the bar and I couldn’t resist Jake anymore.

“Let’s go, Jakey bear,” I teased him, starting to feel the effects of alcohol in my system. He grabbed my hand and led me onto the dance floor. He pulled my backside to his chest, letting his hands explore my bare midriff.

~ Chase ~

“Dude, is that your sister who walked in? With Nicole?” I hit Jeremy’s arm when I said Nicole’s name.

“Where at?” he perked up and started to scan the bar.

His eyes stopped, finding them both at the bar throwing a few back with some of his MC brothers.

“What the fuck is Roxy wearing? She does realize it’s November, right? And isn’t Jake a little old for her? And Christ, look at Nic’s dress, or tank top rather.” Jeremy shook his head.

Jenny and Olivia were still in the bathroom- doing God knows what. I watched Jake guide Roxy to the dance floor and my hand tightened around my beer. I took a long pull from the bottle as I saw him move his hands over her hourglass shaped hips.

“Mother fucker.” I must have mumbled loud enough for Jeremy to hear me, and I heard his chuckle.

“You got it that bad, huh?” He slapped his hand on my shoulder. I kept my eyes glued on them. Jake slowly moved her long hair from her one shoulder, exposing that long neck, and his mouth made contact with her olive skin, and I saw red. I shot out of my seat, knocking my stool over behind me.

Travis and Nicole had entered the dance floor, and I could feel Jeremy tense beside me. He turned Nicole to face him. He was obviously drunk and immediately slid his hands around to cup Nicole’s ass. She reached down and moved his hands up to her waist. Jeremy watched her say something to him and Travis laughed, shook his head from side to side, along with returning his hands to their previous destination. Nicole stepped back from him trying to move his hands again.

That was the cue; Jeremy was already gone when I looked to my side for confirmation that we could go get our women. Our women? What the hell?


~ Roxy ~

“You mind if I cut in?” I heard an all too familiar voice and my eyes slowly opened and focused as I stopped dancing with Jake.

“What’s good, brother? You know I’m up for sharing, if she’s down.” Jake pulled my hips further into his.

“Nah brother, she’s not down, and I don’t share. She’s already spoken for.”

“Oh I am, am I? News to me.” I giggled, placing a hand on Chase’s rock hard chest. Hmm, has he been working out?

“There you two are, we’ve been looking all over for you!” I heard an obnoxious voice over the loud music.

“Jenny, Olivia- we’re going to catch up with you later, okay girls? Just head back to the table.”

I looked Jenny over with a fine-toothed comb. Fake, fake, and more fake. Ew, is this how Chase likes them now? I scrunched up my nose like I smelled something nasty. It was skank to be exact. “Don’t worry, Chase, go keep your girl company. She’s obviously too insecure to let you be seen talking to another girl.” My liquid courage went up a few notches.

“Fuck you, bitch! Who the fuck do you think you are?” Jenny immediately jumped in my face, but was pulled back quickly by Chase. His arm wrapped tightly around her chest, pushing her fake tits up even further.

“That’s Moretti’s daughter, you idiot, that’s who the fuck she is.” He said into her ear. She huffed and walked away with Olivia to their table.

I felt my fists clench and Nicole butted in.

“If you don’t mind, Rox- can we please head to the next place, if I get my ass grabbed one more time, I’m going to punch this guy in the face,” Nicole said into my ear, apparently loud enough for my brother to hear. I knew there was some unspoken, hidden soft spot for her that he tried to hide.

Jeremy already had Travis by his cut, and was in his face.

“You never touch her again, do you hear me? Have some fucking respect.” Jeremy shook him and pushed him by his shoulders.

“My bad, Jer. I didn’t realize you had eyes for her.”

Nicole’s cheeks turned a bright shade of red as Jeremy’s eyes shot over to her.

I turned towards Jake. “We are heading to Tunnel. If you want to continue this…” I was cut off when I felt Chase’s hand take my elbow in a firm grip and lead me off the dance floor and he forced me down the hallway leading to the storage room.

“What the fuck, Chase?” I tried to get out of his grasp, but I was no match against Chase’s muscle wall of 6’3”. He towered over me in my 4” heels. He pressed me against a wall and placed his hand above my head. Oh baby! My chest filled with quick breaths.

“You stupid or something, girl? What the fuck are you doing with Jake Lombardi? He’s an old man looking for a good time with a young hot thing. He should be fucking showing you respect. And you just let him put his mouth and hands all over you. Have some fucking respect for yourself, Roxanne.” Ohhh, he knew he was pressing all my buttons with that statement. He never uses my first name. I wanted to slap him across that handsome face.

BOOK: Burning Desire
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