BWWM: BEFORE I WAKE: A Bad Boy Billionaire Book Collection (African American Interracial Series) (360 page)

BOOK: BWWM: BEFORE I WAKE: A Bad Boy Billionaire Book Collection (African American Interracial Series)
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On the drive Nala loosened up a bit. I asked her about her school and she told me they studied Pilgrims and Indians this week. She also told me that Becky had” showeded” her how to make a turkey with her hand.

“Cool! I used to do that when I was a kid.”

“I can’t do it right like Becky.”

Amara peered at me from the front seat. “She doesn’t think she can do anything as well as Becky.”

“Oh I doubt that’s true.” I glanced at Nala through the rearview mirror. Her tiny face was turned to watch the passing coastline.

“I tell you what, when we get to my Mom’s we’ll practice and by the time you get back to school next week, you’ll be an expert.”

She turned to me, her giant brown eyes opened in awe. “You have a mom too?”

              “Nala! Everyone has a mom,” Amara told her with a giggle. I liked that sound.

              I laughed and glanced sideways at the Goddess. “I can only imagine that she’s looking at me and thinking there’s no way a sweet little mother like you could have created this. Yes Nala, I have a mom. I just grew bigger than her. My daddy was big.”

              “I don’t have a daddy, mine died.

Shit! Foot in mouth

              “I heard your daddy was a hero. He made sure that the rest of us get to live in this big, free country. I’d be willing to bet that he’s still watching over you. A fighting spirit like that never dies.”

              She looked happy with that answer and I cautiously glanced at Amara, she looked pleased. When she looked at me her eyes were full of emotion.

I really liked this…spending time not just with her but with Nala. She looked happy and I too am happier than I have been in a very long time. This Thanksgiving there would be a lot to be thankful for.

As we got closer to the  house though, the guilt of not being completely honest with her began to seep back in. I pushed it away and once again told myself there was time for that…later. I brushed her pinky where our forearms rested. By the time we pulled in, my hand was over hers
Ah, warm.

I smelled the turkey before we even got into the house. I could also see Nala’s wide eyes checking the place out. Roger is an investment banker and he’s done really well for himself. My mom is a freelance writer and between her income and my father’s insurance and pensions, she does okay too. Between the two of them, they’re doing great.

“It’s so big,” I heard Nala tell her mom.

“Yes it is, baby. You be sure to thank these nice people for having us.”

Mom met us at the door with Roger right behind us. He took the bags and disappeared up the stairs with them while Mom ushered us inside.

“You have to be Nala! Your Mama showed me a lot of pictures of you. You’re even prettier in person.”

“Thank you,” Nala told her, shyly.

“Hey do you like dogs?”

She nodded and her eyes lit up. I knew she was in for a treat. Amara looked a little worried as Mom led her away and I said, “Don’t worry, watch.”

              Mom took her to the edge of the living room and we saw Nala’s face curl up into a gigantic grin. “Puppies! Mama! There’s puppies!”

She squealed in delight and ran into the room. We followed her and watched as she and my mom sat on the floor next to the basket of puppies. Roxi, the mama dog was nearby, but she and my mom had been together since she was a pup. She trusted her implicitly. Roxi is a St. Bernard and she’s huge. Her pups look like baby bear cubs.

“Can I pet them?” Nala’s voice was musical like her mom’s. I glanced at her beside me. I can’t believe she’s here with me - for a holiday at that. There’s no way in hell I can let her go now.

              “Of course,” Mom said, “They love that. I bet they’d even like a cuddle.”

Nala turned to her own mom then. “Mama, can I?”

I?” Amara corrected.

“Sure Mama, after me.” We all laughed and watched in awe of the beautiful little girl as she held the sweet puppy to her chest and gave it kisses.

After a bit, she was comfortable. Roxi was comfortable with her too, so we moved into the dining room and left Nala to play.

“I have to check on the turkey.”

“Can I help you?” Amara asked.

“Nope, you’re a guest. Jack why don’t you show her the view out back?”

I took her hand and led her out through the massive glass doors off the dining area and onto the back porch. She stood there for a few seconds and inhaled the scent of the fresh air and my mother’s flowers.

“It’s so pretty out here.”

“Yeah, Mom loves her roses.” I led her down the path in between her rose bushes to the edge of the yard. From there, it dropped off into a canyon and across the canyon the city buzzed far below. It was a bit overcast but we could still make out the rolling landscape.

              “Oh wow! This is incredible.” She turned to take in the panoramic view and I noticed the way the wind kicked up her hem.

              “Yeah it is. Look over to your right a little bit. You can see the ocean.”

              She tipped her face west and her hair swished against a strong draft
Jesus. I was in so much trouble.

“I think I can almost smell it. I love the ocean.

Lucky me
I knew I’d bought that beach house for more than one reason.

She shivered slightly and I stepped in slowly and wrapped my arms around her back. I marveled at how perfectly she fit against my chest. She rested her cheek against my arm, revealing a soft opening on her neck. I tucked a loose strand behind her ear as I dipped my head to kiss her skin.

Her fingers flexed against my arms and I pulled her in closer as she sighed with pleasure. My heart pounded in my chest
Oh God, so close to her.

I trailed a kiss up the side of her neck to her ear. I just had to tell her. “I think I’m really falling for you, Amara.”

She rotated her head towards me and nestled into my neck. Her lips kissed my skin in a soft peck and I felt my body heat up.  

“I guess you’re not so bad yourself. Thank you, Jack.”

I bent down to kiss her lips. A kiss that completely blew the last one we shared out of the water. We were breathless and our cheeks were flushed when we heard Mom calling us in for dinner.


              We all ate until we could barely move and the rest of the afternoon was spent on cleanup. Amara and I took a long walk with Roxi and Nala in tow. Amara didn’t seem to mind looping her hand around my forearm as she chatted about what I can only could cal
girl stuff
I’ve never seen her so comfortable and relaxed. She beamed up at me and laughed at all my jokes. Something about that made me feel like a fucking king. It was one of the best days I’ve had…ever.

As the sun started going down us adults sat on the patio and watched it descend over the city while Nala curled up with Roxi and the puppies to watch a Disney movie Mom put on for her. I couldn’t believe it when I pulled Amara closer to me on the swing and she let me hold her. She rested one hand intimately on my brace and I felt my heart swell with pride. This was my woman for sure.

Roger and Mom droned on about their travel plans and after an hour or so Amara rose. “I’m going to check on Nala.”

I followed her in and we found the little angel asleep and surrounded by sleeping puppies. I watched as Amara lovingly brushed her baby’s cheek and said, “Too much excitement for her. It wore her out.”

We took the pups and put them back in their basket and then as she was leaning down to pick Nala up, I moved in and scooped her up instead. “Jack! Watch your knee. I’m not sure you should be doing that.”

              “I’m fine,” I whispered. I looked down into the innocent face of Nala as I carried her up the stairs and I could see without a doubt how someone could easily fall in love with being a parent.

I carried her into the guest bedroom they were sharing and as Amara pulled back the covers, I laid her in the bed. We both stood looking down at her for a few seconds and when I glanced at her, she was smiling.

“Thank you,” she said looking up at me. “We’ve had such a good day. I’m pretty tired myself though so I’m going to join her I think. Tell your parents good night for me?”

“I will,” I said, wrapping my hand around her small waist as I pulled her against my chest for a hug. She wrapped a hand around my neck and when she pulled away I was sure I saw as much desire in her eyes as I felt in my heart.

“Sleep well, Amara...” She hide her face shyly as she shook her head at me.

“You’re something else,” she whispered sweetly.

“Something good?” I asked her.

She put her soft hand on the side of my face. Her eyes hovered over my face as her thumb stroked my lip.“Really good.”

It was as hard as hell but I softly shut her door and went back downstairs for a while. Mom couldn’t stop talking about Nala and how cute she was. She and Roger seemed as smitten with the two girls as I was. I finally gave my mother a kiss and Roger a quick hug and thanked them for everything and headed up for bed.

Stripped down to my boxers, I climbed between the sheets and closed my eyes, ready to dream about the future. I still had a lot of hard work ahead of me but so far everything here was going perfectly.  Better that I could have even hoped for. I couldn’t have dreamed this and I didn’t know that this was what I needed but it turned out it was

I drifted deeper into my night time Amara fantasy when I heard a soft sound at the door. I glanced towards the door and in the darkness I saw it swing open. Amara’s head peered around the door before she tip toed in and closed it softly. She rested her back against the door and our eyes met.

I sat up slightly and watched her. She was dressed in a short pink nightgown with all of her gorgeous legs showing. My heart rate sped up and my body flushed with heat
Holy shit, she’s here.

“Hey beautiful, did you need something?” My voice sounded raw and thick. Couldn’t she see how much I wanted her? How much I’v
wanted her?

“You,” she said, breathlessly.

I moved over to let her in. I briefly wondered if I had fallen asleep and was dreaming…if I was, I never wanted to wake up. As she moved in next to me the corners of her lips twitched up into a soft smile.

I hovered over her and just took her in. She’s perfect for me. Just perfect. I brought my hungry lips down on them and we shared a passionate kiss. Our tongues twisted and tangled and danced together in harmony.

I rolled onto my back and brought her up onto my chest. She felt so fucking good on top of me, her breasts crushed against my chest. I could hardly catch my breath. I couldn’t believe this was finally happening. I pulled back long enough for us both to suck in a breath and she gave me another intoxicating smile.

“Amara, baby…”

I slid a hand up the back of her thighs, across the fabric that curved at her hips and all the way up to the back of her neck. I sucked and kissed along her neck as she quietly gasped in pleasure. Her fingers tangled in my hair as her nightgown dipped open revealing a silky cleavage.

I lowered my mouth down further and kissed the spot between her breasts. I adjusted her to a straddle across my waist and pressed my cock up so she could feel me. She groaned gently into my hair and I made it my mission to give her every ounce of pleasure.

She tasted sweet. I reluctantly took my lips off her body long enough to slide that nightie off of her and over her head. I could see the outline of her gorgeous body in the amber light that filtered from the porch through the shutters.

“Jesus, you’re beautiful,” I told her as I pulled her back down and took one of her lovely breasts into my mouth. I let my tongue roll the nipple around as I listened to the soft mewling sounds she made. I sucked the hard bud all the way in and she pushed my head into her chest, wanting more. I sucked and licked hungrily, only stopping long enough to switch sides and give the other the same treatment.

She groaned and whispered harshly, “It’s so hard to be quiet. You’re… uh... it’s…. so good..”

I grinned against her soft flesh and whispered back. “Next time we’ll do it at my house and you can scream if you want to.” I sucked her back into my mouth and felt her shiver.

“I already want to.”

As I sucked on her breasts I hooked my fingers into the elastic of her panties and started inching them down. When I made it to the bottoms of her thighs she took over for me and wiggled out of them, working cautiously over my wrapped knee.

Her eyes met mine and I saw her desire for me. I could feel her moisture on my belly and it made my cock throb even harder. She was grinding herself into my boxers as I thrust my hips up towards her. I’d wanted to touch her like this for so long.

I raked my hands down her body…the curves and the soft, smooth skin drove me wild. I touched every part of her and the feelings shot from my hands to every cell in my own body.

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