Read Bury the Hatchet Online

Authors: Catherine Gayle

Tags: #romance

Bury the Hatchet (24 page)

BOOK: Bury the Hatchet
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One at a time, he popped open the buttons of my blouse. My breathing was labored, erratic, the effort of filling my lungs lifting my breasts up to his view.

“So fucking pretty,” he murmured, sliding the sleeve of my blouse down my free arm until it was left hanging from the other shoulder. He lowered his head until his lips were a hairsbreadth away from my straining nipple. “Perfect, even.” The warmth of his breath whispered over my sensitive skin, leaving goose bumps behind.

I shivered.

His eyes shot up to meet mine. “Put your other arm up over your head.”

I did what he said, and he immediately grabbed that wrist and locked it together with the first, keeping both my hands trapped against the wall. It didn’t even occur to me to deny him or do anything other than what he asked of me.

I wanted his mouth on me so badly that my knees went wobbly. My heart was pounding hard enough to double as a rock band’s bass drum. He finally gave me one single swirl of his tongue right around my hardened nub—just enough to wet it. Then he blew a long stream of cool air.

That only made it tighten, straining more than it already had been. In fact, everything within me went taut as a bowstring, ready to snap. It was like my nipple had a direct line to my lady bits.

I wanted to get rid of the rest of my clothes—and his, too—so we could move on with things. But when I tried to lower my arms so I could do just that, he reinforced his grip on my wrists.

“Hunter,” I pleaded.

He flashed his eyes up again, a seductive grin on his lips. “You wanted me to take you to bed… I’m working on it.” He winked.

“So let’s get

“Getting there’s half the fun,” he countered. With his free hand, he palmed my bare breast, pressing and releasing repeatedly. “Maybe more than half. Besides, who says we need a bed? This wall seems good to me.” He angled his hips and slipped a knee between my thighs, lifting it until he was nearly making contact with my clit. I was so ready he could probably make me come like that even with our clothes still in the way. In fact, I decided to test that theory, grinding down on the pressure he was providing. He nipped my lower lip and flicked a finger over my nose. “Patience, young grasshopper.”

“I’m not good at patience.” Not when he barely had to look at me or say a word in order to start a flood in my drawers.

“So I noticed. Christ, you’re so fucking wet I can feel it even like this.”

Keeping my arms where they were, he inched his free hand down to my pants, undoing the fly so he could slip inside. He cupped me with his palm, two fingers gliding easily between my lower lips. He eased one of his fingers inside me.

I shuddered, waves of heat pouring through me. “I’m so close. So close.” The words came out as barely more than an anguished whisper, and even though I wanted to watch him, to see his eyes and the seductive smiles that made me whimper something fierce, I couldn’t keep my eyes open.

“So close, huh? So why don’t we get you there?” He added a second finger and pumped them into me, in and out, in and out, and he used the heel of his palm to rub sensuous circles over my clit.

A few well-aimed thrusts of his fingers later, along with the perfect amount of pressure on my clit, and I shattered in his arms. I don’t know if it was a more explosive orgasm than I usually had because he was an expert in how to work me or if it was simply because there was the added aphrodisiac of
and not just me and my B.O.B., but I came so hard that my muscles all went limp and my bones melted. If he hadn’t been bracing me against the wall, I would have been nothing more than a puddle on the floor.

“You’re so fucking beautiful when you come,” he said gruffly, his mouth right by my ear as he rested his cheek on the wall. His hand was still on my sex, his fingers tracing the sensitive outer folds. He shifted his position, pressing the pad of his thumb beside my button, and I nearly came off the wall.

“I’m too sensitive for more right now,” I panted. I’d always been that way. Once I climaxed, it was almost painful to continue, at least until things started to settle. I needed to rest and recover before going back for seconds, and even then, it would only be for Hunter’s sake, not mine. I was a one-and-done kind of girl. Always had been. Always would be.

“You sure about that?”

“I…” I thought I was, but he was grinning at me with a cocksure smile that made my belly do flips. Maybe I was wrong.

Hunter released my wrists. I eased my arms down to rest my hands on his shoulders and attempt to hold myself upright. That proved to be unnecessary. He lifted me by the waist and carried me to his bed. In record time, he had the rest of my clothes off me. He shifted my position on the bed, tugging me by my hips until my bottom was right at the edge of the mattress.

Then he kneeled to the floor and placed my thighs on his shoulders.

He tongued me, a long lick from my opening to my clit and back. I gasped at the sensation, digging my hands into the sheet, belatedly remembering about the burn. I let go with that hand but held on with the other. Sheer determination was the only thing keeping me on that bed. Well, that and his strong hands, his fingers pressing into my hips.

After a few more strokes of his tongue, he raised his head and met my gaze. “Still too sensitive, or do you want more?”

I was definitely too sensitive if the shudders coursing through my body with every minuscule touch were any indication, but damn if I didn’t say, “More.”




more times with me going down on her before she finally let go of her inhibitions enough to direct me where she wanted me. Her good hand fisted in my hair, thighs clutching and holding me in place, hips bucking and driving that sweet pussy up toward me, she kept my focus directly on her swollen clit.

She only had a narrow triangle of hair covering her mound, dark and perfectly trimmed. Probably because of all the swimsuit portions of her pageants. I supposed it was habitual for her to keep herself groomed that way these days. I didn’t particularly care one way or another. Bare, hairy, shaved, landing strip…whatever. I didn’t care as long as it was wet and responsive. A pussy was a glorious thing, as far as I was concerned. And Tallie’s? It was one of the sweetest I’d ever come into intimate contact with. Right now, she was slick and ready.

I put my lips around her tight little bud and sucked it into my mouth, three fingers pumping into her sex and stretching her so she would be prepared to accept me. It didn’t take much of that before her pussy was clamping down on my fingers again, trying to hold them in place as the walls of her sex tremored with another release.

She let out a moan of pleasure that I felt all the way down to my toes. My dick perked up at the sound, not that he wasn’t already raring and ready to go.

There were few things in the world that turned me on more than watching a woman experience a powerful orgasm. Being the one who was giving it to her? That would be one of those few things.

Too sensitive
, she’d said. Not fucking likely. The son of a bitch she’d been with before just hadn’t known what the hell he was doing, and she apparently hadn’t known enough to tell him he was full of shit. That added sensitivity just opened her up to more pleasure, only she didn’t realize it.

Now she knew better, though.

When the aftershocks of her latest climax subsided and her limbs turned soft as butter, I crept up to the bed to lie beside her. She immediately curled in toward me, tangling her long limbs with mine, seeking more contact. We definitely weren’t done yet, but I needed a moment to catch my breath.

Her hand trailed over my chest before moving lower. She tugged my T-shirt free from my waistband and then dived in to explore.

I put my hand over the top of hers, stopping her. “If you aren’t careful, this’ll be over before it begins.”

“Oh, we haven’t started yet?” she said, batting her eyes at me like a fucking tease. She wriggled her fingers to get free of my grip, inching them closer to my painfully hard cock.

I wasn’t ready for that to happen. Not yet. I might blow the second she touched me.

I rolled us over with a feral sound coming from deep within me, trapping her beneath me, my thighs on either side of her slim body to keep my weight from crushing her. “Can’t get enough?”

“Never.” She didn’t let our change in positions slow her down, dragging the fabric of my shirt up.

I decided to help her out, leaning back and finishing the job. I tossed the shirt to the floor, and she took that opportunity to splay her palm over my chest. It felt so fucking good, having her touch me. Made me want more. Made me wonder why I had waited so damned long to get her in my bed. And now that she was here, why the hell wasn’t I just flipping up her legs and plowing into her, because she sure as hell acted like that was what she wanted from me.

But I wasn’t. I couldn’t seem to make myself. With Tallie, I wanted more than just a quick fuck, more than merely a good time, and that scared the shit out of me.

I leaned over her and took my time kissing her, reveling in the sweet way she opened herself to me and the quiet sounds she made. Her hand roamed over my chest, my abs, my back, never still as she explored my body. She even reached up with her injured hand to tease my skin with her fingertips. I supposed they didn’t hurt too much. The worst of the burn had been on her palm.

I shifted my weight, and she spread her legs to accommodate me, opening to accept me as readily as she’d given me her wrists to hold against the wall earlier. If not for the fact that I’d just been licking her pussy, so I
how very ready and willing she was, I’d worry that she was just going along because that was what she was expected to do.

But that wasn’t the case here. It was nothing of the sort.

She wanted me as badly as I wanted her, and there was no point in either one of us trying to deny just how much that was.

She rolled her hips up toward me, grinding her pelvis into mine. “Take off your pants, Hunter,” she said, panting, desperate, when I moved to kiss her collarbone. “I want you inside me.”

I wanted to savor what we had going, though, so I kept kissing her, molding her breasts to my hands. Tallie’s breasts were perfect. Slightly more than a handful. Tight nipples. Small, rosy areolas. Soft and pert, and insanely sensitive. Her body was a fucking gift to mankind, or maybe a gift to me. No clue what I’d done to deserve it, but I wasn’t in any hurry to waste what I’d been given. I broke away from her neck and shoulders, and I dipped my head to take one of her breasts into my mouth.

She took the opportunity while I was otherwise occupied to clamp her hand down on my ass and draw me in toward her, rubbing my dick against her sex through the fabric of my pants.

I groaned and increased my efforts.

“I’m running out of patience,” she groused, gasping for breath as her back arched, driving her breasts closer to me.

I couldn’t help it; I chuckled.

She smacked my ass, likely intending to get my attention with it, but she didn’t have enough force behind it for me to find it anything but playful.

Still, I couldn’t help but lift my head and raise a brow in question. “Is that how you want to play this?”

She looked at me, her mouth opening and closing with no sound coming out. She had no clue. She might not be a virgin, but she was still fucking innocent when it came to anything outside the realm of vanilla sex.

I might be into a little spanking and other light kink like that, but now was probably not the time to introduce it into our relationship. We needed to talk about it sometime when we weren’t in the heat of things. I wanted her clearheaded to make a decision like that, if we were going to go there at all. Besides, she was injured. It wasn’t something I’d even contemplated before now, assuming anything of that nature would be off-limits. The last thing I needed was for Lance, or even Mr. Roth, to get wind of us engaging in sexual activities they didn’t think were kosher, and the next thing we knew there’d be a shit storm in the media, far bigger than anything either of us had experienced with our indiscretions to date.

BOOK: Bury the Hatchet
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