Bush League: New Adult Sports Romance (46 page)

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Of course they didn't care, just turning away and going back to their jobs. It was important for me though, normally I would've dealt with my ejection with silence. If I was going to start standing up for myself, nothing could be off limits. They weren't going to humiliate me.







At first I was all alone outside of the building, the silence almost deafening and the orange hue from the overhead lights hard to adjust to. My solitude was brief though, it didn't take long for the dam to burst and the drunk contents of the auditorium to come and flood the area outside. By the way they we're carrying on, you'd have thought that each of them had just won their own big fight. Frantically dodging in between large clusters of obnoxious celebration, I searched for a way to find my Rorke. There were just so many people hanging around outside, celebrating my stepbrother's vicious defeat, it made it feel impossible to find anything. It wasn't until I saw and heard a larger group together around one area that I felt the need to investigate. I found them huddled around an ambulance, jeering at whoever was inside. When I got closer, it was just in time to see the ambulance pulling away, those left in the wake weren't simmering down but instead continuing to shout at the emergency vehicle.

"See ya later, ya rich fuck!" someone yelled just before the ambulance was completely out of sight, receiving an ovation from the angry assembly. That's when I realized that who I had been searching for was being carted off to safety by that vehicle. It took strength and restraint for me not to try and set this group straight, let them know just how hard Rorke had been working and training for this fight, how much he actually deserved to win. They didn't know and they didn't care, instead holding onto the belief of who they thought he was. It wasn't like any of them would be brave enough to do all that he's done. Knowing my words would be wasted, I simply walked away from them, leaving them to drown in their own misplaced anger. While the new me wasn't going to back down any more, there was also a responsibility to properly choose my battles. This one wouldn't be worth it.

Luckily remembering where my car was parked, I started it as fast as I could so I could race off towards the hospital. On the highway I looked for the ambulance but wasn't able to see it, hoping I could arrive at the same time for a chance to see Rorke, just to let him know I was there for him. My foot pushed down on the accelerator, moving my car faster than I had ever driven it before, needing to get to that hospital in time.

Good fortune found an abundance of empty parking spots, for whatever reason the hospital wasn't particularly popular that night. My urgency wasn't dampened though; my hurry almost caused me to forget to even turn the car off. My feet carried me quickly to the entrance and even though I launched myself right at the main doors, the sensors still took a moment to recognize me. My hands banged on the sliding doors until they finally slid open, slowly allowing me the opportunity to vault right through the entrance to find my wounded stepbrother. There was no time to do this properly, I needed to find out if Rorke was here and if he was, I needed to see him, to let him know everything was going to be ok.

"Miss? Miss!" the lady behind the front desk called after me as I ran around frantically, trying to find any indication that Rorke was there. Just as I turned to her, to plead with her to let me know where he was, I saw a stretcher being pushed down the hallway. Without even waiting for any confirmation, I rushed over quickly.

"Rorke? Rorke?" I called out and the man pushing the stretcher responded first. He looked panicked, unsure if I was some groupie trying to get to his patient. The hospital worker was flustered, not sure of how he was going to get me to go away. Once I confirmed that it was the banged up Rorke on the stretcher, I wasn't going anywhere.

"It's ok," I told the orderly, "I'm family."

"She's my sister," Rorke offered up weakly from the stretcher.

That was all the hospital worker needed before releasing his grip on the metal bars of the stretcher, telling us, "You have one minute," before walking away.

"Are you ok?" I repeatedly asked Rorke while caressing his face as gently as I could.

"I'm fine, it's the other guy you should be worried about," he told me, managing the slightest smile as he did. Both of us fell into each other's eyes; his pleading for comfort, mine assuring him I was there for him.

"You did great," I tried to assure him but he didn't acknowledge that, continuing to look into my eyes that couldn't hide the pain he was in. My hand continued to caress his face as reality started to settle in my mind. Rorke losing the fight meant he wouldn't get the purse attached to it. As far as I knew, he was flat broke, headed for the streets.

"What are we gonna do?" I asked, unable to mask the deep concern I had in my mind. "You didn't win the money."

Rorke chuckled though it pained him to do so. "Forget an apartment, how am I gonna pay for all of this?" his hands slightly rose and showed a sign of defeat I wasn't used to seeing from him. "I quit Madelyn, I got nothing left. You need to distance yourself from me, I'm a sinking ship that doesn't want to take you down with me."

The man who I had always thought was indestructible broke my heart when he admitted such absolute defeat. He was supposed to be a fighter, a fighter who never gave up.

"Where's my guy? The boxer who was brought here?" we heard a man bark from the entrance of the hospital. "Name is Rorke," the man shouted at the girl at the front desk, "where is he?"

Rorke looked up at me and softly said, "My trainer." It wasn't long until I saw him being directed over to where I was trying to soothe my stepbrother's wounds. Rorke spoke to me again, much softer than before, so quiet I couldn't hear him. When I told him such, his fingers feebly motioned for me to come closer, which I did. Still couldn't hear him so he again motioned for me to come even closer. This repeated until I was an inch from his face, struggling desperately to hear his words. The air escaping his mouth washed over my face like velvet as I did my best to make out what he was trying to tell me.

"You gave me the strength I needed," he said softly.

Before I could react or respond to what he had told me, I found Rorke's lips on my own. Our lips pressed together, unashamed of who might be able to see us. I wanted to cradle him, nurse him back to health and let him know it was going to be alright, even if I didn't believe it myself.

"Sorry, young lady," the trainer barked as he physically move me out of the way. "He needs his rest, you can come see him later."The trainer didn't wait and started to push my stepbrother away.

It was clear Rorke was using all of his energy to twist slightly to see me off. He watched as I walked backwards and waved, each of us unwilling to show worry until we were apart.







6 months later


Rorke and I squished together behind the cramped dining room table, doing our best to keep smiles on our faces despite the uncomfortable situation. Both of us were careful not to insult my mother and Carmine’s new “cozy” house and pretended not to call bullshit each time my mother insisted on how happy they were. Carmine himself looked pained, barely saying anything while sitting opposite us, staring off into the distance while sipping from his ever-present tumbler. My mother was working overtime to show off and inform us again how much they loved their new, smaller house and their “simpler” lifestyle. The cracks in the facade were clearly visible though and it was hard not to acknowledge how the tables had completely turned.

“Sorry you two have to cramp so close together,” my mother apologized to Rorke and myself, “we haven’t done much entertaining since we moved in.”

I playfully pinched Rorke’s leg under the table. “It’s fine, Mom. Let me help you get the rest of the things from the kitchen.”

Before she could insist I remain at the table, I was up and following her into the other room.

Mom buzzed around the tiny kitchen, keeping an eye on all of the things she had going for this dinner, impressing me by adjusting to not having someone do these things for her. Because I wanted to talk to her, I had to physically hold her shoulders to get her to slow down.

“Mom…Mom…” as I tried to get her attention, she looked everywhere but right at me, “are you ok?”

After a deep sigh, my mother looked at me with sadness in her eyes, the same sadness I brought to her when I moved into the carriage house not too long ago.

“Maddie, I don’t know what we’re gonna do. The money, it’s all gone.”

I hugged her tightly, the opposite of what she had done for me when our positions were opposite. She didn’t cry but instead kept talking.

“He says it was his ex-wife, the one who passed away, she got them in all this trouble before she died but I don’t know. We’ve had to sell everything and move into this…rental. It’s embarrassing. Carmine is trying to keep up appearances but what can I do? I barely even have any clothes!"

It was time for me to be the adult with the words of wisdom, try to make her feel better even though she had never done as much for me when I needed it.

"You've been in this situation before, right?" I asked, not meaning to sound as condescending as I probably did. "You'll be fine. You love Carmine, right?"

She hesitantly agreed before telling me, "I just wish he had been upfront about this before the wedding. I had no idea it was this bad."

My hand kindly rubbed her shoulder, it was the only real way I could think to make her feel better.

"I wish I could help," I told her, "but ever since leaving that boring data entry job, I'm making less money and just barely getting by myself. Thankfully my rent isn't too bad..."

Mother suddenly beamed with pride, proud that I had turned my life around. "You two were so smart to move in together. Saved you both a ton of money and headaches. I'd imagine it must be a little cramped for you guys as well."

I was quick to finish her thought. "Yeah, it works. We, um, take turns sleeping on the couch while the other sleeps on the bed. It's not that bad."

Her face indicated that she believed my little white lie. "Well, I'm just so glad you and Rorke finally get along. And roommates, no less!"

Though obviously she didn't know the entire truth, I could still feel my face grow warm and red once she simply mentioned his name. If she only knew...

The two of us grabbed some dishes from the kitchen to go bring out to our hungry men. Before leaving, I sadly saw my mom brush off some slightly used paper towels for us to use as napkins. Arriving in the dining room / living room / foyer, we found them exactly as we had left them, staring off into space and not speaking a word to each other. I crammed in next to Rorke, who still managed to give me butterflies, even after all of this, and gave him a simple, naughty smirk.

"Ok, who wants some of this salad?" my mom asked after picking up the large, wooden bowl. Carmine didn't even acknowledge her, just lost in his own thoughts. His contempt for his son prevented him from interacting with any of us. With my mother so preoccupied with her salad, I took the opportunity to do something completely out of character. Something so daring that I never would've been able to do before. My left hand slid under the table, undetected, searching for my stepbrother's lap.

Rorke was certainly surprised, he was still getting used to the new me. He jolted upright quickly when he felt my hand begin to fondle his package, encouraging me to continue on. Rorke let out a sudden cough, shifting to provide easier access for my scandalous hand to get a firmer grip on his manhood. I felt his cock swell and grow thick right there in my hand, his basketball shorts providing little barrier between the two of us. My fingers wrapped around his thick tool and gave toying tugs up and down as our parents remained oblivious.

"So Rorke," my mother suddenly addressed him, "are you still working out at that gym? The boxing gym?"

"Yes, m'am," his voice squeaked as if it were changing for the first time, "I mean Mrs...I mean Carol...sorry, mom." My mother was won over having been addressed like that by him for the first time. She served him some salad as her daughter jerked him off underneath her own dining table.

"He's got a big fight coming up," I added, knowing I was torturing the poor boy by making him continue to converse as I manipulated his wood. The torture I was inflicting was almost as delicious as the feeling of his arousal in the palm of my hand. It still hadn't grown old or any less exciting, feeling my stepbrother swell under my power. He struggled to keep a straight face as his own hand slipped under the table and landed on my inner thigh.

"So..." my mother asked with mischief in her eyes, "you got a girl, Rorke?"

My stepbrother's hand slid delicately between my legs and began to give flirting touches to my area warming in anticipation.

"There's...someone," he said quietly as he applied more pressure on the exact, right spot he had come to know so well. "But to be honest, she can kind of be a pain in the ass."

"Well I hope Maddie likes her or else that would be awk-ward!" Mother informed our two politely grinning faces. My mind raced trying to think of just any excuse I could come up with to get us out of there. I wanted to pounce on Rorke so badly, to feel him pump inside me and stretch my pussy in the way only he could.

Mom broke my concentration. "You alright, Maddie? You look flushed."

While I attempted to assure her I was ok, apparently my throat was too dry, the rest of me too startled to get the words out. "I'm fi-..." came first finally followed by a fully formed a fully formed "I'm fine," once I composed myself.

"Good. What a nice dinner, I'm glad you kids came over. What a perfect little family we have," Mom proudly declared. I can't speak for Rorke but that statement made me at least feel a little bit embarrassed. What we were doing was so wrong, so taboo, so forbidden.

But I couldn't help myself, it was what I wanted.

The perfect family continued with dinner with at least two of the attendees dying to get out of there to fuck each other's brains out.

The End.

*****                                                                                             *****    


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