By the Book (5 page)

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Authors: Ravyn Wilde

BOOK: By the Book
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Gasping, she flexed her fingers for one
startled moment against the warm, hard ridge—and then drew her hand back in
shock and looked up to meet his gaze.

He made sure he let the heat show. “Since
the moment I saw you standing by the car outside the coffee shop, this has been
a constant condition. And I have to tell you, lady, it’s been a long time since
anyone made me this aroused for such an extended period of time,” he
practically growled the words. “I would be a fool if I didn’t try to figure out
if it’s just my penis talking.”

Joey dropped her head. She couldn’t think.
She understood what he said to her. She understood the attraction he felt,
because she experienced it as well. Just looking at him made her want to moan
with unfulfilled lust and then attack him where he stood. She felt her inner
sexual being move from where it lay in the dirt. It stretched, stood up and
winked at her. Meeting Grey, experiencing such an immediate and apparently
mutual attraction was an incredible gift. The Joey she kept buried jumped up
and down, shouting at her to go for it!

But years of caution made her question her
options. Was this more than a physical attraction? She sighed. Did it matter
what it was or wasn’t? For once in her life, maybe she just needed to go with
the moment. “All right. Positions. Exercises. Bathing suits. No sex.”

“Agreed,” he quickly replied. It would be
up to him to convince her to change her mind about the no sex rule. “When do we

Chapter Five


Joey could not believe she let him talk her
into starting right away. She just knew she needed more time to come to grips
with his suggestion. But Gray pointed out the longer she waited, the more
difficult it would be for her. And it would be dark soon, he reminded her. She
might feel more comfortable with this in the dark. Joey knew herself well. If
she waited, she’d talk herself out of the experiment. The fact she might decide
not to go through with the experiment had been the most compelling argument.
She would back out if she took time to think about this. And she didn’t want

Gray went to his house to get his bathing
suit and since he’d left, she’d spent several minutes wondering if he wore one
of those long, knee-length baggy surfer shorts, or something along the lines of
a Brazilian thong. The thought of him in a thong nearly made her pass out.

She’d put on her bikini. It wasn’t a thong,
but it also wasn’t much bigger. Then she wrapped her hips in a Hawaiian sarong.
He wanted to have dinner first and talk. And read through some of the books to
select tonight’s exercise. Oh, lord what had she gotten herself into?

The knock on the door startled her. There
was Gray. He wore black surfer shorts with a red Chinese dragon design on the
side and a gray muscle shirt. Damn. She realized she actually wanted him to be
wearing the thong. He still looked good enough to eat. Or lick.
Joey, get
your mind out of the gutter
, she chastised herself. The devil in her wanted
to know why? The gutter sounded pretty good right now. She rolled her eyes. Her
thoughts always ran completely opposite of her actions when it came to sex.

Gray watched the varying emotions flick
across Joey’s expressive face. Disappointment. What was that about? Lust.
Embarrassment. And back to lust. Then irritation. The sight of her in an
apricot bikini top and matching floral sarong teased his body. The color
complimented her pale, soft skin, the soft tone highlighting her freckles, the
skimpy fabric barely able to contain her rounded curves. This was shaping up to
be a great evening. “Where would you like me to put the casserole?” he asked.

Joey stared at him blankly for a moment.
She seemed to be getting in the habit of being a mental imbecile when he was
around. Nothing existed except his body. “Casserole?”

“This,” he said holding up the glass dish
she hadn’t noticed. “We agreed I would bring the casserole my housekeeper made
for dinner?”

She knew that. “Just set it on the counter
in the kitchen by the plates I laid out. We can serve ourselves and sit out on
the lanai to eat.” There. Three sentences, and they all made sense. She could
do this.

After getting their food and sitting at the
table on the porch, she thought she might be doing well enough to try again.
“Why is an American Indian in Hawaii?”

Gray raised his eyebrows. “I’m supposed to
be on a reservation somewhere?”

Joey rolled her eyes. “That is
what I meant. It just seems a little…” she dropped off. Thinking about it, she
realized he was right. Anyone else she would have asked “How long have you
lived here?” or “What made you decide to live in Hanalei?” not “Why is an
American Indian…?” Good lord. “I’m sorry I guess I did sound…”

Gray cut her off. “Don’t worry about it,
Joey. I just wanted to give you a bad time. My folks lived here when I was in
high school. Honolulu, not Hanalei. I went away to college. Made a killing as
an architect and on investments and decided to retire here. This area had
always been my favorite vacation spot.” He looked at her for a moment and
decided he might as well get it all out. “Originally I moved to Hawaii with my
wife. As an architect, I traveled a lot and worked long days. When I retired
here, I no longer traveled, but worked a little bit from home. You notice a lot
more when you’re around all the time. What I noticed was that my wife was
unfaithful. Her cheating didn’t start in Hawaii…but I become aware of it here.”

“I’m sorry. I know it’s painful. Worse if
you still love them, but still not any fun if you realize you no longer do. So
you don’t work? Aren’t you pretty young to already be retired?” She wanted to
give Gray an opportunity to change the subject.

He laughed. “I’m thirty-nine so I guess you
could call that young for retirement. I am lucky I don’t have to work.
Occasionally I’ll take a job that interests me or presents a challenge. And for
the record…you’re right. I figured out pretty fast I didn’t love her—when it
hurt my heart only a little and my pride a great deal. I assumed we meant our
wedding vows. How old are you, Joey?”


Now it was Gray’s turn to change the
subject. “So do you know what book you want to start with? I thought
Nights Of Grrreat Sex
looked good.”

Joey choked. She worked to clear her throat
so she wouldn’t sound strangled. Glaring at him she responded, “I think that
book is a little much to start with. How about the
Fine Art of Erotic Talk

“You can read that book on your own and
work out the language. I read some of it and I’ll work at talking dirty to you
while we are practicing. But no hot sex scenes are going to come from erotic
talk alone.” He grinned at her.

Laughing, she shook her head. “You are a
mess. You didn’t read too much of it. There are several exercises I thought
looked promising. I like the one in particular where I would watch you pleasure
yourself while I described what it did to me.” Joey couldn’t believe she’d
managed to say the words with out stammering. Well…she would like to see him

Gray closed his eyes. He knew from the
start this would be difficult. Images of Joey in the shower last night replayed
heatedly through his mind. Already he felt rock-hard and primed to throw Joey
across the table with her lush ass in the air, open and taking him deep. She
came across as an intriguing blend of shyness and sexuality. And the blend of
heat and innocence kept him on edge. He wanted to bring her slumbering need
alive. Barely managing to speak between clenched teeth, he asked, “Do you
really want to start with me masturbating in front of you?” At the negative
shake of her head, he relaxed and suggested, “How about the erotic massage
book? It might have the added incentive of letting us get more comfortable with
each other’s bodies. Would that be a better place to start?”

Startled, she agreed nervously and went to
get the book. She hadn’t actually read any of this one yet. Amazed she’d been
teasing him, trying to give him tit for verbal tat, she realized she should
have known better. This version of foreplay was way out of her league. She needed
to keep reminding herself that she needed to act more like Devine, and less
like Joey.

Returning to the lanai, she handed the book
to Gray. He’d already cleared their plates from dinner and sat waiting for her.
He opened the book to the Table of Contents and intently scanned the pages.

Chapter Six


Joey sat on the edge of her seat watching
Gray study the book. She didn’t want to make the decision for him. Her nerves
were shot. She’d known this would be difficult, for many reasons. But the
reality of sitting across from Gray to decide what erotic experience they would
explore—together—had her almost hyperventilating. Yes, she would let him take
control and make the decisions, the sight of Gray just sitting there already
turned her on. And she didn’t want to embarrass herself with her ineptitude.

Damn, she hated her ex-husband right now.
Pushing her irritation away she concentrated on just watching Gray and getting
her escalating heartbeat under control. The evening breeze softly played with
his dark hair. He’d worn it down and the long mane brushed past his shoulders.
Her fingers itched with the need to run her fingers through his hair, to play
with her warrior.

Gray scanned a few pages of the book, in a
hurry to start. Already he felt his plan to ease Joey into a physical
relationship crumble around him. He didn’t think he could control the urge to
get his hands on her—to convince her that what they would do together should be
more than just research. Looking up he caught her gaze and tried to reign in
his lust. He shared with her what he’d read. “Okay. Under the first chapter it
says we need oil or lotion, a towel, a padded table or bed, or a large towel on
the beach.”

Joey spoke up softly, “I have some oily
lotion that should work. Umm, what do you think about doing this on a towel on
the beach?”

Gray thought she’d feel safer on the beach
than in her bed or on the floor behind private walls. She would think she could
be sure there would be no sex if they were on the beach and technically in
public view. But there wasn’t anyone around to see them. “Okay, the beach it
is. At the edge of the lanai where the sand starts there should be enough light
to read by. Do you have a large towel? A really large towel or blanket because
sand in the lotion on our skin would not feel good at all, Joey.”

She smiled and replied, “No. I’m sure we
wouldn’t enjoy rubbing sand on our skin. I know there is a heavy sheet in the
hall closet that should work.”

“Great. The book also suggests feathers,
fur mitts or a silk scarf but I think we’ll just go with our hands tonight. We
can try variations later if that’s okay with you.” Gray’s eyebrows rose in an
implied question.

Joey closed her eyes and tried to swallow.
Her ex hadn’t wanted to try anything new. It appeared Gray Hawk didn’t have a
problem with experimenting. Well, fur mitts were out of the question
anyway…they hadn’t been on her packing list for a vacation in Hawaii. “Yeah,
later would be good. I do have a silk scarf and I am sure we could come up with
a feather, but getting the basics down first would probably be best.”

It was Gray’s turn to close his eyes. It
didn’t take much for him to imagine what he could do with a silk scarf and a
feather. Joey’s soft voice brought his imagination back in check.

“Here’s the sheet. I’ll go get the lotion
and be right out.” Joey needed to calm down and think. Her mind was running in
so many different directions, she’d forgotten the lotion on the first trip into
the house. Gray would start to wonder if she was severely challenged in the
brain department. She was a grown woman for God’s sake; she’d been married and
divorced. She should be able to…what? What exactly was she about to do? Start a
vacation love affair?

No longer able to fool herself into
believing this experience had anything to do with research for a book, she knew
if she followed through with their plans, that she would soon be having sex
with Gray, if not right now…then tomorrow night, or soon after.

Is that what she wanted? Surprisingly, the
answer was easy. Yes. The powerful attraction between her and Gray excited her
and she knew she wanted the chance to finally explore that oh, so neglected
side of herself. She wanted to explore him.

When she walked out on the lanai and
paused, the sight waiting for her took her breath away. Gray had already spread
the sheet out and anchored it in the sand with the anti-bug candles from the
porch table. A small patch of light at the top edge of the sheet cast faint
illumination, so the candles would come in handy. He also set a bucket filled
with ice and water bottles beside the sheet. Thoughtfully he created a sensual
oasis in the sand. But the gorgeous man sitting cross-legged in the middle of
the sheet was what stopped her breathing. His tan, muscular body appeared
ready…and willing…for her attention. Attention she fought unsuccessfully all
night not to give. Well it was time to give up. Gray continued to read the
massage book. As if he felt her gaze, his dark eyes glanced up and snared her,
his smile a wicked invitation to join him.

“Come sit by me, Joey,” he said as he
patted the space beside him.
What was that story about the spider and the

She went to him, and settled on the sheet
as he smiled and took her hand in his. “I’ve just been reading the guidelines.
It says there are three basic ones. The first is to be present and let go of
the past and future…to be here and live in the now. The second is the need to
maintain full-hand contact whenever possible allowing our palms, fingers and
thumbs to outline the contours. I guess so we never lose touch with each other
and our bodies don’t tense up as we wait to see where the next touch is coming

Joey shivered. She didn’t know what she
wanted more…her hand on his contours or his on hers.

“And third it says to keep up a continuous
flow and to blend our movements together so each one heightens the next. There
are other suggestions…varying the pressure and tempo, gliding on and off. Have
you ever gone for a massage, Joey?”

Coming out of her sensual daze, Joey shook
her head. “No. Have you?” She didn’t understand the stab of jealousy at the
thought of some other woman with her hands on him. What a crazy reaction.

Gray grinned, his smile a wicked enticement
to play. “I have. I get one every month from Jason in town, so I have some idea
of the basics. I have to say, I’ve never thought of it as being an erotic
experience. However, since I have at least some experience, why don’t I massage
you first? You lie down on your stomach, get comfortable and relax while I read
ahead a little. Then you can do me.”

Oh, yeah. She just knew doing him would be
the highlight of her life. Joey worried her bottom lip with her teeth and
cocked her head sideways. She already knew the premise of no sex would be damn
hard to keep. She tried to remember why she insisted on it and wondered if she
could let him know she now thought her inhibitions seemed silly. Next to the
reality of Gray sitting next to her, waiting patiently for her input, she would
have to say very silly. Well, when the time came she would just show him.

Gray stifled a groan. His cock jumped at
the sight of her teeth playing with her lower lip. He wanted her mouth on him.
Gently he squeezed her hand in what he hoped came across as encouragement. He
would be howling at the moon if she backed out now.

“All right. Since you’re the expert, it
makes sense you start first.” Joey sat up on her knees and removed her sarong,
and then she lay down on her stomach with her head pillowed in her arms. “I’ll
work on relaxing,” she mumbled.

Gray closed his eyes. When Joey took off
her sarong, she exposed her body hidden by small triangles of fabric. Her
string bikini. He swallowed hard. She was gorgeous, ripe with abundant curves
he wanted to wallow in. On. In. If he spent any more time thinking along those
lines, he’d never make it through the night.

Gray zipped through the book. He said a
quick thank you to the author. It contained mostly pictures and there were
little arrows indicating the direction you should rub and how. The first half
of the book reviewed basic massage techniques. He could handle those. He slowed
when he got to the description of how to massage the front torso. He broke out
in a sweat when he got to the section on breast kneading. They weren’t going to
be doing those exercises with her bathing suit on. His heart stuttered as he
flipped through the male genitals section. With titles like The Squeezer, The
Serpent, and Ball Circle—with pictures showing the techniques—his body throbbed
and begged for its turn
. No way could they try those movements with his
swimsuit on either.

“Joey?” Gray managed to croak out. “We are
supposed to try the techniques throughout the whole book, right?”

“Umm,” she groaned and Gray smiled to
himself as Joey drifted. He could feel the day’s warmth radiate from the soft
sand up through the sheet and he watched as the heat relaxed her. The tropical
breeze worked its magic on her nerves as well, playing in a gentle caress over
her body. The only sound he could hear was the soft lapping of the waves
against the shore. “Sure. Whole book,” she murmured a few minutes later. She
was in another world and he planned to keep her there.

He flipped pages until he came to the
female genitalsection and avidly read the instructions for techniques.
had this book been all his life?
Merry-Go-Round and Circle in Time made his
cock sit up and beg. Gray turned the corners down on the pages he wanted to
look at when he got to specific parts of her body. He certainly wanted to do
this right.

Taking a deep breath and hoping for
patience, he reached for the lotion.


Oh lord. She’d died and gone to heaven.
From the first moment Gray put his warm, lotion-slick hands on her back, Joey
melted. She could not remember being so relaxed and pampered and aroused in her
entire life. The strong firm strokes and kneading fingers turned her into a
warm puddle of flesh. Little fires built deep inside her when he slipped his
fingers under her bathing suit bottom to massage her ass. She held her
breath—disappointed when those fingers didn’t slip farther down.

The alternating warmth of his hands and the
shivers of anticipation he created in her body caused a conflict of emotions.
Working to shut out the world, she focused her mind on her body’s physical
response to his caress.  She didn’t want the sensations to stop.

“Time to turn on your back, Joey,” Gray’s
voice all but purred at her, the sound a wicked touch all the way through every
nerve ending in her body.

Back. He wanted her to turn over. She could
do that. Maybe. With help. Joey rolled over on her back and took an indrawn
breath at the sensation of the warm night as it sighed a tantalizing caress
over her skin. Gray had been doing fabulous things to her legs and feet and
then her arms and hands. She decided she’d found heaven. A soft tumble into
arousal and growing erotic need, this interlude made her yearn for more. Every
gentle glide of warm hands brought the experience of lotion-slick skin against
skin and made her fly. The blend of emotion was nice and comfortable with a
growing buzz of excitement. Better than anything done by her ex-husband, she
loved feeling like this, relaxed and yet sensuous, fully involved in the feel
of his hands.

“Joey, sweetheart…I need to take this off
to finish the massage.”

God, Gray’s voice was wonderful, so low and
rumbling. The effort to open her eyes was beyond her for the moment. “Okay,”
she sighed. She didn’t want this time out of time to end.


Gray gently rolled Joey to the side. Just
enough to slide his fingers under her and pull the ties loose on the top of her
suit so he could remove it. He didn’t allow himself the time he’d like to look
at how beautiful she appeared in the moonlight. He wouldn’t be able to restrain
himself if he stopped to enjoy the sight now. With tender care, he untied the
strings at each hip, leaving the bikini bottom in place It would allow him
access to her pussy when the time came for that part of the massage. He prayed
her physical stupor wouldn’t leave her the minute he touched her breasts.

Starting just as the book suggested, he
lightly rubbed her stomach, using small circling strokes on her abdomen. Then
he switched to what the book called a middle glide, alternating and sliding his
hands down from between her breasts to just above her mound. He could feel her
sensual stretch into his firm touch. Beads of sweat broke out across his brow
as he fought the internal urge to just take her now. He wasn’t sure if he could
handle her rejection at this point.

Keeping one hand on her stomach, Gray
propped open the book and added more lotion to his hands. He needed to
concentrate on one page at a time or he’d lose it. Per the book’s instructions,
he put his palms at the outer side of each breast and slid his slick palms up
and over so his thumb and index finger on each hand encircled her nipples. He
never took his eyes off Joey’s face as he gently rotated his hands. Not once
did he allow himself to touch those nipples, even though they’d hardened into
taut pebbles. His mouth watered as he thought of tasting her. Sucking on her.

Joey sucked in a breath. “Gray?” Her deep
brown eyes opened and rose to find his.

“The whole book, Joey. This is the erotic
part of it, sweetheart.”


Joey frowned. Looking away from his hot
gaze, she looked down the line of her body.
What had happened to her
swimsuit top?
Her vision blurred at the sight of Gray’s strong dark hands
against her pale skin as they moved with gentle persuasion—kneading her
breasts. She moaned in arousal and need. As she watched, he moved one hand to
the top of her right breast and pinched the nipple between his thumb and index
finger. He rolled it while he moved slowly around and slid his hand off. The
momentary indecision flew out of her mind. She gasped and willingly pressed
into his touch as he moved to pinch her hard bud again, stroking his other
fingers over the mound of her breast like the spokes of a wheel.

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