By the Horns (13 page)

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Authors: Rachael Slate

Tags: #paranormal romance

BOOK: By the Horns
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“Still as feisty as ever, aren’t you?” he rasped, sliding a finger between the blade of her fan and his neck. His vivid blue eyes sparkled at her as he grinned, backing away a step. The azure hue contrasted starkly against his tanned skin. Few Asians were born with blue eyes, and Price never failed to use his raw sex appeal to his advantage.

He’d certainly employed it to ensure Nat’s demise.
. Why didn’t he seem surprised she’d lived? She tensed, bracing for him to strike.

Side-stepping, Price stuck out his hand toward Kassian. “Nice to see you again, friend.”

Kassian didn’t respond. She could only guess what ran through his head, and none of it good. After a second, Price dropped his hand. The two men faced off. Price stood an inch shorter than Kassian, and his lean, muscular frame was sleek where Kassian was bulky. His shoulder-length, inky hair reminded her of a stallion’s mane, especially when he wore it tied back in a ponytail like he did now. He had a million-dollar smile, and just enough wickedness in his eyes to let a girl know he’d give her a good time and then some.

It was the “then some” Nat regretted most.

“Natalie.” He perused her with an appreciative stare. “You haven’t changed a bit.”

“Oh, you mean, other than the bullet hole I’m sporting?” She tugged down her collar, displaying her scar.

“He’s the one who shot you?” Kassian lunged forward, but she blocked him with her arm.

“Hey, that was a misunderstanding.” Price held up his hands, palms outward. The Lotus tattoo on his inner left wrist matched hers, but that didn’t mean they were the same. For one, she had morals, while Price probably couldn’t define the word.

“Tell me again. How did I misunderstand you standing two feet from me and pulling the trigger?” She grimaced.

“Say the word, Nat, and I’ll return the favor for you.” Kassian’s offer tempted her.

Price blanched. Damn straight. But then he grinned. “If I had intended to kill you, you’d be dead.”

Kassian charged at the implied threat, pausing an inch from Price. His nostrils flared as he stared the bastard down. “Say that again. Go ahead.”

One of the demons behind Price hissed. “Biyu, stay,” he commanded her. “Ox.” He nodded at Kassian. “I don’t intend any harm to Natalie. I swear.” He switched his attention to Nat. “You’re smarter than to conclude I
to hurt you.”

She swallowed thickly. What was he hinting at? That someone else had forced him to shoot her? She sneered at the notion.

Kassian placed a possessive hand on her shoulder, but the tension eased from his stance. “Why were you following us?”

“You came to my city and didn’t say hello.” Price raised a brow. “Why?”

She frowned. “I’m not itching for a matching bullet wound.”

He sighed, folding his arms across his T-shirt, making those biceps bulge. She flicked her gaze over him. Price hadn’t changed an inch. He continued to be the same damned, sexy male specimen and she wished just as much that she’d castrated him when she’d had the chance.

Their three-month on-again, off-again passionate affair had stirred up more trouble than it’d been worth. They’d spent more time arguing and butting heads than building any sort of healthy relationship. He was a free spirit and she’d struggled with her suppressed urges to settle down. She’d naively believed they’d make things work. They were both Lotus members, after all.

“How do you two know each other?” She glared at Kassian and Price. Why the hell hadn’t Horse joined the others at Kek Lok Si?

Kassian chuckled and Price snickered. “Long story.”

What was this, male bonding? A second ago, Kassian had been on her side. She glowered at him, but he shrugged. “Maybe you should hear him out. Ox believes he’s telling the truth.”

“Fine, but you can stick your explanations up your a-ssh—”

Kassian slapped a hand over her mouth. “Be nice, Nat.”

She grumbled compliance and he removed his hand. She scowled at Price. “What are you doing, still hanging out with these demons, anyway?”

At her insult, the two
húli jīng
—fox spirits—flanking Price hissed, baring their fangs and claws. The taller one wore a leather outfit that more or less qualified as a bathing suit. The shorter one popped the bubble of the gum she chewed and proceeded to blow a new one.

“They’re not demons.”

Yeah, they’d had this argument before. In addition to Price’s free-spirited nature, his cock had a tendency to roam as well.

Okay, they’d been in the “off-again” stage of their relationship, but still. The spark of jealousy ensured Nat’s ego had never recovered. Served her right for dating a Horse. Snake and Horse were a terrible match. She’d chosen to pursue the relationship, despite the Matchmaker’s warning it would end in heartbreak for her.

“Well, they aren’t angels, either.” It cut Nat that he continued to be involved with these sluts. In Mandarin,
húli jīng
literally meant “whore.”

Price rolled his eyes. “You going to tell me what you’re doing here?”

She smiled sweetly. “Nope.”

“Fine.” He shrugged, but something wicked flashed in his blue eyes. “Before you go, aren’t you going to explain how it is that you’re hosting the Snake? I thought it belonged to Zhao.”

Damn. How did he guess? Horse must have informed him. “

“I might be able to help you. This is
territory. If you’re searching for someone or something, I have resources.”

She bit her lip. Why did he act so…helpful? She didn’t like it. Not one bit. “What I’d like is for you to go on your merry way with your whores.”

Hissing drowned out Price’s response.

“Kassian, it’s time for us to go. It wasn’t nice seeing you again, Price. Stop following us. Next time I see your ass,
won’t miss.” She slid her arm through Kassian’s and dragged him off.

Chapter 11

Kassian drew Nat aside the second they rounded the corner. “What the hell are you doing? That was Horse back there, in case you didn’t notice.”

She shrugged out of his grasp and eyed him. “You know him.”

The accusation speared Kassian. “Yeah, apparently you do, too. I know he’s Lotus.” Shouldn’t he be the angry one? The jealous one? He snorted.

“We were teamed up for a mission. Afterward, we dated for a few months. He’s a prick. End of story.”

“He shot you.” His hands fisted tight. He’d liked the male when they’d met a couple of years ago. Had even tried to convince him to join their
, but Price had insisted on his freedom. Considering his Lotus status, Kassian agreed. Enough burdens weighed on Sheng’s shoulders without adding the worry over one man who was already loyal to their joint leader.

Now, Kassian was torn between Ox’s camaraderie with Horse and his protectiveness of Nat. If Price had been ordered to shoot Nat…

“Exactly why we should avoid him at all costs.” She huffed. “He’s a bastard who can’t be trusted.”

“He’s one of us.”

She lifted a shoulder. “For now.”

The ominous threat hung in the air.


“Removing Horse from Price is a last resort. Stealing the Snake from Zhao cost her. Sheng won’t let her capture another spirit again unless it’s absolutely necessary.”

She lowered her lashes. “Maybe it will be.”

Kassian dragged the backs of his hands across his eyes. He was damned exhausted. Kissing Nat on the subway hurt worse than jamming a knife into his windpipe. Being with her, pretending nothing had happened between them, drained the last ounce of his energy.

He jerked his chin toward the street for her to lead. The prickling on the back of his neck had stopped. Either Price chose not to follow or he already guessed where they were headed.

They passed through several more blocks until she paused at the entrance to a high-rise condominium. She removed a key from her pocket and led them inside. They rode the elevator to the eleventh floor and proceeded down the hall to the flat on the end.

“This is us.” Unlocking the door, she opened it and flicked on the lights. The apartment measured about the same size as Mrs. Chen’s, five hundred square feet or so. One bedroom, a kitchen, living room, and bathroom.

He plunked the duffle on the couch. “You can have the bed. I’ll take the couch.”

“That won’t work.” She drifted through the apartment and leaned against the doorframe leading into the bedroom. Desire sparkled in her gaze as she sized him up. “You have to sleep with me. Uh, well, in the same bed.” Her cheeks flushed. “If anyone found out you slept on the couch, our cover would be blown. Plus, it’s far too short for your big body.”

My big body?
Had he imagined the desire in her eyes? He shouldn’t care.

Didn’t stop a grin from tugging at his lips, though.

She cleared her throat. “Won’t be the first time we’ve shared a bed.” She turned into the room and ducked behind the door to the ensuite.

He shook his head. The sooner he slept off this lust, the better. Assuming he’d be able to sleep with Nat in the bed.

Damn. He grabbed the duffle and strode into the bedroom, depositing the bag on the dresser.

Nat padded out of the bathroom, slipping her tank off over her head as she glided past him toward the bed. Her nude back and the slender curve of her spine were so damned sexy. She wriggled out of her black lace panties, baring her lush backside.

His mouth went dry. Nat wasn’t the modest, shy girl he’d known any longer.

The soft curves of her ass swayed as she strolled to the bed and slid under the covers. “I sleep in the nude. I hope you don’t mind.”

Mind? Fuck. His hope for a long, deep sleep was shot. He eyed the couch. Hell, they were both adults. He’d slept with nude women in his bed before.

nude women.

How bad could just

Of course, he’d fucked the others, but sex wasn’t an option with Nat. He wracked his brain for a way to redeem his broken vow of chastity. He refused to break it again.

Kassian slunk into the ensuite, and after he’d cleaned up, strode toward the bed, prepared for battle. His body tensed and his heart palpated as fast as before any fight. Except, this time, his opponent was himself.

“Good night.” Nat smiled at him and curled up on her side, facing the middle of the bed.

Oh, it would be. He hadn’t a doubt.

Because revenge was always sweet.


“Good night,” Kassian replied.

Nat snuggled against the soft sheets. The bed was only a double so it would be a little crowded, especially as she shared it with Kassian’s
big body

Damn. Like the man required an ego boost. Still, things could’ve been more awkward between them. She’d expected them to be, but they’d been able to sail through this evening without any hitches.

Other than that asshole, Price.

She hadn’t been able to hide her arrival from him. The bitch at the tea shoppe had probably alerted him. He must have paid her off, more than Nat had. Next time, she wouldn’t make the same mistake. She yawned then froze as Kassian marched to his side of the bed and shucked his t-shirt, followed by his pants.

Her jaw dropped. Yep, the enormous, hard ridge in his pants from earlier definitely lived up to its promise.

Her attraction to Price had nothing on Kassian, and she hadn’t even slept with Kassian. Price might be a wild stallion in bed, but Kassian was hung like an ox.

Plus, Kassian wasn’t a jerk. He was a sweet, sensual man who’d protect her with his life. Price was the bastard who’d shot her in callous, cold blood. Sheer luck she hadn’t died. She’d never again trust Price. Any notion of ever having cared for him scraped from her mind. When they’d been together, she’d believed love was what she craved. Love wasn’t in her fate and she was fine with that.


“Hope you don’t mind. I also sleep nude.” The deep husk of his baritone vibrated through her veins. An ache built inside her core. She licked her lips.

As he settled beside her, his muscles flexed. Everywhere. From sculpted calves to thick thighs she’d love to ride hard, to a ripped torso that should be on the cover of a men’s athletic magazine. He was tall, brawny, and every inch of him called to the femininity in her.

“Can we share the blanket?” He jerked his chin toward the sheet she’d wrapped around herself. She lifted the covers and cool air rushed across her bare skin until he slid inside and the heat of him enveloped her like a sauna.

He linked his hands beneath his head, his bare chest displayed before her like a buffet of masculine decadence.

“Well, have a good sleep.” He didn’t hide the roughness in his voice or the tent in the sheet where his hips rested.


How the hell was she supposed to sleep when he was aroused? Naked? And so damned seductive?

“This isn’t going to work.”

“What isn’t?” He cleared his throat and shifted his hips, but nothing was going to conceal

“I’m so sorry about making you break your vows.” The ache in her heart eased at being able to apologize. She propped herself on her elbow. He hadn’t been willing to listen earlier. She wasn’t sure if he was now, but she had to try.

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