Authors: Carol Mullen

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“Hi Carrie” he walked her back into the bathroom and
locked the door.  His eyes full of desire.  God help her as within
seconds she was in his arms as they frantically pulled closer to each
other.   His mouth on hers; the kiss deep and wild.  She didn’t
think to deny him only wanted the feel of his hard body against hers.  Her
breasts were swelling against the tight material of her dress as his thumb
moved across her nipple he pulled the dress down.  His head low as he kissed
along her neck and down to her exposed nipple.  With a bite he suckled her
and she felt a pool of wetness between her legs.  His hands grabbed at her
ass, the strong fingers kneading at her butt cheeks.  Pulling her closer
to his hardness then he twisted her round until her bottom was resting on the
shelf of the vanity unit.  Nico pulled her closer where he rested between
her legs; the skirt of her dress pulled high and her naked thighs were wrapped
around him.  She could feel the length of his hardness and it was driving
her crazy. 

“I want you Carrie” the words interrupted with
kisses along the length of her neck, his teeth lightly biting without leaving a

“I want you too Nico, but you have to stop, this is
madness.  Someone will see us”

 His hand on her thigh.  “You aren’t
wearing any stockings,”

“No, I’m not”

“What are you wearing under the dress?”

“Only panties, nothing else”

“This isn’t helping Carrie, how am I supposed to go
back into that room without thinking about what little you are wearing under that

“Do you think it’s any easier for me?  Because
it isn’t.  I don’t do things like this.  I’m just a normal girl from
Glasgow.  This isn’t normal for me; maybe it is for you to get your relief
like this!”

Slowly he helped her steady her feet to the
ground.  Her voice had risen on the last few words, the emotions of their
passion catching up with her.

“Carrie, this isn’t normal for me either.  I’m
not the playboy in your magazines.  Don’t you get it?  It’s
you.  You make me act like this!”  He ran a hand through his hair in
frustration and all Carrie wanted to do was touch the wisp of hair that he had
ruffled.  Damn him.

He checked is watch. 

“Go, just go.  I need to sort my face and hair
before I go back into the room!”

She quickly shoved him back out the door before he
could protest.

“Carrie, but!”

“No Nico, leave it for later, please!  Go, go.”

The door closed on his surprised face.

Her face flushed with excitement bringing a change
to the girl who looked the image of sophistication.  Despite everything
though her hair was still in place much to her surprise.  A quick top up
of her make-up and reapplying the lipstick with a shaky hand she was ready to
go.  Her head held high she opened the door prepared to look anyone
straight in the eye if they stopped her.  But this time there were no
interruptions.   Sitting back at the table she was grateful no one
knew her.  She didn’t have to explain her extended absence to a friend or
acquaintance.  The dim lighting hiding any potential embarrassment. 
Taking a gulp of the crisp white wine she tucked into the chocolate
fondant.  Food her distraction for now.  It was delicious she was
sure but to her it was like eating sawdust.  She pushed the plate aside
the remainder uneaten.  Another sip of water this time.  Not that it
would dilute the effects much of champagne and wine over the course of the day
that she had consumed.

“Ladies and Gentleman, now it is time for a final
word from our host Nico Devanti”

The lights brightened slightly and Nico took his place
at the podium.

He looked amazing and not at all dishevelled. 
But she couldn’t help think that just moments before he had been passionately
kissing her, those hands that gripped the side of the podium had been gripping
her thighs. 

“Thank you all for coming out in force tonight and
giving the support you always do for the Chamber of Commerce and the Devanti
Foundation.  It is amazing what we can do together.” 

Images on the screen behind Nico depicted the
rebuild of homes.  The effect of the fire on the community.  Along
with other activities taken place by the commerce and the foundation. 

“With your help we have replaced six homes this year
and helped those displaced by the fires remain living within our
community.  Let’s take this moment to show your appreciation for
who contributed.”  Applause broke out through the room.

“Every nail that was hammered, every dollar
collected, every cup of coffee given.  We can only make things happen
So give as generously as you can and help us to continue this great
work.”  More rapturous applause and Nico finished his speech.

“Enjoy the rest of your evening and join us back in
the grand hall for dancing”


Carrie remained seated and watched as the crowd began
its slow steady throng back towards the music which was filtering through the
air.  She was in no hurry.  The man to her right asked her if she
would like to join him but she declined.   Thankfully he didn’t press
her and left with the others from the table.  She picked up her clutch bag
just as Monique’s voice boomed over to her.

“Carrie!  There you are”

“Hi Monique, did you have a good night?  I
thought the food was delicious.”

“Hmm hmm Carrie, I agree but the wine, oh I don’t
usually partake but I had to tonight.  Now where’s the dancing?”

She looped arms with Carrie.  Walking back into
the grand hall they discussed how the evening went.  “How are you
child?  Did you enjoy tonight?”  Monique asked.

“I have had a lovely time so far”

“Now confession time.  Only because you are my
two favourite people that I noticed but did you sneak off with Nico?  I
looked for you earlier and round about the same time Nico disappeared for oh a
good twenty minutes”

Carrie was stumped and could not reply, she laughed
and her giggle gave it away.

“Oh Carrie!  I hope you had fun!”

“Fun, now that’s a word for it but that’s my last
word on it,” They picked up some more champagne as they waked through the grand
hall.  Monique was pointing out people of interest to Carrie whilst
interjecting with gossip.  She was entertaining and Carrie was going to
miss her when she returned home in a few days.  A point she was quick to

“Thank you Monique and Tansie too for being my
friend whilst I’ve visited the Cape.  I’m going to miss you!  I fly
home on Thursday.”

“No no no.  You can’t be going home
already!  What a change I’ve seen in you these last few days.  You
have been happy and smiling.  Just promise me you will keep smiling when
you get home.  We don’t want a sad Carrie anymore.  As Tameka would
say, pinkie promise?”

She crooked her pinkie for Carrie to link and they
shared a pinkie promise.

“I promise Monique”

“And .. do you promise to return soon?”

“Yes, I will return to the Cape.  I have been
captivated by this place”

The linked pinkies were replaced with another
Monique speciality hug.

“I better see you before you go home.  How
about lunch on Wednesday?”

“That’s a plan Monique.  Now who is that very
attractive man signalling to get your attention?”

Monique’s head whipped round.

“Oh that’s just Ted,”

“Mmm just Ted!  Tell me more”

“Oh we dated for a while in high school but he moved
away and now is back home.   When he moved away I got together with
my kids baby daddy.  Big mistake that was but he did give me my fine,
beautiful children.  Ted tried to speak to me earlier but I was busy.”

“Well go speak to him now”

Monique walked away with a sassy sway to her
hips.  Yeah she was busy alright!

Smiling to herself Carrie was once again startled by
Nico at her side.

“Hello you.” He greeted and kissed her chastely on
the cheek.  The fire in his eyes promising more.

“Hello you” she returned.

“Have you enjoyed your evening?”  A polite
question that anyone passing could over hear.

“Of course, it has had its moments, and I must say I
have been very impressed by your
” she paused finishing with “for
the charity it’s very refreshing.”

His laugh bellowed out.  Drawing more eyes if
that were possible to the figure of Nico Devanti.  Many were intrigued by
the young woman by his side in her figure hugging dress displaying her
curvaceous body and ample bosom.  For this event she held his attention
and it had been noticed that he had spent much of the evening with her.  For
the gossips it was perfect cannon fodder for them to debate that night and the
days to come.  The absence of Lea his long time girl-friend was also

“Carrie Reyolds-Davies, you make me laugh more than
I have in a long time” he told her.

“Ditto,” she replied.

“I have a legitimate excuse to get you in my arms,
let’s dance, don’t worry if you can’t keep up, I will lead you,”

Carrie laughed as she had over ten years
professional dance schooling under her belt.

“Is that a challenge?” leading him as they joined
the dance floor.  Carrie danced with confidence unfazed by the occasion or

“Time for another question, have you done this

“Dancing? Yes I have” giving little more away.

They took to the dance floor.  The music
playing in a swing and big band style as it had throughout the evening. 
There were at least a dozen musicians and a few singers she noted on a raised
platform.  They were playing the classic Cole Porter tune Night and Day
but sung in the Frank Sinatra style. 

“I’m not unschooled, I do know how to dance.” She
told him looking into his eyes.  He pulled her closer.  “You can keep
up then?” 

Her steps matched his as they glided across the
dance floor in harmony.  “In every way”

She had forgotten what it was like to be in a man’s
arms dancing.  With Nico it felt different, yes they had their sexual
chemistry but now she scarily thought she didn’t know how she would feel not
being in his arms? 

They were silent just moving in time to the rhythm
of the music.

The singer crooned and Carrie couldn’t help but let
out a sigh.

“You okay?”

“I’m fine, perfectly fine Nico”

Her head was leaning slightly into his chest as he
towered above her.  The song continued with its classic line of making
love.  She felt Nico’s arms tightening.

“That’s all I want to do Carrie, make love to you”
He whispered his lips against her forehead.


Across the room Dorothea and Gino Devanti observed
their son on the dance floor.

“Who is this girl Gino?  What happened to Lea?”

“I don’t know Thea but he told me he is no longer
involved with Lea.  I didn’t ask any further questions.  I know when
a subject is closed with my son.”

“She’s married Gino, I saw her wedding rings
earlier.  What is my son doing with a married woman?  More disgrace
to this family, I thought his playboy days were over!”


“Mr Devanti, are you propositioning me?” she joked.

“Of course, I am, I do a very good line rest rooms,
would you care to join me?”

This time it was Carries turn to laugh and he dipped
her back in his arms.

The band continued with some more slow tunes and
they danced their way through a few more classics before the call of nature
interrupted Carrie. 

“You will have to excuse me; I need to go to the
bathroom, alone this time!”

“You are excused but I will accompany you off the
dance floor” he laughed at her bossy tone. 

He escorted her off the dance floor just as his
father signalled to him.

“I will wait for you with my parents, join me when
you can.”


She made the journey to the restroom without any
incident.  When she returned a short while later, Nico was in deep
conversation with his parents.  He had been looking out for her once more.

“So, Carrie what do you think of our benefit

“I have had an enjoyable evening, Mr Devanti thank
you.  I visited one of the habitat homes this week with Nico.  It’s a
very worthy cause.”

“That is interesting Nico didn’t mention it but then
again my son is a very busy man.  It is so rare to have him at home
especially for this long.  Unless
has captured his

“Mama” Nico interjected but his Mother continued.

“Will your husband be joining us this evening? 
You are married aren’t you Carrie, I couldn’t help but notice your wedding

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