By Midnight (62 page)

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Authors: Mia James

Tags: #Teen Paranormal

BOOK: By Midnight
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‘April!’ he called.
But she was gone.
April sat at the bar, staring down into her second Apple Pearl.
God damn you, Gabriel Swift
! she thought. Everything about him was right: he was sexy, mysterious, serious and funny, he was like an addiction she just couldn’t kick, but at the same time he was maddening, always throwing up barriers between them, always finding yet another reason why their love was doomed. The things he had said made her heart judder, but what use was feeling that way if it meant you had to live on either side of a glass wall? Logically, dispassionately, of course she could see that there was a sense to what Gabriel said, but why should they let something written in a dusty old book get in their way? They could move to Paris or the Caribbean or Alaska or something, where none of this mattered, where they could just
Even as she thought it she knew they couldn’t. Destiny and birthmarks and vampires and furies aside, April knew she could never be happy if she didn’t find out what had happened to her father.
All right, Gabriel
, she thought, taking a long drink and banging the glass down.
If you won‘t
anything about it, I will.
What would her father have done? He would have got up off his backside and done something, that was for sure. Action is always better than sitting around making excuses - reading
had taught her that.
Hey, who says schoolwork is a waste oftime?
But what did she need to do exactly? Maybe she could call Fiona; she felt so strange keeping her best friend out of the loop, just on a vague suspicion Davina might have ‘got to her’.
You have to trust someone some time
, she told herself as she leant forward and felt inside her bra.
‘Can I help you with that?’
She looked to her left and saw that Benjamin had slipped onto the stool next to her.
She blew out a long breath. ‘Ben! You almost gave me heart failure.’
‘Is that what you were massaging inside there?’
April gave him a weak smile. ‘Listen, Ben, you’re very sweet but—’
Benjamin nodded. ‘Hey, don’t worry. I heard about the fight with Gabe. Well, saw it actually. I’ve ... well, I’ve never seen Gabriel Swift like this over a girl before.’
She looked up at him, frowning. ‘What do you mean?’
‘April, you can’t have a screaming match in the garden and not expect people to overhear.’
She swallowed. ‘And what did you hear?’
‘Nothing much, something about how you didn’t want this, how you were sick of it, then I think “behaving like a child” was mentioned. Or rather shouted.’
April winced. ‘Sorry.’
‘Hey, don’t feel bad. If Gabriel doesn’t know when he’s on to a good thing, then that’s a bonus for those of us who do.’
April raised an eyebrow. ‘Well, thank you, kind sir.’
‘Look, I’m not about to give you advice, but it seems to me you’re a grown-up and you should do whatever you decide is the right thing.’
April nodded, took a final suck of her straw and tapped her hand on the bar. ‘You know what? You’re right.’ She slid off her stool and walked away, leaving Benjamin staring after her, open-mouthed. As April pushed her way through the crowd, she slipped a hand into her dress and pulled out her phone, keeping it hidden as she turned it on.
Sod Gabriel and sod his bloody prophecy
, she thought,
and screw the Furies and their stupid virus. I’m here to find out who killed my father.
If he had been killed for asking too many questions about the vampires, it seemed logical that the man in charge of the Suckers might have a few answers. That was probably Mr Nicholas Osbourne, no less. But first she needed cold, hard evidence. She pushed her way out onto the terrace and down the steps; the dance floor was packed, everyone waving their hands in the air to some seventies disco classic. The perfect cover. She danced her way across to where Mr Osbourne was strutting his stuff with his wife and turned her back to him; then, checking that the flash was off - that would be a dead giveaway, in more ways than one - she slipped the phone under her arm and clicked the button. She danced back over to the tables and sat down, putting the phone in her lap. She scrolled through the menu to the ‘pictures’ folder and trapping her lower lip between her teeth she clicked ‘open’. And there he was, as large as life, dancing away with his wife. Nicholas Osbourne was in the picture.
It couldn’t be!
How could he be there?
He was supposed to be a vampire; not only that, he was supposed to be the top vampire!
How dare he be human!
He was clearly a bloodsucker, just not of the vampire variety.
And then she started to laugh.
Through the crowd, she could see Caro and Simon gyrating on the dance floor, as if they were oblivious that they were all teetering on the edge of the abyss.
It’s all down to me now,
she thought fiercely.
Someone’s got to find out who killed my father. Well, if it’s not Nicholas, who does that leave? Benjamin and Davina are vampire recruiters, but as far as I know
they don’t have
connection with my father.
April felt another jolt of fear. Maybe it wasn’t all linked. Maybe there was more than one conspiracy going on here.
God, please don’t make this any more complicated
, she moaned to herself. Interesting though the idea might be to explore at a later date, April knew she needed to concentrate on what she did know. So who else is
Isabelle Davis? Davina knew of her, but she never said she met her. Alix Graves?
And then another of those jigsaw pieces clicked into place. April could see Alix’s photo on the wall of Benjamin’s bedroom and she could hear him saying he had been doing work experience at one of his father’s companies. Could it have been Transparent Media, the one Alix was connected with? Well,
only one way to find out, she thought. She pushed through the crowd and up the stairs, then padded along the corridor.
She pushed open Ben’s door and peeked inside. Where was the light switch?
No, better not turn it on
. She opened her phone, using the display’s backlight like a mini torch. Moving over to Ben’s cluttered desk, she started going through the drawers, pulling out papers and holding them up to the light.
The mobile’s display just wasn’t bright enough. It was impossible to read anything. She fumbled around on the dresser and turned on a lamp. And then she heard a laugh - no, it was more of a cackle - and she turned, just feeling the slap of a blow across her face as she fell sideways.
‘You!’ said a male voice, high with glee, as strong fingers seized her face, cruelly pressing into her skin. He twisted her head around and her heart lurched. Marcus! In a blur, she remembered Gabriel’s words about hunters lying in wait, choosing easy prey.
It can’t
be! she thought. He can’t
.. can
But she didn’t have chance to think any more as she was pulled sideways.
‘I knew it would be you,’ crowed Marcus, pushing her back towards the desk, forcing her face close to the lamp. She began to scream, but he rammed her face downwards, catching her cheekbone against the corner of the desk and sending a flower of pain shooting out from her cheek.
‘No, no, no,’ he said. ‘We can’t have you screaming, can we? Not until we’ve had our little chat. Now what were you looking for in here, hmm?’
When April failed to say anything, Marcus slammed her head forwards again, this time bashing her against the bookcase.
‘Speak!’ he commanded. ‘What. Were. You. Looking. For?’ On each word, he pushed her closer and closer to the lamp until the burning pain of the bulb against her skin was unbearable. She twisted to get away but he was too strong.
‘Were you going to take another of your clever little photos with this, hmm?’ he said, dangling her phone in front of her face, then smashing it against the wall. ‘Tell me or I will make the pain go on for ever. Believe me, you will wish you’d got this over with quickly,’ he hissed, pushing his mouth close to her ear and whispering, ‘Like your dear old dad.’
‘NO!’ she began to yell, but Marcus was too quick: he slammed her head against the wall and little stars popped across April’s vision. She could feel blood running from her temple.
‘There’s no rush, Angel,’ he cooed, running a finger down her face, then slowly licking her blood from the tip. ‘Not when you taste so good.’ He grinned manically.
He’s a vampire, oh God
Marcus is a vampire
, her mind screamed.
And he’s trapped me. The hunter has caught his prey.
ing!’ he sang, slamming her head against the wall again.
‘Drugs!’ she screamed.
Suddenly Marcus flung her to the floor.
‘What? What drugs?’
April thought fast. She had a reputation as the school’s bad girl with her visits from the police, so perhaps it had a shred of credibility. But only a shred.
‘I wanted some, and I thought Ben might have hidden them in his room,’ she said, drawing the words out, playing for time.
‘Ben does not use drugs,’ said Marcus, his voice dripping with disdain. Every word he uttered chilled April to the core. He was a vampire, a killer, he was going to drink her blood.
Oh God, please God help me,
she thought. But then something inside her clicked. Something Gabriel had said about predators, about leopards and lions.
‘Do you?’ she said quietly. ‘Do you use drugs?’
‘What?’ hissed Marcus, outraged. ‘No!’
‘Well, what were you doing in Benjamin’s bedroom, then?’ she asked, edging closer to him. ‘What were you doing in here, all on your own in the dark?’
He raised his hand again. ‘I’m warning you!’ he said, but April could see he was rattled.
‘Does it make you feel sexy, Marcus?’ she whispered. ‘Do you like being close to Ben’s things... you
!’ she screamed, simultaneously grabbing the lamp and throwing it at his face. Marcus jerked back in surprise and gave her just enough space to jump over the bed and dive into the bathroom, locking the door behind her.
!’ he yelled, and she saw the door handle rattle up and down violently. April grabbed a chair and jammed it against the door just as it shuddered in its frame. Marcus was throwing himself against it.
‘I’m going to kill you, you little bitch!’ he screamed, followed by another thud against the doorframe. April looked around desperately. It was a small room - sink, bath, shower and two sash windows to one side.
She pushed her face against the window and cupped her hands around her eyes, but she couldn’t see anything but blackness down there. No way out.
I’m trapped. And Marcus is going to kill me.
She looked around quickly. Maybe she could find something to use as a weapon, but beyond a shampoo bottle and a disposable razor, there was nothing. This time, the thud was accompanied by the sound of splintering wood. Surely someone would hear the noise and come to investigate? But she knew, with the disco and the noise of the party and the size of the house, it was unlikely. She could scream her lungs out and never be heard. No, she had to save herself this time.

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