Butch (14 page)

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Authors: Sam Crescent

BOOK: Butch
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“Your tits are sensitive,” he said.

What should she say?

“Lie back.”

Taking her time, she lay back against the pillows and
stared at him. He placed a hand over her mouth as he went back to sucking on
her nipples. He tugged on the bud, flicking across the tip then back again. Butch
bit down creating a small spark of pain that was transformed into pleasure as
he sucked on the tip.

His hand stopped her from making any sounds. She liked
the feel of him holding her down, in place. She was there for his will alone.

Butch moved onto the next breast, devoting his time to
each nipple then pulling back again. He lavished time on each never moving from
one bud to the next. She was going crazy with the sensation he was building
with her. Butch took his sweet time with each nipple. Her pussy was on fire
with need. When he sat back she saw the hard ridge of his length. Cheryl craved
to feel the hard length of him inside her, drawing the pleasure out until she
came over his cock.

“What do you want, baby?” he asked.

She reached out, tracing the outline of his cock. “I
want to see you.”

Quick movements had him naked, and the length of him
stood proud. He was swollen and red. The tip glinted in the light. His pre-cum
already soaked the tip.

“This is what you do to me,” he said, grabbing his
shaft. She watched him draw back the foreskin as he worked his length.

He was so large. She’d not been with any other man
other than Alex. The ink decorated Butch’s skin, and she didn’t know what to do
or say. Butch took over. He took hold of her hand and slid it around his

“Hold me like this.” He tightened her grip around his
length to suit his need. “I want to know that you want this as much as I do.”

She looked down at his large cock. Her hand wasn’t
small or delicate. Following his directions, she worked from the root to the
tip then back down again. He growled, thrusting his hips as she worked his

“This is so fucking perfect,” he said. He shoved her
nightgown off even as she touched his cock. “I want to see you naked.”

He tore the gown from her body leaving her naked.
“That’s it, baby.”

His gaze left hers and started to look down the length
of her body. “Do you know how hot you’re making me?”

She felt his cock pulse in her hand.

“Yes, I know. I can feel what I’m doing to you.”

“Yeah, I want inside your body, baby. I can’t wait to
hear you begging for my cock.” He leaned down, kissing her lips. She released
his shaft to sink her fingers into his hair.

“Baby, you’re driving me crazy.” He pulled away,
placing her hand back around his cock.

His hand caressed down her body, touching her nipples then
dipped down to her stomach. Butch was driving her crazy with need. “Please, I
want you. I need you.”

“I’m going to give you everything you need.”

“Yes, please, fuck me. I need you.”

He shook his head. “I’m not fucking you yet. That will
come in time.”

She growled in frustration at the budding need within

Butch cupped her between her thighs. “Fuck, baby,
you’re soaking wet. You want to come on my fingers?”

She nodded, touching his cock. He groaned, thrusting
into her hand.

Fingers slid through her sex, touching her clit.

He glided down to thrust two fingers inside her core.
His thumb pressed to her clit, rubbing. She was so wet it was easy for him to
move his fingers within her. The jewel of pre-cum glinting in the light called
to her. She wanted to taste him and give him as much pleasure as he was giving
her. Leaning forward, she opened her lips and sucked him inside. Butch cursed,
and the digits inside her stilled.

“Holy shit.”
The curse echoed around the room.

Sucking on his cock, she swallowed down every drop of
his pre-cum as he worked her pussy. Sensation and pleasure mingled together
making it hard for her to focus on anything else.

Butch played with her pussy, thrusting fingers inside
her then sliding his thumb over her clit.

The smallest touch set her off. She came apart as
Butch exploded inside her mouth. She swallowed down his cum through the erotic
haze blurring her vision.

Releasing his cock, she watched him licking his
fingers of her juices.

“Cheryl, baby, you’re so fucking perfect.”

She smiled, and then the next sound kept her frozen.
Matthew was opening his bedroom door. Diving for her robe, she hated the fact
she couldn’t bask in what they did. “I’ll, erm, I’ll go and do his breakfast.”

Butch was smiling. “We’re going to have to time this

She chuckled, leaving the room.


The following Monday Butch had no choice but to get
back to work. He stayed in the back, happy to no longer be dealing with
customers. After what happened at the fair he’d heard plenty of people
whispering about what was going on. He was waiting for Alex to show his face.
The moment he saw Alex, he was going to hurt the bastard. There was no way he
was letting Alex near Cheryl unless he was sure that no harm would come to
either his woman or Matthew. Butch knew he needed to get out of the habit of
seeing Matthew as his own.

Since he made his presence and relationship known with
Cheryl, she’d become tense around him. Sunday morning, touching each other had
helped to fix a few problems, but it hadn’t stopped the occasional tension he

He and Cheryl were making progress. There was no way
he’d let Alex destroy his future with Cheryl. He finished washing the dishes
that came in from the front of the café. Cleaning away the trash he took his
time around the back to clean up the mess. He put all the leftover bags into
the trashcan ready to be taken away.

“I never thought I’d see this with my own eyes.”

Butch didn’t recognize the male voice. Turning he saw
a smartly dressed man staring back at him. There were three bodyguards close to
him. The suit and general privileged attitude that came from him gave him away.

“I take it you’re Gonzalez?” Butch asked.

It had to be Gonzalez. There was no other reason for a
man in a business suit to be looking for him.

He wiped his hands down his jeans facing the man he
once recalled meeting as a boy.

“You’re supposed to be dead,” Gonzalez said.

“I survived. You should have gotten your dad to finish
off the job all those years ago. Maybe he was too much of a pussy to do the job

“My father was weak. He thought he was tough, but he
couldn’t kill a kid. Strange, really, he could kill women and whores but not
kids.” Gonzalez looked amused.

“What do you want?” Butch asked.

“Can’t two old enemies chat?”

“We’re not enemies. We’re not even friends. I don’t
know shit that went down all those years ago, and I don’t care to.” He folded
his arms, not caring how much he stank from going through the trash. Butch took
a step closer to his past enemy.

Stanford helped you,
didn’t she? She made sure you were hidden and kept safe.”

The mention of the doctor who’d helped him made Butch
pause. He’d not been in touch with
for some
time. Was she still alive?

“I like to make things happen. You’re a mistake from
the past. One I’m not sure how to rectify.”

“You’re threatening to kill me?” Butch asked, finding
it all amusing.

“I’m not sure yet.”

He started laughing. “No offence, I’ve had a lot more
people threatening me who scare the shit out of me. You’re a man in an
expensive suit. You don’t scare me.”

“You don’t think I’m scary?”

Butch shook his head.

“I killed Jerry.”

“Still doesn’t scare me. A fucking kid can kill anyone
if they’re handed a gun.”

Gonzalez laughed. “I’m not intending to scare you. You’ll
know when I am.”

Folding his arms, Butch took a step closer. “What do
you want?”

The silence lengthened between them. Butch wasn’t
going to talk. He had nothing to say to this man.

“I find it interesting that you’ve left The Skulls.
The club is sought after. You worked your ass off to get there.”

“You think facts about my life are going to scare me.
I know how to get facts without working your ass off for them. My life is there
on the ‘net for everyone to know.” Butch stared at him, waiting. The Skulls
were easy to find as they were a club. It didn’t take a lot of hard work to
find them. They’d made the local news a couple of times.

“What about your recent woman?” Gonzalez asked.

Butch grabbed the man’s jacket and threw him up
against the wall. “What is your fucking game?” He snarled the words in his

“I’ve got no game at the moment.”

The bodyguards drew their weapons and aimed them at
his head. Butch would give anything to end this fucker, but he didn’t have any
gun or weapon on him to take the bastard out. Gonzalez was a sick little shit
as he was smiling.

“I suggest you make a choice, Butch. Kill me, or live
to see your woman and her bastard son.”

“Do you think I give a fuck what you’ve got to say?
You’re a criminal who gets off on control. I don’t give a shit what you’ve got
to say to me. You will stay the fuck away from my woman and her kid, do you
hear me?”

“Leave him alone,” one of the guards said, moving

Gonzalez grabbed his hands trying to let him go. Butch
was stronger. He kept the man in place, ready to hurt the bastard at the first
opportunity. Trying to ignore the gun pointed at his head, he focused on
Gonzalez. He wasn’t going to kill him.

“You want to fuck with me and the club,
you’ve got another think coming. Stay the fuck away
from The Skulls and get out of Fort Wills. You take us on, and I swear to you,
you’ll be a dead man.” He threw Gonzalez to the ground.

“You’ve just made a big mistake.” The man with the gun
spoke up, glaring at him. Butch was surprised he hadn’t been shot by now.

Landing his foot on Gonzalez’s thigh, Butch put all
his strength behind him. He was once the muscle to The Skulls. Any threat, he
and Lash took care of it. It was time for some people to realize who they were
messing with.

“Get the fuck out of this town or the next time you
and your men will all be dead.”

Turning his back, Butch entered the café. He told the
manager he was leaving for the day and he’d make up his time on another day.
Butch climbed on his bike and was gunning for the compound. His heart was
racing, but he didn’t have the time to think about what was going on. Why
didn’t the bodyguards shoot him? Gonzalez must have told them not to. It was
the only explanation for what he did and got away with it.

Putting the bike into park, he climbed off and entered
the club. Tiny and Eva were talking while looking over a list in front of them.
Sandy and Stink were cleaning. The Chaos Bleeds crew was dotted around the main
room. He saw the mixture of two clubs, knowing in his heart that Gonzalez was
going to hurt them all. There was no getting out for any of them.

“I need to speak to Whizz,” Butch said.

“What the fuck is going on?” Tiny asked.

“I just had a special visit from our resident enemy.”

“He’s in Fort Wills?” Devil asked.

“Yeah, he’s here. Why are you not
home?” Butch asked.

“Club rules,” Alex said, coming out of another office.

Butch couldn’t contain his anger. Grabbing the nearest
chair, he launched it at the older man. Alex ducked, missing the flying chair.

“What the fuck?” Alex asked, glaring.

“You and me, we’re not good. We’re never going to be
good.” He turned back to Tiny. “I upset Gonzalez. I don’t expect he’ll have
much patience with the rest of you. I’m sorry. I really don’t know what’s going
on here.”

“Tiny, this is club business. This fucker doesn’t
deserve to be part of it.” Alex spoke up.

Fisting his hands, it took every ounce of control from
Butch not to hurt the other man.

“I need Whizz to find an old contact from my past. The
bastard mentioned her. I need to know she’s okay.” Butch wasn’t going to beg.
“I can pay him to find her, if you don’t want me to ask Whizz for a favor.”

“He’s not club,” Alex said again.

“Alex, shut up.” This came from Eva.

At least some people had his back. He nodded at Eva
before turning back to Tiny.

“Fine, talk to Whizz, but you will owe us for this.
This is our last favor for you. You’re not part of the club, and I can’t go
wasting resources for a non-club member,” Tiny said. “Devil and his crew need
our help a lot more than you do.”

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