Read By Private Invitation Online

Authors: Stephanie Julian

Tags: #Romance, #Salon Games#1, #Usernet, #C429, #Kat, #Extratorrents

By Private Invitation (33 page)

BOOK: By Private Invitation
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She must have lost the battle because when the car came to a halt, she woke with a

“Hey, Belle, what do you think?”

The intensity in Jared’s voice caught her attention right away. His eyes were narrowed
as he stared out the driver’s-side window. She had to lean toward him to see what
he was looking at. With him this close, she caught the clean, dark scent of him, which
made her stomach clench.

She really had to get a grip.

Following Jared’s gaze, she found herself staring at a castle.

She blinked. No, that couldn’t be right. She shook her head, trying to make things
come into focus, but that castle wouldn’t budge.

She looked around, trying to get her bearings. She wasn’t exactly sure where they
were but she knew they couldn’t be too far from home.

“What is this place? How did you find it?” she asked.

“I have no idea. We’re about fifteen miles or so north of Adamstown. I just happened
to see a ‘For Sale’ sign on the road and followed an unmarked lane up here. It doesn’t
even show up on the GPS.”

Annabelle felt Jared’s excitement like a physical force. It infected her, made her
heart beat a little faster. She swore she could actually see his brain working.

Jared slid out of the car and she did the same. He walked forward to lean on a short
stone wall encircling what looked to be a garden laid out in front of the building.

The stone in the wall matched the stone of the building, which had all the characteristics
of a castle. Twin towers jutted from either end and a multitude of windows and balconies
dotted the façade. A huge arched wooden door beckoned.

It nestled into the forest like it had been there for centuries. All the building
needed was a princess in the tower to look as if it had been transplanted from Germany
or England. Though it was not as huge, it was still pretty impressive.

“I never knew this place existed. I’ve lived here for years and no one’s ever said
anything about it.”

“Jesus, this is perfect.”

Striding to the garden gate, Jared flung it open and walked through like he already
owned the place, his gaze taking everything in.

She approached cautiously, not wanting to get in his way. He looked intense. He wore
that same expression when he made love to her.

Unreasonable jealousy curled through her. Which was just too ridiculous.

“Look at the lines,” he said, though she wasn’t sure if he was
talking to her or himself. “Three floors and maybe ten or twelve rooms on the second
and third floors if the number of windows is any indication. It’s gonna need a hell
of a lot of work but still…I’m gonna take a walk around the back. I’ll be right back.”

He strode off around the side of the building and disappeared. Annabelle decided to
get comfortable and found a marble bench in the overgrown garden. As she settled onto
it, the cold seeped into her thighs and she welcomed the clarity it brought.

What would she do if he actually found a site for his spa retreat so close to her
home? Would they continue their relationship? Meet every couple of weeks for sex?
Would it be enough?

She’d known from the beginning that this relationship wasn’t going to last. But if
Jared actually bought this place, she’d already committed to furnishing it. Could
she continue their sexual relationship as long as they did business together? Without
falling in love with him?

Did she
to continue the relationship?

It was a stupid question. Of course she did. Because no matter how many times she
told herself she wasn’t looking for the man of her dreams, she had to admit Jared
would fill the bill.

She was afraid and…Well, she should just leave it at that. She was afraid.

She’d spent so many years hiding her identity, terrified of igniting a media frenzy
that would make her life a living hell again. Could she trust him with her secret?
And what if they actually took their relationship further? Jared occasionally made
the gossip rags. Would they dig into her background? Would some reporter get lucky
and figure out who she was?

She didn’t think she’d be able to live through that scandal again.

Maybe you’re getting way ahead of yourself.

Yes, he’d asked her to the fundraiser but it wasn’t like he’d asked her to move in
with him.

And then there was the question of his lifestyle…

Which, she had to admit, thrilled her. No question about it.

Shaking her head, she sighed. So many questions. Not enough answers.

Jared reappeared around the other side of the building then, heading toward her with
a smile that could devastate the entire female population in a three-county area.
When he reached her, he swept her into his arms and kissed her hard and fast, his
taste fleeting but heady.

“I think you must be my good luck charm.” He smiled into her eyes, making her thighs
clench. “This place is perfect.”

But she thought he was the perfect one, with his gorgeous smile and devastating personality.

Releasing her, he pulled his cell phone from the pocket of his jacket and dialed a
number. “I’m betting the real estate agent will drop off the key. The place looks
like it’s been on the market for a while. There’re a few structural problems but—
Yes, hi. I’d like to speak to Danielle West, please.”

Thinking she’d give him some room, she started to move away, but he caught her and
pulled her back against him. He kept one arm around her shoulders, and she allowed
herself to rest her head on his chest, hearing his heart beat through his warm cotton
sweater. She breathed deeply, letting his scent envelop her.

His voice rumbled in his chest as he charmed the person on the other end into dropping
off the key. She enjoyed watching him in action. He knew exactly what he wanted and
he got it.

“So what do you think?” he asked when he hung up. He stared down at her with an expectant
expression, as if he really cared what she thought.

She forced a smile. “It’s gorgeous. How long will it take for the real estate agent
to get here?”

Jared looked at his watch. “She said it’d take her a few minutes to finish what she
was doing and then about twenty minutes to get out here. Are you cold? Do you want
to sit in the car?”

She shook her head, not wanting to leave his side. “Why don’t you show me around?”

They walked the perimeter of the building hand-in-hand as he pointed out attributes
and faults, picking up on things she never would have noticed. He talked about where
more rooms could be added while maintaining the charm of the building.

He was pointing out loose roof slates to be replaced when the sound of a car driving
up the lane caught their attention.

They hurried around to the front of the building and caught sight of a young woman
arriving at the front door. Her eyes widened when she caught sight of Jared. No surprise
there, Annabelle thought.

After introducing herself, the real estate agent handed over the keys and a thin folder.

“I spoke to our branch manager in Philadelphia who’s done some work for you,” she
said. “She said it would be okay to leave the keys with you. I’m so sorry I can’t
stay. I have another showing in just a few minutes, but I’ll be back in about an hour.
We can talk then. A few of the rooms had been decorated for a recent designer showcase
in a magazine but none of the furniture is included with the asking price. Of course,
if you like it, I’m sure we could work something out. Anything else, just let me know
what you need.”

Giving her a patented Jared smile, he agreed, but Annabelle could tell he was anxious
to get rid of the woman. When she’d
left, he set off like a kid with the key to the candy shop, pulling her along after
him with a tight hold on her hand.

Opening the front door, he walked into the foyer. “Damn, it’s even better than I thought.”

“Oh, Jared.” Annabelle felt her mouth drop open in surprise. “It’s like a fairy tale.”

The circular foyer led to a sunken area that was twice the size of the entire first
floor of the shop. A grand staircase with a balustrade of dark wood to the right of
the door led to the second floor.

Wandering through the first floor, Jared noted broken windows, some water damage.
Looking through the materials from the agent, he said there were eighteen bedrooms
on the second and third floors, but only three had separate baths.

“Have to add baths,” he mumbled under his breath. “Lose a couple rooms there. The
kitchen’s huge but that’ll need a total update.”

After exploring the first floor, they headed up the staircase. The first few rooms
lacked anything other than wallpaper and trim.

Jared stopped in one room to check out the bathroom, but Annabelle continued on to
the end of the hall, her curiosity piqued by a large intricately carved panel of wood
on the wall. Flowers and vines writhed over the surface in a pattern reminiscent of
Arabic script. She moved closer to have a better look and realized the panel was a

She looked for a knob but found none. After a few minutes of pressing her fingers
into any and all indentations, she found a hidden latch in one of the carved flowers.

The door glided open on silent hinges to reveal a curved stairwell. Up the stairs,
she gasped in delight as the tower room came into view.

Rose moiré silk draped curved walls, inset with windows every few feet and a door
she assumed led to a bathroom next to the entry. This room was bare, but an intricate
metal spiral staircase near the back led to a loft. Climbing up, she came face-to-face
with a scene out of
Arabian Nights

Panels of gold, silver, and purple fabric hung from a ring on the ceiling, creating
a tent-like effect over a large circular bed dead center in the loft.

Wandering over to the bed, she ran her fingers down the drapery, marveling at the
quality of the silk. Golden tassels held the panels together at the sides, and a purple
comforter covered midnight-blue silk sheets.

Wow. She’d love to meet the designer of this room.

What a bed!
Annabelle couldn’t help but kick off her shoes and stretch out. She closed her eyes
and let the sensuous silk surround her, soothe her, seduce her into relaxing.

A small sound made her eyes fly open, and she saw Jared at the top of the stairs.

“You look like you belong there.” His voice caressed her, the intense heat in his
eyes scorching. “I want to tie you to that bed and never let you leave.”

Her heart began to race and she couldn’t catch her breath. His desire was a palpable
force, holding her in place as if he’d tied her hands to those silken panels with
the tassels.

Just thinking about that made her body heat and moisten.

As she stared, Jared shrugged out of his coat and dropped it to the floor. She raised
herself onto her elbows and watched as he walked toward the bed and stopped in front
of her.

Reaching for her jeans, he popped the button, then released the zipper, the metallic
rasp echoing through the room. The cool
air seemed to heat around them, and she swore she’d be able to see steam rising from
their bodies soon.

Instead of pulling down his own jeans, though, he grabbed the sides of hers and yanked
them to her bent knees hanging over the side of the mattress.

She drew in a sharp breath as her underwear caught and followed, leaving her exposed
to his hot, searching gaze. And her legs trapped.

Wanting him to touch her, she arched her hips but he reached instead for the buttons
on her sweater. The little discs didn’t give him any hassle, but she felt each pluck
and release between her legs.

He didn’t remove the sweater, just parted the sides so the pretty pink bra that matched
her underwear was exposed. His fingers drew white-hot lines of fire over her skin,
drawing her nipples into aching points that throbbed under his gaze.

She reached for him, but he caught her hands before she made contact and held them
at her sides. When she murmured a protest, he just smiled.

“This bed was made for sex, wasn’t it, Belle?”

Instead of being turned off by his language, Belle’s body tightened, desire drenching
her like a downpour. Her nipples tightened into unbearably hard peaks, the muscles
of her pussy clenching in anticipation.

“Will you let me fuck you on this bed? Clothes on, fast and hard, down and dirty.”

Jared released one of her hands so he could run a finger down her torso starting at
her chin, carefully avoiding her breasts until he reached the soft curls between her
legs. He drew a few strands between his fingers, curling them around the tips, before
he withdrew, causing her to groan.

“Do you trust me, Belle?”

She couldn’t speak so she nodded.

He moved then, reaching above her head.

When he untied the tasseled cords from the posts and left them dangling, she thought
she might hyperventilate from excitement. He released her right hand, then brought
her left one up and wrapped the cords gently around her wrist, laying the ends in
her hands.

When he’d done the same to the right, he just stared, his breathing a harsh rasp in
the silence.

When he reached for her again, he brushed against the sides of her breasts, sweeping
down to her hips and her outer thighs. Sensation followed, pulsing over her like a
wave. He touched every inch of her body but the throbbing flesh between her thighs,
until she strained against the cords so hard she was afraid she’d bring the bed down
on them.

At the precise moment she couldn’t take it any longer, he groaned and froze, his fingers
shaking as his control began to implode.

Then his fingers moved again, arrowing straight between her thighs. He slipped two
fingers between her legs and felt the wetness seeping from her. Because of her jeans
at her knees, she could barely open her legs, and his fingers felt huge as he worked

When she was panting and nearly ready to climax, he withdrew, making her cry out.
But in the next second, he found her clitoris and rubbed the moisture around it until
she sobbed.

BOOK: By Private Invitation
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